These are the oldest words in English language It was found in a research at the University of Reading that there are certain words that are among the oldest additions to the English language.
What research says The scientists studied the family of Indo-European languages-of which modern day English forms a part– to reconstruct the rate at which words evolve and change. The oldest words that we still use have existed for 10,000 years.
I Takes very little guessing to know that this was probably one of the first English words.
We We also happens to be among the earliest words.
Who Another word from the oldest list, 'Who' turns out to have very ancient origins as well.
Numbers 1, 2, 3 These three numerals probably formed the base of most numerals.
Fast evolving words It was found in the study that conjunctions and prepositions such as 'and', 'or', 'on' , 'but', 'over' and 'against' evolve more quickly than other words.
Most words are new Nearly fifty percent of the words we use were not known to our ancestors living 2,500 years ago.