War Idioms - wordscoach.com

50 War Idioms, Idioms about War

50 War Idioms, Idioms about War

Idioms about War! Learn useful English Idioms and expressions about War with meanings and examples.

All’s fair in love and war
Any type of behavior is acceptable during a conflict or competition, especially in love.
Example: He played dirty during the game, but I guess all’s fair in love and war.

Break the enemy’s back
To weaken or defeat the enemy to the point of surrender.
Example: The decisive battle was the one that broke the enemy’s back.

Catch 22
A situation in which one is trapped by two contradictory conditions or requirements.
Example: I can’t get a job without experience, but I can’t get experience without a job. It’s a real catch 22.

Collateral damage
Unintended harm or damage that occurs to people or things during a military operation.
Example: The bombing resulted in a lot of collateral damage to nearby buildings and civilians.

Cross the Rubicon
To take an irreversible step that commits one to a particular course of action.
Example: He knew that quitting his job and starting his own business was crossing the Rubicon.

Draw a line in the sand
To set a limit beyond which one will not tolerate or allow something to happen.
Example: The teacher drew a line in the sand and refused to tolerate any more disruptive behavior from the students.

Every man for himself
Every person must fend for themselves in a difficult situation.
Example: When the ship started sinking, it was every man for himself.

Friendly fire
Accidental gunfire or other military action that injures or kills one’s own soldiers or allies.
Example: The troops suffered casualties due to friendly fire.

Hunker down
To prepare oneself for a difficult or prolonged struggle.
Example: We need to hunker down and focus on finishing this project.

In the line of fire
In harm’s way or facing danger.
Example: The firefighters were in the line of fire as they battled the raging inferno.

Jump the gun
To act prematurely or without waiting for the appropriate time.
Example: The company jumped the gun by releasing the product before it was fully tested.

Knockout blow
A decisive or devastating blow that defeats or eliminates the opponent.
Example: The boxer delivered a knockout blow in the final round.

Light at the end of the tunnel
A sign of hope or improvement after a difficult or challenging period.
Example: The successful completion of this project will be the light at the end of the tunnel.

Loose cannon
An unpredictable or uncontrollable person who may cause harm or damage.
Example: The new employee was a loose cannon, often making impulsive decisions without considering the consequences.

Open a can of worms
To start a complicated or unpleasant situation that may have unforeseen consequences.
Example: Bringing up the controversial topic at the meeting opened a can of worms.

Put all your eggs in one basket
To risk everything on a single course of action or venture.
Example: Investing all your savings in one stock is putting all your eggs in one basket.

Rally the troops
To inspire and motivate a group of people to work together towards a common goal.
Example: The coach rallied the troops and led them to victory.

Storm in a teacup
A minor or insignificant problem or disagreement that is blown out of proportion.
Example: The argument over where to have lunch was a storm in a teacup.

Take no prisoners
To be ruthless and show no mercy in achieving one’s goals.
Example: The politician was determined to win the election and take no prisoners.

War of words
A heated argument or debate characterized by aggressive or confrontational language.
Example: The political candidates engaged in a war of words during the televised debate.

Bite the bullet
To endure a painful or difficult situation with courage and determination.
Example: I knew the surgery was going to be painful, but I had to bite the bullet and go through with it.

Cannon fodder
Soldiers who are seen as expendable and used in large numbers to achieve a military objective.
Example: The generals sent the cannon fodder into battle without regard for their safety.

Cut and run
To flee or escape a difficult or dangerous situation without facing the consequences.
Example: Instead of dealing with the problem, he decided to cut and run.

Down in the trenches
Engaged in hard, laborious work or facing difficult circumstances.
Example: The team was down in the trenches, working long hours to meet the project deadline.

Fall on one’s sword
To take responsibility for a mistake or failure and accept the consequences.
Example: The CEO fell on his sword and resigned after the company’s financial scandal was exposed.

Fire on all cylinders
To operate at peak performance or with full energy and enthusiasm.
Example: After the team’s pep talk, they were firing on all cylinders and ready to win.

Guerrilla warfare
A form of irregular warfare in which a small group of combatants use tactics such as ambushes, sabotage, and hit-and-run attacks.
Example: The guerrilla warfare tactics used by the rebels proved effective against the larger enemy force.

In the crosshairs
Under close scrutiny or facing imminent danger.
Example: The company’s unethical practices put them in the crosshairs of the government regulators.

Leave no stone unturned
To make every effort possible and explore every option in order to achieve a goal.
Example: The detective left no stone unturned in the investigation to solve the murder case.

March to the beat of a different drum
To act or think in a way that is different from others.
Example: He always marched to the beat of a different drum and didn’t follow the crowd.

Neutral ground
A place or situation that is not affiliated with any side in a conflict or disagreement.
Example: The mediator chose a neutral ground to hold the peace talks between the two warring factions.

Old warhorse
An experienced or long-serving person who is relied upon for their expertise.
Example: The old warhorse of the company was called upon to lead the team through the crisis.

Powder keg
A volatile or potentially explosive situation.
Example: The political tension in the country was a powder keg waiting to ignite.

Making threats of military force or aggression in order to intimidate others.
Example: The leader’s sabre-rattling against the neighboring country caused international concern.

Shot heard ’round the world
An event or action that has far-reaching or significant consequences.
Example: The invention of the internet was the shot heard ’round the world that changed communication forever.

Smoke and mirrors
Deception or trickery used to make something appear more impressive or meaningful than it really is.
Example: The company’s advertising campaign was just smoke and mirrors, as their products didn’t live up to the hype.

Uphill battle
A difficult or challenging task that requires a lot of effort and determination.
Example: Getting the project approved by the board was an uphill battle, but we finally succeeded.

War chest
A reserve of funds or resources that can be used to finance a war or other major undertaking.
Example: The political campaign built up a war chest of donations from supporters.

Wounded warrior
A person who has been injured in combat or who has experienced trauma related to military service.
Example: The organization provides support services to wounded warriors and their families.

A baptism of fire
A first experience of something that is difficult, challenging, or dangerous.
Example: Her first day on the job was a baptism of fire, as she had to deal with a crisis situation.

(The) Cavalry
Assistance from a powerful source in a difficult situation.
Example: The cavalry arrived just in time to turn the tide of the battle, providing much-needed reinforcements to the outnumbered soldiers.

Pin Someone Down
Demand a decision or clear answer
Example: I tried to get a clear answer from him, but he kept dodging the question, so I finally had to pin him down and get a straight answer.

Scorched Earth (Tactics, Policy, etc.)
Ruthless, extremely destructive
Example: The company’s new CEO implemented a scorched earth strategy, firing many employees and cutting benefits to increase profits.

Shot Across the Bow
A warning of more serious actions to come
Example: The union leaders warned the company that a strike was imminent by issuing a public statement that was intended as a shot across the bow.

Up in Arms
Angry, protesting (usually said of a group)
Example: The community was up in arms over the proposed construction of a landfill in their neighborhood, organizing protests and writing letters to the local government.

Weekend Warrior
Someone who has an office job but enjoys contact sports on weekends; a member of a military reserve force
Example: He’s a weekend warrior who enjoys hiking and camping on his days off from work.

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