1st Grade Vocabulary
These vocabulary exercises are at a grade 1 level of words. This section also covers suffixes, homonyms, homophones, synonyms, antonyms, and alphabetizing.
List of 1st Grade Vocabulary
- Abbreviation
- Acceleration
- Accompaniment
- Ache
- Adjust
- Adult
- Affordable
- Alarm
- Alone
- Appendix
- Apologize
- Appetite
- Applause
- Area
- Artistic
- Atmosphere
- Attach
- August
- Author
- Authority
- Bashful
- Basket
- Batch
- Benefit
- Behave
- Belong
- Bend
- Blink
- Blush
- Bolt
- Bolts
- Borrow
- Bundle
- Bulk
- Cabin
- Capacity
- Caterpillar
- Caution
- Cave
- Celebrate
- Centaur
- Chapter
- Chart
- Champion
- Chat
- Cheat
- Chimney
- Code
- Community
- Compromise
- Constant
- Construction
- Consumer
- Compass
- Complain
- Conductor
- Construct
- Costume
- Cozy
- Contract
- Contrast
- Core
- Credit
- Cranky
- Crash
- Creak
- Croak
- Crowded
- Cue
- Culture
- Currency
- Curved
- Data
- Daily
- Dainty
- Dart
- Decade
- Decorate
- Definition
- Delighted
- Denied
- Deserve
- Divide
- Diversity
- Dodge
- Document
- Draft
- Drama
- Drenched
- Drowsy
- Economy
- Edit
- Emphasis
- Energy
- Environment
- Enormous
- Equation
- Equal
- Erosion
- Evidence
- Expansion
- Exclaim
- Exhausted
- Expensive
- Fancy
- Fasten
- Fawn
- Fee
- File
- Finance
- Filthy
- Flat
- Flee
- Flexibility
- Focus
- Fog
- Footprint
- Forest
- Formula
- Freezing
- Function
- Gather
- Giant
- Generation
- Genre
- Glad
- Gleaming
- Glum
- Globe
- Grab
- Grateful
- Grin
- Grip
- Groan
- Gravity
- Hatch
- Heap
- Heed
- Hide
- Hobby
- Hone
- Honest
- Howl
- Immigration
- Incentive
- Income
- Index
- Illustrator
- Individual
- Injury
- Innovation
- Interpretation
- Investigate
- Investigation
- Jealous
- Journal
- Knob
- Legend
- Lively
- Location
- Loosen
- Margin
- Marsupial
- Mask
- Medium
- Misty
- Migration
- Minute
- Mode
- Modern
- Monitor
- Motive
- Mountain
- Narrow
- Negative
- Norm
- Novel
- Obey
- Odd
- Orientation
- Outcome
- Pain
- Passenger
- Pattern
- Paragraph
- Parallel
- Percent
- Pest
- Period
- Perspective
- Plastic
- Plus
- Polish
- Practice
- Precinct
- Pretend
- Professional
- Promise
- Publish
- Rapid
- Region
- Remove
- Repeat
- Require
- Rescue
- Restart
- Resource
- Return
- Ripe
- Rise
- Revenue
- Revise
- Revolution
- Rife
- Roar
- Role
- Rough
- Rusty
- Scale
- Scold
- Scratch
- Section
- Seed
- Selfish
- Serious
- Seek
- Sequence
- Shell
- Shovel
- Shriek
- Site
- Sibling
- Silent
- Simple
- Slippery
- Sly
- Sneaky
- Sob
- Source
- Sphere
- Spiral
- Splendid
- Sprinkle
- Squirm
- Startle
- Steep
- Stormy
- Striped
- Stock
- Structure
- Style
- Sum
- Summary
- Surround
- Survey
- Symbol
- Switch
- Tape
- Team
- Technology
- Tense
- Terrified
- Text
- Theme
- Thick
- Thunder
- Ticket
- Timid
- Trace
- Tradition
- Transportation
- Travel
- Trust
- Uniform
- Upset
- Volume
- wax
- Welfare
- Wicked
- Weed
- Whimper
- Whirl
- Yank
1st Grade Vocabulary with the meaning and Example
Meaning: A shortened form of a word or phrase
Example: “Dr.” is an abbreviation for “Doctor.”
Synonyms: Acronym, contraction, initialism, shorthand
Antonyms: Elongation, full form, expansion, lengthening
Meaning: Increase in the rate or speed of something
Example: The car showed quick acceleration as it entered the highway.
Synonyms: Speeding up, hastening, quickening, increase
Antonyms: Deceleration, slowing down, decrease, reduction
Meaning: Something that goes with or complements something else
Example: The piano made a beautiful accompaniment to the violin.
Synonyms: Companion, complement, support, partner
Antonyms: Solo, detachment, isolation, separation
Meaning: A continuous or prolonged dull pain
Example: I have a headache that won’t go away.
Synonyms: Pain, soreness, discomfort, throbbing
Antonyms: Comfort, ease, relief, wellness
Meaning: To change something slightly to make it fit or function better
Example: I need to adjust the mirror before driving.
Synonyms: Modify, alter, adapt, regulate
Antonyms: Misalign, disarrange, disturb, upset
Meaning: A person who is fully grown
Example: She is an adult now and can make her own decisions.
Synonyms: Grown-up, mature, elder, senior
Antonyms: Child, juvenile, kid, youngster
Meaning: Something reasonably priced
Example: This toy is affordable for most families.
Synonyms: Inexpensive, cheap, economical, budget-friendly
Antonyms: Expensive, costly, pricey, high-priced
Meaning: A sudden fear or anxiety caused by the realization of danger
Example: The fire alarm went off in the building.
Synonyms: Alert, warning, signal, scare
Antonyms: Calm, reassurance, comfort, peace
Meaning: Without other people
Example: He likes to spend some time alone to think.
Synonyms: Solo, solitary, unaccompanied, by oneself
Antonyms: Together, accompanied, with others, in company
Meaning: A section at the end of a book or document containing additional information
Example: Check the appendix for more details on the subject.
Synonyms: Addendum, supplement, annex, attachment
Antonyms: Main text, body, primary content
Meaning: To express regret for something that one has done wrong
Example: I apologize for being late to the meeting.
Synonyms: Say sorry, express regret, atone, make amends
Antonyms: Refuse to apologize, deny, defy, ignore
Meaning: A desire for food
Example: After the long hike, I had a huge appetite.
Synonyms: Hunger, craving, desire, longing
Antonyms: Fullness, aversion, disinterest, satiation
Meaning: The clapping of hands to show approval
Example: The audience gave a loud applause after the performance.
Synonyms: Clapping, cheering, ovation, acclaim
Antonyms: Booing, hissing, silence, disapproval
Meaning: A specific part of a place, space, or surface
Example: This area is reserved for VIPs.
Synonyms: Region, zone, section, district
Antonyms: Whole, entirety, totality, expanse
Meaning: Having or showing creative or imaginative skill in the arts
Example: She has an artistic talent for painting.
Synonyms: Creative, imaginative, aesthetic, inventive
Antonyms: Unartistic, plain, uncreative, uninspired
Meaning: The envelope of gases surrounding the earth; the mood or feeling in a place
Example: The cozy cafe had a relaxing atmosphere.
Synonyms: Ambience, mood, environment, aura
Antonyms: Vacuum, emptiness, void
Meaning: To fasten, join, or connect something
Example: Please attach the documents to your email.
Synonyms: Fasten, join, connect, secure
Antonyms: Detach, separate, remove, disconnect
Meaning: The eighth month of the year; respected and impressive
Example: We are planning a vacation in August.
Synonyms: Dignified, noble, majestic, grand
Antonyms: Undignified, ordinary, common, simple
Meaning: A person who writes books or other texts
Example: J.K. Rowling is a famous author.
Synonyms: Writer, novelist, creator, composer
Antonyms: Reader, audience, spectator
Meaning: The power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience
Example: The teacher has the authority to manage the classroom.
Synonyms: Power, control, command, dominance
Antonyms: Subordination, inferiority, submission, powerlessness
Meaning: Shy and easily embarrassed
Example: The bashful child hid behind his mother’s leg.
Synonyms: Shy, timid, reserved, introverted
Antonyms: Confident, outgoing, bold, extroverted
Meaning: A container used for carrying things, typically made of interwoven strips of wood or other material
Example: She carried a basket full of apples.
Synonyms: Container, hamper, bin, crate
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: A quantity or number of items produced or handled at one time
Example: She baked a batch of cookies for the party.
Synonyms: Group, lot, set, collection
Antonyms: Individual, single, one
Meaning: An advantage or profit gained from something
Example: Exercise has many health benefits.
Synonyms: Advantage, gain, profit, perk
Antonyms: Disadvantage, drawback, loss, detriment
Meaning: To act in a particular way, especially to be good and follow rules
Example: Please behave well in class.
Synonyms: Act, conduct oneself, perform, comport
Antonyms: Misbehave, misconduct, act up, defy
Meaning: To be rightly placed in a specified position or environment
Example: The books belong on the shelf.
Synonyms: Fit, be a part of, be appropriate, be suitable
Antonyms: Differ, deviate, stray, conflict
Meaning: To shape or force something straight into a curve or angle
Example: He had to bend the wire to make it fit.
Synonyms: Curve, flex, twist, bow
Antonyms: Straighten, unbend, uncoil, flatten
Meaning: To open and close the eyes quickly
Example: She blinked rapidly in the bright light.
Synonyms: Wink, flutter, flicker, twinkle
Antonyms: Stare, gaze, look
Meaning: To become red in the face, typically from embarrassment or shame
Example: She began to blush when everyone looked at her.
Synonyms: Flush, redden, turn pink, color
Antonyms: Pale, whiten
Meaning: To fasten something with a metal pin or bar; to run away suddenly
Example: The door was secured with a bolt. / The horse bolted from the stable.
Synonyms: Lock, fasten, secure, latch / Run, dash, sprint, flee
Antonyms: Unlock, open, release / Stay, remain, linger
Meaning: Plural of bolt; metal pins used for fastening things
Example: He tightened the bolts on the machine.
Synonyms: Screws, fasteners, latches, locks
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: To take and use something belonging to someone else with the intention of returning it
Example: Can I borrow a pencil from you?
Synonyms: Loan, take, use temporarily, acquire
Antonyms: Lend, give, return, restore
Meaning: A collection of things, typically tied or wrapped together
Example: She carried a bundle of sticks.
Synonyms: Package, bunch, cluster, stack
Antonyms: Single item, individual
Meaning: The mass or size of something large
Example: The bulk of the shipment arrived on time.
Synonyms: Mass, volume, majority, body
Antonyms: Smallness, minority, part, fraction
Meaning: A small, simple house, typically in a rural area
Example: They spent their vacation in a cabin by the lake.
Synonyms: Hut, lodge, cottage, shack
Antonyms: Mansion, palace, villa, estate
Meaning: The maximum amount that something can contain or produce
Example: The hall has a seating capacity of 500.
Synonyms: Volume, size, limit, ability
Antonyms: Inability, limitation, incapacity, restriction
Meaning: The larva of a butterfly or moth
Example: The caterpillar will eventually turn into a butterfly.
Synonyms: Larva, worm, insect, grub
Antonyms: Butterfly, moth
Meaning: Care taken to avoid danger or mistakes
Example: He proceeded with caution on the icy roads.
Synonyms: Care, vigilance, wariness, prudence
Antonyms: Carelessness, recklessness, negligence, boldness
Meaning: A large underground chamber, typically of natural origin
Example: They explored the dark cave with flashlights.
Synonyms: Cavern, grotto, hollow, den
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: To acknowledge a significant or happy day or event with a social gathering or enjoyable activity
Example: They will celebrate their anniversary next week.
Synonyms: Commemorate, observe, honor, rejoice
Antonyms: Ignore, neglect, overlook, disregard
Meaning: A mythical creature with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a horse
Example: The ancient Greeks believed in centaurs.
Synonyms: None (N/A)
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: A main division of a book, typically with a number or title
Example: Please read the first chapter of the book.
Synonyms: Section, part, division, episode
Antonyms: Whole, entirety
Meaning: A sheet of information in the form of a table, graph, or diagram
Example: The chart shows the company’s sales growth over the years.
Synonyms: Graph, table, diagram, map
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: A person who has defeated all rivals in a competition
Example: She is the reigning champion of the tennis tournament.
Synonyms: Winner, victor, titleholder, conqueror
Antonyms: Loser, runner-up, defeat
Meaning: To talk in a friendly, informal way
Example: They like to chat over coffee.
Synonyms: Talk, converse, gab, chitchat
Antonyms: Silence, quiet, hush
Meaning: To act dishonestly or unfairly to gain an advantage
Example: He was caught trying to cheat on the test.
Synonyms: Deceive, trick, defraud, swindle
Antonyms: Be honest, play fair, follow rules
Meaning: A vertical channel or pipe that conducts smoke and gases from a fire or furnace to the outside
Example: Smoke was coming out of the chimney.
Synonyms: Flue, stack, vent, funnel
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: A system of words, letters, figures, or symbols used to represent others, especially for the purposes of secrecy
Example: They communicated using a secret code.
Synonyms: Cipher, system, key, language
Antonyms: Plain text, clarity, openness
Meaning: A group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common
Example: The community came together to clean the park.
Synonyms: Society, group, populace, neighborhood
Antonyms: Individual, loner, solitude
Meaning: An agreement or settlement of a dispute reached by each side making concessions
Example: They reached a compromise after hours of negotiation.
Synonyms: Settlement, agreement, middle ground, concession
Antonyms: Disagreement, dispute, conflict, quarrel
Meaning: Occurring continuously over a period of time
Example: She has been a constant support to her friends.
Synonyms: Continuous, persistent, unchanging, steady
Antonyms: Intermittent, variable, occasional, sporadic
Meaning: The building of something, typically a large structure
Example: The construction of the new bridge will take two years.
Synonyms: Building, erection, assembly, creation
Antonyms: Demolition, destruction, dismantling, deconstruction
Meaning: A person who purchases goods and services for personal use
Example: Consumers are becoming more aware of environmental issues.
Synonyms: Buyer, customer, shopper, purchaser
Antonyms: Seller, producer, supplier, vendor
Meaning: An instrument containing a magnetized pointer that shows the direction of magnetic north
Example: The hiker used a compass to navigate through the forest.
Synonyms: Direction finder, navigational aid, gyrocompass
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: To express dissatisfaction or annoyance about something
Example: He complained about the cold food.
Synonyms: Grumble, whine, protest, moan
Antonyms: Praise, applaud, accept, compliment
Meaning: A person who directs the performance of an orchestra or choir; a material that allows heat or electricity to flow through it
Example: The conductor raised his baton to start the music.
Synonyms: Director, maestro, leader / Wire, transmitter, channel
Meaning: To build or make something
Example: They plan to construct a new building downtown.
Synonyms: Build, erect, create, assemble
Antonyms: Demolish, destroy, dismantle, tear down
Meaning: A set of clothes in a style typical of a particular country, period, or person
Example: She wore a witch costume for Halloween.
Synonyms: Outfit, attire, clothing, garb
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: Giving a feeling of comfort, warmth, and relaxation
Example: The cozy cabin was perfect for the winter retreat.
Synonyms: Comfortable, snug, warm, inviting
Antonyms: Uncomfortable, cold, unwelcoming, harsh
Meaning: A written or spoken agreement, especially one concerning employment, sales, or tenancy
Example: They signed a contract for the sale of the house.
Synonyms: Agreement, deal, pact, arrangement
Antonyms: Disagreement, dispute, contention
Meaning: The state of being strikingly different from something else in juxtaposition or close association
Example: The bright colors contrast with the dark background.
Synonyms: Difference, disparity, distinction, divergence
Antonyms: Similarity, resemblance, likeness, sameness
Meaning: The central or most important part of something
Example: The apple’s core was full of seeds.
Synonyms: Center, heart, nucleus, essence
Antonyms: Periphery, edge, exterior, surface
Meaning: The ability of a customer to obtain goods or services before payment, based on the trust that payment will be made in the future
Example: She has good credit and can borrow money easily.
Synonyms: Trust, belief, loan, acknowledgement
Antonyms: Debt, distrust, disbelief, discredit
Meaning: Bad-tempered and irritable
Example: The baby gets cranky when he is tired.
Synonyms: Irritable, grumpy, grouchy, testy
Antonyms: Cheerful, good-natured, happy, pleasant
Meaning: To collide violently with an obstacle or another vehicle
Example: The car crashed into the tree.
Synonyms: Collision, smash, impact, accident
Antonyms: Avoidance, prevention, miss
Meaning: To make a high-pitched, squeaking sound, especially when being moved or when pressure or weight is applied
Example: The old door creaked as it opened.
Synonyms: Squeak, groan, grate, squeal
Antonyms: Silence, quiet
Meaning: To make a deep, harsh sound, like a frog
Example: The frog croaked loudly by the pond.
Synonyms: Ribbit, grunt, squawk, growl
Antonyms: Whisper, murmur, hush
Meaning: Full of people, leaving little or no room for movement
Example: The subway was crowded during rush hour.
Synonyms: Packed, jammed, congested, full
Antonyms: Empty, sparse, unoccupied, deserted
Meaning: A signal for someone to do something
Example: The actor waited for his cue to go on stage.
Synonyms: Signal, prompt, reminder, indication
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: The arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively
Example: They explored the local culture during their trip.
Synonyms: Civilization, society, customs, traditions
Antonyms: Barbarism, ignorance, philistinism
Meaning: A system of money in general use in a particular country
Example: The currency of Japan is the yen.
Synonyms: Money, cash, coin, legal tender
Antonyms: Barter, trade, goods, services
Meaning: Having a shape that is smoothly rounded
Example: The road curved around the mountain.
Synonyms: Bent, arched, bowed, rounded
Antonyms: Straight, linear, direct
Meaning: Facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis
Example: The scientist analyzed the data from the experiment.
Synonyms: Information, facts, figures, statistics
Antonyms: Assumption, guess, speculation, opinion
Meaning: Happening or done every day
Example: She reads the newspaper daily.
Synonyms: Everyday, routine, regular, day-to-day
Antonyms: Weekly, monthly, occasional, infrequent
Meaning: Delicately small and pretty
Example: She wore a dainty necklace.
Synonyms: Delicate, fine, elegant, graceful
Antonyms: Clumsy, coarse, rough, unrefined
Meaning: To move suddenly and quickly in a particular direction
Example: The cat darted across the yard.
Synonyms: Dash, run, sprint, bolt
Antonyms: Stroll, saunter, walk, amble
Meaning: A period of ten years
Example: She has lived in the city for over a decade.
Synonyms: Ten years, decennary, decennium
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: To make something look more attractive by adding items or images to it
Example: They decorated the room for the party.
Synonyms: Adorn, embellish, ornament, beautify
Antonyms: Deface, spoil, mar, disfigure
Meaning: A statement of the exact meaning of a word or phrase
Example: He looked up the definition of the word in the dictionary.
Synonyms: Meaning, explanation, interpretation, description
Antonyms: Ambiguity, vagueness
Meaning: Feeling or showing great pleasure
Example: She was delighted with her birthday present.
Synonyms: Happy, pleased, joyful, thrilled
Antonyms: Disappointed, unhappy, sad, upset
Meaning: Refuse to give or grant (something requested or desired) to (someone)
Example: He denied the accusations against him.
Synonyms: Refused, rejected, declined, opposed
Antonyms: Accepted, granted, approved, allowed
Meaning: To have earned or to be given something because of the way you have behaved or the qualities you have
Example: She worked hard and deserves the promotion.
Synonyms: Merit, earn, warrant, justify
Antonyms: Forfeit, lose, relinquish, surrender
Meaning: To separate or be separated into parts
Example: The teacher asked the class to divide into groups.
Synonyms: Split, separate, partition, distribute
Antonyms: Unite, join, combine, merge
Meaning: The state of being diverse; variety
Example: The city is known for its cultural diversity.
Synonyms: Variety, multiplicity, assortment, range
Antonyms: Uniformity, sameness, similarity, homogeneity
Meaning: To move quickly to avoid someone or something
Example: He dodged the ball during the game.
Synonyms: Evade, avoid, sidestep, duck
Antonyms: Confront, face, meet, encounter
Meaning: A piece of written, printed, or electronic matter that provides information or evidence
Example: She signed the document to finalize the sale.
Synonyms: Paper, record, file, report
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: A preliminary version of a piece of writing
Example: He submitted the first draft of his essay.
Synonyms: Outline, sketch, blueprint, plan
Antonyms: Final version, finished product
Meaning: An exciting, emotional, or unexpected series of events or set of circumstances
Example: The play was filled with drama.
Synonyms: Play, theater, spectacle, excitement
Antonyms: Boredom, dullness, monotony, calmness
Meaning: Wet thoroughly; soaked
Example: She was drenched by the sudden rainstorm.
Synonyms: Soaked, wet, saturated, sopping
Antonyms: Dry, parched, arid, dehydrated
Meaning: Sleepy and lethargic; half asleep
Example: The warm sun made him feel drowsy.
Synonyms: Sleepy, dozy, lethargic, sluggish
Antonyms: Alert, awake, energetic, lively
Meaning: The wealth and resources of a country or region, especially in terms of the production and consumption of goods and services
Example: The country’s economy is growing rapidly.
Synonyms: Financial system, market, resources, wealth
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: To prepare written material for publication by correcting, condensing, or otherwise modifying it
Example: She needs to edit her essay before submitting it.
Synonyms: Revise, correct, alter, modify
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: Special importance, value, or prominence given to something
Example: The teacher put emphasis on the importance of homework.
Synonyms: Stress, importance, significance, weight
Antonyms: Insignificance, triviality, unimportance
Meaning: The strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity
Example: The children have a lot of energy.
Synonyms: Vitality, vigor, power, strength
Antonyms: Lethargy, weakness, fatigue, tiredness
Meaning: The surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates
Example: We must protect the environment for future generations.
Synonyms: Surroundings, habitat, milieu, ecosystem
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: Very large in size, quantity, or extent
Example: The elephant is an enormous animal.
Synonyms: Huge, massive, gigantic, immense
Antonyms: Tiny, small, miniature, minuscule
Meaning: A mathematical statement that asserts the equality of two expressions
Example: Solve the equation to find the value of x.
Synonyms: Calculation, formula, computation, expression
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: Being the same in quantity, size, degree, or value
Example: All people are equal under the law.
Synonyms: Equivalent, identical, uniform, same
Antonyms: Unequal, different, dissimilar, varying
Meaning: The gradual destruction or diminution of something by wind, water, or other natural agents
Example: The coastline is suffering from severe erosion.
Synonyms: Wearing away, abrasion, corrosion, weathering
Antonyms: Building up, construction, formation
Meaning: The available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid
Example: The detective found evidence at the crime scene.
Synonyms: Proof, confirmation, verification, documentation
Antonyms: Disproof, refutation, contradiction, doubt
Meaning: The action of becoming larger or more extensive
Example: The company is planning an expansion into new markets.
Synonyms: Growth, increase, enlargement, extension
Antonyms: Contraction, reduction, shrinkage, decrease
Meaning: Cry out suddenly, especially in surprise, anger, or pain
Example: She couldn’t help but exclaim when she saw the surprise.
Synonyms: Shout, yell, cry out, call
Antonyms: Whisper, murmur, mutter
Meaning: Very tired
Example: He was exhausted after running the marathon.
Synonyms: Tired, weary, drained, fatigued
Antonyms: Energized, refreshed, rested, lively
Meaning: Costing a lot of money
Example: The dress was very expensive.
Synonyms: Costly, pricey, high-priced, exorbitant
Antonyms: Cheap, inexpensive, affordable, low-cost
Meaning: Elaborate in structure or decoration
Example: She wore a fancy dress to the party.
Synonyms: Elaborate, ornate, luxurious, sophisticated
Antonyms: Plain, simple, basic, modest
Meaning: To close or join securely
Example: Please fasten your seatbelt.
Synonyms: Secure, attach, lock, buckle
Antonyms: Unfasten, unlock, detach, release
Meaning: To give a servile display of exaggerated flattery or affection, typically in order to gain favor or advantage
Example: The employee would often fawn over the boss.
Synonyms: Flatter, grovel, butter up, praise
Antonyms: Ignore, disdain, insult, scorn
Meaning: A payment made to a professional person or public body in exchange for advice or services
Example: There is a fee for using the parking lot.
Synonyms: Charge, cost, price, tariff
Antonyms: Refund, repayment, reimbursement
Meaning: A folder or box for holding loose papers that are typically arranged in a particular order for easy reference
Example: She kept all her important documents in a file.
Synonyms: Folder, dossier, archive, record
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: The management of large amounts of money, especially by governments or large companies
Example: She works in the finance department.
Synonyms: Funding, money management, investment, budgeting
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: Disgustingly dirty
Example: The floor was filthy after the party.
Synonyms: Dirty, grimy, unclean, foul
Antonyms: Clean, spotless, pristine, pure
Meaning: Smooth and level, without raised areas or indentations
Example: The land was flat and easy to build on.
Synonyms: Level, even, plane, smooth
Antonyms: Uneven, bumpy, hilly, rough
Meaning: Run away from a place or situation of danger
Example: They had to flee their home during the war.
Synonyms: Escape, run away, bolt, evacuate
Antonyms: Stay, remain, linger, face
Meaning: The quality of bending easily without breaking
Example: Yoga can help improve your flexibility.
Synonyms: Pliability, suppleness, adaptability, resilience
Antonyms: Rigidity, stiffness, inflexibility, hardness
Meaning: The center of interest or activity
Example: She needs to focus on her studies.
Synonyms: Concentrate, center, direct, highlight
Antonyms: Distract, disperse, diffuse, scatter
Meaning: A thick cloud of tiny water droplets suspended in the atmosphere at or near the earth’s surface
Example: The fog made it hard to see the road.
Synonyms: Mist, haze, smog, vapor
Antonyms: Clarity, clearness, brightness
Meaning: The impression left by a foot or shoe on the ground or a surface
Example: They followed the footprint to find the lost hiker.
Synonyms: Track, mark, print, impression
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: A large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth
Example: They went for a hike in the forest.
Synonyms: Woods, woodland, jungle, grove
Antonyms: Desert, prairie, grassland, plain
Meaning: A mathematical relationship or rule expressed in symbols
Example: He solved the problem using a simple formula.
Synonyms: Equation, recipe, method, blueprint
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: Very cold; at or below the temperature at which water turns to ice
Example: The weather is freezing today.
Synonyms: Cold, icy, frigid, frosty
Antonyms: Warm, hot, boiling, scorching
Meaning: An activity or purpose natural to or intended for a person or thing
Example: The function of the heart is to pump blood.
Synonyms: Purpose, role, duty, job
Antonyms: Dysfunction, malfunction, inactivity
Meaning: To come together or assemble
Example: They gathered around the table for dinner.
Synonyms: Collect, assemble, congregate, accumulate
Antonyms: Disperse, scatter, separate, distribute
Meaning: An imaginary or mythical being of human form but superhuman size
Example: The story featured a friendly giant.
Synonyms: Huge, enormous, colossal, massive
Antonyms: Tiny, small, miniature, minuscule
Meaning: All of the people born and living at about the same time
Example: This tradition has been passed down for generations.
Synonyms: Era, age, cohort, period
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: A category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter
Example: My favorite genre of music is jazz.
Synonyms: Category, type, kind, style
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: Feeling pleasure or happiness
Example: She was glad to see her friend.
Synonyms: Happy, pleased, joyful, delighted
Antonyms: Sad, unhappy, upset, miserable
Meaning: Shining brightly, especially with reflected light
Example: The car was gleaming after it was washed.
Synonyms: Shining, bright, sparkling, glistening
Antonyms: Dull, tarnished, dim, lackluster
Meaning: Looking or feeling dejected; morose
Example: He looked glum after hearing the bad news.
Synonyms: Sad, gloomy, dejected, morose
Antonyms: Cheerful, happy, joyful, bright
Meaning: A spherical representation of the earth or of the constellations with a map on the surface
Example: She studied the countries on the globe.
Synonyms: Sphere, world, planet, orb
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: To seize suddenly and roughly
Example: He grabbed the ball and ran.
Synonyms: Seize, snatch, clutch, grasp
Antonyms: Release, let go, drop, relinquish
Meaning: Feeling or showing an appreciation for something done or received
Example: She was grateful for the help she received.
Synonyms: Thankful, appreciative, obliged, indebted
Antonyms: Ungrateful, unappreciative, unthankful
Meaning: Smile broadly, especially in an unrestrained manner and with the mouth open
Example: He had a big grin on his face.
Synonyms: Smile, beam, smirk, laugh
Antonyms: Frown, scowl, glower
Meaning: Take and keep a firm hold of; grasp tightly
Example: He has a strong grip on the rope.
Synonyms: Grasp, hold, clutch, clasp
Antonyms: Release, let go, drop, relinquish
Meaning: Make a deep, inarticulate sound conveying pain, despair, pleasure, etc.
Example: He let out a groan when he stood up.
Synonyms: Moan, sigh, murmur, grumble
Antonyms: Cheer, shout, exclaim
Meaning: To come out of an egg
Example: The baby chicks hatched from their eggs.
Synonyms: Emerge, break out, develop, incubate
Antonyms: Close, conceal, enclose
Meaning: A large pile of something
Example: There was a heap of laundry on the floor.
Synonyms: Pile, mound, stack, mass
Antonyms: Scattered, spread, distributed
Meaning: To pay attention to; take notice of
Example: He did not heed the warning.
Synonyms: Listen, obey, follow, observe
Antonyms: Ignore, disregard, neglect, overlook
Meaning: To put or keep out of sight
Example: She will hide behind the tree during the game.
Synonyms: Conceal, cover, stash, bury
Antonyms: Reveal, show, display, expose
Meaning: An activity done regularly in one’s leisure time for pleasure
Example: Her hobby is painting.
Synonyms: Pastime, interest, pursuit, avocation
Antonyms: Work, chore, task, duty
Meaning: To sharpen or refine over a period of time
Example: He honed his skills by practicing every day.
Synonyms: Sharpen, improve, perfect, polish
Antonyms: Dull, blunt, weaken, degrade
Meaning: Free of deceit; truthful and sincere
Example: She gave an honest answer to the question.
Synonyms: Truthful, sincere, frank, straightforward
Antonyms: Dishonest, deceitful, untruthful, lying
Meaning: To make a long, loud, mournful sound
Example: The wolf began to howl at the moon.
Synonyms: Wail, cry, yowl, shriek
Antonyms: Whisper, murmur, mutter
Meaning: The action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country
Example: The family went through the process of immigration.
Synonyms: Migration, resettlement, relocation, arrival
Antonyms: Emigration, departure, exit, exodus
Meaning: Something that motivates or encourages someone to do something
Example: The company offered a bonus as an incentive for good work.
Synonyms: Motivation, encouragement, inducement, stimulus
Antonyms: Deterrent, discouragement, disincentive, hindrance
Meaning: Money received, especially on a regular basis, for work or through investments
Example: She has a steady income from her job.
Synonyms: Earnings, revenue, salary, wages
Antonyms: Expense, outlay, cost, expenditure
Meaning: An alphabetical list of names, subjects, etc., with references to the places where they occur
Example: You can find the topic in the index at the back of the book.
Synonyms: List, register, directory, catalog
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: A person who draws or creates pictures for books, magazines, etc.
Example: The illustrator drew beautiful pictures for the children’s book.
Synonyms: Artist, drawer, designer, cartoonist
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: A single human being as distinct from a group, class, or family
Example: Each individual has unique talents.
Synonyms: Person, being, entity, single
Antonyms: Group, crowd, collective, mass
Meaning: Harm or damage to a person or thing
Example: He had a minor injury from the fall.
Synonyms: Wound, harm, damage, hurt
Antonyms: Health, wellness, recovery, healing
Meaning: The action or process of innovating; a new method, idea, or product
Example: The company’s latest innovation improved productivity.
Synonyms: Invention, creation, novelty, development
Antonyms: Tradition, old method, stagnation
Meaning: The action of explaining the meaning of something
Example: Her interpretation of the poem was insightful.
Synonyms: Explanation, understanding, analysis, clarification
Antonyms: Misunderstanding, confusion, misinterpretation
Meaning: To carry out a systematic or formal inquiry to discover and examine the facts
Example: The detective will investigate the crime scene.
Synonyms: Examine, inspect, probe, inquire
Antonyms: Ignore, neglect, overlook, disregard
Meaning: The action of investigating something or someone; formal or systematic examination or research
Example: The investigation revealed important clues.
Synonyms: Inquiry, examination, probe, inspection
Antonyms: Ignorance, neglect, disregard
Meaning: Feeling or showing envy of someone or their achievements and advantages
Example: She felt jealous of her friend’s new toy.
Synonyms: Envious, covetous, resentful, possessive
Antonyms: Content, happy, pleased, satisfied
Meaning: A daily record of news and events of a personal nature; a diary
Example: She writes in her journal every night.
Synonyms: Diary, log, record, notebook
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: A rounded handle or control switch
Example: Turn the knob to open the door.
Synonyms: Handle, dial, button, switch
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: A traditional story sometimes popularly regarded as historical but unauthenticated
Example: The legend of King Arthur is well-known.
Synonyms: Myth, fable, tale, folklore
Antonyms: Fact, reality, truth, history
Meaning: Full of life and energy; active and outgoing
Example: The party was very lively.
Synonyms: Energetic, animated, spirited, vibrant
Antonyms: Dull, inactive, lifeless, sluggish
Meaning: A particular place or position
Example: They found a perfect location for their picnic.
Synonyms: Place, position, site, spot
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: To make or become less tight or firm
Example: He needs to loosen his tie.
Synonyms: Relax, slacken, release, undo
Antonyms: Tighten, fasten, secure, bind
Meaning: The edge or border of something
Example: He wrote notes in the margin of his book.
Synonyms: Border, edge, rim, fringe
Antonyms: Center, middle, core, heart
Meaning: A type of mammal that carries its young in a pouch
Example: The kangaroo is a well-known marsupial.
Synonyms: Pouched mammal
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: A covering for all or part of the face, worn as a disguise, or to amuse or terrify others
Example: He wore a mask for the Halloween party.
Synonyms: Disguise, cover, veil, shield
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: About halfway between two extremes of size or another quality; average
Example: She ordered a medium-sized coffee.
Synonyms: Average, middle, moderate, intermediate
Antonyms: Large, small, extreme, huge
Meaning: Full of, covered with, or accompanied by mist
Example: The morning was cold and misty.
Synonyms: Foggy, hazy, cloudy, murky
Antonyms: Clear, bright, sunny, transparent
Meaning: Movement from one part of something to another
Example: The birds are beginning their migration south.
Synonyms: Relocation, movement, journey, exodus
Antonyms: Staying, remaining, residence
Meaning: A period of time equal to sixty seconds or a sixtieth of an hour
Example: The meeting will start in one minute.
Synonyms: Moment, instant, second
Antonyms: Hour, day, eternity
Meaning: A way or manner in which something occurs or is experienced, expressed, or done
Example: He switched the camera to manual mode.
Synonyms: Method, manner, style, way
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: Relating to the present or recent times as opposed to the remote past
Example: The building has a modern design.
Synonyms: Contemporary, current, up-to-date, present-day
Antonyms: Old-fashioned, outdated, ancient, obsolete
Meaning: To observe and check the progress or quality of (something) over a period of time
Example: They will monitor the patient’s condition.
Synonyms: Observe, watch, supervise, track
Antonyms: Ignore, neglect, disregard
Meaning: A reason for doing something, especially one that is hidden or not obvious
Example: The police are trying to find the motive behind the crime.
Synonyms: Reason, cause, purpose, incentive
Antonyms: Discouragement, deterrent
Meaning: A large natural elevation of the earth’s surface rising abruptly from the surrounding level; a large steep hill
Example: They climbed the mountain during their vacation.
Synonyms: Peak, summit, hill, elevation
Antonyms: Valley, plain, lowland, depression
Meaning: Of small width in relation to length
Example: The road was very narrow.
Synonyms: Tight, thin, slender, confined
Antonyms: Wide, broad, spacious, open
Meaning: Consisting in or characterized by the absence rather than the presence of distinguishing features
Example: The test results came back negative.
Synonyms: Pessimistic, adverse, bad, unfavorable
Antonyms: Positive, favorable, good, optimistic
Meaning: Something that is usual, typical, or standard
Example: It is the norm to have dinner at 6 PM.
Synonyms: Standard, average, typical, customary
Antonyms: Exception, deviation, anomaly, irregularity
Meaning: A long narrative work of fiction, typically published as a book
Example: She is writing her first novel.
Synonyms: Book, story, tale, fiction
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: To follow the commands or guidance of; conform to
Example: The dog learns to obey its owner.
Synonyms: Comply, follow, adhere, submit
Antonyms: Disobey, defy, rebel, resist
Meaning: Different from what is usual or expected; strange
Example: He has an odd way of speaking.
Synonyms: Strange, unusual, peculiar, bizarre
Antonyms: Normal, usual, regular, common
Meaning: The determination of the relative position of something or someone
Example: The map helped with the orientation of the building.
Synonyms: Positioning, alignment, arrangement, direction
Antonyms: Disorientation, confusion
Meaning: The way a thing turns out; a consequence
Example: The outcome of the game was surprising.
Synonyms: Result, consequence, effect, conclusion
Antonyms: Cause, origin, source
Meaning: Physical suffering or discomfort caused by illness or injury
Example: He felt a sharp pain in his leg.
Synonyms: Ache, hurt, discomfort, suffering
Antonyms: Comfort, relief, ease, pleasure
Meaning: A traveler on a public or private conveyance other than the driver, pilot, or crew
Example: The passenger sat in the back of the car.
Synonyms: Traveler, rider, commuter, fare
Antonyms: Driver, pilot, operator
Meaning: A repeated decorative design
Example: The wallpaper has a floral pattern.
Synonyms: Design, motif, arrangement, sequence
Antonyms: Randomness, irregularity, chaos
Meaning: A distinct section of a piece of writing, usually dealing with a single theme
Example: Each paragraph in the essay should have a clear main idea.
Synonyms: Section, passage, piece, segment
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: Side by side and having the same distance continuously between them
Example: The two lines are parallel to each other.
Synonyms: Equidistant, aligned, side by side
Antonyms: Perpendicular, divergent, intersecting
Meaning: One part in every hundred
Example: Fifty percent of the students passed the test.
Synonyms: Portion, fraction, part
Antonyms: Whole, entirety
Meaning: A destructive insect or other animal that attacks crops, food, livestock, etc.
Example: The garden was full of pests eating the plants.
Synonyms: Insect, bug, nuisance, vermin
Antonyms: Beneficial insect, helper
Meaning: A length or portion of time
Example: The class lasts for a period of one hour.
Synonyms: Duration, phase, interval, span
Antonyms: Moment, instant, second
Meaning: A particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view
Example: Her perspective on the issue was quite unique.
Synonyms: Viewpoint, outlook, angle, stance
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: A synthetic material made from a wide range of organic polymers
Example: The toy was made of plastic.
Synonyms: Polymer, synthetic, resin
Antonyms: Natural, organic
Meaning: With the addition of
Example: Two plus two equals four.
Synonyms: Addition, extra, and, furthermore
Antonyms: Minus, subtract, less
Meaning: To make the surface of (something) smooth and shiny by rubbing it
Example: She polished the silverware until it gleamed.
Synonyms: Shine, buff, gloss, smooth
Antonyms: Tarnish, dull, scratch, roughen
Meaning: The actual application or use of an idea, belief, or method, as opposed to theories about such application or use
Example: He needs more practice to improve his skills.
Synonyms: Rehearsal, training, exercise, preparation
Antonyms: Theory, inaction, idleness
Meaning: A district of a city or town as defined for police purposes
Example: They live in the same police precinct.
Synonyms: District, division, zone, area
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: To act as if something is true when it is not
Example: The children pretended to be pirates.
Synonyms: Act, feign, simulate, fake
Antonyms: Genuine, real, true, sincere
Meaning: Relating to or connected with a profession
Example: She is a professional musician.
Synonyms: Expert, skilled, proficient, qualified
Antonyms: Amateur, unskilled, novice, beginner
Meaning: A declaration or assurance that one will do a particular thing or that a particular thing will happen
Example: He made a promise to help her.
Synonyms: Vow, assurance, pledge, guarantee
Antonyms: Breach, break, lie
Meaning: To prepare and issue (a book, journal, or piece of music) for public sale
Example: She decided to publish her new book next month.
Synonyms: Print, issue, release, distribute
Antonyms: Suppress, withhold, conceal, hide
Meaning: Very quick or fast
Example: The river has a rapid current.
Synonyms: Fast, swift, speedy, quick
Antonyms: Slow, sluggish, leisurely, delayed
Meaning: An area of land or part of the world
Example: They live in a mountainous region.
Synonyms: Area, zone, district, territory
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: To take something away or off from the position occupied
Example: Please remove your shoes before entering.
Synonyms: Take away, eliminate, detach, extract
Antonyms: Add, include, attach, insert
Meaning: To say or do something again
Example: Can you repeat the question?
Synonyms: Reiterate, redo, duplicate, echo
Antonyms: Original, singular, unique, once
Meaning: To need something for a particular purpose
Example: Plants require sunlight to grow.
Synonyms: Need, necessitate, demand, call for
Antonyms: Optional, unnecessary, avoid, dispense
Meaning: To save someone from a dangerous or distressing situation
Example: The firefighters will rescue the cat from the tree.
Synonyms: Save, recover, free, liberate
Antonyms: Endanger, harm, abandon, leave
Meaning: To start something again
Example: He had to restart the computer after it crashed.
Synonyms: Begin again, renew, reboot, refresh
Antonyms: Stop, halt, end, finish
Meaning: A supply of something that can be used when needed
Example: Water is an essential natural resource.
Synonyms: Supply, asset, reserve, material
Antonyms: Scarcity, depletion, deficiency, lack
Meaning: To go or come back to a place or person
Example: She will return to school next week.
Synonyms: Come back, go back, revert, resume
Antonyms: Leave, depart, go, exit
Meaning: Fully grown and ready to eat
Example: The apples are ripe and ready to be picked.
Synonyms: Mature, ready, developed, seasoned
Antonyms: Unripe, immature, green, raw
Meaning: To move upward
Example: The sun will rise in the morning.
Synonyms: Ascend, climb, increase, elevate
Antonyms: Fall, descend, drop, lower
Meaning: Income, especially when of an organization or government
Example: The company’s revenue increased this year.
Synonyms: Income, earnings, profit, returns
Antonyms: Expense, cost, loss, expenditure
Meaning: To make changes to something to improve it
Example: She will revise her essay before submitting it.
Synonyms: Edit, correct, alter, amend
Antonyms: Leave, maintain, keep, ignore
Meaning: A sudden and significant change, often political
Example: The revolution led to a new government.
Synonyms: Uprising, revolt, change, transformation
Antonyms: Stability, peace, continuity, stagnation
Meaning: Full of or widespread
Example: The city is rife with rumors about the event.
Synonyms: Abundant, widespread, full, prevalent
Antonyms: Scarce, rare, limited, infrequent
Meaning: A loud, deep sound made by an animal, especially a lion
Example: We heard the lion roar at the zoo.
Synonyms: Bellow, howl, growl, yell
Antonyms: Whisper, murmur, hush, silence
Meaning: The function assumed or part played by a person or thing in a particular situation
Example: She played the role of the princess in the play.
Synonyms: Part, function, position, duty
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: Having an uneven or irregular surface; not smooth
Example: The rough texture of the rock hurt my hand.
Synonyms: Coarse, uneven, rugged, bumpy
Antonyms: Smooth, even, polished, flat
Meaning: Covered with or affected by rust
Example: The old bike was rusty and needed oiling.
Synonyms: Corroded, tarnished, oxidized, weathered
Antonyms: Shiny, new, polished, pristine
Meaning: A device for measuring weight; the size or level of something
Example: The scale showed that the box weighed 10 pounds.
Synonyms: Balance, gauge, measurement, range
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: To speak angrily to someone because they have done something wrong
Example: Mom had to scold the dog for making a mess.
Synonyms: Reprimand, rebuke, admonish, chastise
Antonyms: Praise, commend, approve, applaud
Meaning: To cut or damage a surface with something sharp
Example: The cat will scratch the furniture if we don’t trim its nails.
Synonyms: Scrape, claw, mark, score
Antonyms: Heal, mend, repair, smooth
Meaning: A distinct part of something larger
Example: We read a section of the book every night.
Synonyms: Part, segment, division, portion
Antonyms: Whole, entirety, unity
Meaning: A small object produced by a plant from which a new plant can grow
Example: We planted a seed in the garden.
Synonyms: Kernel, grain, embryo, germ
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: Concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself
Example: He was selfish and didn’t share his toys.
Synonyms: Self-centered, egotistical, greedy, self-serving
Antonyms: Generous, selfless, altruistic, considerate
Meaning: Solemn or thoughtful in character or manner
Example: He gave her a serious look.
Synonyms: Grave, earnest, solemn, intense
Antonyms: Lighthearted, frivolous, playful, trivial
Meaning: To attempt to find something
Example: They seek shelter from the storm.
Synonyms: Search, look for, pursue, hunt
Antonyms: Ignore, shun, avoid, dismiss
Meaning: A particular order in which related events, movements, or things follow each other
Example: Put the story events in the correct sequence.
Synonyms: Order, arrangement, series, progression
Antonyms: Disorder, chaos, jumble
Meaning: The hard outer covering of something, especially nuts and eggs
Example: The turtle retreated into its shell.
Synonyms: Covering, case, husk, carapace
Antonyms: Core, interior, inside
Meaning: A tool with a broad, usually square blade and a handle, used for moving earth, snow, sand, etc.
Example: He used a shovel to dig a hole.
Synonyms: Spade, scoop, digger
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: A high-pitched, piercing cry or sound
Example: She let out a shriek when she saw the spider.
Synonyms: Scream, screech, howl, cry
Antonyms: Whisper, murmur, silence, hush
Meaning: A location or place
Example: The construction site was busy with workers.
Synonyms: Location, spot, place, area
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: A brother or sister
Example: She has one sibling, an older brother.
Synonyms: Brother, sister, kin, relative
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: Not making or accompanied by any sound
Example: The classroom was silent during the test.
Synonyms: Quiet, still, hushed, soundless
Antonyms: Noisy, loud, clamorous, boisterous
Meaning: Easily understood or done; not complicated
Example: The instructions were simple to follow.
Synonyms: Easy, straightforward, uncomplicated, plain
Antonyms: Complex, complicated, difficult, intricate
Meaning: Difficult to hold or stand on because it is smooth, wet, or slimy
Example: Be careful on the slippery floor.
Synonyms: Slick, smooth, greasy, icy
Antonyms: Rough, coarse, gritty, textured
Meaning: Having or showing a cunning and deceitful nature
Example: The sly fox outsmarted the hunters.
Synonyms: Cunning, crafty, sneaky, wily
Antonyms: Honest, straightforward, naive, direct
Meaning: Behaving in a secret and usually dishonest manner
Example: The sneaky cat stole a piece of fish.
Synonyms: Stealthy, sly, devious, furtive
Antonyms: Open, honest, transparent, forthright
Meaning: To cry noisily, making loud, convulsive gasps
Example: She began to sob uncontrollably after hearing the news.
Synonyms: Weep, cry, wail, mourn
Antonyms: Laugh, chuckle, giggle, rejoice
Meaning: The place or thing from which something comes or originates
Example: The river is the main source of water for the town.
Synonyms: Origin, cause, root, beginning
Antonyms: Destination, endpoint, conclusion, result
Meaning: A round solid figure, or its surface, with every point on its surface equidistant from its center
Example: The Earth is a sphere.
Synonyms: Ball, globe, orb, circle
Antonyms: Cube, pyramid, cylinder, rectangular
Meaning: A curve that winds around a central point, moving progressively farther from or closer to the point
Example: The staircase was a spiral, winding upwards.
Synonyms: Coil, twist, whirl, helix
Antonyms: Straight, linear, direct, level
Meaning: Magnificent; very impressive
Example: The view from the top of the mountain was splendid.
Synonyms: Gorgeous, magnificent, spectacular, grand
Antonyms: Ordinary, plain, mediocre, dull
Meaning: To scatter small drops or particles of something over an object or surface
Example: She sprinkled sugar on top of the cake.
Synonyms: Spritz, shower, dust, scatter
Antonyms: Pour, collect, gather, hoard
Meaning: To wriggle or twist the body from side to side, especially as a result of nervousness or discomfort
Example: The child began to squirm in his seat during the long lecture.
Synonyms: Wriggle, twist, fidget, twitch
Antonyms: Sit still, stay calm, relax, settle
Meaning: To cause someone to feel sudden shock or alarm
Example: The loud noise made her startle.
Synonyms: Shock, surprise, frighten, alarm
Antonyms: Calm, reassure, soothe, comfort
Meaning: (1) Rising or falling sharply; (2) (of a price or cost) excessively high
Example: The path up the hill was steep.
Synonyms: Sharp, abrupt, precipitous, sheer
Antonyms: Gentle, gradual, shallow, slight
Meaning: Characterized by or subject to strong winds and rain
Example: It was a stormy night with thunder and lightning.
Synonyms: Tempestuous, turbulent, rough, violent
Antonyms: Calm, peaceful, serene, placid
Meaning: Marked with or having a pattern of stripes
Example: He wore a shirt with blue and white striped patterns.
Synonyms: Banded, streaked, lined, patterned
Antonyms: Plain, solid, unpatterned, smooth
Meaning: (1) The goods or merchandise kept on the premises of a business or warehouse and available for sale or distribution; (2) The capital raised by a business or corporation through the issue and subscription of shares
Example: The supermarket had a large stock of fresh vegetables.
Synonyms: Inventory, supply, store, reserve
Antonyms: Shortage, deficit, scarcity, lack
Meaning: The arrangement of and relations between the parts or elements of something complex
Example: The building has a unique and modern structure.
Synonyms: Framework, organization, arrangement, composition
Antonyms: Disorder, chaos, disarray, confusion
Meaning: A particular manner or way of doing something
Example: Her writing style is clear and concise.
Synonyms: Fashion, manner, mode, approach
Antonyms: Unfashionable, out of style, old-fashioned, dated
Meaning: The total amount resulting from the addition of two or more numbers, amounts, or items
Example: The sum of 5 and 3 is 8.
Synonyms: Total, aggregate, entirety, amount
Antonyms: Difference, subtraction, less, decrease
Meaning: A brief statement or account of the main points of something
Example: She gave a summary of the book she had read.
Synonyms: Synopsis, overview, abstract, digest
Antonyms: Expansion, elaboration, detail, analysis
Meaning: To be all around someone or something
Example: The mountains surround the valley.
Synonyms: Encircle, encompass, enclose, envelop
Antonyms: Exclude, isolate, separate, detach
Meaning: To examine and record the area and features of (an area of land) so as to construct a map, plan, or description
Example: They conducted a survey of the neighborhood to gather opinions.
Synonyms: Study, examine, inspect, explore
Antonyms: Ignore, neglect, disregard, overlook
Meaning: A mark or character used as a conventional representation of an object, function, or process
Example: The dove is often used as a symbol of peace.
Synonyms: Sign, emblem, representation, token
Antonyms: Reality, actuality, fact, truth
Meaning: A device for making and breaking the connection in an electric circuit
Example: He turned on the switch to light up the room.
Synonyms: Toggle, lever, button, control
Antonyms: Fixed, permanent, steady, constant
Meaning: A narrow strip of material, typically used to hold or fasten something
Example: She used adhesive tape to wrap the gift.
Synonyms: Ribbon, strip, band, belt
Antonyms: Unwrap, uncover, unfasten, release
Meaning: A group of players forming one side in a competitive game or sport
Example: The soccer team won the championship.
Synonyms: Group, squad, crew, ensemble
Antonyms: Individual, solo, lone, solitary
Meaning: The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry
Example: Modern technology has improved communication worldwide.
Synonyms: Innovation, machinery, equipment, tools
Antonyms: Nature, natural, organic, traditional
Meaning: (1) Stretched tight or rigid; (2) Showing or causing nervousness or anxiety
Example: She felt tense before the exam.
Synonyms: Tight, strained, stressed, anxious
Antonyms: Relaxed, calm, loose, slack
Meaning: Very frightened
Example: She was terrified of spiders.
Synonyms: Fearful, scared, horrified, panicked
Antonyms: Brave, courageous, confident, fearless
Meaning: A book or other written or printed work, regarded in terms of its content rather than its physical form
Example: He studied the text to prepare for the exam.
Synonyms: Book, publication, manuscript, writing
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: The subject of a talk, a piece of writing, a person’s thoughts, or an exhibition; a topic
Example: The theme of the story is friendship.
Synonyms: Subject, topic, motif, idea
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: Having relatively great extent from one surface to the opposite, usually in the smallest solid dimension
Example: The fog was thick, making it hard to see.
Synonyms: Dense, heavy, solid, compact
Antonyms: Thin, sparse, slim, light
Meaning: A loud rumbling or crashing noise heard after a lightning flash due to the expansion of rapidly heated air
Example: Thunder rumbled in the distance during the storm.
Synonyms: Boom, roar, rumble, crash
Antonyms: Silence, quiet, calm, stillness
Meaning: A piece of paper or small card that gives the holder a certain right, especially to enter a place, travel by public transport, or participate in an event
Example: He bought a ticket for the concert.
Synonyms: Pass, voucher, coupon, token
Antonyms: None (N/A)
Meaning: Showing a lack of courage or confidence; easily frightened
Example: She was too timid to speak in front of the class.
Synonyms: Shy, fearful, apprehensive, nervous
Antonyms: Bold, confident, brave, courageous
Meaning: To find or discover by investigation
Example: They traced the missing dog to a nearby park.
Synonyms: Find, discover, detect, locate
Antonyms: Lose, miss, overlook, ignore
Meaning: A long-established custom or belief that has been passed on from one generation to another
Example: It’s a tradition in our family to have a big dinner on holidays.
Synonyms: Custom, practice, ritual, habit
Antonyms: Innovation, change, novelty, departure
Meaning: The action of transporting someone or something; the movement of goods or people from one place to another
Example: Public transportation includes buses and trains.
Synonyms: Conveyance, transit, carriage, movement
Antonyms: Stillness, immobility, inactivity, stagnation
Meaning: To go from one place to another, typically over a distance
Example: They love to travel to new countries during their vacations.
Synonyms: Journey, trip, voyage, excursion
Antonyms: Stay, remain, settle, abide
Meaning: Firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something
Example: You should trust your friends to keep your secrets.
Synonyms: Confidence, faith, reliance, belief
Antonyms: Distrust, suspicion, doubt, disbelief
Meaning: Not changing in form or character; remaining the same in all cases and at all times
Example: Students wear a uniform to school every day.
Synonyms: Consistent, identical, unvarying, invariant
Antonyms: Different, varied, diverse, irregular
Meaning: To make someone feel unhappy, disappointed, or worried
Example: He was upset when he lost his favorite toy.
Synonyms: Disturb, agitate, unsettle, disturb
Antonyms: Calm, soothe, comfort, please
Meaning: The amount of space that a substance or object occupies, or that is enclosed within a container
Example: The volume of the box is measured in cubic meters.
Synonyms: Capacity, size, extent, bulk
Antonyms: Quiet, silence, stillness, hush
Meaning: A solid substance that becomes soft and melts when heated, often used to make candles
Example: They used colored wax to make decorative candles.
Synonyms: Beeswax, paraffin, tallow, candle
Antonyms: Wane, diminish, decrease, decline
Meaning: The health, happiness, and fortunes of a person or group
Example: The government is concerned about the welfare of its citizens.
Synonyms: Well-being, prosperity, happiness, health
Antonyms: Misery, distress, hardship, adversity
Meaning: Evil or morally wrong
Example: The wicked witch in the story wanted to harm the children.
Synonyms: Evil, sinful, immoral, corrupt
Antonyms: Good, righteous, virtuous, moral
Meaning: A wild plant growing where it is not wanted and in competition with cultivated plants
Example: He pulled out the weeds from the garden.
Synonyms: Herb, plant, wildflower, vegetation
Antonyms: Flower, crop, tree, shrub
Meaning: To make a series of low, weak crying sounds, expressing pain, distress, or fear
Example: The puppy began to whimper when left alone.
Synonyms: Whine, sob, moan, cry
Antonyms: Laugh, giggle, chuckle, rejoice
Meaning: To move or cause to move rapidly around and around
Example: The leaves whirl in the wind during a storm.
Synonyms: Spin, twirl, swirl, rotate
Antonyms: Stillness, calm, steady, immobility
Meaning: To pull sharply or with a sudden movement
Example: He yanked the door open when he heard the bell ring.
Synonyms: Pull, jerk, tug, drag
Antonyms: Push, release, let go, relinquish

Very good list for 1st grade.