Example Sentences with Adverbs - wordscoach.com

100+ Examples of Adverbs, Example Sentences with Adverbs

Example Sentences with Adverbs

An adverb is a part of speech that modifies or describes verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. It adds more information to a sentence, telling how, when, where, how often, and to what extent something happens. Adverbs can make a sentence more interesting and descriptive and can help to clarify the meaning of the sentence.

Here are 100+ examples of adverbs:

  • Abruptly: She left the room abruptly after hearing the news.
  • Absolutely: I absolutely loved the movie we saw last night.
  • Accurately: The scientist accurately predicted the outcome of the experiment.
  • Admittedly: Admittedly, I am not very good at math.
  • Almost: I almost forgot my keys before leaving the house.
  • Always: He always arrives on time for our meetings.
  • Angrily: The customer complained angrily about the service.
  • Anxiously: She waited anxiously for the test results.
  • Apparently: Apparently, there was a miscommunication about the meeting time.
  • Around: She looked around the room for her missing book.
  • Awkwardly: He awkwardly stumbled over his words during the presentation.
  • Badly: She was badly injured in the accident.
  • Beautifully: The flowers in the garden bloomed beautifully in the spring.
  • Briefly: He spoke briefly about his background before moving on to the main topic.
  • Briskly: She walked briskly to catch the train.
  • Carefully: She carefully reviewed the document before submitting it.
  • Carelessly: He carelessly left his phone on the table and it got stolen.
  • Clearly: The instructions were clearly written and easy to follow.
  • Closely: The police watched the suspect closely to gather evidence.
  • Comfortably: She sat comfortably in the cozy armchair.
  • Completely: He completely forgot about the appointment.
  • Confidently: She spoke confidently about her research findings.
  • Confusedly: He looked at the directions confusedly, unsure of what to do next.
  • Constantly: The baby cried constantly throughout the night.
  • Correctly: The student answered the math problem correctly.
  • Daily: She checks her email daily for updates.
  • Dangerously: The driver was dangerously speeding on the highway.
  • Darkly: The storm clouds gathered darkly in the sky.
  • Deeply: She was deeply moved by the touching story.
  • Deliberately: He deliberately ignored her messages.
  • Delicately: She handled the fragile vase delicately.
  • Desperately: He was desperately in need of a job.
  • Differently: Everyone thinks differently about the situation.
  • Dimly: The light in the room shone dimly.
  • Doubtfully: She looked at him doubtfully, unsure of his intentions.
  • Easily: She passed the test easily with her knowledge.
  • Elegantly: She dressed elegantly for the formal event.
  • Enthusiastically: He spoke enthusiastically about his favorite hobby.
  • Equally: They both contributed equally to the project.
  • Especially: He loved the dessert, especially the chocolate sauce.
  • Eventually: Eventually, the company went bankrupt.
  • Exactly: The instructions were exactly what she needed to complete the project.
  • Extremely: The weather was extremely hot and humid.
  • Fairly: He was fairly compensated for his work.
  • Famously: The actor was famously known for his comedic roles.
  • Fast: She ran fast to catch the bus.
  • Fearfully: She fearfully looked out the window during the storm.
  • Fiercely: The lion fiercely protected her cubs.
  • Finally: Finally, the concert started after a long delay.
  • Firmly: She held the door handle firmly to keep it from opening.
  • Fondly: He looked back fondly on his childhood memories.
  • Foolishly: He foolishly spent all his savings on a risky investment.
  • Fortunately: Fortunately, the fire was quickly extinguished.
  • Fully: He was fully committed to finishing the project.
  • Furiously: She furiously slammed the door behind her.
  • Generally: Generally, people tend to avoid confrontation.
  • Gently: She gently stroked her cat’s fur.
  • Gladly: He gladly accepted the job offer.
  • Gradually: The sun gradually set behind the mountains.
  • Happily: She smiled happily at her new baby.
  • Hard: She worked hard to earn her promotion.
  • Hardly: He hardly ever went out on weekends.
  • Harshly: The teacher spoke harshly to the student for misbehaving.
  • Hastily: He hastily packed his bags before leaving for the trip.
  • Honestly: She answered the question honestly, even though it was difficult.
  • Hopefully: Hopefully, the weather will clear up for the outdoor event.
  • Immediately: He immediately apologized for his mistake.
  • Impatiently: She tapped her foot impatiently as she waited in line.
  • Inadvertently: He inadvertently deleted the important file.
  • Incredibly: The view from the top of the mountain was incredibly beautiful.
  • Indifferently: She shrugged her shoulders indifferently when asked about the movie.
  • Indignantly: He responded indignantly to the accusation.
  • Inevitably: Inevitably, change is a part of life.
  • Innocently: The child innocently asked why the sky was blue.
  • Inquisitively: She looked at him inquisitively, wondering what he meant.
  • Instantly: She recognized him instantly from the photo.
  • Intensely: The heat from the fire was intensely hot.
  • Ironically: Ironically, the doctor became sick after treating patients with the flu.
  • Joyfully: The children played joyfully in the park.
  • Justly: The judge ruled justly in the case.
  • Kindly: She kindly offered to help with the project.
  • Largely: The success of the company was largely due to teamwork.
  • Lazily: He spent the day lazily lounging on the couch.
  • Lightly: She walked lightly on her toes to avoid waking the baby.
  • Likely: He was likely to win the race, based on his previous performances.
  • Loudly: The music played loudly at the concert.
  • Lovingly: She hugged her grandmother lovingly.
  • Loyal: He remained loyal to his friend, even in difficult times.
  • Madly: She fell madly in love with him after their first date.
  • Mainly: The movie was mainly about a young couple’s love story.
  • Maybe: Maybe, she will decide to go to the party after all.
  • Merely: The task was merely a minor inconvenience.
  • Mildly: The weather was mildly cool in the morning.
  • Mischievously: He grinned mischievously as he played a prank on his friend.
  • More: He wanted more of the delicious dessert.
  • Mostly: The movie was mostly a comedy, with a few serious scenes.
  • Mysteriously: The strange man in the hat appeared mysteriously out of nowhere.
  • Nearly: He nearly missed his flight due to traffic.
  • Neatly: She neatly organized her desk before leaving work.
  • Nervously: She fidgeted nervously during the job interview.
  • Never: He never ate seafood, because he was allergic.
  • Nicely: She smiled nicely at the waiter when he brought her food.
  • Notably: The artist was notably talented in sculpting.
  • Nowadays: Nowadays, people rely heavily on technology.
  • Obliviously: He obliviously walked into the pole while staring at his phone.
  • Occasionally: He occasionally enjoyed a glass of red wine with dinner.
  • Offensively: The comment he made was very offensively and hurtful.
  • Often: He often went for a jog in the morning.
  • Only: She was only able to attend the first half of the meeting.
  • Openly: She openly expressed her opinion during the discussion.

Example Sentences with Adverbs - wordscoach.com

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