How to achieve your writing deadline

Tips for aspiring writers 

Writing is a creative and solitary process. And while most people aspire to be published authors, only some are able to consistently work on their goal and succeed. Here we list down some tips for writers which will help them achieve their deadlines and stay focussed on their goals!

Set a realistic deadline 

Before you are given a deadline by your editor or set a deadline for yourself, check if it is realistically possible to achieve it. Do you have the required time, mindspace, or other details needed to help you finish your draft within the set timeline? And then consider your deadline scared! 

Break down your bigger goal into smaller goals 

If your final aim is to complete writing a book, it might sound a bit overwhelming at times. So instead of focusing on finishing the book, aim at writing a set number of words daily which will ultimately help you achieve your goal. 

Be organised 

Have a set writing space or desk which will help you stay focussed. Treat your writing as work. Use sticky noted. Write a thousand words a day. These are just some of the ways you can organised while writing, which will boost your productivity. 

Know your weaknesses and work on them 

If you are prone to getting distracted while writing then try writing either early in the mornings or late in the nights when there are no distractions; if you are prone to procastinating, then set smaller deadlines and adere to them. The point is that there are multiple ways to find a solution to the problem, provided you know what the issues are and you are willing to work on them. 

Use technology to help you write 

From making quick notes on your phone or laptop to using the speech-to-text software, there are many ways in which technology can be used to help you write. 

Ask people close to you to hold you accountable 

Be it your partner, best friend, or family-- whoever you are close to, tell them your deadline and how you plan to achieve it. Also, tell them to check upon you and hold you accountable for working towards your deadline. It might put some much-needed pressure on you to meet your writing deadline. 

Just write 

There might be days when you can't find the inspiration to write or don't feel like writing at all. However instead of giving up, try writing whatever little you can. Afterall, some writing is better than no writing at all since you can always edit and improvise it later. 

Practice self care 

If you are tired, burnt out, or are struggling with the writer's block, then it won't help you in your writing. Try to have a daily routine to practice self-care, mindfulness, and attending to your emotional needs. Once you are at peace with yourself, working towards your goals becomes easier. 

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