50 Examples of Common Suffixes - wordscoach.com

50 Examples of Common Suffixes with Meaning

Examples of Common Suffixes

A suffix is a letter or a collection of letters attached to the end of a word to form a brand-new word or to change the grammatical function (or part of speech) of the word.

For example:- the verb read is made into the noun reader by adding the suffix -er. Similarly, read is made into the adjective readable by adding the suffix -able.

Here are 50 Examples of Common Suffixes:

SuffixMeaningExampleExample Sentence
-ablecapable ofcomfortableThe bed was comfortable to sleep in.
-alrelating tomusicalShe has a great appreciation for musical theater.
-ance/-encestate of beingimportanceThe importance of education cannot be overstated.
-atebecome or makehydrateIt’s important to hydrate after exercising.
-cystate of beingprivacyI value my privacy and don’t like to share personal information.
-domstate or quality offreedomFreedom is a basic human right.
-enmade of or becomewoodenThe table is made of wooden planks.
-er/-orperson whoteacherMy teacher is very knowledgeable about the subject.
-fulfull ofhopefulShe is feeling very hopeful about her future.
-icrelating toathleticHe is very athletic and enjoys playing sports.
-ify/-fymake or becomesimplifyThe recipe was too complicated, so I decided to simplify it.
-ishsomewhatchildishHe sometimes acts childish when he doesn’t get his way.
-ismdoctrine or beliefsocialismSome people believe in the principles of socialism.
-istperson whodentistI need to go see the dentist for a check-up.
-ity/-tystate or quality ofunityThe team’s unity helped them win the championship.
-ize/-isemake or becomerealizeI didn’t realize how much time had passed.
-lesswithouthomelessThe homeless man slept on the street.
-lyin a manner ofquicklyShe ran quickly to catch the bus.
-mentaction or processimprovementThe company made an improvement to their product.
-nessstate or quality ofhappinessShe found happiness in her new job.
-ologystudy ofpsychologyShe studied psychology in college.
-ous/-ioushaving the qualities ofcuriousShe was very curious about the world around her.
-phobiafear ofclaustrophobiaSome people have a fear of enclosed spaces, known as claustrophobia.
-sion/-tionact or state ofadmissionThe admission process was very competitive.
-scopeinstrument for viewingmicroscopeHe used a microscope to examine the cells.
-shipstate of beingfriendshipShe valued her friendship with him.
-somecharacterized bytroublesomeHis behavior was very troublesome.
-thstate or quality ofhealthIt’s important to take care of your health.
-warddirection or positionforwardShe walked forward to greet him.
-wisein the manner oflikewiseI felt the same way, likewise.
-ycharacterized byfunnyThe movie was very funny.
-able/-ibleable to bedrinkableThe water was drinkable.
-ance/-enceaction or process ofassistanceShe asked for assistance with the project.
-aryrelated to or a place forlibraryShe spent hours in the library studying.
-atehaving a certain qualityconsiderateHe was always considerate of other people’s feelings.
-cidekilling ofhomicideThe police investigated the homicide of the young woman.

Suffixes Exercise

Suffixes Exercise

A suffix is a word ending that alters the meaning or grammatical role of a root word. Our “Suffixes Exercise” provides engaging activities to enhance your understanding of common suffixes.

1 / 10

Complete the word: “Care ____.”

2 / 10

Which suffix would make “child” mean “relating to a child”?

3 / 10

What is the meaning of the suffix “-able” in “readable”?

4 / 10

Form a word using the suffix “-ion” with “educate”:

5 / 10

What does the suffix “-ous” mean in “dangerous”?

6 / 10

Which suffix forms the word “quickly”?

7 / 10

The suffix “-ly” is used to form:

8 / 10

Which suffix turns “create” into a noun?

9 / 10

Which suffix would make the word “manage” a noun?

10 / 10

Choose the correct suffix for “beauty” to form an adjective:

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