This list contains all the adverbs used in the English language that start with D. It includes negative and positive adverbs with D to describe a person.
Dabblingly | Daffily | Daftly |
Daily | Daintily | Damnably |
Damply | Dancingly | Dandily |
Dangerously | Dapperly | Daringly |
Darkly | Dartingly | Dashingly |
Datively | Dauntedly | Dauntingly |
Dauntlessly | Dazedly | Dazzlingly |
Deadly | Deadpan | Deafeningly |
Deafly | Dear | Dearly |
Deathly | Deathward | Debasedly |
Debasingly | Debatingly | Debonairly |
Decadently | Deceitfully | Deceivably |
Deceivingly | Decently | Deceptively |
Decidedly | Decimally | Decisively |
Declaredly | Decoratively | Decorously |
Decreasingly | Dedicatedly | Deducibly |
Deductively | Deep | Deeper |
Deeply | Defamatorily | Defamingly |
Defeatedly | Defectingly | Defencelessly |
Defenselessly | Defensively | Deferentially |
Defiantly | Definitely | Deflatedly |
Deflectingly | Deformedly | Deftly |
Dehors | Dejectedly | Dejectly |
Delayingly | Delectably | Deliberately |
Delicately | Deliciously | Delightedly |
Delightfully | Deliriously | Deliverly |
Deludedly | Delusively | Demandingly |
Dementedly | Demissly | Demonstrably |
Demonstratively | Demurely | Densely |
Dentately | Denunciatorily | Denyingly |
Dependably | Dependantly | Dependently |
Deplorably | Deploredly | Depravedly |
Deprecatingly | Deprecatively | Depreciatorily |
Depressedly | Depressingly | Derangedly |
Deridingly | Derisively | Derisorily |
Derivably | Derivatively | Dernly |
Derogately | Derogatively | Descendingly |
Descriptively | Deservedly | Deservingly |
Designedly | Desirably | Desirously |
Desolately | Despairingly | Desperately |
Despicably | Despisingly | Despondently |
Despotically | Destructively | Desultorily |
Detachedly | Determinedly | Detestably |
Detrimentally | Deucedly | Devastatedly |
Devastatingly | Devilishly | Deviously |
Devotedly | Devotionally | Devoutly |
Dexterously | Dextrad | Dextrally |
Dextrously | Diabolically | Diagonally |
Diametrically | Dictatorily | Didactically |
Dido | Differently | Difficultly |
Difficulty | Diffidently | Diffusely |
Digestedly | Digitally | Digitately |
Dignifiedly | Dilatedly | Dilatorily |
Diligently | Diminutely | Diminutively |
Dimly | Dimwittedly | Dim-wittedly |
Dingily | Diplomatically | Direct |
Directly | Direfully | Direly |
Dirtily | Dirty | Disagreeably |
Disagreeingly | Disappointedly | Disappointingly |
Disapprovingly | Disarmingly | Disasterly |
Disastrously | Disbelievingly | Discernibly |
Discerningly | Discomfortingly | Discomposedly |
Disconcertedly | Disconcertingly | Disconnectedly |
Disconsolately | Discontentedly | Discordantly |
Discouragingly | Discourteously | Discreetly |
Discretely | Discretionally | Discriminatingly |
Disdainfully | Disenchantedly | Disfavorably |
Disgracefully | Disgruntledly | Disguisedly |
Disgustedly | Disgustingly | Disharmoniously |
Disheartenedly | Disheveledly | Dishonestly |
Dishonorably | Disillusionedly | Disingenuously |
Disinterestedly | Disjointedly | Disjointly |
Disloyally | Dismally | Dismayedly |
Dismayingly | Dismissively | Disobediently |
Disobligingly | Disorganizedly | Disorientedly |
Disparagingly | Dispassionately | Dispiritedly |
Displeasedly | Disproportionally | Disproportionately |
Disquietedly | Disquietingly | Disquietly |
Disrespectfully | Disruptively | Dissatisfiedly |
Dissentingly | Dissimilarly | Dissolutely |
Dissonantly | Dissuasively | Distad |
Distally | Distantly | Distastefully |
Distemperately | Distinctively | Distinctly |
Distinguishedly | Distractedly | Distractingly |
Distraughtly | Distressedly | Districtly |
Distrustfully | Distrustingly | Disturbedly |
Disturbingly | Ditto | Ditzily |
Diurnally | Diversely | Divertedly |
Divertingly | Dividedly | Dividingly |
Dividually | Divinely | Diviningly |
Dizzily | Dizzyingly | Docilely |
Doctorally | Dodgily | Doggedly |
Doggo | Dogmatically | Dolce |
Dolcemente | Dolefully | Dolorously |
Doltishly | Domestically | Dominantly |
Domineeringly | Dopily | Dorsad |
Dorsally | Dotingly | Dottily |
Double | Doubly | Doubtfully |
Doubtingly | Doubtless | Doubtlessly |
Doughtily | Dourly | Dowdily |
Down | Downcastly | Downheartedly |
Downright | Downriver | Downstairs |
Downtown | Downtroddenly | Downward |
Downwardly | Downwards | Drably |
Draconially | Draftily | Draggingly |
Drainedly | Dramatically | Drastically |
Drawlingly | Dreadfully | Dreadingly |
Dreamfully | Dreamily | Dreamingly |
Dreamlessly | Drearily | Drenchedly |
Drily | Drippily | Drollingly |
Drolly | Droopily | Droopingly |
Dropmeal | Dropwise | Drowsily |
Drudgingly | Drunkenly | Dry-eyedly |
Dryly | Dubiously | Ducally |
Duely | Dulcetly | Dully |
Duly | Dumbfoundedly | Dumbly |
Duplicitously | Durably | During |
Duskily | Dustily | Duteously |
Dutifully | Dwindlingly | Dyingly |
Dynamically |