Three-letter nouns, often overlooked, pack a surprising punch in the world of language. These concise words offer a powerful way to express yourself with clarity and efficiency. Whether you’re crafting a poem, playing Scrabble, or simply expanding your vocabulary, knowing these three-letter nouns can be a valuable asset.
Here are some Three Letter Nouns words with meaning.

Three letter nouns words start with A
Ace – a playing card with a single pip, or a skilled person in a particular activity or field.
Act – a single performance of a play, or a deed or action that is done intentionally or consciously.
Add – a mathematical operation of combining two or more numbers or quantities, or a substance added to enhance the qualities of something.
Aft – the rear part of a ship, aircraft or vehicle.
Age – the length of time that a person has lived or a particular period of history, or a process of maturation or development.
Aim – the direction or purpose towards which one directs their efforts or goals, or a point or target that is aimed at.
Air – the invisible gaseous substance surrounding the earth, or a melody or tune of a song.
Ale – a type of beer made using a warm fermentation method.
All – the whole quantity or extent of something, or every member or part of a group.
Amp – a unit of electric current, or an electronic device used to increase the power of a signal.
Ana – a collection of short, clever and often humorous poems.
And – a conjunction used to join two or more words, phrases, or clauses.
Ant – a small, six-legged insect that lives in highly organized colonies or communities.
Any – one or some of a thing or number of things, without specification or identification.
Ape – a large, intelligent primate that is closely related to humans.
Apt – suitable or appropriate for a particular purpose or circumstance, or having a natural inclination or tendency towards something.
Arc – a curved line or segment of a circle, or a luminous electrical discharge between two electrodes.
Arm – each of the two upper limbs of the human body, or a weapon that is used for fighting or self-defense.
Art – the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form.
Ash – the powdery residue that remains after something has been burned, or the tree of the olive family.
Ask – to inquire about something or request information, or to invite someone to do something.
Ate – the past tense of “eat”, meaning to consume food by putting it in one’s mouth and chewing it.
Ave – a Latin term used as a greeting or farewell, meaning “hail” or “farewell”.
Axe – a tool used for chopping wood or other materials, or a verb meaning to cut or remove something using an axe.
Three letter nouns words start with B
Bad – something of poor quality or not desirable, or a person who behaves in an unacceptable way.
Bag – a container made of flexible material such as paper, plastic or fabric, or a piece of luggage used for carrying personal items.
Ban – an official prohibition or legal restriction on something, or a formal condemnation or censure.
Bar – a long, narrow piece of solid material, or a place where alcoholic beverages are served.
Bat – a flying mammal with wings formed from skin stretched over a framework of bones, or a club used for hitting a ball in various games.
Bay – a broad inlet of the sea where the land curves inward, or a reddish-brown color.
Bed – a piece of furniture used for sleeping or resting on, or a plot of soil where plants are grown.
Bee – a flying insect that collects nectar and pollen from flowers, and plays a vital role in pollination.
Beg – to ask earnestly or humbly for something, or to solicit money or other donations.
Bet – an act of risking something, usually money, on the outcome of an event or competition, or a prediction about a future event.
Bib – a garment worn by babies or young children to protect their clothing while eating or drinking, or a piece of fabric worn around the neck to protect clothes from spills or stains.
Big – of considerable size, extent or intensity, or important or influential.
Bin – a container used for storing or holding something, or a device for depositing waste material.
Bit – a small piece or quantity of something, or a basic unit of information in computing.
Bow – a weapon used for shooting arrows, or a knot tied with two loops and two loose ends.
Box – a container made of cardboard, wood, metal, or plastic, or a space enclosed by walls or boundaries.
Boy – a male child or young man.
Bra – a woman’s undergarment designed to support the breasts.
Bud – a small, undeveloped or emerging part of a plant, or a slang term for a friend or acquaintance.
Bug – an insect or other small invertebrate, or a defect or problem in a computer program or system.
Bus – a large vehicle designed to transport people, usually along a scheduled route, or a system or network of public transportation.
Buy – to obtain something in exchange for money or other currency.
Three letter nouns words start with C
Cab – a vehicle used for hire with a driver, or a compartment in a truck or train for storing goods.
Cad – a man who behaves dishonorably or unscrupulously, or a computer-aided design program.
Cam – a rotating or sliding piece in machinery used to transform circular motion into linear motion or vice versa, or a device used to control the position or movement of a machine or tool.
Can – a container used for holding and storing liquids or food, or a slang term for a toilet.
Cap – a head covering, typically with a visor and a peak, or a limit or restriction on something.
Car – a road vehicle with four wheels powered by an internal combustion engine, or a railway carriage designed for carrying passengers.
Cat – a small carnivorous mammal with soft fur, retractable claws, and a short snout.
Cod – a large marine fish with white flesh, or a slang term for a joke or hoax.
Con – a disadvantage or a scam, or a slang term for a confidence trick or swindle.
Cop – a police officer, or a verb meaning to take or steal something.
Cot – a lightweight portable bed or camp bed, or a small house or shelter.
Cow – a large domesticated mammal that is commonly raised for meat, milk, or leather.
Cry – a loud vocal expression of emotion, such as pain or joy, or a demand or request.
Cub – a young animal, such as a bear, lion or fox, or a small, cozy room or space.
Cup – a small, bowl-shaped container used for drinking, or a trophy or prize awarded for winning a competition.
Cut – a wound or incision made in the skin, or a reduction or decrease in something.
Cab – a vehicle used for hire with a driver, or a compartment in a truck or train for storing goods.
Cad – a man who behaves dishonorably or unscrupulously, or a computer-aided design program.
Cam – a rotating or sliding piece in machinery used to transform circular motion into linear motion or vice versa, or a device used to control the position or movement of a machine or tool.
Can – a container used for holding and storing liquids or food, or a slang term for a toilet.
Cap – a head covering, typically with a visor and a peak, or a limit or restriction on something.
Car – a road vehicle with four wheels powered by an internal combustion engine, or a railway carriage designed for carrying passengers.
Cat – a small carnivorous mammal with soft fur, retractable claws, and a short snout.
Cod – a large marine fish with white flesh, or a slang term for a joke or hoax.
Three letter nouns words start with D
Dad – a male parent or father figure.
Dam – a barrier constructed across a river or watercourse to hold back or control water, or a female parent of an animal.
Day – a period of 24 hours or the time between sunrise and sunset, or a specific calendar date.
Den – a wild animal’s lair or shelter, or a comfortable room or retreat.
Dew – tiny drops of water that form on cool surfaces during the night, or a state of freshness or purity.
Die – a small cube with numbered sides used in gambling or games of chance, or to cease living or existing.
Dig – to break up and move earth or soil, or to search for something by digging or excavating.
Dim – not bright or clear, or to make less bright or visible.
Din – a loud, continuous noise or commotion, or a persistent demand or request.
Dip – to lower or immerse something briefly in a liquid or substance, or a shallow depression or hollow.
Dog – a domesticated carnivorous mammal with a tail and fur, often kept as a pet or used for hunting or guarding.
Dot – a small round mark or spot, or a very small amount or quantity.
Dry – free from moisture or wetness, or lacking interest, excitement or emotion.
Dub – to give a title or name to something or someone, or to invest with knighthood.
Dug – a simple past tense and past participle of “dig”, or a mammary gland of a female mammal, especially a cow or a dog.
Duo – a pair or two of something or someone, or a musical group consisting of two performers.
Dye – a substance used to color fabrics, hair or other materials, or to become colored or stained with a dye.
Dab – a small amount of something applied or touched lightly, or a type of fish.
Dad – a male parent or father figure.
Three letter nouns words start with E
Ear – the organ of hearing in humans and other vertebrates, or the part of a cereal plant that contains the seeds.
Egg – an oval-shaped reproductive body produced by birds, reptiles, and some fishes, or a type of food rich in protein.
Ego – a person’s sense of self-esteem or self-importance, or the part of the mind that mediates between the conscious and unconscious.
Elf – a supernatural being in folklore and mythology, typically portrayed as a small, mischievous creature with pointed ears.
Elk – a large deer with branched antlers, or the meat of this animal.
Elm – a tall deciduous tree with a rough bark and serrated leaves, or the wood of this tree.
End – the final part of something, or a limit or boundary.
Era – a period of time characterized by particular events, developments, or figures.
Eve – the first woman according to the biblical account of creation, or the day or evening before a particular event.
Eye – the organ of sight in humans and other animals, or a particular appearance or expression.
Ear – the organ of hearing in humans and other vertebrates, or the part of a cereal plant that contains the seeds.
Egg – an oval-shaped reproductive body produced by birds, reptiles, and some fishes, or a type of food rich in protein.
Ego – a person’s sense of self-esteem or self-importance, or the part of the mind that mediates between the conscious and unconscious.
Elf – a supernatural being in folklore and mythology, typically portrayed as a small, mischievous creature with pointed ears.
Elk – a large deer with branched antlers, or the meat of this animal.
Elm – a tall deciduous tree with a rough bark and serrated leaves, or the wood of this tree.
End – the final part of something, or a limit or boundary.
Era – a period of time characterized by particular events, developments, or figures.
Eve – the first woman according to the biblical account of creation, or the day or evening before a particular event.
Three letter nouns words start with F
Fan – a device that creates a current of air, or an enthusiastic admirer or supporter of a person, team, or idea.
Far – situated at a great distance in space or time, or to a great degree or extent.
Fat – a natural oily substance occurring in animal bodies, or having a lot of excess flesh or weight.
Fax – a system for transmitting documents electronically over a telephone line, or a machine used for this purpose.
Fee – a payment made to a professional person or to a company for their services, or a charge or cost.
Fen – a low and marshy or frequently flooded area of land, or a type of wetland.
Fig – a soft, sweet fruit with a thin skin and many small seeds, or a representation of the shape of this fruit.
Fir – a tall evergreen tree with pointed needles and cones, or the wood of this tree.
Fit – in good physical condition, or to be the right size or shape for something.
Fix – to repair or mend something, or to arrange or organize something.
Flu – a contagious viral infection that affects the respiratory system, or an abbreviation for “influenza”.
Fog – a thick cloud of tiny water droplets in the atmosphere near the ground, or a state of confusion or uncertainty.
Fox – a small carnivorous mammal with a pointed muzzle and bushy tail, or a clever and sly person.
Fun – enjoyment, amusement, or lighthearted pleasure, or something that is amusing or enjoyable.
Fur – the short, fine, soft hair of certain animals, especially mammals, or a garment made of this material.
Three letter nouns words start with G
Gap – an opening or space between two things, or a difference or deficiency.
Gas – a substance that is in a state of matter that has no fixed shape or volume, or a fuel that is used to power vehicles and machinery.
Gem – a precious or semi-precious stone that has been cut and polished, or something that is highly prized for its beauty or value.
Gel – a thick, viscous substance that is used in a variety of products, such as hair styling products, or a type of dessert.
Get – to receive or obtain something, or to become or come to have something.
Gig – a type of musical performance by a solo musician or a small group of musicians, or a job that involves short-term work or engagements.
Gun – a weapon that uses explosive force to shoot bullets or other projectiles, or a device used for spraying something.
Guy – a man or boy, or a rope or cable used to support or steady something.
Gym – a place where people go to exercise or work out, or a room or building equipped for physical training.
Gag – a device used to prevent someone from speaking or making noise, or a joke or humorous story.
Gal – a woman or girl, or a unit of acceleration equal to one centimeter per second squared.
Gap – an opening or space between two things, or a difference or deficiency.
Gas – a substance that is in a state of matter that has no fixed shape or volume, or a fuel that is used to power vehicles and machinery.
Gem – a precious or semi-precious stone that has been cut and polished, or something that is highly prized for its beauty or value.
Gel – a thick, viscous substance that is used in a variety of products, such as hair styling products, or a type of dessert.
Three letter nouns words start with H
Ham – the thigh of a pig or cured meat from this part of the animal, or an amateur radio operator.
Has – the third person singular present tense of “have”, or to possess or own something.
Hat – A head covering typically worn for protection from the sun or cold weather.
Hay – grass that has been cut and dried for use as animal feed or bedding, or a small quantity of this grass.
Hen – A female bird, especially a chicken.
Her – the objective form of the pronoun “she”, or used to refer to a female person or animal.
Hex – A spell or curse (often used in fiction or fantasy contexts).
Hip – either of the two bony protrusions at the top of the pelvis, or a fashionably current or trendy person or thing.
Hog – A domesticated pig, often raised for meat.
Hop – a twining vine that produces a cone-like flower used in brewing beer, or a short jump on one foot.
Hot – Having a high temperature or feeling warm to the touch.
Hug – An act of embracing or holding someone tightly in one’s arms.
Huh – an interjection used to express confusion, disbelief, or surprise.
Hum – a low, steady continuous sound or murmur, or to make such a sound.
Hut – a small, simple, and often temporary shelter or dwelling.
Hym – A type of hummingbird found in South America.
Three letter nouns words start with I
Ice – frozen water, or a hard, transparent substance made by freezing water or other liquids.
Inn – a small hotel or lodging house, typically one in the countryside or on the outskirts of a town.
Ivy – a climbing plant with evergreen leaves, typically having shiny, dark green leaves.
Ion – an atom or molecule with a net electric charge due to the loss or gain of one or more electrons.
Its – possessive form of the pronoun “it”, used to indicate something that belongs to or is associated with the thing previously mentioned.
Ill – not in good health or feeling unwell, or morally wrong or wicked.
Ink – a colored fluid used for writing, drawing, or printing, or the act of marking or staining something with ink.
Ire – anger or wrath, or a feeling of intense indignation or righteous anger.
Ivy – a climbing plant with evergreen leaves, typically having shiny, dark green leaves.
Imp – a small, mischievous devil or demon, or a mischievous child.
Three Letter Nouns words start with J
Jab – a quick, sharp blow or punch.
Jam – a sweet spread made from cooked fruit and sugar, or a crowded or blocked situation.
Jar – A container with a wide mouth and a lid, used for storing food or other items.
Jaw – the upper or lower bony structure that encases the teeth and forms the framework of the mouth, or to talk excessively or pointlessly.
Jet – A high-speed aircraft or a stream of fluid forced out of a small opening.
Jib – a triangular sail set forward of the foremast of a sailing vessel, or a projecting arm or structure.
Jig – a lively dance or a device used for guiding a tool or machine.
Jin – a type of traditional Chinese alcoholic beverage made from grain, or a monetary unit of North Korea.
Job – A paid position of regular employment, often requiring specific skills or qualifications.
Jog – A gentle running pace, often done for exercise or fitness.
Jot – a very small amount or a brief note or jotting down of information.
Jus – a thin, flavorful sauce made by cooking meat, poultry, or fish in water with vegetables and seasonings.
Three letter nouns words start with K
Kay – A small, narrow boat propelled by a double-bladed paddle.
Keg – a small barrel used for storing or serving drinks, typically beer.
Ken – one’s range of knowledge or understanding, or a view or glimpse.
Ken – One’s range of knowledge or understanding.
Key – A small metal instrument used to open locks.
Kid – a child or young person, or a baby goat.
Kin – One’s family or relatives.
Kip – A short sleep or nap, often during the day.
Kir – a cocktail made with white wine and crème de cassis (blackcurrant liqueur), typically served as an apéritif.
Kit – A set of equipment, tools, or materials assembled for a particular purpose.
Koi – A decorative fish, often kept in ponds or aquariums for their colorful scales.
Three letter nouns words start with L
Lab – a laboratory or a place where scientific experiments or research are carried out.
Lad – a boy or young man, or a male servant or attendant.
Lag – a period of time during which something is delayed or postponed, or a person who is slow or falls behind others.
Lap – the flat area between the waist and knees of a seated person, or a circular course, especially a track for racing.
Law – a system of rules and regulations that are enforced through social institutions to govern behavior.
Lea – a meadow or a piece of grassland, or a sheltered or protected area.
Led – a semiconductor material used in electronic devices to emit light, or the past tense of the verb “lead,” meaning to guide or direct.
Leg – each of the limbs on which a person or animal walks or stands, or a section or part of something that extends beyond the main part.
Let – to allow or permit something to happen or be done, or a hindrance or obstacle.
Lid – A removable or hinged cover for a container.
Lie – A false statement made with the intent to deceive.
Lip – Either of the two fleshy edges surrounding the mouth.
Log – A piece of wood, usually cylindrical, cut for use as fuel or for construction.
Lot – A piece of land or a plot of ground.
Lye – a strong alkaline solution that is used for cleaning or for making soap, or a metal hydroxide or oxide that is soluble in water.
Three letter nouns words start with M
Mac – a type of raincoat or a brand of Apple computers.
Mad – mentally ill or insane, or extremely angry or annoyed.
Man – an adult human male, or a person in general, regardless of gender.
Map – a diagram or representation of an area or region, typically showing geographical features or political boundaries.
Mat – a piece of material placed on a floor or other surface to protect it, or a piece of thick padding used for gymnastics or wrestling.
Maw – the jaws or throat of a carnivorous animal, or a person’s mouth or throat.
Max – The maximum or highest amount or limit.
May – the fifth month of the year, or a permission or possibility.
Men – plural of “man,” meaning more than one adult human male.
Met – past tense of “meet,” meaning to come into contact or encounter.
Mew – the high-pitched sound made by a cat, or a cage or pen for birds of prey.
Mix – A combination of two or more substances or things.
Mob – A large crowd of people, often characterized by a lack of order or discipline.
Mom – A mother, usually referring to one’s own mother.
Mow – To cut down grass or other vegetation with a scythe or other cutting tool.
Mud – A wet, sticky, and soft earthy substance.
Mug – A large cup used for drinking tea, coffee, or other hot beverages.
Three letter nouns words start with N
Nag – a person who constantly nags or criticizes others, or a horse that is difficult to control or handle.
Nap – a short sleep or doze, or a soft fabric with a raised surface on one side.
Nee – a woman’s maiden name, or the French word for “born” (used to indicate a person’s original surname).
Net – a material made of threads or cords that are woven or knotted together, typically used for catching fish or for sports.
New – recently made, introduced, or discovered, or not previously used or owned.
Nib – the pointed end of a pen or other writing implement, or a bird’s beak or bill.
Nil – nothing, or a score of zero in certain games or sports.
Nip – A small, sharp bite or pinch, or to take a small amount of something between two surfaces and squeeze.
Nit – the egg of a louse or other parasitic insect, or a chemical element with the symbol “N.”
Nod – A slight tilting or movement of the head, often as a sign of agreement or acknowledgment.
Nog – a type of strong ale or beer, or a wooden peg, typically used to fasten timbers together.
Nub – A small lump or knob, or a basic, essential or crucial part of something.
Nun – A member of a religious community of women who typically live in a convent.
Nut – A hard-shelled fruit with an edible kernel, or a device for fastening a bolt or screw.
Three letter nouns words start with O
Oaf – a clumsy, stupid, or uncultured person.
Oak – a large tree that produces acorns and has durable, hard wood.
Oar – a long pole with a broad flat blade at one end, used for rowing a boat.
Oat – a type of grain that is commonly used to make oatmeal or rolled oats.
Obi – a sash worn with a traditional Japanese kimono or robe.
Odd – strange or unusual, or an amount left over after dividing by two.
Ode – A lyric poem that is often written in praise of a person, event, or thing.
Off – away from a place or position, or not operating or functioning.
Oil – A viscous liquid derived from petroleum, used for fuel or lubrication.
One – the number that represents a single unit, or a particular person or thing.
Opt – A verb meaning to choose or select among a number of alternatives.
Orb – A spherical object, often used in a symbolic or decorative context.
Ore – A mineral or rock from which metal is extracted.
Owl – A nocturnal bird of prey with large eyes and a hooked beak.
Three letter nouns words start with P
Pad – a cushioned surface or support, or a booklet of paper with detachable pages.
Pal – a close friend or companion.
Pan – A flat-bottomed cooking utensil used for frying, sautéing, or baking.
Par – a standard score in golf, or a unit of currency in Iran.
Pat – a light stroke or tap, or a portion of butter or other spreadable substance.
Paw – the foot of an animal, typically a quadruped or mammal.
Pay – money that is earned or given in exchange for work or goods, or a type of salary or compensation.
Peg – A small, cylindrical or tapered piece of wood or other material used to fasten things together or to provide support.
Pen – A writing instrument used to apply ink to paper.
Pet – A domesticated animal kept for companionship, often characterized by its affectionate behavior towards its owner.
Pig – A domesticated mammal raised for its meat, often characterized by its stout body and curly tail.
Pin – A thin, pointed piece of metal used to fasten or hold things together, or a playing piece used in various games such as bowling or darts.
Pit – A large hole in the ground, or the hard stone in certain fruits.
Pod – A protective casing enclosing seeds or spores, or a detachable or self-contained unit of a larger structure.
Pug – A breed of small, sturdy dog with a wrinkled face and tightly curled tail.
Three letter nouns words start with Q
Qat – An evergreen shrub grown in Arabia and East Africa, whose leaves are chewed or brewed to produce a mild stimulant.
Qua – A somewhat archaic word meaning “in the capacity of” or “as”, often used in the phrase “qua member of”.
Quid – A small, flat piece of tobacco, often chewed, or a slang term for a pound sterling.
Que – A letter in the Spanish alphabet, pronounced like the English “k”.
Qis – A former monetary unit of Uzbekistan, equivalent to one hundredth of a sum.
Quo – a shortened form of the Latin phrase “status quo,” meaning the existing state of affairs or conditions.
Three letter nouns words start with R
Rag – a piece of old, worn-out fabric or clothing, or a newspaper or magazine that contains sensational or gossip-based stories.
Rag – A small piece of cloth used for cleaning or wiping, or a piece of old, torn, or discarded clothing.
Ram – a male sheep, or a device for inserting something forcibly.
Rat – A small, long-tailed rodent known for its quick movements and tendency to live in close association with humans.
Raw – A descriptive term meaning uncooked or unprocessed, or a state of being in a natural or unrefined condition.
Ray – a type of fish that is typically found in coastal waters, or a line or beam of light.
Red – a color that is similar to the color of blood or a ripe tomato, or a political or economic term for socialism or communism.
Rib – a long, curved bone in the chest that is connected to the spine, or a cut of meat that includes the ribs of an animal.
Rid – to remove or eliminate something, or to free oneself of something.
Rig – a large, complex structure or piece of equipment, or a trick or scheme designed to deceive or defraud.
Rim – the outer edge or border of something, such as a wheel or a cup.
Rob – A verb meaning to take something from someone using force or threat of force.
Rod – a thin, straight stick or bar made of wood or metal, or a unit of length that is equal to 16.5 feet.
Rug – A decorative textile floor covering, often made of wool or other natural fibers.
Run – A verb meaning to move quickly using the legs, or to be in charge of an organization or activity.
Rye – A cereal grain that is often used for bread and whiskey production, or a type of bread made from this grain.
Three letter nouns words start with S
Sac – a bag or pouch, or a structure in some animals that stores or secretes fluids or nutrients.
Sad – feeling or expressing sorrow or unhappiness.
Sag – to droop or sink down, or a decline or drop in value or level.
Sal – a type of salt, or a musical note that is played or sung higher than the preceding note.
Sap – the liquid that circulates through a plant, or a person who is weak or easily deceived.
Sat – past tense of the verb “sit,” meaning to rest on a surface or take a seat.
Sax – a type of musical instrument that is typically made of brass or other metal.
Say – to speak or express oneself verbally, or a statement or opinion that is made.
Sea – A large body of salt water that covers most of the earth’s surface.
See – to perceive or understand something, or a bishop’s office or jurisdiction.
Sin – An immoral or wrongful act, often considered a violation of religious or moral law.
Ski – A long, narrow, flat-bottomed device worn on the feet and used for gliding over snow or water.
Sky – The region of the atmosphere above the earth, usually characterized by its blue color and the presence of clouds.
Son – A male offspring of parents, often referred to as a boy or young man.
Spa – A commercial establishment offering health and beauty treatments, often based on the use of water or other natural resources.
Spy – A person employed by a government or organization to obtain confidential information about an enemy or competitor.
Sue – A legal action brought by one person against another, typically seeking damages or some other form of relief.
Sun – The star at the center of the solar system, around which the planets revolve.
Three letter nouns words start with T
Tab – a small piece of metal, plastic, or paper that is attached to something to identify it, or a bill or account.
Tag – a label or piece of paper that is attached to an object to identify it, or a children’s game where players try to touch each other.
Tan – a light brown color that is similar to the color of tanned leather, or the process of treating animal hide with chemicals to produce leather.
Tap – A device for controlling the flow of liquid, often used in plumbing or beer-making.
Tar – a black, sticky substance that is produced by heating wood or coal, or a sailor or seaman.
Tax – a fee or charge that is imposed by the government on goods, services, or income, or the process of calculating and paying these fees.
Tea – a hot drink made by steeping leaves or flowers in hot water, or a small meal eaten in the late afternoon or early evening.
Ten – the number that comes after nine and before eleven, or a score of ten in sports.
Tie – a piece of material that is used to fasten or secure something, or a result in a competition or game where two or more competitors have the same score or time.
Tin – A chemical element with the symbol Sn, often used in the manufacture of alloys and as a protective coating for other metals.
Toe – One of the digits on the end of the foot, often used for balance and support.
Ton – a unit of weight that is equal to 2,000 pounds, or a large amount or quantity of something.
Toy – An object designed for play or amusement, often intended for children.
Tug – A strong, sudden pull or jerking movement, often used in towing or hauling.
Three letter nouns words start with U
Use – The act of utilizing or employing something for a particular purpose.
Urn – A decorative container with a lid, often used for holding the ashes of a deceased person or pet.
Ump – An abbreviated form of “umpire”, a person who officiates a sporting event and enforces the rules.
Ufo – An abbreviation for “unidentified flying object”, typically used to refer to an object or light in the sky whose origin is unknown.
Uni – An abbreviation for “university”, typically used in the names of academic institutions.
Uke – An abbreviation for “ukulele”, a small four-stringed instrument similar to a guitar, often used in Hawaiian music.
Urp – An onomatopoeic word used to describe the sound of someone vomiting or belching.
Three letter nouns words start with V
Van – A large vehicle used for transporting goods or people.
Vat – a large container that is used for holding liquids, typically used in industrial processes or for fermenting or storing food.
Vee – the letter “V,” or a triangular shape.
Veg – An abbreviated form of “vegetarian”, a person who does not eat meat or animal products.
Vet – a veterinarian, or a person who is qualified to treat and care for animals, or a military veteran.
Vex – to annoy or frustrate someone, or to cause them to feel angry or irritated.
Via – A Latin word meaning “by way of”, often used in reference to a route or mode of transportation.
Vie – to compete or contend with others in a competition or activity.
Vim – energy, enthusiasm, or vitality.
Vow – A solemn promise or commitment, often made in a religious or legal context.
Vox – A Latin word meaning “voice”, often used in reference to the vocal aspects of language.
Vug – a small cavity or space within a rock or mineral, often lined with crystals.
Three letter nouns words start with W
Wad – A small lump, mass, or bundle of something, often used in reference to money, paper, or cloth.
Wag – a person who jokes or jests, or a quick and cheerful movement from side to side.
Wan – a pale or sickly appearance or color.
War – a conflict between two or more countries or groups, typically involving the use of weapons or military force.
Wax – A sticky, pliable substance that is often used for making candles or as a protective coating.
Web – A network of interconnected documents and resources, often accessed through the Internet.
Wed – A shortened form of “wedding”, a ceremony in which two people are united in marriage.
Wet – covered or saturated with water or another liquid.
Wig – A covering for the head made of human or synthetic hair, often worn for fashion or theatrical purposes.
Win – a victory or success in a competition, contest, or game.
Wit – mental sharpness and intelligence, or a person who is known for their clever or humorous remarks.
Wok – a bowl-shaped cooking pan used in Chinese cuisine, typically made of metal and used for stir-frying.
Won – The currency of South Korea.
Wow – An expression of admiration, enthusiasm, or amazement.
Wry – a twisted or distorted appearance or expression, often indicating dry or sarcastic humor.
Three letter nouns words start with X
Axe – A tool used for chopping wood or other materials.
Box – A container made of cardboard, wood, or other materials, used for storing or transporting goods.
Cox – A shortened form of “coxswain”, a person who steers and directs a boat or other watercraft.
Fax – An abbreviation for “facsimile”, a machine used for transmitting copies of documents via telephone lines.
Hex – A curse or spell, often associated with witchcraft or magic.
Mix – A combination of two or more substances, often used in reference to food or drinks.
Pax – A Latin word meaning “peace”, often used in reference to a formal or informal agreement to cease hostilities.
Sex – A biological characteristic of an individual, typically categorized as male or female based on reproductive organs and other physical traits.
Three letter nouns words start with Y
Yak – A long-haired bovine animal found in central Asia, often used for milk, meat, and transportation.
Yen – The currency of Japan.
Yam – a type of edible tuber that is starchy and often used in cooking.
Yap – a sharp, high-pitched bark, or a person who talks loudly and continuously.
Yaw – a sideways movement of a ship or aircraft caused by an imbalance in the forces acting on it.
Yea – an affirmative vote or response, typically used in parliamentary procedures.
Yen – the unit of currency used in Japan, or a strong desire or longing for something.
Yet – up to the present time or as late as now, or despite this.
Yes – An affirmative response or agreement.
Yew – A type of evergreen tree with dark green needles and red berries.
Yid – A derogatory term for a Jewish person, sometimes used in a discriminatory manner.
Yin – A Chinese concept representing the dark, feminine, and receptive forces of nature.
Yip – A high-pitched bark, often made by small dogs or puppies.
Yob – A British term meaning a young, rowdy, and often aggressive person.
Yod – The tenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, often used in reference to religious or mystical concepts.
Yow – A loud cry or shout, often made in pain or surprise.
Three letter nouns words start with Z
Zap – A sudden burst of electricity or energy.
Zax – A tool used for cutting or shaping wood, typically with a curved blade and a handle.
Zed – the letter “z” in British English, or a unit of measurement for a shoe size.
Zee – the letter “z” in American English, or a type of hybrid citrus fruit.
Zen – a school of Mahayana Buddhism that emphasizes the value of meditation and intuition.
Zep – A type of long, cylindrical sandwich often filled with deli meats, cheese, and vegetables.
Zig – A sharp turn or change in direction, often used in reference to movement or motion.
Zin – A type of red wine made from the Zinfandel grape.
Zip – A fastener used to open and close clothing or bags, consisting of two parallel rows of teeth that interlock when pulled together.
Zit – A small, inflamed bump on the skin, often caused by acne or other skin conditions.
Zoa – A term used in biology to refer to living organisms, often in reference to aquatic life such as plankton or coral.
Zoo – A facility where live animals are kept for public display and education.
Zyg – a slang term for a cigarette or joint.
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