25 Books to Read about Finance, Mindset, Non-fiction and Productivity.

1. The psychology of money by Morgan housel
2. Principles by Ray Dalio
3. I will teach You to Be Rich by Ramit sethi
4. The simple path to wealth by JL Collins
5. Invested by Danielle Town
1. Think & Grow Rich by Nepoleon Hill
2. Mindset by Carol S. David Goggins
3. Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins
4. Who Moved My cheese by Dr. Spencer Johnos
5. The SAM Club by Robin Sharma
1. Atomic Habits by Hames Clear
2. The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
3. Getting Things Done by Devid Alien
4. Indistractable by Nir Eyal
5. Essentialism by Greg McKeown
1. Beyond Order by Jordan B. Peterson
2. The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene
3. The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene
4. Way we sleep by Matthew Walker
5. Breath by James Nestor
6. Learn, Improve, Master by Nick Velasquez
7. The Effective Executive by Peter F. Drucker
8. The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
9. The Bomber Madia by Malcolm Gladwell
10. The 80/20 Principle by Richard Koch
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