Flowers vocabulary list with definitions
Flowers: Flowers are symbols of long life, honour, good luck, purity of mind and heart, and health.
List of Flowers Vocabulary
- Rose
- Tulip
- Daffodil
- Daisy
- Sunflower
- Lily
- Orchid
- Carnation
- Chrysanthemum
- Peony
- Marigold
- Iris
- Poppy
- Hyacinth
- Lavender
- Jasmine
- Gardenia
- Hibiscus
- Geranium
- Begonia
- Gladiolus
- Zinnia
- Petunia
- Pansy
- Camellia
- Azalea
- Anemone
- Bluebell
- Bougainvillea
- Calla Lily
- Clematis
- Dandelion
- Fuchsia
- Heliotrope
- Honeysuckle
- Hydrangea
- Lilac
- Morning Glory
- Nasturtium
- Oleander
- Periwinkle
- Primrose
- Snapdragon
- Sweet Pea
- Verbena
- Violets
- Wisteria
- Yarrow
- Foxglove
- Cosmos
- Aster
- Bud
- Balsam
- Champak
- Dahlia
- Dog Rose
- Flower
- Lotus
- Magnolia
- Night Jasmine
- Sun Flower
- Tuberose
- Wheat
- Lentil
Flowers vocabulary with definitions and example
- Definition: A woody perennial flowering plant of the genus Rosa.
- Example: The garden was filled with the sweet scent of roses.
- Definition: A bulbous spring-flowering plant of the lily family, with boldly colored cup-shaped flowers.
- Example: Tulips bloom in a variety of colors each spring.
- Definition: A bulbous plant that typically bears bright yellow flowers with a long trumpet-shaped center.
- Example: Daffodils are among the first flowers to appear in the spring.
- Definition: A small grassland plant that has flowers with a yellow disk and white rays.
- Example: The field was dotted with cheerful white daisies.
- Definition: A tall plant that produces large, bright yellow flowers and edible seeds.
- Example: Sunflowers turn their heads to follow the sun across the sky.
- Definition: A large-flowered plant of the genus Lilium.
- Example: Lilies are often used in bouquets for their elegance.
- Definition: A diverse and widespread family of flowering plants with blooms that are often colorful and fragrant.
- Example: The orchid’s intricate petals make it a favorite among flower enthusiasts.
- Definition: A double-flowered cultivated variety of clove pink, with gray-green leaves and showy pink, white, or red flowers.
- Example: Carnations are popular in floral arrangements for their longevity.
- Definition: A plant of the daisy family with brightly colored ornamental flowers.
- Example: Chrysanthemums are commonly used in autumn decorations.
- Definition: A flowering plant with large, often fragrant blooms in a variety of colors.
- Example: Peonies are cherished for their lush, full blossoms.
- Definition: A plant of the daisy family, typically with orange or yellow flowers.
- Example: Marigolds are often planted to deter pests in vegetable gardens.
- Definition: A plant with sword-shaped leaves and showy flowers, typically purple, yellow, or white.
- Example: The iris is named after the Greek goddess of the rainbow.
- Definition: A flowering plant with delicate, papery petals, often red, pink, or orange.
- Example: Poppies are known for their vibrant colors and medicinal properties.
- Definition: A bulbous plant with fragrant, bell-shaped flowers.
- Example: Hyacinths are a popular choice for spring gardens due to their strong fragrance.
- Definition: A small aromatic evergreen shrub of the mint family, with narrow leaves and bluish-purple flowers.
- Example: Lavender is often used in sachets and essential oils for its calming scent.
- Definition: A climbing plant with fragrant white, yellow, or pink flowers.
- Example: Jasmine flowers are often used in teas and perfumes.
- Definition: An evergreen shrub with large, fragrant white or yellow flowers.
- Example: Gardenias are prized for their intoxicating fragrance.
- Definition: A plant with large, showy flowers, typically with a trumpet-shaped center.
- Example: Hibiscus tea is made from the dried flowers of the hibiscus plant.
- Definition: A plant with lobed leaves and clusters of pink, red, or white flowers.
- Example: Geraniums are often used in window boxes and hanging baskets.
- Definition: A plant with large, showy flowers and attractive foliage.
- Example: Begonias thrive in shady areas of the garden.
- Definition: A plant with tall flower spikes and sword-shaped leaves.
- Example: Gladiolus flowers are often used in floral arrangements for their height and color.
- Definition: A plant of the daisy family with brightly colored flowers.
- Example: Zinnias are a favorite in summer gardens for their long-lasting blooms.
- Definition: A plant with trumpet-shaped flowers in a variety of colors.
- Example: Petunias are commonly used in hanging baskets and as ground cover.
- Definition: A garden plant with brightly colored flowers and velvety petals.
- Example: Pansies are often planted in early spring for a splash of color.
- Definition: An evergreen shrub with large, rose-like flowers.
- Example: Camellias bloom in late winter to early spring, providing color when few other plants do.
- Definition: A flowering shrub with brightly colored blooms, part of the rhododendron family.
- Example: Azaleas are popular in gardens for their vibrant spring flowers.
- Definition: A plant with brightly colored, poppy-like flowers.
- Example: Anemones are often used in bouquets for their delicate beauty.
- Definition: A plant with bell-shaped blue flowers, typically found in woodlands.
- Example: Bluebells create a beautiful carpet of blue in springtime forests.
- Definition: A climbing plant with brightly colored bracts surrounding its flowers.
- Example: Bougainvillea is often used to add vibrant color to walls and fences.
Calla Lily
- Definition: A plant with large, trumpet-shaped flowers and arrow-shaped leaves.
- Example: Calla lilies are popular in wedding bouquets for their elegance.
- Definition: A climbing plant with large, star-shaped flowers.
- Example: Clematis vines are often trained to climb trellises and fences.
- Definition: A common weed with bright yellow flowers and fluffy seed heads.
- Example: Dandelions are often used in salads and herbal remedies.
- Definition: A plant with pendulous, tubular flowers in bright shades of red, pink, and purple.
- Example: Fuchsias are a favorite for hanging baskets due to their striking appearance.
- Definition: A plant with clusters of small, fragrant flowers, typically purple or white.
- Example: Heliotropes are known for their pleasant vanilla-like fragrance.
- Definition: A climbing shrub with sweetly scented flowers.
- Example: Honeysuckle flowers attract hummingbirds and butterflies.
- Definition: A shrub with large, round flower clusters, typically pink, blue, or white.
- Example: Hydrangeas change color based on the soil’s pH level.
- Definition: A shrub with fragrant, cone-shaped clusters of purple or white flowers.
- Example: Lilacs are often grown for their beautiful and fragrant spring blooms.
Morning Glory
- Definition: A climbing plant with trumpet-shaped flowers that open in the morning.
- Example: Morning glories are known for their rapid growth and colorful flowers.
- Definition: A plant with round leaves and brightly colored, edible flowers.
- Example: Nasturtium flowers add a peppery flavor to salads.
- Definition: A poisonous evergreen shrub with clusters of pink, red, white, or yellow flowers.
- Example: Oleanders are commonly used in landscaping for their drought resistance.
- Definition: A plant with small, star-shaped flowers, typically blue or purple.
- Example: Periwinkles are often used as ground cover in shady areas.
- Definition: A plant with bright yellow, pink, or white flowers that bloom in early spring.
- Example: Primroses are among the first flowers to bloom in the garden each year.
- Definition: A plant with tall spikes of brightly colored flowers that resemble dragon’s mouths.
- Example: Snapdragons are popular in flower beds for their height and color.
Sweet Pea
- Definition: A climbing plant with fragrant, colorful flowers.
- Example: Sweet peas are often grown for their delightful fragrance and are used in floral arrangements.
- Definition: A plant with clusters of small, brightly colored flowers.
- Example: Verbenas are commonly used in hanging baskets and window boxes.
- Definition: Small plants with heart-shaped leaves and delicate, purple flowers.
- Example: Violets are known for their sweet fragrance and are often used in perfumes.
- Definition: A climbing plant with hanging clusters of fragrant, pea-like flowers.
- Example: Wisteria vines create stunning displays on pergolas and arbors.
- Definition: A plant with feathery leaves and flat clusters of small flowers.
- Example: Yarrow is often used in herbal medicine and attracts beneficial insects to the garden.
- Definition: A tall plant with tubular flowers, typically pink or purple, that grow in a spike.
- Example: Foxgloves are known for their striking appearance and are used in traditional medicine.
- Definition: A plant with daisy-like flowers in a variety of colors.
- Example: Cosmos are easy to grow and attract butterflies to the garden.
- Definition: A plant with star-shaped flowers, often purple, blue, or white.
- Example: Asters bloom in late summer to early fall, adding color to the garden.
- Definition: A young, undeveloped flower or shoot.
- Example: The rose bush was covered in buds ready to bloom.
- Definition: A plant with bright, showy flowers and fleshy stems.
- Example: Balsams are often grown in containers for their vibrant colors.
- Definition: A flowering plant with fragrant yellow or orange blossoms.
- Example: The champak tree is revered in many cultures for its beautiful and fragrant flowers.
- Definition: A plant with large, bushy flowers in a variety of colors.
- Example: Dahlias are popular in flower shows for their dramatic and diverse blooms.
Dog Rose
- Definition: A wild rose with pink or white flowers.
- Example: The dog rose is often found growing in hedgerows and woodlands.
- Definition: The reproductive structure of a plant, often brightly colored and fragrant.
- Example: Flowers are used in many cultures to celebrate special occasions.
- Definition: An aquatic plant with large, showy flowers and broad, floating leaves.
- Example: The lotus is a symbol of purity and enlightenment in many Asian cultures.
- Definition: A tree or shrub with large, fragrant flowers, typically white or pink.
- Example: Magnolia trees are often planted for their stunning springtime blossoms.
Night Jasmine
- Definition: A plant with small, fragrant flowers that bloom at night.
- Example: Night jasmine is known for its sweet fragrance that intensifies after sunset.
- Definition: A tall plant with large, bright yellow flowers that turn to follow the sun.
- Example: Sunflowers are grown for their edible seeds and oil.
- Definition: A plant with highly fragrant, white, tubular flowers.
- Example: Tuberose flowers are often used in perfumes and floral arrangements.
- Definition: A cereal plant that is cultivated for its grain, used to make flour.
- Example: Fields of wheat sway in the breeze during the summer.
- Definition: A leguminous plant with lens-shaped seeds, often used as a food source.
- Example: Lentil plants produce small, edible seeds that are high in protein.