Here are, Some commonly used slang terms in English that you may already be familiar with.
English slang terms you need to know in 2023
1. Lit
This term is used to describe something that is exciting or amazing.
“Lit” is a slang term that is used to describe something that is exciting or amazing. It can be used to describe a party, an event, or even a person.
For example, you might say “that party was lit” if it was a lot of fun, or “he’s lit” if someone is behaving in an exciting or entertaining way. The term can also be used to describe something that is fashionable or trendy. This term has been widely used for a while and is considered a common slang term.
2. Fam
This term is used to refer to friends.
“Fam” is a slang term that is used to refer to friends or family members. It is short for “family” and is often used as a term of endearment to refer to close friends as if they are family. It can also be used to address a group of friends or a family member. It’s a term of familiarity, and it’s used informally.
For example, you might say “What’s good, fam?” when greeting a group of friends or “I’m hanging out with my fam today” when you’re spending time with your family members.
It is commonly used in spoken language and text conversation, but it is informal and not generally used in formal or written contexts.
3. Salty
This term is used to describe someone who is being negative or bitter.
“Salty” is a slang term that is used to describe someone who is being negative, bitter, or resentful. It can also be used to describe a situation or reaction that is perceived as overly negative. The term is often used to describe someone who is reacting negatively or disproportionately to a situation, especially when it’s a minor issue.
For example, if someone loses a game and starts complaining excessively, they might be described as “being salty” about it. Or if a person is consistently negative or bitter in their interactions with others, they might be described as “salty” overall.
It can also be used as a verb form, as in “stop being salty” which means “stop being negative or bitter” or “stop overreacting”.
It’s generally used in informal and spoken language, but it’s not recommended to use in formal or professional settings.
4. Gucci
This term is used to describe something that is good or great.
“Gucci” is a slang term that is used to describe something that is good or great. It is often used as an exclamation of approval or as a way to express that something is fashionable or stylish. The term is thought to have originated from the luxury fashion brand Gucci, which is known for its high-quality and stylish products.
For example, you might say “That outfit is Gucci” if it looks fashionable, or “that meal was Gucci” if it was delicious. You could also use it as a way to express approval or agreement with something, such as saying “Gucci, let’s do it” if you are on board with a plan or idea.
It’s generally used in informal and spoken language, but it’s not recommended to use in formal or professional settings.
5. Lit AF
This term is used to describe something that is extremely exciting or amazing.
“Lit AF” is a slang term that is used to describe something that is extremely exciting or amazing. It is an abbreviation of “lit as f***” which is a more explicit version of the term “lit.” The term “AF” is an internet slang used to indicate emphasis or extreme, so “Lit AF” is used to indicate that the thing or situation is extremely exciting or amazing.
For example, you might say “That concert was Lit AF” if it was an incredibly exciting and amazing concert, or “This party is Lit AF” if the party is extremely lively and enjoyable.
It is generally considered vulgar and is not appropriate for formal or professional settings.
6. Lowkey
This term is used to describe something that is not being done or said loudly or openly.
“Lowkey” is a slang term that is used to describe something that is not being done or said loudly or openly. It can also be used to describe a person or situation that is not drawing attention to itself. It is often used as an adjective, adverb or as a prefix to indicate a subtle or understated way of doing something.
For example, you might say “I’m just trying to keep it lowkey” if you don’t want to draw attention to yourself or your actions. Or you might say “I have a lowkey crush on her” if you have feelings for someone but don’t want to make it obvious. It can also be used to describe an event or situation that is not overly elaborate or grandiose, such as “we’re just having a lowkey dinner party at home.”
It’s generally used in informal and spoken language, but it’s not recommended to use in formal or professional settings.
7. Ghost
This term is used when someone suddenly stops talking to you or responding to you online.
“Ghost” is a slang term that is used to describe the act of abruptly ending all communication or contact with someone without any explanation or warning. It’s often used to describe someone who ends a relationship, friendship or ends communication with someone else in a sudden, unceremonious way, or someone who stops responding to messages or calls. It’s a way of disappearing from someone’s life without warning or explanation.
For example, you might say “I got ghosted” if someone you were dating or talking to suddenly stops responding to your messages or calls, or “I was ghosting him” if you were the one who abruptly ended the communication.
It’s commonly used in online dating, social media, and texting, but it’s not recommended to use in formal or professional settings.
8. Litty
This term is used to describe something that is exciting or amazing.
“Litty” is a slang term that is derived from the word “lit.” It is used to describe something that is exciting, fun, or wild. It is often used to describe a party, event or gathering that is lively and energetic. It can also be used to describe a person, a state of mind, a moment or situation that is lively and exciting.
For example, you might say “This party is getting litty” if the party is getting wild and exciting, or “I’m feeling litty” if you’re in a lively and energetic mood.
It’s generally used in informal and spoken language, but it’s not recommended to use in formal or professional settings.
9. Bae
This term is used as a term of endearment for a significant other.
“Bae” is a slang term that is an acronym for “before anyone else.” It is used to describe someone who is very important to you, such as a romantic partner, a close friend, or someone you admire or look up to. It is often used as a term of endearment and affection.
For example, you might say “She’s my bae” if you have a romantic relationship with the person or “He’s my bae” if you have a close friendship with that person, or “That artist is my bae” if you have a strong admiration for the artist.
It’s generally used in informal and spoken language, but it’s not recommended to use in formal or professional settings.
10. Famalam
This term is used to refer to a group of friends or a family member.
“Famalam” is a slang term that is a combination of the words “fam” and “alarm” and it’s used to describe a group of people who are close to you, like family. It’s often used as a way to address or refer to a group of friends or associates, similar to how one might use “fam” or “squad.”
It’s an informal and casual way of addressing people who are close to you, for example, you might say “What’s good famalam?” if you are greeting your close group of friends.
It’s generally used in informal and spoken language, and it’s not recommended to use in formal or professional settings.