Idioms about War

all's fair in love and war.


In love or in war, you are allowed to be deceitful in order to get what you want.

an act of war


An act which is considered violent enough to cause war.

armed to the teeth


The phrase armed to the teeth is an idiomatic expression that means heavily armed with deadly weapons.

arrow in the quiver 


This idiom is used when talking about one of a number of resources or strategies that can be used to achieve a goal.

bring a knife to a gunfight 


To enter into a confrontation or other challenging situation without being adequately equipped or prepared.

bury the hatchet


The phrase to bury the hatchet is an idiomatic expression; it means to make peace.

call the shots


If you call the shots you are in charge. You decide on the course of action and take the initiative.

caught in the crossfire


This phrase is an idiomatic expression that literally means to be trapped between two lines of enemy fire

choose your battles


If you choose your battles wisely, you are selective of the problems, arguments, and confrontations that you get involved in. Sometimes, it is wiser to save your time and effort only for the things that matter than to choose to fight every problem.

cross swords


to quarrel or argue with someone; to have a dispute with someone.

dodge a bullet


To manage to avoid a difficult or undesirable situation.

double-edged sword


A benefit that carries some significant but non-obvious cost or risk.

draw fire


If you draw fire, you attract hostile criticism.

drop a bombshell


The phrase drop a bombshell refers to an alarming and unexpected announcement.

fight fire with fire


If you fight fire with fire, you use the same methods and tactics that your opponent is using against you.

fight the good fight


If you fight the good fight, you try very hard to do what is right so as to have a clean conscience.

give the gun


The phrase give it the gun means to make a motor or engine run faster; to speed up.

gun it


The phrase gun it means to accelerate or speed up quickly or suddenly. This idiom is usually said while traveling in a car.

hit and miss


If something is hit and miss, it is unpredictable and may produce good results or it may fail altogether.

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