Root Words
Have you ever encountered a new word and struggled to decipher its meaning? Well, understanding root words can be your secret weapon for unlocking the mysteries of vocabulary!
What are Root Words?
Root words are the fundamental building blocks of many English words. They carry the core meaning, and prefixes and suffixes (affixes) are often attached to them to create new words. Imagine them as the foundation upon which a whole family of words is built.
Why are Root Words Important?
Knowing root words offers a plethora of benefits:
- Vocabulary Expansion: By understanding the meaning of a root word, you can guess the meaning of unfamiliar words that share the same root.
- Stronger Reading Comprehension: Root words can help you connect seemingly unrelated words within a text, leading to a deeper understanding of the passage.
- Improved Spelling: Recognizing root words can solidify your grasp of spelling patterns, making you a more confident writer.
Root Words Examples (Root Words List)
Here’s a list of 100+ root words, each with its meaning and examples of words derived from them.
aqua (water) – aquarium, aquatic, aquifer
astro (star) – astronaut, astronomy, astrophysics
bio (life) – biology, biography, biosphere
chron (time) – chronological, chronicle, synchronize
cred (believe) – incredible, credible, credit
dict (say) – dictionary, predict, contradict
duc/duct (lead) – conduct, induce, ductile
fer (carry) – transfer, ferry, refer
form (shape) – transform, reform, uniform
geo (earth) – geography, geology, geocentric
graph (write) – graphic, autograph, biography
hydr (water) – hydrate, hydraulic, dehydrate
ject (throw) – eject, inject, projection
log/logue (word) – dialogue, monologue, logic
manu (hand) – manual, manuscript, manufacture
meter/metr (measure) – thermometer, diameter, metric
mit/mis (send) – transmit, missile, emit
morph (shape) – metamorphosis, amorphous, morphology
narr (tell) – narrate, narrative, narrator
path (feeling) – empathy, sympathy, pathology
phon (sound) – telephone, phonograph, symphony
photo (light) – photograph, photosynthesis, photogenic
port (carry) – transport, portable, import
rupt (break) – rupture, interrupt, erupt
scribe/script (write) – describe, manuscript, inscribe
sect (cut) – section, dissect, intersection
spect (see) – inspect, spectacle, spectator
struct (build) – construct, structure, instruction
tele (far) – telephone, telescope, television
terr (earth) – terrain, territory, terrestrial
therm (heat) – thermometer, thermal, thermos
tract (drag, pull) – tractor, attract, subtract
vac (empty) – vacuum, vacant, evacuate
vid/vis (see) – video, vision, visible
volv/volut (roll) – revolve, revolution, evolution
biblio (book) – bibliography, bibliophile, bible
cardi (heart) – cardiac, cardiologist, cardiogram
carn (flesh) – carnivorous, incarnate, carnal
cede/ceed (go) – proceed, recede, exceed
cide (kill) – homicide, suicide, pesticide
clam/claim (shout) – exclaim, proclaim, clamor
clud/clus (close) – include, exclude, conclude
cosm (world, universe) – cosmic, cosmopolitan, microcosm
crat/cracy (rule) – democrat, aristocracy, bureaucracy
dem (people) – democracy, epidemic, demography
derm (skin) – dermatologist, epidermis, hypodermic
dom (home) – domestic, domain, domicile
dorm (sleep) – dormitory, dormant, dormancy
dyna (power) – dynamic, dynamite, dynasty
ego (self) – ego, egocentric, egotistical
fac (make, do) – factory, manufacture, benefactor
fin (end) – final, infinite, finish
flect/flex (bend) – reflect, flexible, deflect
fract/frag (break) – fracture, fragment, fragile
gen (birth, race) – generation, genetic, genesis
grat (pleasing) – grateful, gratitude, congratulate
grav (heavy) – gravity, grave, aggravate
hemi (half) – hemisphere, hemicycle, hemiplegia
homo (same) – homogeneous, homonym, homogenize
hypo (under) – hypodermic, hypothermia, hypothesis
iso (equal) – isosceles, isobar, isothermal
jur/jus (law) – jury, justice, jurisprudence
lab (work) – laboratory, elaborate, collaborate
liber (free) – liberty, liberate, liberal
lith (stone) – monolith, lithograph, megalith
luc/lum (light) – lucid, illuminate, translucent
magn (great) – magnify, magnificent, magnitude
mal (bad) – malicious, malevolent, malfunction
mar (sea) – marine, submarine, mariner
medi (middle) – medium, median, medieval
mega (large) – megaphone, megabyte, megastar
micro (small) – microscope, microbe, microcosm
min (small, less) – minimum, minor, minuscule
mono (one) – monopoly, monologue, monogamy
multi (many) – multiple, multimedia, multiply
neo (new) – neoclassical, neonate, neonatal
ocul (eye) – ocular, oculist, binocular
onym (name) – synonym, antonym, pseudonym
ortho (straight) – orthodontist, orthodox, orthopedic
pan (all) – panoramic, pandemic, pantheon
pater/patr (father) – paternal, patriot, patron
pend (hang) – pendulum, suspend, append
phil (love) – philosophy, philanthropy, bibliophile
phys (nature) – physical, physician, physics
psych (mind) – psychology, psychic, psychoanalysis
rupt (break) – disrupt, bankrupt, abrupt
san (health) – sanitary, sanity, sanitize
sci (know) – science, conscious, omniscient
soph (wisdom) – philosopher, sophisticated, sophomore
spir (breathe) – inspire, respiration, spirit
stell (star) – stellar, constellation, interstellar
tact/tang (touch) – contact, tangible, tactile
tempor (time) – temporary, contemporary, temporal
ten (hold) – tenacious, tenant, detention
urb (city) – urban, suburb, urbane
This is just a glimpse into the vast world of root words. By familiarizing yourself with more roots and their meanings, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a vocabulary whiz!