Top 10 Programming Languages in 2023 with the Largest Developer Communities


Active developers: 12.4 million  Most popular: Web, Cloud  Least popular: Data Science, Machine Learning, AR/VR Programmers all around the globe use Javascript to make dynamic and interactive online apps and browsers. With 97% of all websites using, it as a client-side programming language, JavaScript is the most widely used programming language in the world.


Active developers: 9 million  Most popular: Data Science, Machine Learning, IoT   Least popular: Mobile, Web  Python is frequently used for creating websites and applications, automating repetitive tasks, and analyzing and displaying data. Python has been used by many non-programmers, including accountants and scientists, for a range of routine activities including managing finances since it is very simple to learn.


Active developers: 8.2  million  Most popular: Mobile, Cloud  Least popular: Data Science, Machine Learning, Web  Java is yet another fantastic programming language to master for big data, web development, and application development. The Oracle Corporation owns this general-purpose programming language, which has an object-oriented architecture.


Active developers: 6.3  million  Most popular: IoT, AR/VR   Least popular: Web, Cloud, Mobile  With features like data abstraction, polymorphism, inheritance, etc., you can be sure that C++ offers all you need for a successful programming career and decent pay. This language is frequently used to create desktop applications, GUI applications, 3D games, and real-time mathematical answers.


Active developers: 6.1  million  Most popular: Web, Cloud    Least popular: Data Science, Machine Learning, Mobile  It has become more common to construct healthcare applications with PHP. Mobile applications, the majority of which are based on iOS and Android, are created using PHP and its coding skills.


Active developers: 6.0  million  Most popular: Games, AR/VR, Desktop  Least popular: Data Science, Machine Learning, Mobile   One of the primary factors contributing to C# popularity is the language’s inherent capacity to accommodate object-oriented programming principles. C# is among the top 10 greatest programming languages for prospects and profits since it is seen to be perfect for Windows, Android, and iOS apps.

Visual Dev Tools 

Active developers: 2.8  million  Most popular: Desktop, AR/VR, Games  Least popular: Cloud, Web  A type of programming language called visual programming enables users to depict processes. In contrast to a conventional text-based computer language that compels the developer to think like a machine, a visual programming language enables developers to explain the process in terms that are intelligible to people.


Active developers: 2.4  million  Most popular: Mobile, AR/VR  Least popular: Cloud, Web  Swift is a relatively new programming language, but because of its speed, performance, and security, it is in the top 10 best programming languages for profits and prospects. Swift is also a simple language to learn.


Active developers: 2.3  million  Most popular: Mobile, AR/VR  Least popular: Data Science, Machine Learning, Desktop  The open-source programming language Kotlin is really popular right now. Because of features like support for lambda functions, smart casts, null safety, and operator overloading, businesses like Netflix, Pinterest, and Amazon Web Services adopt this language.


Active developers: 1.5  million  Most popular: Cloud, AR/VR  Least popular: Data Science, Machine Learning, Web  Many people are aware of Go, a programming language created by Google. Go has quickly attracted interest from all across the world because of its capacity to manage multicore, networked systems, and large codebases. Golang is among the finest programming languages for salaries and prospects, which is no surprise.

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