75+ Common English Words Used In Daily Life
English Words List, Common English Words Used In Daily Life, Definitions, and Example Sentences
Common English Words Used In Daily Life
English has frequently used words in daily life. These frequently used words facilitate communication in daily life. Knowing common words while learning a new language increases competence in that language.
These common words benefit us a lot when shopping, writing mail, writing letters, and making a daily conversation on the phone or face to face. Words commonly used in English are given below with explanations and example sentences.
Learn more about Common English Words Used In Daily Life.
Absence: lack, unavailability
- Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Academic: scholastic
- I spent my academic career at one school.
Approval: authorization
- The socialist reads such criticism as the above with impatient approval.
Answer: reply; reaction
- The answer is we’d have to do something about burning fossil fuels.
Any: one, some; unspecified, indiscriminate
- Hard work never did anyone any harm.
Attention: concentration
- This attracted much attention, and the London journals praised the artist.
Amount: quantity
- The amount of the taxed costs is one hundred and thirty-three, six, four, Mr. Perker.
Boundary: bounds, confines
- It is important to draw boundaries with friends and relatives.
Borrow: take
- I routinely borrow books from the library.
Baffle: mystery, bewildering
- The shoulder baffle is easy to adjust and comfortable.
Banish: ban from a place of residence
- Banish such thoughts from your mind!
Banter: be silly or tease one another
- The conversation segued into banter about the Cup Final.
Characteristic: typical
- Beautiful branches are characteristic of Goa and Kerala.
Cars: vehicle driven on streets
- Cars and buses were set ablaze during the riot.
Care: personal interest, concern
- When the fox preaches, take care of your geese.
Chip: shard, flaw
- The silicon chip is less than a millimeter thick.
Cease: stop, conclude
- The present system of reaping without sowing should cease immediately.
Dialogue: conversation
- The counselor tried to initiate a dialogue between the fighting couple.
Decisive: definite
- The enemy was defeated in a decisive battle.
Delusion: misconception, misbelief
- His arguments sound convincing but they’re based on delusion.
Deplete: consume, exhaust supply
- Surely it is an economic nonsense to deplete the world of natural resources.
Derogatory: offensive, uncomplimentary
- Their conversation contained a number of derogatory racial remarks.
Edible: able to be eaten
- Edible wild herbs kept us from dying of starvation.
Embody: represent; materialize
- Words embody thoughts and feelings.
Eloquent: having a skillful way with words
- The defence lawyer made an eloquent plea for his client’s acquittal.
Elusive: evasive, mysterious
- The answers to these questions remain as elusive as ever.
Embrace: accept
- Matilda learnt to embrace her flaws.
Fabricate: manufacture
- The discs are expensive to fabricate.
First: earliest in order
- The first step is the only difficulty.
Feasible: possible, doable
- A tunnel was not considered economically feasible.
Feat: achievement
- The new building is a remarkable feat of engineering.
Feeble: not strong; ineffective
- Feeble story, just making excuses.
Fixation: obsession
- Carlo has an absolute fixation with the royal family.
Foriegn: overseas
- On her 15th birthday, Ravi’s parents took him for a foriegn tour.
Generic: common, general
- The new range of engines all had a generic problem with their fan blades.
Gimmick: contrived object; scheme
- Threats to expropriate, always a gimmick to increase popularity, never materialised.
Graffiti: wall writing
- The buildings were covered with racist graffiti.
Grandiose: theatrical, extravagant
- The grandiose scheme for a journey across the desert came to nothing.
Grievous: severe, painful; serious
- The loss of his father was a grievous blow.
Generate: produce, cause
- The boss asked her interns to generate ideas for her new projects.
Hiatus: pause, interruption
- The Blazers had a quality offense prior to the hiatus, tied for ninth-best in the league.
Hogwash: nonsense
- That vague promise by Security was so much hogwash; yet it was surprising how much he had counted on it.
Hostile: antagonistic, mean
- He created a hostile work environment, but he did not fire you.
Hindsight: retrospect
- In hindsight, I don’t feel like this was a failure, but I had to get creative to find an alternative.
Idealistic: visionary
- Fast-food chains have no such idealistic notions about purity.
Imminent: at hand, on the way
- No one should expect the imminent arrival of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Impartial: fair, unprejudiced
- Finding an impartial opinion on blockchain projects isn’t easy.
Imperative: necessary
- It is imperative that the topic is discussed at the international level.
Highlight: call attention to
- The report highlighted the various discrepancies in the finance.
Incorporate: include
- It is important to incorporate fruits and vegetables into the diet.
Justify: defend, maintain
- The politician tried to justify his actions in his speech.
Use: application; employment
- Fools look to tomorrow, and wise men use tonight.
See: perceive with eyes
- They who live longest will see most.
Like: similar
- Benefits please like flowers, while they are fresh.
Work: labor, chore
- The devil finds work for idle hands to do.
Now: presently
- The worse luck now, the better another time.
Such: aforementioned, specific
- We are averse to such noisy surroundings.
Think: believe; anticipate
- Think much, speak little, and write less.
Most: best, greatest
- A spot is most seen on the finest cloth.
Find: discovery
- A faithful friend is hard to find.
Day: light part of every 24 hours
- What’s done by night appears by day.
Before: during the period of time preceding a particular event or time.
- The golden age is before us, not behind us.
Great: very large
- There is great difference between word and deed.
Long: extended in space or time
- Better deny at once than promise long.
Because: on account of
- The devil knows may things because he is old.
Good: pleasant, fine
- A good beginning is half the battle.
Feel: texture; air
- I feel really guilty at forgetting her birthday again.
Place: a particular position, point, or area in space; a location
- A place for everything and everything in its place.
Still: calm, motionless, quiet
- Silent men, like still waters, are deep and dangerous.
World: planet, globe
- The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.
Hand: appendage at end of human arm
- All is not at hand that helps.
Old: advanced in age
- There is no better looking-glass than an old friend.
Life: animation, spirit
- Kindness is the sunshine of social life.
Tell: communicate information to someone in spoken or written words
- Children and fools tell the truth.
Write: put language down on paper
- Think much, speak little, and write less.
Say: make declaration
- Better say nothing than nothing to the purpose.
They: Used to refer to a single person whose gender identity is not fixed
- They are never alone accompanied by noble thoughts.
Have: be in possession
- Children have the qualities of the parents.
List of Common English Words Used In Daily Life
- Absence
- Academic
- Approval
- Answer
- Any
- Attention
- Amount
- Boundary
- Borrow
- Baffle
- Banish
- Banter
- Characteristic
- Cars
- Care
- Chip
- Cease
- Decisive
- Delusion
- Deplete
- Derogatory
- Edible
- Embody
- Eloquent
- Elusive
- Embrace
- Fabricate
- First
- Feasible
- Feat
- Feeble
- Fixation
- Foriegn
- Generic
- Gimmick
- Graffiti
- Grandiose
- Grievous
- Generate
- Hiatus
- Hogwash
- Hostile
- Hindsight
- Idealistic
- Imminent
- Impartial
- Imperative
- Highlight
- Incorporate
- Justify
- Use
- See
- Like
- Work
- Now
- Such
- Think
- Most
- Find
- Day
- Before
- Great
- Long
- Because
- Good
- Feel
- Place
- Still
- World
- Hand
- Old
- Life
- Tell
- Write
- Say
Common English Words Used In Daily Life