Major Types Of Writing Styles

Narrative Writing

Narrative writing is storytelling in written form. It captures a journey, or a part of it, from the start to the very end. That is to say that it has a beginning, interval, and ending.

Descriptive Writing

Descriptive writing is one of those styles of writing where the author writes about every aspect of the event, person, or place they are describing in detail. This is to make the reader feel as if they are actually present there.

Expository Writing

Expository writing aims to explain or educate its readers about a particular topic. So the goal is to teach the reader about something rather than persuading or entertaining them.

Persuasive Writing

Persuasive writing is the style of academic writing where the author aims to make the reader side with the thought or idea being conveyed in the text. It is written when the author has a strong opinion on something or needs to encourage people to take action on an issue.

Creative Writing

Creative writing is a style of writing where the author is expected to break free from the shackles of already existing writing structures. The aim is to surprise the reader by storytelling in a completely new way.

Objective Writing

Best for formal writing, presenting a neutral point of view towards a thought or idea. Objective writing is a style of writing where the writing is supported by proven facts and pieces of evidence. The information included must be correct; scientifically and statistically. The author must remain unbiased so that the readers can form their own opinions.

Subjective Writing

Subjective writing showcases the author’s beliefs, preferences, perspectives, feelings, and opinions on things. The author, unlike objective writing, need not bother about the correctness or accuracy of writing.

Review Writing

Review writing, as the name suggests, is a style of writing where one reviews things. Be it a restaurant, food, other commodity, books, or movies.

Poetic Writing

It is a style of writing where the writer uses rhyme, rhythm, and meter to convey a story or idea. It is a broad style of writing which can be used in fiction. Furthermore, it, of course, uses poetic devices like similes and metaphors.

Technical Writing

Technical writing is all about writing on a special point that is factual and logical or about a scientific purpose. It is precise in nature, using facts and figures that are objective and non-emotive in nature and only aim to inform the reader.

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