10 Animal idioms in English

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An alley cat


A derogatory term for a person (typically a woman) considered immoral or promiscuous, especially a prostitute. The term "tomcat" (or "tom cat," literally a male cat) is more common when referring to a man.

As poor as a church mouse


Very poor; having little or no money. 

A paper tiger


A nation or organization that gives the impression that it is threatening or powerful when, in reality, it is not. 

To make a mountain out of a molehill


To exaggerate or put too much focus on a minor issue and make it seem like a major one. 

To serve as a guinea pig


to be experimented on; to allow some sort of test to be performed on one. 

The black sheep of the family


One who is unlike other family members, sometimes due to intentional rebelliousness, and often viewed unfavorably by them. 

To cast pearls before swine


To present something valuable to one who does not recognize its worth. The phrase originated in the Bible. A possessive adjective is sometimes used between "cast" and "pearls." 

To back the wrong horse


To support a person or an effort that ultimately proves to be unsuccessful, problematic, troublesome, or incorrect. A reference to betting on horse races. 

A cat gets one’s tongue


used to ask someone why he or she is not saying anything 

To have a tiger by the tail


To be involved with someone or something that is powerful and could become troublesome or threatening. 

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