Phrasal Verbs With 'Tie' -

Phrasal Verbs With ‘Tie’

Phrasal Verbs With ‘Tie’. A Phrasal verb like Tie back, Tie down, Tie in, Tie in with, Tie up, and more.

Phrasal Verbs With ‘Tie’

Tie back

Meaning: Fasten or secure so that it doesn’t obstruct
Example: Never use rubber bands to tie back your hair: it’s a sure way to get hair breakage.

Tie down

Meaning: Secure something to prevent it moving
Example: He’s tied down by having to work every Saturday.

Tie down

Meaning: Remove or restrict freedom
Example: Are you ready to be tied down to a wife and children?

Tie down

Meaning: Stop people (often police or military) going where they are needed
Example: The reason he didn’t have a family was that he didn’t want to be tied down.

Tie in

Meaning: Agree, be connected or support
Example: Our wedding had to tie in with David leaving the army.

Tie in

Meaning: Associate with
Example: The book was published to tie in with the TV series.

Tie in with

Meaning: Occur at the same time
Example: The concert will tie in with the festival of dance taking place the same weekend.

Tie up

Meaning: Tie or fasten something securely
Example: We’d better tie up the details with a solicitor.

Tie up

Meaning: Stop someone doing something
Example: I’m sorry we could not tie up the agreement.

Tie up

Meaning: Fasten
Example: Kingfisher confirmed that it hopes to tie up a deal within the next two weeks.

Tie up

Meaning: Block a road, etc
Example: The police are trying to tie up his escape from prison with the murder.

Phrasal Verbs With 'Tie' -

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