Idioms about love  

aching heart


The phrase aching heart is an idiomatic expression that refers to the feeling of pain because of love.

blind date


When two people who have never seen each other before go on a date

cupboard love


The phrase cupboard love refers to affection that is given purely to gain something from someone.

fall for someone


to fall in love with someone.

fall in love with someone


To come to have feelings of love directed at another person or a thing

for the love of God


The phrase for the love of is used to express surprise, exasperation, annoyance, or some similar feeling

love at first sight


Falling in love with somebody the first time you see them

love is blind


The idiom love is blind means that a person who is in love can see no faults or imperfections in the person who is loved.

love me, love my dog


means that if you love someone, you must be willing to accept everything about them.

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