Top Most Confusing Horror Movies


Movies like mother! are allegorical, and the 2017 movie can be really tough to describe. It's a fairly abstract film that doesn't have a story that is easily explained, making it one of the most confusing movies of the past decade.

The Halloween Franchise

After the 1978 movie when Laurie Strode is tormented by Michael Myers, a direct sequel was released in 1981, but then there are also films made by Rob Zombie that follow a different timeline. 

The Wailing

In this movie, an infection takes hold of people and makes them killers, and police officers Jong-goo and Oh Seong-bok are investigating when they meet Moo-myeong, who says that a spirit is involved. Critics loved this movie and horror fans also were intrigued by the premise. 

Lost Highway

These movies aren't easily explained or understood, and Redditor agent2coopers said that Lost Highway was "the one I had to wrap my brain around the most, which is weird because it feels the most mainstream."


The main characters investigate an area, The Shimmer, where some sort of alien entity has affected animals and plants. While the plot is interesting, there's definitely a lot going on in this movie, and it would take a couple of viewings for it to feel less confusing.


The movie is about a couple, Red and Mandy, and how their lives are altered when Mandy comes across a cult named Children of the New Dawn. The ensuing story is a psychedelic horror show that is as confusing as it is scary.

The Empty Man

Redditor mgcat17 found The Empty Man difficult to figure out, writing that the movie "felt like a loosely thrown together patch-work of different ways the same movie could go." When friends go hiking, one of them, Paul, becomes taken over by a spirit, and there's also a figure named The Empty Man who James begins seeing.

The Big Bad

In the horror movie The Big Bad, a woman has had a hard time since a monster hurt her family, and she wants to get revenge. This is definitely a film that isn't talked about much. Frankie finds the werewolf who she has been searching for, and viewers might find a lot of the story confusing.

The Endle

The Endless and said of the movie, "I need to watch it few more times to really understand what I even watched." The movie tells the story of Aaron and Justin who are brothers and who each think differently about something that they used to belong to when they were younger.

The One I Love

In The One I Love, Sophie and Ethan are having some relationship problems, and when they stay at a house together, they see their doppelgängers. It's the kind of movie that has an ending that could go either way, and it might take a few viewings to fully understand the entire story.

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