Phrasal verbs start with ‘Make’ (Phrasal Verbs With Make). A Phrasal verb like Make after, Make away with, Make do with, Make for, Make into, Make it, and more.
Phrasal Verbs With Make
Make after
Meaning: Chase
Example: The collection will be taken /made after the sermon.
Make away with
Meaning: Steal
Example: The police gave chase, but the thieves made away with the jewels.
Make do with
Meaning: Accept something less satisfactory because there’s no alternative
Example: Viewers will have to make do with tired re-runs and second-rate movies.
Make for
Meaning: Head in a certain direction
Example: This incident will make for better understanding between them.
Make for
Meaning: Produce a result or situation
Example: The plan might make for the friends.
Make into
Meaning: Change something into something else
Example: The basement has been made into a workshop.
Make it
Meaning: Arrive or get a result
Example: Money often unmakes the men who make it.
Make it up to
Meaning: Try to compensate for doing something wrong
Example: I must make it up to him for the awful intrusion of last night.
Make of
Meaning: Understand or have an opinion
Example: I often wonder what future generations will make of our efforts.
Make off
Meaning: Leave somewhere in a hurry
Example: The child made off when he saw a stranger.
Make off with
Meaning: Steal
Example: They broke in and made off with all the furniture.
Make out
Meaning: Make a cheque payable to somebody
Example: Please make out a bill for these goods.
Make out
Meaning: Progress
Example: I could just about make out his sleeping form on the bed.
Make out
Meaning: Kiss and pet
Example: Distantly, to her right, she could make out the town of Chiffa.
Make out
Meaning: Discern a small detail
Example: I could make out a dark figure in the twilight.
Make over
Meaning: Change the appearance
Example: Do you think you can make over this old overcoat?
Make over
Meaning: Give money or possessions to someone in a legal way
Example: He asked the tailor to make over his trousers.
Make towards
Meaning: Head in the direction
Example: We Made it towards the center.
Make up
Meaning: Stop being angry with someone
Example: Life is just a series of trying to make up your mind.
Make up
Meaning: Invent a story
Example: Make up your mind after thinking it over carefully.
Make up for
Meaning: Compensate
Example: Hard work can often make up for a lack of ability.
Make up to
Meaning: Increase a sum received to a higher figure
Example: The way Charles tried to make up to the boss was distasteful to the workers.
Make with
Meaning: Give (usually used as an imperative)
Example: Make with the sketch maps of the area.