We are aware of your dedication to honing your speaking abilities. Here are some simple pointers that, if used, will increase your score by brownie points.
Tips to follow for bonus points.
Get familiar with the format and evaluation criteria. Learn how to organise your responses in the manner expected by the examiners.
Speak to Impress.
Practice the most common and repeated questions and Speaking topics.
Take Mock exams
Think before you speak! Your answers will be fluent and impressive if you plan ahead.
Plan and organize your thoughts
The diversity of words we use when speaking is called vocabulary. Varied vocabulary will significantly raise the final score.
Use the power of vocabulary
Keep calm, speak clearly, and talk in your natural accent and speed.
Sound natural and don’t mug up
Posture, eye contact and confidence are vital to making a good impression
A smile & eye contact is what you need
Instead, reframe the question in your own words.
Avoid repetition
Your answers will be judged on skills rather than correctness. Answer even if you don't know the exact facts.