Ear Idioms with meanings and examples - wordscoach.com

50+ Ear Idioms with meanings and examples

50+ Ear Idioms with meanings and examples

Here are 50+ Ear idioms with their meanings and example:

Barking up the wrong tree
pursuing the wrong person or thing; making the wrong assumption.
Example: He accused me of stealing his wallet, but he was barking up the wrong tree. I wasn’t even in the room when it went missing.

Turn a deaf ear
to ignore something intentionally; refuse to listen.
Example: She turned a deaf ear to her mother’s advice and married him anyway.

Bend someone’s ear
to talk to someone for a long time.
Example: She really bent my ear about her problems at work.

All ears
to be very attentive and interested in what someone is saying.
Example: When the teacher started talking about the upcoming field trip, the students were all ears.

Wet behind the ears
inexperienced; lacking knowledge or sophistication.
Example: He may be smart, but he’s still wet behind the ears when it comes to dealing with difficult people.

Lend an ear
to listen attentively; offer a sympathetic ear.
Example: Can I borrow your ear for a moment? I need to talk about something that’s been bothering me.

Close to the ear
a secret or confidential matter.
Example: The CEO told me something close to the ear about the company’s future plans.

Walls have ears
be careful what you say, because someone may be listening.
Example: Be careful what you say about your boss, remember, walls have ears.

Ear candy
pleasant or catchy sounds or music.
Example: The pop song was just ear candy, but it was still fun to listen to.

Play it by ear
to make decisions as you go along; improvise.
Example: We didn’t have a set plan for the day, so we decided to just play it by ear and see where we ended up.

Bite someone’s ear off
to speak to someone in an angry or aggressive way.
Example: Don’t ask her any questions before she’s had her coffee, or she might bite your ear off.

Have someone’s ear
to have someone’s attention and influence.
Example: He has the CEO’s ear and can get anything he wants.

Keep your ears open
to be alert and attentive; stay aware of what’s going on around you.
Example: Keep your ears open for any updates on the weather, there’s a big storm coming.

In one ear and out the other
to hear something but immediately forget it.
Example: I told him to study for the test, but it seems like my advice went in one ear and out the other.

To be up to one’s ears
Meaning: to be very busy or involved in something.
Example: He’s up to his ears in work and doesn’t have time for anything else.

Have a good ear for
Meaning: to be able to distinguish and appreciate different sounds or music.
Example: She has a good ear for classical music and can recognize the different composers.

Word in one’s ear
to give someone confidential information or advice.
Example: She whispered a word in my ear about her boss’s plans to retire soon.

Out on one’s ear
to be dismissed or fired from a job.
Example: After the scandal, he was out on his ear and had to find a new job.

Over one’s head
to be too difficult or complex to understand.
Example: The technical jargon was over my head, and I didn’t understand what they were talking about.

To be wet behind the ears
to be inexperienced or naive.
Example: The new intern is still wet behind the ears and needs a lot of guidance.

All eyes and ears
to be very attentive and observant.
Example: The spy was all eyes and ears, carefully listening to every word said in the room.

Turn a tin ear
to be tone-deaf or not able to distinguish different sounds or music.
Example: She turned a tin ear to his singing and couldn’t tell if he was off-key.

Give Someone an Earful
angrily express an opinion to someone
Example: Wow, my mom gave me an earful when I said I’d be home at 1 a.m. Guess I’ll be going home early!

Be out of earshot
to be too far away to hear what’s being said.
Example: I couldn’t hear what they were talking about because they were out of earshot.

Get someone’s ear
to persuade or influence someone.
Example: He finally got his boss’s ear and was able to convince him to approve the project.

Speak off the top of one’s head
to speak without preparation or thought.
Example: He didn’t have any notes, so he just spoke off the top of his head during the presentation.

Keep a close ear to the ground
to stay informed about something; to be vigilant and aware.
Example: The politician kept a close ear to the ground to monitor public opinion.

Meaning: a song or tune that gets stuck in your head.
Example: That jingle is an earworm that I can’t seem to get out of my head.

That’s Music to My Ears
I am very happy to hear this.
Example: When the boss said I’d be getting a raise next year, that was music to my ears!

In the ear of the beholder
something’s beauty or value is subjective.
Example: Art is in the ear of the beholder, and what one person finds beautiful, another might not.

Have a word in someone’s ear
to give someone a hint or advice.
Example: I had a word in her ear about how to improve her presentation skills.

A sympathetic ear
someone who listens with compassion and understanding.
Example: After the breakup, she needed a sympathetic ear to vent her feelings to.

Be music to one’s ears
something that is pleasing or satisfying to hear.
Example: The sound of the rain was music to my ears after a long drought.

Meaning: a lot of information or a reprimand.
Example: He got an earful from his boss after he missed the deadline.

Be out on one’s ear
to be forced to leave a place or job abruptly.
Example: After the disagreement, he was out on his ear and had to find a new place to stay.

Prick up one’s ears
to suddenly become attentive or interested in something.
Example: The dog pricked up his ears when he heard the sound of the doorbell.

Have an ear to the ground
to stay informed about the latest news or trends.
Example: She always had an ear to the ground and knew what was happening in the industry.

Up to one’s ears in debt
to owe a lot of money.
Example: He was up to his ears in debt and had to file for bankruptcy.

Cock an ear
to listen attentively or carefully.
Example: The cat cocked her ear when she heard the sound of the can opener.

In the earshot of
within hearing range of someone.
Example: Don’t say anything you don’t want your boss to hear when you’re in the earshot of his office.

extremely loud or piercing.
Example: The sound of the fire alarm was ear-splitting and gave everyone a headache.

Fine-tune one’s ear
to train oneself to recognize subtle sounds or differences in pitch.
Example: As a musician, he had to fine-tune his ear to hear the different notes in a melody.

Close one’s ears to
to refuse to listen to something or someone.
Example: She closed her ears to the criticism and focused on the positive feedback.

Be up to one’s ears
to be extremely busy or overwhelmed with work or responsibilities.
Example: I can’t go out tonight, I’m up to my ears in work and have a deadline tomorrow.

All ears
to be very attentive and interested in what someone is saying.
Example: Go ahead, I’m all ears. Tell me what happened at the meeting.

Be in one ear and out the other
to hear something but quickly forget it.
Example: I told him to be careful, but it went in one ear and out the other, and he got hurt.

Wet behind the ears
to be inexperienced or naive.
Example: He’s still wet behind the ears when it comes to managing a team.

Be within earshot
to be close enough to hear something.
Example: I overheard their conversation because I was within earshot of where they were sitting.

Have the ears of a hawk
to have excellent hearing and be able to pick up on subtle sounds.
Example: She could hear the slightest rustle of leaves outside her window – she has the ears of a hawk.

Be a feast for the ears
to be pleasant or enjoyable to listen to.
Example: The symphony was a feast for the ears – I could listen to it all night.

The walls have ears
to be cautious about what you say because you never know who might be listening.
Example: Be careful what you say in this office – the walls have ears and you don’t want to get into trouble.

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