Action Verbs List, definition and Example Sentences
Action verbs are used to express physical and mental actions. In action verbs, it is tried to explain what the subject in the sentence does. When the examples of action verbs are examined, it is understood in which function and for what purpose they are used in sentences. Action verbs, which have an important place in English, must be used correctly.
Action Verbs Quiz/Exercise
Action Verbs with meaning
Meaning: (especially of a vehicle) begin to move more quickly.
The light was green and she accelerated across the intersection.
Meaning: Highly trained or skilled in a particular activity.
She got her pilot’s license in 1948 and became an accomplished stunt flier and test pilot.
Meaning: bring to a successful conclusion; reach a goal
Impersonation may be more easily achieved intellectually, requiring only keen observation and the power of imitation.
Meaning: Gained by personal exertion
What he has done in any one species or distinct kind of writing would have been sufficient to have acquired him a great name.
Meaning: Initiate something; start a function
The five power levels and strobe function are activated via the metal side button, and a memory function remembers the last brightness setting when the flashlight is turned on.
Meaning: Make (something) suitable for a new use or purpose; modify.
The pandemic has put retailers under tremendous strain but rewarded those that adapted nimbly.
Meaning: become or make prepared, adapted
Smith has a clear fundraising edge, but she leads by a little less than 8 points in our adjusted polling average of the race, so the Lite version doesn’t view her as quite so sure a bet.
Meaning: manage an organization or effort
Rather late that evening we administered extreme unction to him, for otherwise he was sufficiently prepared for it.
Meaning: having the benefit of careful prior consideration or counsel
If the bunion develops as part of a more widespread arthritis, then other medication may be advised.
Meaning: help, support
The new government aid will help the company maintain cash reserves during a prolonged period of decreased demand for air travel.
Meaning: assign; divide among
The company also did not immediately respond to a request to break out, in terms of percentages, how much of its media budget is allocated to experiential for this effort.
Meaning: examine and determine
It automatically sends the rate-us chat message I mentioned earlier, it keeps all the chat histories, so we can analyze them when necessary.
Meaning: write explanatory notes
The protest of the German professors against the alleged Allied calumnies was printed in full and annotated with sympathy.
Meaning: reply, react
The Princess still kept her eyes fixed on Louis, while, in a suppressed and unsteady voice, she answered her governess.
Meaning: expected
You follow her on social media, eagerly anticipate new releases, and chat about her talent with your friends.
Meaning: Came into view
Over recent months, many private and parochial schools have reported students or staff who tested positive or appeared symptomatic for the coronavirus.
Meaning: (of a subject of study) put to practical use as opposed to being theoretical.
After the battle of the Pyramids he fell sick, and before the Syrian expedition, applied to return to France.
Meaning: (of a time or place) decided on beforehand; designated.
He graduated at Yale college, and at the commencement of hostilities was appointed to the chief command of the Connecticut troops.
Meaning: assess the value or quality of.
As Bill looked over his oft-appraised stock, it seemed to have lost much of its one-time charm.
Meaning: officially agreed or accepted as satisfactory.
If it is approved and all goes well, a vaccine could be available to a limited number of Americans within weeks.
Meaning: achieve settlement
The matter was arbitrated and it consisted in the gospel workers paying tribute to the king.
Meaning: give reasons or cite evidence in support of an idea, action, or theory, typically with the aim of persuading others to share one’s view.
No one ever argued with Levison; all understood that this particular phrase was final.
Meaning: put in an order
We had three long tables which Liszt arranged to suit himself, his own place being in the middle.
Meaning: say clearly, coherently
Twice he attempted to speak, before he could give any voice to what he wished to say; at last he hastily articulated.
Meaning: (of people) gather together in one place for a common purpose.
While they were doing this, he assembled the officers around him, and the meaning of our night march was explained to us.
Meaning: evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of.
Urban property and lands were assessed at values far beyond those at which the owners truly estimated them.
Meaning: Select and give a responsibility
Leave the girl to grow up in the station to which God has assigned her, no matter by whose human hands the deed was done.
Meaning: help (someone), typically by doing a share of the work.
The three riders who were most concerned about keeping up rented e-bikes, which have small, battery-powered motors to provide an assist on hills.
Meaning: suppose to be the case, without proof.
Rather than relying on assumed transaction values, you can monitor everything through one or more Google Analytics dashboards.
Meaning: Absolutely certain
These are some of the most trusted names in technology, so you can rest assured they are quality products.
Meaning: give prize or reward
As we step into award season, due to the current pandemic crisis, ceremony’s are looking a bit different this go round.
Meaning: being in a state of proper equilibrium
The difference is that she handles the money, keeps the chequing account balanced and the bills paid.
Meaning: instruct or inform (someone) thoroughly, especially in preparation for a task.
She briefed him on last week’s decisions
Meaning: take or go with (someone or something) to a place.
She brought Luke home from hospital.
Meaning: (of a sum of money) provided for a particular purpose from a budget.
A budgeted figure of $21,000.
Meaning: (of a person) having a specified physical size or build.
A slightly built woman
Meaning: figured by mathematical calculation
So far from this, his ready mind already calculated how she might be a gainer by the arrangement.
Meaning: make a systematic list of (items of the same type).
it will be some time before the collection is fully catalogued.
Meaning: bring into being; bring about
Any Republican who dismisses it will be branded a traitor to the cause.
Meaning: mediate, arbitrate
Jennifer Redmond, the deputy chair of elections for Wayne County, choked up as she addressed the board.
Meaning: exchanged
Then Paterno adroitly brought matters to a crisis in a bold peroration which changed the whole scene.
Meaning: reserve, commission
The notion was simply that of a chartered bank established upon a novel basis and financing upon an original principle.
Meaning: inspect, examine
He was greeted by hoots and jeers, but with absolute imperturbability he reorganised his forces and checked the enemy.
Meaning: pick, select
Now, he chose a small table in a corner of the balcony, close to the glass screen.
Meaning: explain, make clear
Murkowski on Tuesday said only that she would meet with Barrett later, which an aide clarified was sometime this week.
Meaning: top-secret
Classify each leukocyte seen, and calculate what percentage each variety is of the whole number classified.
Meaning: remove an obstruction or unwanted item or items from.
When ordinary methods do not suffice, it can usually be cleared by shaking up with a little magnesium carbonate and filtering.
Meaning: shut, out of service
Every few hours I found at least 10 traps with closed doors, and what followed was a crash course in mammal diversity.
Meaning: systematize
The authorities will give you a unique code, or key, to enter into your phone.
Meaning: work together
When the pandemic hit and collaborating remotely became critical, Google was well positioned.
Meaning: composed, calm
Numbers have dribbled back from firing line and cannot be collected in this difficult country.
Meaning: join or merge to form a single unit or substance.
We would classify these two departments in this way, though in the highest dramatic work elements of both phases are combined.
Meaning: make statement of opinion, explanation
We can hear his hurt in a comment he made at a lecture in Paris in 1922, shortly after Mach’s preface was published.
Meaning: give or exchange information, ideas
The sensation she had communicated to him then she communicated again, this time perhaps more strongly.
Meaning: estimate, measure, or note the similarity or dissimilarity between.
Individual schools compared their facilities with those of others in the area.
Meaning: assemble, accumulate
The project is a volunteer effort to compile data from state health agencies.
Meaning: finish making or doing.
When the reserve transfers are completed checks in transit can no longer count as reserves.
Meaning: calm, collected
The expression of his features was calm and composed, and his eyes were raised to heaven with a look of hope and supplication.
Meaning: calculate, estimate
I do not doubt that they easily accomplished the return journey, for we cannot compute the distance they can cover in a day.
Meaning: understand
With demand for cosmetic services growing, the idea to address users’ needs and claim leadership in this specific, high-revenue niche was conceived.
Meaning: form a concept
The most fundamental idea is that of person as caring with nursing conceptualized as a discipline.
Meaning: finish, come to an end
The Food and Drug Administration withdrew its emergency-use authorization for hydroxychloroquine in hospitalized patients in June, concluding that safety risks, including heart problems, outweighed any potential benefits.
Meaning: led by a guide; managed.
We are committed to fostering an environment where everyone feels respected and upholds our standards of conduct.
Meaning: combine; make firm
Actions against several intruders were consolidated, and that against Mr Hart came on for trial.
Meaning: assemble, build
What we know of race, not ethnicity or culture, but race in and of itself is that it’s a manmade construct.
Meaning: ask, confer
Terrified with this apparition, he consulted several friends, who advised him to take the advice.
Meaning: communicate with
When we kept pressing, she got angry and told us to stop contacting her.
Meaning: persist, carry on
Thus he continued to rush over the frozen sea during a considerable part of that night.
Meaning: condense
Some peculiar lines between these contracted brows gave a character of ferocity to this forbidding and sensual face.
Meaning: not showing emotion; having one’s feelings under control.
He controlled himself betimes, bethinking him that, after all, there might be some reason in what this fat fellow said.
Meaning: bring together; meet
A new Assembly had just been convened, from which all the members of the one but recently dissolved were by law excluded.
Meaning: (of a building) having been adapted to be suitable for a new purpose.
He was converted and baptized, and was the first Hebrew instructor at Harvard college.
Meaning: transport or carry to a place.
Agencies also need to broadcast the availability of multichannel options to citizens directly in order to convey value and drive broader community awareness of their existence.
Meaning: completely certain about something.
As the coronavirus continues to spread, Airbnb will be challenged to convince consumers that its rentals are safe.
Meaning: match, relate
But the way in which they are combined and coordinated about certain basic principles is peculiar to the girl scouts.
Meaning: put right (an error or fault).
I realized in that moment shoes as gifts are uncommon because they’re so hard to get correct because of size, and no one likes returning and exchanging gifts.
Meaning: equate, compare
In physiological studies, increased alpha power has been correlated with inhibition of cortex.
Meaning: agree, complement
Because there are about 50 such nerve clusters on each side of the brain in this layer, this establishes a one-to-one mapping between types of sensory neurons and corresponding nerve clusters.
Meaning: give advice
He served as the governor’s ethics supervisor, and as chief legal counsel he worked to defend Dunleavy from the ongoing recall effort.
Meaning: do business
She was far too sensible for ingratitude, and fully appreciated the gifts that life had so liberally dealt her.
Meaning: argue, discuss
So, there’s some debate as to whether these e-cigarette ads could lead to an increase in sales of tobacco cigarettes.
Meaning: certain, definite
No man should regard the subject of religion as decided for him until he has read The Golden Bough.
Meaning: protected
The place was well defended by earthworks and natural parapets, and for several hours the issue of the contest was doubtful.
Meaning: give description
The sides generally rather shallow, heads of exquisite form and well defined.
Meaning: give authority; empower
Their conference was short; but it implied to Louis, that his delegated reign, as well as that of his father, was at an end.
Meaning: brought
That gives health officials 20 days to get the vaccine into people’s arms once it’s delivered.
Meaning: display, show
Thus, from sheer lack of knowledge, the public accept the Christian apologist’s assertions as demonstrated truth.
Meaning: explain in speech, writing
She described the recent wave of mergers as “marriages of weakness,” not strength.
Meaning: plan, outline
In this little room the galleries had been designed; the windows had looked upon the commencement of the great work.
Meaning: itemized, particularized
This brightness, caused by the intense reflection of sunlight from its thick clouds and highlighted by its close proximity to Earth, basically blinds our instruments from making detailed observations of the planet.

Meaning: driven, persistent
A commonly understood interpretation of the law that allowed camping below the high-water mark was determined to be “overbroad and unconstitutional,” according to a 2010 essay that Juras wrote on the topic.
Meaning: advanced or elaborated to a specified degree.
Nam has developed a personal style that she considers key to her vast following.
Meaning: conceive, dream up
Numerous methods for staining capsules have been devised, but few are satisfactory.
Meaning: become or cause to be less
Factors which favor an early deposit are high acidity, diminished urinary pigments, and excessive excretion of uric acid.
Meaning: supervised
He directed them to this city, together with other letters written by the inhabitants and religious.
Meaning: find unexpectedly or during a search.
This time, their journey takes a twist when King Akeem discovers he has a son that he never knew about.
Meaning: shared or spread out.
It is more universally distributed over the whole Island, in the cultivated as well as the wild parts.
Meaning: record (something) in written, photographic, or other form.
It is, the families say, also withholding documents that Boeing never even shared with Ethiopian investigators.
Meaning: prepare a preliminary version of (a document).
Drafted also a long cable discussing a diversion on the Asiatic shore of the Dardanelles.
Meaning: make money
It was claimed, as we have seen, that under free contract a man was paid what he earned and no law could make it more.
Meaning: rewrite, refine
He edited nearly forty works, some of them classics, but principally relative to ancient English history and antiquities.
Meaning: learned, experienced
In fact, research has found that is typical among those who are the least educated and least politically engaged.
Meaning: carry out, accomplish
The effects of lifestyle change have even made it all the way down to our feet.
Meaning: evoke or draw out (a reaction, answer, or fact) from someone.
Over several generations of such evolution, the algorithm has found stimuli that elicit much higher responses in visual neurons than do normal hand-picked natural stimuli.
Meaning: heartened
As a teenager, he did that through starting an underground newspaper and designing signage aimed at encouraging people to help the environment.
Meaning: devise; bring about
Comice, a Tijuana-based conglomerate of engineers, contractors and business experts, also proposed a water-recycling project to the International Boundary and Water Commission.
Meaning: having become or been made larger.
The church has lately been much enlarged, and the long-standing rebuke no more exists.
Meaning: in a firm position
Whereas some energy stocks could do really well from here on ESG measures because they’ve established carbon neutrality goals.
Meaning: (of a value or number) roughly calculated; approximate.
He had not estimated that if Jean Baptiste sought his wife secretly, it must have been because he wished to avoid him.
Meaning: judge
In this simple case the various incidents must be evaluated, and each must be considered by itself.
Meaning: checked
When he had finished, she took them from his hand, and turning them round in agitated silence, examined their seals and writing.
Meaning: be superior; surpass
Give a big man who excels at getting himself open close to the basket an elite entry passer who also happens to be a knockdown shooter,12 and he’ll become even more dangerous.
Meaning: performed
The defensive line’s proficiency up front has allowed the back seven to execute their system and clamp down tight.
Meaning: publicly display (a work of art or item of interest) in an art gallery or museum or at a trade fair.
The team had long been planning an exhibit on persuasive maps to coincide with the 2020 election season.
Meaning: extend, augment
Vases of flowers diffused their fragrance and expanded their beauty where flowers were never seen to bloom before.
Meaning: make happen faster
How long that process will take, even if it’s expedited, is still hard to predict.
Meaning: knowledgeable, knowing
The voices of some experienced business leaders and of economists, like Glenn Hubbard of Columbia Business School, still stand by Friedman but offer the caveat that his theory only really works if shareholders are patient and long-term oriented.
Meaning: investigate, test
The results of experiments are predictable only once the researchers take averages over many trials.
Meaning: made clear
This is why it’s so important for fitness creators on TikTok to not only to show, but also explain how to do a particular movement.
Meaning: investigate; survey
I found that I still felt the lure of foreign countries, and the less explored or inhabited, the better.
Meaning: articulate; signify, mean
Many teachers expressed serious misgivings about the new exams.
Meaning: lengthened
Many Wizards players are still working back to full strength after they missed an extended period of time because of the unexpected January break, while players such as Beal had to shoulder the burden of a shorthanded roster in the meantime.
Meaning: put in place, order
The band took up a position in an old Spanish trench and played as the troops filed past along the beach.
Meaning: anticipate, predict
Would require documentation, assessment, and attempts to address foreseen impacts.
Meaning: bring into existence; make, produce
That, combined with rising housing costs, could result in RVs and camper vans becoming viable alternative forms of long-term housing.
Meaning: plan, specify systematically
He also, in bass incoherence, formulated the opinion that in such a nest might he found true happiness.
Meaning: acquire, win
With him one is at high pressure all the time, and I have gained a good many more ideas from him than I can work up in a hurry.
Meaning: assembled
The young men gathered round him and offered him a cigar, which he accepted and began to smoke.
Meaning: produce, create
As a general rule, Bateman said, purchasing food and other items that are made locally generates less carbon emission, because these products don’t need to be transported long distances or stored and repackaged at a retailer.
Meaning: ruled
Democrats will message to their voters that they need a governing majority in Washington to improve health care, the climate, pass coronavirus relief and any other number of issues.
Meaning: allowed, accepted
Instead of the expected general amnesty, only a few special pardons were granted.
Meaning: bring together
There are five general heads under which the characteristics to be sought may be grouped.
Meaning: direct, lead
Thus shall we see the destinies of this country guided under the orange and red flag.
Meaning: controlled
Her success increased her confidence in herself and enhanced the boldness and freedom with which she handled her brush.
Meaning: make it easier or possible for (someone) to do something by offering one’s services or resources.
People living in some of the most affected countries often do not have governments that can meet these criteria, making it difficult for them to be eligible to get international help.
Meaning: draw special attention to.
Since Sue lives in New York City this is going to be a big deal, with them seeing the tree in Rockefeller Center and other highlights.
Meaning: establish or indicate who or what (someone or something) is.
A March report from the Australian Strategic Policy Institute identified four alleged instances in which labor from the Xinjiang region has been connected to Apple’s supply chain.
Meaning: (of a book, newspaper, etc.) containing pictures or other graphical material.
Wordsworth has illustrated how an unwise and importunate demand for a reason from a child may drive him into invention.
Meaning: make (a person or animal) immune to infection, typically by inoculation.
That may prove frustrating for people who survived the pandemic and went through the trouble of getting immunized but still can’t relax.
Meaning: start, put into action
The limestone used by the Chiquihuite Cave dwellers was more difficult to work with, he says, so it makes sense that these implements would be more rugged.
Meaning: having become or been made better.
If rates inch back toward normal as the economy improves, prices of stocks and real estate could tumble.
Meaning: (of a company or other organization) formed into a legal corporation.
It must have been incorporated under a special or general law of the State or district in which it is located.
Meaning: become or make greater in size, amount, or degree.
The most likely explanation for the sharp increase is investors’ hope that Spotify can become the Netflix of podcasts, explains Pivotal Research Group analyst Jeff Wlodarczak.
Meaning: have an influence on.
As you see, the data and our daily experience on the Internet show that it’s hard to argue that social media influence purchase decisions.
Meaning: cognizant, conversant
Athletes have powerful and important and informed voices, and they should be encouraged to use them.
Meaning: look at (someone or something) closely, typically to assess their condition or to discover any shortcomings.
I greatly admire his character, but he positively could not have made his way along the fire trenches I inspected yesterday.
Meaning: begin; put into operation
The institute is tapped into a community network, where about 200 people contribute with the help of special toilets that separate urine from poo.
Meaning: translate orally or into sign language the words of a person speaking a different language.
They’d often include symmetric arrangements of circles and lines, which Jung would interpret in light of his notion of archetypes.
Meaning: ask questions of (someone) closely, aggressively, or formally.
Now the practice of Interrogative Analysis compels such persons to interrogate—to propose questions—to think.
Meaning: ask questions and evaluate
When he was interviewed, fearsome in manner as he was, he sent the worm away packed with ideas and phrases.
Meaning: brought in
All the other vaccines of the last decades have either been tested for years or were introduced very slowly, he says.
Meaning: create or design (something that has not existed before); be the originator of.
At other times they have a dreadful look of being fibs invented for the purpose of covering a fault.
Meaning: carry out a systematic or formal inquiry to discover and examine the facts of (an incident, allegation, etc.) so as to establish the truth.
The royal Audiencia has investigated this matter, on petition of the cabildo, in order to refer it to that royal council.
Meaning: difficult to understand; complicated.
So if we would just highlight them and spotlight them, I think it would kind of help the next generation to kind of get more involved or just wanting to coach.
Meaning: become linked or connected to.
The bear laughed and joined his companion, and the torpedo thundered away.
Meaning: make decision from evidence; deduce
A week later, in front of a different judge, the housing authority dropped the claim about timeliness.
Meaning: legitimize, substantiate
It’s not easy to justify spending hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars on a mission that could be over in a matter of hours and not give us what we need.
Meaning: have or retain possession of.
Edna Pontellier, casting her eyes about, had finally kept them at rest upon the sea.
Meaning: the main idea or central principle of a speech, program, thought, action, etc.
Meaning: give a lesson, speech
The website offers a full listing of trunk shows, exhibition dates, galas, lectures, and book signings.
Meaning: guide physically
Likewise, our current LED lighting and display technologies are too expensive and not of good enough color quality to realistically replace traditional lighting in a short enough time frame.
Meaning: having an official licence.
Campuswire’s key monetization strategy, which was selling pro licenses for its online class software, felt threatened by alternatives.
Meaning: hear and pay attention
In November, Miard and colleagues will play the ultrasound calls in the field and listen for colugo responses.
Meaning: bring matter before court of law
Especially in heavily litigated Pennsylvania, courts upheld those changes.
Meaning: press for political action
I pushed through the revolving door into an almost overwhelmingly awesome lobby of glass, marble, and stainless steel, hung with enormous works of art.
Meaning: care for, keep up
Based on contact tracing and genomic sequencing, league officials maintain they have seen no evidence of on-field transmission of the virus during games.
Meaning: succeed in surviving or in achieving something despite difficult circumstances; cope.
Other countries have managed to keep schools open even while locking everything else down.
Meaning: package and sell goods
Our cows must have feed, they must be milked, the milk must be marketed.
Meaning: learn; become proficient
He mastered it, and galloped with a heavy heart up the ravine and to the house of Pop.
Meaning: (of speech or writing) carefully considered and restrained.
When one looked at him one felt that he was a standard by which other animals should be measured.
Meaning: try to bring to an agreement
He went out of his line on this occasion, and mediated between the parties.
Meaning: fashion or shape (a three-dimensional figure or object) in a malleable material such as clay or wax.
The designs were both imprinted on the soft clay and modeled in relief.
Meaning: restrain, control
After some hours of huddling I observed that the temperature had moderated.
Meaning: transform (a structure) from its original anatomical form during development or evolution.
In taking his aim Kingozi modified his usual custom because of the distance.
Meaning: listen, watch carefully
Only fragments of the broadcasts could be monitored, because radio reception had suddenly deteriorated right across the world.
Meaning: stimulate, instigate
What had motivated them no one knew, but the colony owed them their lives.
Meaning: having as a name
You were our only child; named Artaminta, in remembrance of my mother.
Meaning: obtain or bring about by discussion.
But this is not the only loan that India has been supposed to have negotiated in Babylon.
Meaning: notice or perceive (something) and register it as being significant.
She had observed that Geta and Milza appeared much confused when she spoke to them.
Meaning: get, acquire, or secure (something).
He has obtained from his son a solemn promise never to speak to me of marriage.

Meaning: perform a surgical operation.
New-Haven enjoys an elephant that has corns, and is about to be operated on by a chiropodist.
Meaning: give an authoritative instruction to do something.
He assented–and being thus, in a manner, ordered up–went it alone.
Meaning: arranged, systematized
They can be acquired only by living in an organized community in which they are traditional.
Meaning: have a specified beginning.
I have acted on all his suggestions, and feel as proud as if I had originated them myself.
Meaning: marked in outline
Briefly she outlined the situation to Emma, who had long been her confidante.
Meaning: manage, supervise
Austin was at home in the morning and evening and oversaw their work, helping with the heavier part.
Meaning: take part in activity
The smiles which surrounded him were of his own creation, and he participated in the happiness he had bestowed.
Meaning: become aware or conscious of (something); come to realize or understand.
Plato perceived that the contemplative maiden was busy with memories of the past.
Meaning: carry out, accomplish
This operation is performed by the aid of a punch and die fitted into a screw-press.
Meaning: induce (someone) to do something through reasoning or argument.
But that was after he done his best to persuade me, and I wouldn’t be persuaded.
Meaning: decide on and make arrangements for in advance.
Talimeco was a White Town; how should I know that she planned killing in it.
Meaning: give or award formally or ceremonially.
The week elapsed, and at the end of it, I had not presented myself at his residence.
Meaning: be in authority
Later he was to become a Spiritualist and preside at table-tipping seances.
Meaning: produce (books, newspapers, etc.), especially in large quantities, by a mechanical process involving the transfer of text or designs to paper.
It did help the milliner, too, for I bought three and they were printed in the papers.
Meaning: perform a series of mechanical or chemical operations on (something) in order to change or preserve it.
They keep their cattle on his land, although he has, since then, processed them for trespass.
Meaning: make or manufacture from components or raw materials.
The quantity of sugar produced was small compared to that produced on other estates.
Meaning: support or actively encourage (a cause, venture, etc.); further the progress of.
The girl is to be married next week; and this promoted and brought about by him.
Meaning: bring action against in court
Prosecute the boy, and you put him in prison, and spend more money; you get none back.
Meaning: preserved from harm, especially by means of formal or legal measures.
This we also burnt with fire, after we had protected the fresh flint by plastering it with clay.
Meaning: on the condition or understanding that.
There were things that had to be said; it did not much matter who said them provided they were said plainly.
Meaning: make widely known; promote
We have not actually destroyed poverty, and this gap between our intent and our achievement has been publicized.
Meaning: ask for answer
It never seemed to occur to her that any of her rulings might be questioned.
Meaning: elevated to a higher position or level; lifted.
Not a hand was raised—for his worst enemies could not deny that he was temperate and frugal.
Meaning: widely accepted as authoritative or true.
Not only that, but he would get into trouble with Mr. Paine on account of the damage which it had received.
Meaning: set down in writing or some other permanent form for later reference.
The story was there recorded in black and white on the page written by Helen Morris.
Meaning: make smaller or less in amount, degree, or size.
The duties were to be reduced and the system improved, but the principle was to be maintained.
Meaning: (of fat) melted in order to separate out the impurities.
He was received with joy for the service he had rendered to the Italian people.
Meaning: restore (something damaged, faulty, or worn) to a good condition.
He felt morally bound to get it repaired, though he was guiltless of the damage.
Meaning: having been formally or officially announced or described.
He had also reported that Mark’s place was to be held open for him by his employers.
Meaning: be entitled or appointed to act or speak for (someone), especially in an official capacity.
I am sure you could not have represented what I proposed fairly: I am sure you could not.
Meaning: produce a copy of.
On the way he unfolded the sheets of paper, and read in them what is reproduced in the next chapter.
Meaning: officially compulsory, or otherwise considered essential; indispensable.
He was then required to swear by all the gods, and by the dreaded Erinnys, that he had spoken truly.
Meaning: investigate systematically.
They were careful not to forget the drawers, which their hands searched and researched.
Meaning: firmly determined to do something.
He resolved to listen with good grace to any homilies that might issue.
Meaning: act in answer to something
This was responded to by a roar of satisfaction from the crowd below.
Meaning: return (someone or something) to a former condition, place, or position.
It was restored with great expedition, and was re-opened within the same year.
Meaning: continue to have (something); keep possession of.
Anaxagoras retained his usual bland expression and meek dignity.
Meaning: get back
He retrieved his wire and then looked at the horse kicking on the ground.
Meaning: assess (something) formally with the intention of instituting change if necessary.
As he walked back to the camp he reviewed his own feelings with something like astonishment.
Meaning: (of written or printed matter) having been altered or corrected.
Following is the revised edition of the Decalogue, calculated for this meridian.
Meaning: write (something) again so as to alter or improve it.
I rewrote it to make it big, and I made it so big I spoiled it all.
Meaning: defeat overwhelmingly
In the morning it was Henry who awoke first and routed his companion out of bed.
Meaning: kept from danger
Your life must be saved; even if you reprove me for the means.
Meaning: included in or planned according to a schedule.
The total value of the property of this Bishop was scheduled at about £3,000.
Meaning: seek to find something
She has been searched, and we have found about a hundred dollars worth of laces on her.
Meaning: carefully choose as being the best or most suitable.
Maidens of the first families were selected to embroider the sacred peplus.
Meaning: perform duties or services for (another person or an organization).
I’ve knocked about in all sorts of places, and it won’t be the first time I’ve served as cook.
Meaning: having a defined external form or outline.
It is a single round, low tower, shaped like the tomb of Cacilia Metella.
Meaning: distributed between members of a group.
He shared it with bats and all sorts of creeping insects but this he did not mind.
Meaning: actively exhibit something
I could tell it, if nothing else showed it, by the way in which she overdoes respectability.
Meaning: made easy
Steinheil, of Munich, simplified it, and added an alarm in the form of a bell.
Meaning: ask for or try to obtain (something) from someone.
I have been solicited by many friends to become a candidate for the Legislature.
Meaning: answer, resolve
The men that have solved greater problems in the past will not be balked by these.
Meaning: requiring or involving detailed and specific knowledge or training.
When some women were specialized for motherhood then there were surplus women.
Meaning: particularized
When no place is specified the note is payable at the maker’s place of business or at his residence.
Meaning: each of the bars or wire rods connecting the centre of a wheel to its outer edge.
A second and a third time the Ethiopian touched him with his wand, and spoke in whispers.
Meaning: begin or be reckoned from a particular point in time or space.
The boy shouldered the carpetbag and started in advance, Robert following.
Meaning: raise levels of physiological or nervous activity in (the body or any biological system).
The scent of a big item was in his nostrils, and it stimulated him like champagne.
Meaning: organized, precise
It was more a way that society should not be structured, that he talked about.
Meaning: (of a quality or result) achieved or maintained by careful and deliberate effort.
One could not help feeling that he had studied the possibilities, and felt the danger.
Meaning: give a rundown
The whole, however, may with advantage be summarized into one short chapter.
Meaning: observe and direct the execution of (a task or activity).
That got him six months, with five years’ supervised probation.
Meaning: backed personally
But the arm that through her son had struck her heart, caught and supported her.
Meaning: combine; make whole
The antibody could be synthesized and one could attack any epidemic with confidence.
Meaning: select as an object of attention or attack.
Two men were targeted by the attackers
Meaning: impart knowledge to or instruct (someone) as to how to do something.
Travelling taught me that not everyone shared my beliefs.
Meaning: take measures to check the quality, performance, or reliability of (something), especially before putting it into widespread use or practice.
Tested on the piano, the pitch was F-sharp and the time was my heart beat.
Meaning: having been taught a particular skill or type of behaviour through practice and instruction over a period of time.
I trained for six months and then I went as a stop-gap to that office where you saw me.
Meaning: express the sense of (words or text) in another language.
This and other extracts from the same poet are translated by Thomas Moore, Esq.
Meaning: teach someone privately
He was more tolerant now than he had been in the days when he had tutored Henry at Ballymartin.
Meaning: having already been used.
The best doctrines become the worst, when they are used for evil purposes.
Meaning: make use of
Such material should be utilized in the preparation of these foods.
Meaning: make sure or demonstrate that (something) is true, accurate, or justified.
The miraculous, which could not be verified, must be a food necessary to human despair.
Meaning: be engaged in physical or mental activity in order to achieve a result; do work.
I’d worked wid my mouf full of dust, but could not stop to get a drink of water.
Meaning: put language down on paper
Since I wrote the above, I ventured to send a letter by Shorey to my mother.
I appreciate your work.
List of action verbs.