Intermediate Words That Start With V -

Intermediate Words That Start With V

Intermediate Words That Start With V

Let’s dive into some intermediate-level words that begin with the letter V. These words can add depth and nuance to your communication.

List of Intermediate Words That Start With V

  • Vacate
  • Vagabond
  • Vain
  • Valiant
  • Valid
  • Valuable
  • Vanish
  • Varied
  • Vast
  • Vaccine
  • Value
  • Vapor
  • Vastly
  • Veto
  • Veil
  • Vein
  • Venture
  • Verse
  • Vertical
  • Vex
  • Vibrant
  • Victim
  • Vigil
  • Vigor
  • Vile
  • Vivid
  • Voucher
  • Voice
  • Volatile
  • Vomit
  • Vortex
  • Vow
  • Vulnerable
  • Valet
  • Vanity
  • Valour
  • Vigilant
  • Vocal
  • Venerate
  • Virtue
  • Vexed
  • Verdict
  • Viable
  • Volume
  • View
  • Visor
  • Venom
  • Ventricle
  • Vault
  • Vocalize
  • Vista
  • Volunteering
  • Vigorously
  • Vividly
  • Vacuum
  • Veracity
  • Voyage
  • Vicarious
  • Vocalist
  • Velvet
  • Vent
  • Virtuoso
  • Vetoed
  • Verbal
  • Vigilantly
  • Vise
  • Veneration
  • Vividness
  • Veiling
  • Vexation
  • Veered
  • Virtuous
  • Valiance
  • Venturing
  • Vortexes
  • Vestige
  • Vivacious
  • Vicar
  • Vicious
  • Vacillate
  • Volition
  • Virtuosity
  • Vocation
  • Vehement
  • Valence
  • Vassal
  • Vascular
  • Vigilance
  • Verity
  • Vibrancy
  • Vocalizing
  • Vassals
  • Viciously
  • Vaulted
  • Vortexing
  • Venerable
  • Valiantly
  • Vestibule
  • Viability
  • Voluptuous
  • Vicariously
  • Vibrantly
  • Voluminously
  • Velvety
  • Vandalism
  • Verbally
  • Ventrically
  • Vexingly
  • Vicariousness
  • Versatile
  • Valiancy
  • Vulgarity
  • Veritable
  • Voluntarily
  • Vestigial
  • Valuations
  • Vexatiously
  • Voluptuary
  • Venomously
  • Vibration
  • Vermilion
  • Vivaciously
  • Vulcanized
  • Verbalize
  • Vexations
  • Vocalizations
  • Venturously
  • Verifiably
  • Vacillating
  • Vellicating
  • Ventilated
  • Vernacular
  • Vibrational
  • Volcanic
  • Voluntaries
  • Vivifying
  • Vexatiousness
  • Visualize
  • Virtuousness
  • Vernacularly
  • Volubility
  • Vulgarizing
  • Vertiginous
  • Versification
  • Voluptuousness
  • Vigilantness
  • Vicinity
  • Vivaciousness
  • Verifications
  • Vibrations
  • Ventilating
  • Venerating
  • Viral
  • Vexedly
  • Valetudinarian
  • Volitional
  • Vernacularism
  • Vanguard
  • Valedictory
  • Verbosity
  • Visualizing
  • Votaries
  • Vestibular
  • Verbalizing
  • Vacillations
  • Valences
  • Vulnerably
  • Vertically
  • Verifiability
  • Vestiges
  • Vivacity
  • Venial
  • Vulcanizing
  • Veracious
  • Voluminous
  • Venomous
  • Vociferous
  • Vagueness
  • Vulgar
  • Victorious
  • Vacillates
  • Virtuously
  • Ventilates
  • Vocalizes
  • Vulgarize
  • Vacillation
  • Vivify
  • Versatility
  • Visibly

Intermediate Words That Start With V with meaning and example

Meaning: To leave or give up a position or place.
Example: Please vacate the premises by noon.

Meaning: A person who wanders from place to place.
Example: The vagabond roamed through the streets, searching for work.

Meaning: Excessively proud of one’s appearance or achievements.
Example: She was so vain that she looked at herself in every mirror she passed.

Meaning: Showing courage or determination.
Example: The valiant soldier risked his life to save his comrades.

Meaning: Legally or logically sound.
Example: Your passport is valid for another five years.

Meaning: Worth a lot of money or important.
Example: The painting is valuable and should be insured.

Meaning: To disappear suddenly.
Example: The magician made the rabbit vanish in a puff of smoke.

Meaning: Different from each other.
Example: The menu offers a varied selection of dishes.

Meaning: Extremely large or extensive.
Example: The Sahara Desert is a vast expanse of sand.

Meaning: A substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies.
Example: The vaccine protects against several diseases.

Meaning: The worth or importance of something.
Example: The value of the antique was appraised at a high price.

Meaning: A substance diffused in the air.
Example: The kettle released steam vapor as the water boiled.

Meaning: To a very great extent or degree.
Example: The company has vastly improved its services.

Meaning: To reject or prohibit a decision or proposal.
Example: The president used his veto power to block the bill.

Meaning: A piece of cloth worn to cover the face.
Example: The bride wore a beautiful veil over her face.

Meaning: A blood vessel that carries blood towards the heart.
Example: The nurse inserted the needle into a vein to draw blood.

Meaning: A risky or daring journey or undertaking.
Example: They decided to venture into the business world together.

Meaning: A line of writing arranged with a metrical rhythm.
Example: He recited a verse from his favorite poem.

Meaning: Upright; perpendicular to the horizon.
Example: The vertical lines on the graph represent time.

Meaning: To annoy or frustrate.
Example: The constant noise from the construction site vexed the residents.

Meaning: Full of energy and life.
Example: The city was vibrant and bustling with activity.

Meaning: A person harmed or injured by others.
Example: The victim of the robbery reported the incident to the police.

Meaning: A period of keeping awake during the time usually spent asleep.
Example: They held a vigil for the missing person.

Meaning: Physical strength and good health.
Example: She tackled the project with great vigor.

Meaning: Extremely unpleasant or immoral.
Example: The villain’s actions were considered vile and despicable.

Meaning: Producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind.
Example: She described the accident in vivid detail.

Meaning: A small printed piece of paper that can be used as money.
Example: He used a voucher to get a discount on his purchase.

Meaning: The sound produced by the vocal cords.
Example: Her voice was soft but filled with emotion.

Meaning: Likely to change rapidly and unpredictably.
Example: The stock market is known for its volatile nature.

Meaning: To eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth.
Example: She felt nauseous and had to vomit.

Meaning: A mass of whirling fluid or air.
Example: The tornado created a powerful vortex.

Meaning: A solemn promise.
Example: They took a vow to support each other through thick and thin.

Meaning: Susceptible to physical or emotional harm.
Example: The new policy left many workers feeling vulnerable.

Meaning: A person who parks cars for guests at a hotel or restaurant.
Example: The valet took the car and parked it in the lot.

Meaning: Excessive pride in one’s appearance or achievements.
Example: Her vanity was evident from her constant admiration of her reflection.

Meaning: Great courage in the face of danger.
Example: The knight was awarded for his valour in battle.

Meaning: Keeping careful watch for possible danger.
Example: The security guard remained vigilant throughout the night.

Meaning: Relating to the voice.
Example: She received training to improve her vocal skills.

Meaning: To regard with deep respect or admiration.
Example: The community venerates its elders for their wisdom.

Meaning: Behavior showing high moral standards.
Example: Honesty is considered a virtue in many cultures.

Meaning: Annoyed, frustrated, or worried.
Example: He was vexed by the constant interruptions during his work.

Meaning: A decision made by a jury or judge in a court case.
Example: The jury delivered a verdict of guilty.

Meaning: Capable of working successfully.
Example: The plan is viable and should be implemented.

Meaning: The amount of space occupied by a substance or the quantity of sound.
Example: The volume of the room was measured for the renovation.

Meaning: The ability to see or the way something is seen.
Example: The view from the top of the mountain was breathtaking.

Meaning: A movable part of a helmet or hat that protects the eyes from light.
Example: He adjusted his visor to shield his eyes from the sun.

Meaning: A poisonous substance produced by some animals.
Example: The snake’s venom can be deadly if not treated promptly.

Meaning: A chamber of the heart or brain.
Example: The heart’s ventricles pump blood to the lungs and body.

Meaning: An arched structure forming a roof or a secure room.
Example: The documents were stored in a vault for safekeeping.

Meaning: To express something through speech or singing.
Example: She learned to vocalize her feelings more effectively.

Meaning: A pleasing view, especially one seen through a long, narrow opening.
Example: The vista from the hilltop was stunning.

Meaning: Offering to do something willingly without being asked.
Example: Volunteering at the shelter was a fulfilling experience.

Meaning: With great energy or force.
Example: She worked vigorously to complete the project on time.

Meaning: In a way that produces powerful feelings or clear images.
Example: He remembered the event vividly, as if it had happened yesterday.

Meaning: A space entirely devoid of matter or a device used for cleaning.
Example: The vacuum cleaner picked up all the dust from the carpet.

Meaning: Conformity to facts; accuracy.
Example: The reporter’s commitment to veracity was well known.

Meaning: A long journey involving travel by sea or in space.
Example: The voyage to the new continent took several months.

Meaning: Experienced through another person.
Example: She took vicarious pleasure in her friend’s success.

Meaning: A singer, especially one who performs with a band.
Example: The vocalist performed a beautiful solo during the concert.

Meaning: A rich fabric with a soft, plush texture.
Example: The chair was upholstered in dark blue velvet.

Meaning: An opening that allows air or gas to escape.
Example: The room was ventilated through a small vent in the ceiling.

Meaning: A person highly skilled in a particular art.
Example: The pianist was a true virtuoso, captivating the audience with her performance.

Meaning: To reject or prohibit a decision or proposal.
Example: The president vetoed the new law, halting its implementation.

Meaning: Relating to or in the form of words.
Example: She gave a verbal agreement over the phone.

Meaning: With alertness or watchfulness.
Example: The guards patrolled the area vigilantly throughout the night.

Meaning: A tool used for holding an object firmly in place.
Example: He used a vise to secure the piece of wood while cutting it.

Meaning: Great respect or reverence.
Example: The veneration of historical figures is common in many cultures.

Meaning: The quality of being clear and detailed.
Example: The vividness of the painting captured the essence of the scene.

Meaning: Covering or concealing something.
Example: The fog was veiling the landscape, making it hard to see.

Meaning: The state of being annoyed or worried.
Example: His constant tardiness caused great vexation among his colleagues.

Meaning: To change direction suddenly.
Example: The car veered off the road to avoid hitting the animal.

Meaning: Having high moral standards.
Example: She was known for her virtuous behavior and kindness.

Meaning: Brave or determined behavior.
Example: His valiance in battle earned him many honors.

Meaning: Risking going into an unknown area or undertaking.
Example: They were venturing into uncharted territory for their exploration.

Meaning: Whirling masses of fluid or air.
Example: The tornado created several vortexes in its wake.

Meaning: A trace or remnant of something that is disappearing.
Example: The ruins were a vestige of the ancient civilization.

Meaning: Attractively lively and animated.
Example: Her vivacious personality made her the life of the party.

Meaning: A clergyman in the Church of England.
Example: The vicar conducted the Sunday service with grace and devotion.

Meaning: Deliberately cruel or violent.
Example: The dog became vicious when it felt threatened.

Meaning: To waver between different opinions or actions.
Example: He tended to vacillate between excitement and anxiety about the decision.

Meaning: The faculty or power of using one’s will.
Example: She made the decision to move abroad of her own volition.

Meaning: Great skill in music or another artistic pursuit.
Example: The pianist’s virtuosity was evident in every performance.

Meaning: A person’s employment or main occupation.
Example: Teaching was more than a job for her; it was her true vocation.

Meaning: Showing strong feeling; passionate.
Example: He gave a vehement speech against the proposed changes.

Meaning: The combining power of an element.
Example: The chemist studied the valence of different elements for the experiment.

Meaning: A holder of land by feudal tenure on conditions of homage and allegiance.
Example: The vassal pledged loyalty to the lord in exchange for protection.

Meaning: Relating to blood vessels or plant vessels.
Example: The doctor studied the vascular system to understand circulation issues.

Meaning: The action or state of keeping careful watch.
Example: Vigilance is crucial in maintaining security.

Meaning: A true principle or belief.
Example: The verity of the statement was confirmed by several sources.

Meaning: The quality of being bright and striking.
Example: The vibrancy of the colors in the painting was stunning.

Meaning: The act of producing sound with the voice.
Example: The singer was practicing vocalizing different scales.

Meaning: Individuals holding land under a feudal system.
Example: The vassals worked the land in exchange for protection from their lord.

Meaning: In a deliberately cruel or violent manner.
Example: The dog attacked viciously when provoked.

Meaning: Having an arched roof or ceiling.
Example: The cathedral featured a beautifully vaulted ceiling.

Meaning: The act of forming a vortex.
Example: The water was vortexing as it drained from the sink.

Meaning: Accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age.
Example: The venerable professor was admired for his extensive knowledge.

Meaning: In a courageous or determined manner.
Example: He fought valiantly to defend his home.

Meaning: A small entrance hall or lobby.
Example: The vestibule of the building was decorated with elegant furniture.

Meaning: The ability to work successfully or be sustained.
Example: The viability of the business plan was assessed before proceeding.

Meaning: Full of luxury and pleasure; attractive.
Example: She wore a voluptuous gown that highlighted her curves.

Meaning: Experienced through someone else rather than personally.
Example: He lived vicariously through his son’s adventures.

Meaning: In a bright, lively, and energetic manner.
Example: The garden was vibrantly colored with blooming flowers.

Meaning: In a large, bulky, or extensive manner.
Example: The novel was voluminously thick with over 600 pages.

Meaning: Smooth and soft in texture.
Example: The velvet curtains added a touch of elegance to the room.

Meaning: The deliberate destruction of property.
Example: The park suffered from vandalism, with graffiti on the benches.

Meaning: Using spoken words.
Example: He expressed his thoughts verbally rather than in writing.

Meaning: Relating to the ventricles, usually of the heart.
Example: The doctor examined the patient’s ventrically.

Meaning: In a manner that causes annoyance or frustration.
Example: The delays were vexingly frequent and disrupted her plans.

Meaning: The experience of living through someone else’s experiences.
Example: The vicariousness of watching his favorite show made him feel connected to the characters.

Meaning: Capable of adapting to many different functions or activities.
Example: A versatile actor can play a wide range of roles.

Meaning: The quality of being brave or courageous.
Example: The knight’s valiance in battle was celebrated by the kingdom.

Meaning: The quality of being rude, indecent, or lacking sophistication.
Example: The movie was criticized for its vulgarity.

Meaning: Truly or very much so.
Example: The small town was a veritable haven of peace.

Meaning: Done by choice or without being forced.
Example: She volunteered to work extra hours voluntarily.

Meaning: Relating to or denoting a part of the body that has become functionless.
Example: The vestigial structures in some animals provide clues about evolutionary processes.

Meaning: The assessment of something’s worth.
Example: The real estate valuations were conducted by a professional appraiser.

Meaning: In a manner that causes annoyance or worry.
Example: The constant interruptions were vexatiously disruptive.

Meaning: A person devoted to luxury and sensual pleasures.
Example: The sumptuous lifestyle of the voluptuary was well known.

Meaning: In a way that is spiteful or malicious; containing venom.
Example: The snake bit venomously, injecting poison into its prey.

Meaning: The rapid motion of an object or surface.
Example: The vibration from the machine was felt throughout the building.

Meaning: A bright red to reddish-orange color.
Example: The artist used vermilion to highlight the sunset.

Meaning: In a lively, animated manner.
Example: She danced vivaciously at the party, drawing everyone’s attention.

Meaning: Treated with heat and chemicals to improve strength and elasticity (often applied to rubber).
Example: The tires were vulcanized to enhance their durability.

Meaning: To express in words.
Example: It’s important to verbalize your thoughts clearly during discussions.

Meaning: Annoyances or worries.
Example: The small vexations of daily life can accumulate and cause stress.

Meaning: Sounds produced using the voice.
Example: The researchers studied the vocalizations of whales to understand their communication.

Meaning: In a manner that involves risk or adventure.
Example: They ventured into the unknown, venturously exploring new territories.

Meaning: In a manner that can be proven to be true.
Example: The results of the experiment were verifiably accurate.

Meaning: Wavering between different opinions or actions.
Example: She was vacillating between two job offers and couldn’t make a decision.

Meaning: Twitching or writhing (rare usage).
Example: The injured animal was vellicating in pain.

Meaning: Equipped with a system for air circulation.
Example: The room was well ventilated, keeping it fresh and comfortable.

Meaning: The language or dialect spoken by the ordinary people in a particular country or region.
Example: He spoke in the local vernacular to connect with the community.

Meaning: Related to or caused by vibrations.
Example: The machine’s vibrational patterns were monitored for any irregularities.

Meaning: Related to or produced by volcanoes.
Example: The volcanic eruption covered the town in ash.

Meaning: Acts done willingly or without coercion.
Example: The volunteers provided services as voluntaries for the charity event.

Meaning: Bringing something to life or making it more lively.
Example: The speaker’s energetic presentation was vivifying for the audience.

Meaning: The quality of being annoying or causing trouble.
Example: The vexatiousness of the repeated complaints was wearing thin.

Meaning: To form a mental image of something.
Example: She tried to visualize the final design before starting the project.

Meaning: The quality of being morally good.
Example: His virtuousness was admired by everyone who knew him.

Meaning: In a manner that uses the local language or dialect.
Example: The book was written vernacularly to make it accessible to the local readers.

Meaning: The quality of talking fluently or incessantly.
Example: His volubility made him a sought-after speaker at conferences.

Meaning: Making something common or crude.
Example: The show was criticized for vulgarizing classic literature.

Meaning: Causing dizziness or vertigo.
Example: The vertiginous heights of the mountain made him uneasy.

Meaning: The process of writing in verse or poetic form.
Example: The poet was skilled in versification, creating rhythmic and rhyming poetry.

Meaning: The quality of being luxurious or sensual.
Example: The room’s voluptuousness was evident in its opulent decor.

Meaning: The state of being alert and watchful.
Example: The security team’s vigilantness ensured the safety of the event.

Meaning: The area near or surrounding a particular place.
Example: The hotel is located in the vicinity of the major attractions.

Meaning: The quality of being attractively lively and animated.
Example: Her vivaciousness brought energy and enthusiasm to the team.

Meaning: The process of establishing the truth or accuracy of something.
Example: The verifications of the data were crucial before publishing the results.

Meaning: Oscillations or movements back and forth.
Example: The vibrations from the engine were felt throughout the building.

Meaning: Providing with fresh air or circulation.
Example: Proper ventilating of the room is essential for a healthy environment.

Meaning: Showing deep respect or admiration.
Example: The community was venerating their historical leader with a special ceremony.

Meaning: Relating to or caused by a virus; rapidly spreading.
Example: The video went viral and gained millions of views in just a few days.

Meaning: In an annoyed or frustrated manner.
Example: He sighed vexedly after receiving yet another complaint.

Meaning: A person who is infirm or of poor health.
Example: The valetudinarian was cared for by a team of dedicated nurses.

Meaning: Relating to the will or conscious choice.
Example: His actions were purely volitional, reflecting his personal decisions.

Meaning: A word or phrase used in a particular local language or dialect.
Example: The book contained several vernacularisms that highlighted its regional setting.

Meaning: The leading position in a movement or field.
Example: The company was at the vanguard of technological innovation.

Meaning: Pertaining to a farewell or departing address.
Example: The valedictory speech was heartfelt and emotional.

Meaning: The quality of using more words than needed; wordiness.
Example: His verbosity made his speeches less effective and harder to follow.

Meaning: Forming a mental image of something.
Example: She was visualizing the final result before starting the design.

Meaning: Devotees or adherents of a particular cause or religion.
Example: The votaries gathered for a special ceremony to celebrate their faith.

Meaning: Relating to the sense of balance or the inner ear.
Example: The vestibular system helps maintain equilibrium and spatial orientation.

Meaning: The act of expressing thoughts or feelings in words.
Example: She was verbalizing her concerns during the meeting.

Meaning: The act of wavering between different opinions or actions.
Example: His vacillations made it difficult to finalize the project.

Meaning: The combining power of an element or molecule.
Example: The valences of different chemical elements determine how they bond with others.

Meaning: In a manner that is open to harm or damage.
Example: She spoke vulnerably about her fears and insecurities.

Meaning: In an upright position or direction.
Example: The lines on the building were painted vertically.

Meaning: The quality of being able to be proven or verified.
Example: The verifiability of the claims was essential for their acceptance.

Meaning: Traces or remnants of something that is disappearing.
Example: The ancient ruins were the vestiges of a once-great civilization.

Meaning: The quality of being lively and animated.
Example: Her vivacity brought joy to everyone around her.

Meaning: Minor or easily forgiven; not serious.
Example: His mistake was considered venial and quickly forgiven.

Meaning: The process of treating rubber with heat and chemicals.
Example: Vulcanizing the rubber improved its strength and durability.

Meaning: Speaking or representing the truth.
Example: The witness was known for her veracious testimony in court.

Meaning: Occupying or containing much space; large in volume.
Example: The voluminous book was filled with detailed information.

Meaning: Capable of injecting venom; harmful or spiteful.
Example: The snake was venomous, posing a danger to anyone who approached it.

Meaning: Loud and noisy; outspoken.
Example: The vociferous crowd cheered for their team with great enthusiasm.

Meaning: The quality of being unclear or ambiguous.
Example: The vagueness of his explanation left many questions unanswered.

Meaning: Lacking sophistication or good taste; crude.
Example: The vulgar language used in the movie was deemed inappropriate by some viewers.

Meaning: Having won a victory or success.
Example: The team was victorious in the championship game.

Meaning: Wavers between different opinions or actions.
Example: She vacillates between staying at her current job or pursuing a new career.

Meaning: In a morally good manner.
Example: He lived virtuously, always striving to do the right thing.

Meaning: Provides fresh air or promotes circulation.
Example: The system ventilates the room efficiently, keeping it cool and fresh.

Meaning: Produces sound with the voice.
Example: The bird vocalizes a variety of songs in the morning.

Meaning: To make something crude or less refined.
Example: The adaptation vulgarized the classic novel, losing much of its original depth.

Meaning: The act of wavering between different opinions or actions.
Example: Her vacillation between two job offers made the decision-making process stressful.

Meaning: To bring something to life or make it more vivid.
Example: The artist’s use of color vivified the painting, making it come alive.

Meaning: The ability to adapt to many different functions or activities.
Example: The actor’s versatility allowed him to play a wide range of characters.

Meaning: In a way that can be seen; clearly apparent.
Example: She was visibly upset after hearing the news.

Intermediate Words That Start With V

Intermediate Words That Start With V -
Intermediate Words That Start With V -

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