100+ Law and Politics idioms in English
Idioms about Law and Politics! Learn useful English Idioms and expressions about Law and Politics with meanings and examples.
50+ Law Idioms
List of 50+ law idioms in English:
A clean slate
Meaning: to have no criminal record or bad history.
Example: After serving his sentence, he was given a clean slate and a chance to start over.
Ball and Chain
Meaning: 1. Oneโs spouse (derogatory but often affectionate); 2. an ongoing burden
Example: After getting married, Tom felt like his job was a ball and chain that prevented him from spending time with his wife and pursuing his passions.
To be under oath
Meaning: to swear to tell the truth, as in a court of law or other legal proceeding.
Example: The witness was under oath when she testified, and knew she had to be honest.
Hand in glove
Meaning: working closely together in a cooperative or conspiratorial manner.
Example: The two lawyers were hand in glove, working together to defend their client.
Meaning: a binding agreement or legal document that is difficult to dispute.
Example: The contract was ironclad and protected both parties in the agreement.
A legal eagle
Meaning: an expert in law, often a skilled attorney or judge.
Example: She was known as a legal eagle, always able to find a loophole in the law.
All rise
Meaning: a courtroom command for everyone to stand in respect of the judge.
Example: The bailiff shouted “all rise” as the judge entered the courtroom.
Open-and-shut case
Meaning: a case with clear and obvious evidence, with an easy and predictable outcome.
Example: The prosecutor had an open-and-shut case, with clear evidence that the defendant was guilty.
A law unto oneself
Meaning: someone who does not conform to accepted standards of behavior.
Example: He always does what he wants and is a law unto himself.
A gray area
Meaning: a situation that is not clear or definitive, often involving ethical or legal issues.
Example: The legality of the practice is a gray area, and opinions differ on whether it is legal or not.
To plead guilty
Meaning: to admit to a crime or offense, often in exchange for a reduced sentence.
Example: The defendant decided to plead guilty to avoid a longer prison sentence.
In the dock
Meaning: in a courtroom, facing trial or judgment.
Example: The defendant was in the dock, awaiting the verdict.
A wolf in sheep’s clothing
Meaning: someone who appears harmless or friendly but is actually dangerous or deceptive.
Example: The con artist was a wolf in sheep’s clothing, preying on vulnerable victims.
(Caught) Bang to Rights
Meaning: Caught in an unlawful or immoral act without any mitigating circumstances.
Example: The police caught the thief in the act, and he was caught on camera too, so he was caught bang to rights and couldn’t deny his guilt.
Letter of the law
Meaning: the strict interpretation of the law.
Example: The judge followed the letter of the law, even though he disagreed with the outcome.
To be on trial
Meaning: to be the subject of a legal proceeding in which guilt or innocence is determined.
Example: The defendant was on trial for embezzlement, and the outcome would determine his fate.
A law of the jungle
Meaning: a situation where the strong dominate the weak.
Example: The business world can be a law of the jungle, with ruthless competition and no mercy for the weak.
Break the law
Meaning: to do something that is against the law.
Example: He knew he was breaking the law by driving without a license, but he did it anyway.
Behind bars
Meaning: in prison or jail.
Example: The notorious criminal spent most of his life behind bars.
To have one’s day in court
Meaning: to have one’s opportunity to present one’s side of the story in a legal proceeding.
Example: The victim was relieved to finally have her day in court and see her abuser brought to justice.
A straw man argument
Meaning: a false or weak argument that is easily refuted, often used to distract from the real issue.
Example: The politician used a straw man argument to avoid answering the tough questions.
Jump through hoops
Meaning: to go through a lot of trouble or difficulty to achieve a goal or satisfy a requirement.
Example: She had to jump through hoops to get the necessary permits for her business.
To take the stand
Meaning: to testify in court under oath.
Example: The witness was nervous as she took the stand and answered the prosecutor’s questions.
A year and a day
Meaning: the traditional length of time for a sentence of banishment or exile.
Example: The judge sentenced the criminal to a year and a day in prison.
A cat-and-mouse game
Meaning: a game of pursuit in which the pursuer is kept at bay by the pursued.
Example: The police and the criminal were playing a cat-and-mouse game, with the criminal always staying one step ahead.
Give someone the third degree
Meaning: to interrogate or question someone aggressively.
Example: The police gave the suspect the third degree to try to get a confession.
To sweep something under the rug
Meaning: to hide or cover up something embarrassing or illegal.
Example: The company tried to sweep the scandal under the rug, but the truth eventually came out.
To file a lawsuit
Meaning: to initiate legal action against someone, often seeking damages or other remedies.
Example: The plaintiff decided to file a lawsuit against the company for breach of contract.
A poisoned chalice
Meaning: a situation or responsibility that is likely to cause harm or difficulties.
Example: The new CEO inherited a poisoned chalice, with a failing company and declining profits.
Innocent until proven guilty
Meaning: the principle that a person is considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Example: He may be suspected of the crime, but he is innocent until proven guilty.
Kangaroo court
Meaning: an unfair or biased court, often with a predetermined outcome.
Example: The trial was a complete sham, with the judge acting like it was a kangaroo court.
The devil is in the details
Meaning: the details of a matter are important and can often cause problems if overlooked.
Example: The contract looked good, but the devil was in the details and there were hidden fees.
All Rights Reserved
Meaning: Said of a published work; all reproduction rights are asserted by the copyright holder
Example: The software company made it clear that their proprietary code was protected by copyright law, and that all rights reserved belonged to the company, prohibiting any unauthorized reproduction or distribution of their software.
Take the Fifth
Meaning: Refuse to answer because answering might incriminate or cause problems for you
Example: During the trial, the defendant was repeatedly pressured by the prosecution to answer a question, but he chose to take the Fifth and remain silent, as he did not want to incriminate himself.
A loophole
Meaning: a way to avoid a law or regulation, often through a technicality.
Example: He found a loophole in the tax code that allowed him to avoid paying taxes on his income.
Act Of Congress
Meaning: Hard to get, said of authorization
Example: Getting approval for the project was like an Act of Congress, with so many regulations and requirements to meet.
To settle out of court
Meaning: to reach a resolution or agreement outside of a formal legal proceeding.
Example: The two parties were able to settle out of court and avoid a lengthy and costly trial.
A scapegoat
Meaning: someone who is blamed for the mistakes or wrongdoings of others.
Example: The CEO used the marketing department as a scapegoat for the company’s poor performance.
A fair trial
Meaning: a trial in which both sides are given a fair chance to present their case.
Example: The judge ensured that both the prosecution and the defense had a fair trial.
Rule of law
Meaning: the principle that everyone, regardless of their status or power, is subject to the law.
Example: The rule of law is an important foundation of any democratic society.
To plead innocent
Meaning: to deny guilt, often in a legal setting.
Example: The defendant pleaded innocent and claimed he had been framed.
Above the law
Meaning: not subject to the same rules or laws as others.
Example: He acted like he was above the law and didn’t care about the consequences of his actions.
Bail out
Meaning: to pay money to secure someone’s release from jail.
Example: He had to bail his brother out of jail after he was arrested for drunk driving.
To go to court
Meaning: to initiate legal proceedings, or to attend a court hearing or trial.
Example: The landlord and tenant were unable to resolve their dispute, so they decided to go to court.
To be in contempt of court
Meaning: to disobey or show disrespect for a court order or authority.
Example: The lawyer was found to be in contempt of court for repeatedly interrupting the judge.
Out of order
Meaning: not in compliance with the rules or procedures.
Example: The defense attorney was reprimanded by the judge for being out of order during the trial.
Guilty as sin
Meaning: extremely guilty, with no doubt.
Example: The evidence was overwhelming, and he was guilty as sin.
A trial by fire
Meaning: a difficult test or challenge that puts someone to the test.
Example: The new employee faced a trial by fire, with a challenging project and tight deadline.
A smoking gun
Meaning: conclusive evidence that proves guilt.
Example: The email was the smoking gun that linked the suspect to the crime.
To catch someone red-handed
Meaning: to catch someone in the act of doing something wrong or illegal.
Example: The security guard caught the thief red-handed as he was stealing a laptop from the store.
Case closed
Meaning: the conclusion of a legal matter.
Example: The judge declared the case closed after the jury delivered its verdict.
Your day in court
Meaning: the opportunity to have one’s case heard and judged fairly in a court of law.
Example: He was looking forward to his day in court, where he could finally clear his name.
A red herring
Meaning: a distraction or false clue that leads people in the wrong direction.
Example: The detective realized that the suspect’s alibi was a red herring, meant to throw off the investigation.
To drop the charges
Meaning: to decide not to pursue a legal case or charges against someone.
Example: The prosecutor decided to drop the charges due to lack of evidence.
Get off scot-free
Meaning: to escape punishment or consequences for one’s actions.
Example: He thought he could get off scot-free after embezzling the company’s funds, but he was eventually caught.

50+ Politics idioms
List of 50+ politics idioms in English:
In the hot seat
Meaning: in a position of extreme pressure or scrutiny.
Example: The CEO was in the hot seat after a series of scandals rocked the company.
Playing hardball
Meaning: using aggressive or uncompromising tactics to achieve one’s goals.
Example: The union leaders were playing hardball in their negotiations with management.
Stick It to the Man
Meaning: Do something that frustrates those in authority
Example: The protestors gathered outside the courthouse to stick it to the man and demand justice for the victims of police brutality.
Think Tank
Meaning: A group of experts engaged in ongoing studies of a particular subject; a policy study group
Example: The government has established a new think tank to research and develop policies for addressing the challenges posed by climate change.
To be a broken record
Meaning: to repeatedly say or do the same thing without variation or progress.
Example: The politician was criticized for being a broken record and constantly repeating the same talking points.
To be a dark horse
Meaning: to be a little-known candidate or competitor who unexpectedly wins or performs well.
Example: The outsider candidate emerged as a dark horse in the election and surprised everyone with his victory.
To be a lame duck
Meaning: to hold a position of power or authority, but be unable to take effective action.
Example: The mayor was a lame duck during his last few months in office, as his successor had already been elected.
To be a lose-lose situation
Meaning: to be a situation in which both parties suffer a negative outcome.
Example: The conflict between the two countries was a lose-lose situation, as it resulted in widespread destruction and loss of life.
To be a thorn in one’s side
Meaning: to be a persistent annoyance or obstacle.
Example: The opposition party was a constant thorn in the president’s side, making it difficult to pass any legislation.
To be a win-win situation
Meaning: to be a situation in which both parties benefit.
Example: The new trade agreement was a win-win situation for both countries, as it increased trade and reduced tariffs.
To be in the crosshairs
Meaning: to be a target of criticism, attack, or scrutiny.
Example: The controversial policy put the politician
To be in the dark
Meaning: to be uninformed or unaware of something.
Example: The citizens were in the dark about the government’s plans for a new infrastructure project.
To be in the driver’s seat
Meaning: to be in control of a situation or decision-making process.
Example: The CEO was in the driver’s seat when it came to deciding the company’s strategic direction.
To be in the pipeline
Meaning: to be in the process of development or implementation.
Example: The new policy was still in the pipeline and had not yet been officially announced.
To be in the same boat
Meaning: to be in the same difficult situation or predicament.
Example: The two rival politicians realized they were in the same boat when it came to low public approval ratings.
To be in the spotlight
Meaning: to be the focus of public attention or scrutiny.
Example: The celebrity politician was always in the spotlight, attracting both admirers and critics.
To be on the fence
Meaning: to be undecided or neutral on a particular issue.
Example: The politician was on the fence about the new tax policy and wanted to gather more information before taking a stance.
To be on the same page
Meaning: to have a shared understanding or agreement on a particular issue.
Example: The negotiators were finally on the same page after several rounds of talks.
To be on the same wavelength
Meaning: to have a similar way of thinking or understanding about something.
Example: The two negotiators were on the same wavelength and quickly reached a compromise.
To be up in arms
Meaning: to be angry or outraged about something.
Example: The citizens were up in arms about the proposed budget cuts to education and organized a protest.
To beat around the bush
Meaning: to avoid getting to the point or speaking directly about something.
Example: The politician was beating around the bush and not answering the reporter’s questions directly.
To bury the hatchet
Meaning: to make peace or settle a dispute.
Example: The two rival politicians decided to bury the hatchet and work together on a new policy initiative.
To cut to the chase
Meaning: to get to the point or important matter without wasting time.
Example: The moderator cut to the chase and asked the politician about their stance on a controversial issue.
To draw a line in the sand
Meaning: to set a boundary or limit that cannot be crossed.
Example: The president drew a line in the sand and threatened military action if the enemy crossed it.
To get the ball rolling
Meaning: to initiate or start something.
Example: The new CEO was eager to get the ball rolling on a new product development project.
To go down in flames
Meaning: to fail spectacularly or disastrously.
Example: The candidate’s controversial remarks caused his campaign to go down in flames and he lost the election by a large margin.
To go to the polls
Meaning: to participate in an election by casting a vote.
Example: The citizens were encouraged to go to the polls and exercise their right to vote.
To grease the wheels
Meaning: to make something happen more smoothly or easily by offering incentives or perks.
Example: The company greased the wheels by offering a generous donation to the politician’s campaign.
To have a finger in every pie
Meaning: to be involved in many different things or areas.
Example: The wealthy businessman seemed to have a finger in every pie, from real estate to politics.
To have a foot in the door
Meaning: to have gained a small foothold or advantage in a particular area or opportunity.
Example: The startup was excited to have a foot in the door with a major investor, but still needed to secure more funding.
To have a level playing field
Meaning: to have equal opportunities or advantages.
Example: The government’s new policy aimed to create a level playing field for small businesses competing with large corporations.
To hold the line
Meaning: to maintain a position or stance despite opposition or pressure.
Example: The negotiator held the line and refused to compromise on the key issues.
To jump on the bandwagon
Meaning: to join or support something that is becoming popular or successful.
Example: The company quickly jumped on the bandwagon and launched a new line of eco-friendly products.
To keep one’s cards close to one’s chest
Meaning: to keep one’s plans or intentions secret.
Example: The politician was known for keeping his cards close to his chest, making it difficult to predict his next move.
To kick the can down the road
Meaning: to postpone or delay a difficult decision or action.
Example: The government’s habit of kicking the can down the road had led to a growing national debt.
To pass the buck
Meaning: to avoid responsibility or shift blame onto someone else.
Example: The CEO tried to pass the buck onto the marketing team for the company’s poor sales performance.
To pass the smell test
Meaning: to be acceptable or credible.
Example: The proposed policy did not pass the smell test and was criticized for being biased.
To play both sides
Meaning: to support or work with opposing factions or interests.
Example: The lobbyist was accused of playing both sides and not having a clear agenda.
To play hardball
Meaning: to be aggressive and uncompromising in negotiations or dealings.
Example: The opposition party was playing hardball and refusing to make any concessions in the budget negotiations.
To play one’s cards close to the vest
Meaning: to keep one’s plans or intentions secret.
Example: The CEO was playing his cards close to the vest and not revealing his company’s upcoming product launch.
To play the devil’s advocate
Meaning: to argue against a particular position or idea for the sake of debate or to test its validity.
Example: The professor often played the devil’s advocate and challenged his students to defend their arguments.
To pull strings
Meaning: to use one’s influence or connections to get what one wants.
Example: The businessman was able to pull strings and get his son a coveted internship at a prestigious company.
To put all one’s eggs in one basket
Meaning: to invest all of one’s resources or efforts into one particular thing or strategy.
Example: The campaign manager decided to put all their eggs in one basket and focus on digital advertising.
To read between the lines
Meaning: to understand or interpret the hidden meaning or implications of something.
Example: The astute journalist was able to read between the lines of the politician’s statement and uncover the real story.
To rock the boat
Meaning: to cause trouble or upset the status quo.
Example: The young politician’s bold proposals threatened to rock the boat and challenge established political norms.
To throw a curveball
Meaning: to surprise or disrupt someone’s expectations.
Example: The opposition party threw a curveball by introducing a last-minute amendment to the bill.
To throw one’s hat in the ring
Meaning: to announce one’s candidacy for a political office or position.
Example: The young lawyer decided to throw her hat in the ring and run for city council.
To throw one’s hat into the ring
Meaning: to announce one’s candidacy for a position or office.
Example: The popular mayor decided to throw his hat into the ring for the upcoming gubernatorial election.
To tip the scales
Meaning: to influence or determine the outcome of something.
Example: The swing vote could tip the scales in favor of either candidate in the close election.
To toe the line
Meaning: to conform to a particular set of rules or standards.
Example: The politician was careful to toe the party line to avoid controversy.
To twist someone’s arm
Meaning: to persuade or pressure someone to do something they may not want to do.
Example: The lobbyist tried to twist the congressman’s arm to vote in favor of the bill.
Meaning: Change political parties (said of politicians themselves)
Example: The Prime Minister was worried about the possibility of waka-jumping among his coalition partners, as some of them had been expressing dissenting opinions on the proposed legislation.