Thank You in German Danke

How do you say thanks in German

How do you say thanks in German

Expressing gratitude is a universal language, and Germany is no exception! Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or just beginning your German adventure, knowing how to say thank you can go a long way. So, ditch the awkward silence and learn how to say “thanks” like a pro in German.

Here are the ways to say thank you in German!

Thank youDanke

Danke is short, sweet and easy way to say thank you in German.

how do you say thanks in german
Thank You in German Danke

15 Other Best Ways to Say Thank You in German

English: Thank you kindly!

German: Danke schön!

English: Thank you very much!

German: Danke sehr!

English: Many thanks!

German: Vielen Dank!

English: Thousand thanks!

German: Tausend Dank! 

English: Many thanks!

German: Danke vielmals! 

English: God will reward you!

German: Vergelt’s Gott!

A genuine smile and eye contact go a long way with any “Danke” you express.

By incorporating these phrases into your German vocabulary, you’ll be well on your way to navigating everyday interactions and building positive relationships with those around you. Now get out there, practice your “Danke,” and experience the warmth of German gratitude!

Other Link:

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