Advanced Words That Start With C
The letter ‘C’ is unique compared to most other letters—do you know why? It’s one of the few letters where the phonetic sound differs from its name. This article provides several lists of words that begin with ‘C’ to help you grasp its pronunciation and expand your vocabulary.
List of Advanced Words That Start With C
- Cabal
- Cache
- Cacophony
- Cadaver
- Cadence
- Cajole
- Calamity
- Calculable
- Callous
- Calumny
- Camaraderie
- Cameo
- Camouflage
- Candid
- Candor
- Canine
- Cantankerous
- Canticle
- Capacious
- Capricious
- Captivate
- Carapace
- Carcinogenic
- Cardinal
- Careen
- Caricature
- Carnage
- Carnal
- Carping
- Cartographer
- Cascade
- Castigate
- Cataclysm
- Catalyst
- Categorical
- Catharsis
- Cauterize
- Cavil
- Celerity
- Celestial
- Censorious
- Censure
- Cerebral
- Cerebration
- Certitude
- Chagrin
- Chalice
- Champion
- Chary
- Chasm
- Chasten
- Chastise
- Chauvinist
- Chicanery
- Chide
- Chimerical
- Chisel
- Chivalrous
- Choleric
- Chromatic
- Chronicle
- Churlish
- Cipher
- Circumscribe
- Circumspect
- Circumvent
- Citadel
- Clairvoyant
- Clamber
- Clandestine
- Clarity
- Clamor
- Clemency
- Cliché
- Clientele
- Climactic
- Clinch
- Cloister
- Coagulate
- Coalesce
- Coda
- Coerce
- Cogent
- Cogitate
- Cognate
- Cognition
- Coherent
- Cohesive
- Coincide
- Collaborate
- Collate
- Collateral
- Colloquial
- Collusion
- Comestible
- Commemorate
- Commendable
- Commiserate
- Commodious
- Compendium
- Compensatory
- Complacent
- Complaisant
- Complement
- Compliant
- Complicity
- Comport
- Compunction
- Concatenate
- Concave
- Concede
- Conceit
- Conciliatory
- Conclave
- Concomitant
- Concord
- Concur
- Conducive
- Conduit
- Confidant
- Confide
- Conflagration
- Confluence
- Conformist
- Confound
- Congeal
- Congenial
- Conglomerate
- Conifer
- Conjecture
- Conjoin
- Conjugal
- Connivance
- Connoisseur
- Connotation
- Conscript
- Consecrate
- Consensus
- Consonant
- Consort
- Consternation
- Constituent
- Construe
- Consummate
- Contaminate
- Contemplate
- Contemporaneous
- Contemptuous
- Contend
- Contentious
- Continence
- Contingent
- Contraband
- Contravene
- Contrite
- Contrived
- Contumacious
- Conundrum
- Convene
- Conversant
- Convivial
- Convoluted
- Copious
- Coquette
- Cordial
- Corollary
- Corpulent
- Corroborate
- Corrosive
- Corrugated
- Cosmic
- Cosmopolitan
- Coterie
- Countenance
- Counterfeit
- Countermand
- Coup
- Covetous
- Cower
- Coy
- Cozen
- Craven
- Credence
- Credible
- Credulous
- Crestfallen
- Cringe
- Criterion
- Crotchety
- Crux
- Cryptic
- Culinary
- Cull
- Culminate
- Culmination
- Culpable
- Culprit
- Cultivate
- Cumbersome
- Cunning
- Cupidity
- Curmudgeon
- Cursory
- Curtail
- Cynical
- Cynosure
- Cabalistic
- Cacophonous
- Calamitous
- Calligraphy
- Calorific
- Camouflaged
- Capitulate
- Capriciousness
- Carcinoma
- Cardiologist
- Carefree
- Cartography
- Cataclysmic
- Celebratory
- Centrifugal
- Centripetal
- Chameleonic
- Charismatic
- Choreograph
- Choreography
- Chronology
- Circuitous
- Circumlocution
- Circumspection
- Clairvoyance
- Classifiable
- Climatologist
- Coagulation
- Cohesiveness
- Coincidence
- Collapsible
- Combativeness
- Commandeer
- Commensurate
- Communicable
- Compartmentalize
- Compassionate
- Compatible
- Competitive
- Complementary
- Comprehensive
- Concatenation
- Conceptualize
- Conclusively
Advanced Words That Start With C with meaning and example
- Meaning: A secret political clique or faction.
- Example: The decision was influenced by a small cabal within the government.
- Meaning: A hidden store of valuables or information.
- Example: The treasure was found in a secret cache buried underground.
- Meaning: A harsh, discordant mixture of sounds.
- Example: The cacophony of car horns and sirens filled the busy street.
- Meaning: A dead body, especially one used for scientific study.
- Example: The medical students studied the cadaver to learn about human anatomy.
- Meaning: The rhythmic flow or pattern of sounds.
- Example: The cadence of the poet’s verse was both soothing and powerful.
- Meaning: To persuade someone to do something through flattery or gentle urging.
- Example: She cajoled her friend into attending the party despite his reluctance.
- Meaning: A great misfortune or disaster.
- Example: The earthquake was a calamity that affected thousands of lives.
- Meaning: Able to be calculated or measured.
- Example: The risks associated with the project are calculable with precise data.
- Meaning: Emotionally insensitive or unfeeling.
- Example: His callous remarks about the tragedy shocked everyone at the meeting.
- Meaning: A false and malicious statement designed to harm someone’s reputation.
- Example: The politician was devastated by the calumny spread by his opponents.
- Meaning: Mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together.
- Example: The camaraderie among the team members was evident in their collaborative work.
- Meaning: A small but significant role in a film or book; or a piece of jewelry.
- Example: She made a brief cameo appearance in the film, delighting her fans.
- Meaning: Concealment or disguise to blend into surroundings.
- Example: The soldiers used camouflage to hide from enemy surveillance.
- Meaning: Truthful and straightforward; without bias.
- Example: Her candid comments about the project were appreciated for their honesty.
- Meaning: The quality of being open and honest in expression.
- Example: His candor in discussing the company’s challenges was refreshing.
- Meaning: Relating to dogs or the family of animals that includes dogs.
- Example: The canine unit was called in to assist with the search operation.
- Meaning: Bad-tempered and argumentative.
- Example: The cantankerous old man argued with anyone who disagreed with him.
- Meaning: A hymn or chant, typically with a biblical text.
- Example: The choir sang a beautiful canticle during the service.
- Meaning: Having a lot of space inside; roomy.
- Example: The capacious bag was perfect for carrying all the supplies.
- Meaning: Given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior.
- Example: Her capricious nature made it difficult to predict her reactions.
- Meaning: To attract and hold the interest or attention of.
- Example: The magician’s performance captivated the audience from start to finish.
- Meaning: The hard protective shell of a turtle or crustacean.
- Example: The turtle’s carapace was covered in intricate patterns.
- Meaning: Capable of causing cancer.
- Example: The research revealed that the chemical was carcinogenic.
- Meaning: Of fundamental importance; or a high-ranking church official.
- Example: Honesty is a cardinal virtue in any relationship.
- Meaning: To lean or sway; to move swiftly and uncontrollably.
- Example: The car careened around the corner before coming to a stop.
- Meaning: An exaggerated portrayal of someone’s features or qualities.
- Example: The artist’s caricature of the politician was both humorous and exaggerated.
- Meaning: The killing of a large number of people.
- Example: The battlefield was left in a state of carnage after the conflict.
- Meaning: Relating to physical, especially sexual, needs and activities.
- Example: The novel explored the carnal desires of its characters.
- Meaning: Complaining or finding fault continually.
- Example: Her carping about the small details distracted from the overall success of the project.
- Meaning: A person who creates maps.
- Example: The cartographer spent years mapping the remote regions of the world.
- Meaning: A waterfall; or something that flows or falls like a waterfall.
- Example: The cascade of water from the mountain was a stunning sight.
- Meaning: To reprimand someone severely.
- Example: The manager castigated the employee for the repeated errors.
- Meaning: A large-scale and violent event in the natural world.
- Example: The volcanic eruption was a cataclysm that altered the landscape forever.
- Meaning: A substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction; or an agent of change.
- Example: The new policy acted as a catalyst for economic growth.
- Meaning: Absolute and unqualified; relating to a category.
- Example: Her categorical rejection of the proposal left no room for negotiation.
- Meaning: The process of releasing and thereby providing relief from strong or repressed emotions.
- Example: Writing in her journal was a catharsis for her stress and anxiety.
- Meaning: To burn the skin or flesh with a heated instrument to stop bleeding or prevent infection.
- Example: The surgeon used a hot instrument to cauterize the wound.
- Meaning: To make petty or unnecessary objections.
- Example: He caviled at the minor details of the contract, slowing down the process.
- Meaning: Swiftness of movement.
- Example: The celerity of the emergency response team saved many lives.
- Meaning: Relating to the sky or outer space; heavenly.
- Example: The celestial bodies, including stars and planets, fascinated the astronomer.
- Meaning: Severely critical of others.
- Example: Her censorious remarks about her colleagues created a tense atmosphere at work.
- Meaning: To express severe disapproval, often formally.
- Example: The board issued a formal censure against the CEO for mismanagement.
- Meaning: Relating to the brain or intellect.
- Example: The debate was highly cerebral, involving complex arguments and theories.
- Meaning: The act of thinking deeply about something.
- Example: His cerebration over the problem led to a creative solution.
- Meaning: Absolute certainty or conviction that something is the case.
- Example: She spoke with certitude about her decision to move to a new city.
- Meaning: Distress or embarrassment caused by failure or humiliation.
- Example: To his chagrin, the proposal was rejected by the committee.
- Meaning: A large cup or goblet, often used in religious ceremonies.
- Example: The chalice was passed around during the communion service.
- Meaning: A person who supports or defends a cause; or a winner of a competition.
- Example: As a champion of human rights, she worked tirelessly to improve conditions for the marginalized.
- Meaning: Cautious or wary of; hesitant.
- Example: He was chary of investing in the new business venture without more information.
- Meaning: A deep fissure in the earth, or a profound gap or difference.
- Example: The chasm between the two political parties seemed insurmountable.
- Meaning: To discipline or correct; to cause someone to feel embarrassed or ashamed.
- Example: His failure in the competition was intended to chasten him, teaching him humility.
- Meaning: To rebuke or reprimand severely.
- Example: The teacher chastised the student for not completing the assignment on time.
- Meaning: A person displaying excessive or prejudiced support for their own cause, group, or gender.
- Example: His chauvinist views on gender roles led to numerous conflicts in the workplace.
- Meaning: The use of trickery to achieve a political, financial, or legal purpose.
- Example: The lawyer’s chicanery in the courtroom was eventually exposed.
- Meaning: To scold or rebuke.
- Example: She chided her children for not cleaning their room.
- Meaning: Existing only as the product of unchecked imagination; fantastical.
- Example: His chimerical plans for the future seemed unrealistic to his colleagues.
- Meaning: A tool for carving or shaping; or to cheat or swindle.
- Example: The sculptor used a chisel to create intricate details in the marble.
- Meaning: Showing qualities of honor, courage, and courtesy.
- Example: His chivalrous behavior, including opening doors for others, was appreciated by everyone.
- Meaning: Easily angered; irritable.
- Example: His choleric temperament made him difficult to work with during stressful times.
- Meaning: Relating to colors or the use of different colors.
- Example: The chromatic design of the painting was vibrant and full of life.
- Meaning: A detailed and factual account of events in the order they happened.
- Example: The historian wrote a comprehensive chronicle of the ancient civilization.
- Meaning: Rude in a mean-spirited and surly way.
- Example: His churlish comments about the event offended many guests.
- Meaning: A secret or disguised way of writing; a code.
- Example: The message was written in a cipher that needed to be decoded.
- Meaning: To limit or restrict; to draw a boundary around.
- Example: The new rules circumscribe the activities that can be conducted on the premises.
- Meaning: Wary and unwilling to take risks; cautious.
- Example: She was circumspect in her decision-making to avoid potential pitfalls.
- Meaning: To find a way around (an obstacle); to overcome.
- Example: They found a way to circumvent the regulations and achieve their goal.
- Meaning: A fortress or stronghold protecting a city.
- Example: The citadel stood as a symbol of the city’s strength and defense.
- Meaning: A person who claims to have a supernatural ability to perceive events in the future.
- Example: The clairvoyant’s predictions intrigued many, though they were often speculative.
- Meaning: To climb or scramble in an awkward or laborious way.
- Example: The hikers had to clamber over the rocky terrain to reach the summit.
- Meaning: Kept secret or done secretly, especially for illicit reasons.
- Example: The clandestine meeting was held in a secluded location to avoid detection.
- Meaning: The quality of being clear and easy to understand.
- Example: The clarity of his explanation helped everyone grasp the complex concept.
- Meaning: A loud and confused noise, especially that of people shouting.
- Example: The clamor of the crowd grew louder as the concert started.
- Meaning: Mercy or leniency, especially in the administration of justice.
- Example: The governor granted clemency to the convicted felon due to new evidence.
- Meaning: An overused phrase or idea that has lost its original meaning.
- Example: The speech was filled with clichés that made it sound insincere.
- Meaning: The clients or customers of a business.
- Example: The boutique catered to a wealthy clientele seeking unique fashion items.
- Meaning: Relating to the most intense or exciting part of something.
- Example: The climactic scene in the movie was filled with dramatic tension.
- Meaning: To settle or secure something; to make a final agreement.
- Example: The team’s victory in the final match clinched their championship title.
- Meaning: A covered walk in a convent or monastery; or to seclude or isolate.
- Example: The monk lived a cloistered life, away from the distractions of the outside world.
- Meaning: To change from a liquid to a solid or semi-solid state.
- Example: The blood began to coagulate after being exposed to air.
- Meaning: To come together and form a single mass or whole.
- Example: The separate groups began to coalesce into a unified organization.
- Meaning: A concluding passage of a piece of music or a final section of a literary work.
- Example: The symphony ended with a dramatic coda that left the audience in awe.
- Meaning: To persuade someone to do something by using force or threats.
- Example: He was coerced into signing the contract under duress.
- Meaning: Clear, logical, and convincing.
- Example: The lawyer presented a cogent argument that won over the jury.
- Meaning: To think deeply about something.
- Example: She needed time to cogitate on the decision before making a final choice.
- Meaning: A concise yet comprehensive summary of a larger work or field of knowledge.
- Example: The textbook served as a compendium of key concepts in modern physics.
- Meaning: Intended to counterbalance or offset something.
- Example: The company offered compensatory benefits to employees affected by the relocation.
- Meaning: Showing smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one’s achievements.
- Example: His complacent attitude towards his job performance led to a decline in productivity.
- Meaning: Willing to please others; agreeable.
- Example: Her complaisant nature made her popular among her colleagues.
- Meaning: Something that completes or enhances something else.
- Example: The new software was a perfect complement to the existing system.
- Meaning: Willing to comply with rules or requests.
- Example: The employee was highly compliant with the company’s new regulations.
- Meaning: The state of being involved with others in illegal or dishonest activity.
- Example: The investigation revealed his complicity in the fraud scheme.
- Meaning: To behave or conduct oneself in a particular manner.
- Example: She comported herself with dignity during the interview.
- Meaning: A feeling of guilt or moral scruple that follows the doing of something bad.
- Example: He felt a deep sense of compunction after realizing the impact of his actions.
- Meaning: To link together in a series or chain.
- Example: The data was concatenated into a single file for easier analysis.
- Meaning: Curved inward like the interior of a circle or sphere.
- Example: The concave mirror focused the light into a single point.
- Meaning: To admit or acknowledge something, often reluctantly.
- Example: After hours of debate, he finally conceded that his opponent had a valid point.
- Meaning: Excessive pride in oneself; a fanciful idea or image.
- Example: His conceit was evident in his constant boasting about his achievements.
- Meaning: Intended to pacify or make peace.
- Example: Her conciliatory gesture helped to mend the strained relationship between the two parties.
- Meaning: A private meeting or assembly.
- Example: The board of directors held a secretive conclave to discuss the merger.
- Meaning: Occurring or existing concurrently; accompanying.
- Example: The rise in temperature had a concomitant effect on the ice caps.
- Meaning: Agreement or harmony between people or groups.
- Example: The treaty was designed to promote concord among the warring nations.
- Meaning: To agree or have the same opinion.
- Example: The committee members concurred with the proposed changes.
- Meaning: Making a certain situation or outcome likely or possible.
- Example: A quiet environment is conducive to effective studying.
- Meaning: A channel for conveying water or other fluids; or a means of transmitting information.
- Example: The internet serves as a conduit for the rapid exchange of information.
- Meaning: A person with whom one shares personal or private matters.
- Example: She trusted her closest friend as a confidant with her deepest secrets.
- Meaning: To share private or secret information with someone.
- Example: He confided his worries about the project to his mentor.
- Meaning: A large, destructive fire.
- Example: The conflagration destroyed several buildings before firefighters could bring it under control.
- Meaning: The meeting or merging of two or more streams, rivers, or other entities.
- Example: The city is situated at the confluence of two major rivers.
- Meaning: A person who conforms to established customs or norms.
- Example: His conformist attitude meant he rarely challenged the status quo.
- Meaning: To cause confusion or surprise by acting against expectations.
- Example: The unexpected results confounded the scientists’ predictions.
- Meaning: To solidify or coagulate, especially by cooling.
- Example: The melted wax began to congeal as it cooled.
- Meaning: Pleasant because of qualities or interests similar to one’s own.
- Example: They found each other’s company congenial due to their shared interests.
- Meaning: A large corporation formed by merging different companies; or a mixture of diverse elements.
- Example: The conglomerate expanded into various industries through strategic acquisitions.
- Meaning: A type of tree that has cones and needle-like or scale-like leaves, such as pines and firs.
- Example: The forest was dominated by tall conifers, creating a dense canopy.
- Meaning: An opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information.
- Example: The scientist’s conjecture about the origin of the artifact was later confirmed by evidence.
- Meaning: To join together or unite.
- Example: The two companies decided to conjoin their efforts to develop new technologies.
- Meaning: Relating to marriage or the relationship between a married couple.
- Example: They attended a conjugal counseling session to improve their relationship.
- Meaning: Willingness to secretly allow or be involved in wrongdoing.
- Example: His connivance in the scheme was exposed during the investigation.
- Meaning: An expert judge in matters of taste or the arts.
- Example: The art gallery curator was a connoisseur of modernist paintings.
- Meaning: An idea or feeling that a word invokes in addition to its literal meaning.
- Example: The word “home” has a warm connotation beyond its definition as a physical place.
- Meaning: To enlist someone compulsorily, usually into the military.
- Example: During the war, many young men were conscripted into the army.
- Meaning: To make or declare something sacred or dedicated to a particular purpose.
- Example: The church was consecrated in a solemn ceremony attended by many.
- Meaning: General agreement among a group of people.
- Example: The team reached a consensus on the new project direction after much discussion.
- Meaning: In agreement or harmony; or a speech sound made by obstructing airflow.
- Example: The policy changes were consonant with the company’s values.
- Meaning: To associate with; or a group of musicians or a partner in marriage.
- Example: The queen’s consort was a loyal and supportive partner in her reign.
- Meaning: A worried, sad feeling after you have received an unpleasant surprise.
- Example: The news of the sudden resignation caused consternation among the staff.
- Meaning: A person who authorizes another to act on their behalf, or a component part.
- Example: The senator listened to the concerns of his constituents before making decisions.
- Meaning: To interpret or understand in a particular way.
- Example: Her remarks were construed as criticism by the committee.
- Meaning: To complete or perfect; or demonstrating a high degree of skill.
- Example: The chef’s consummate skills were evident in the exquisite presentation of the dish.
- Meaning: To make something impure or unsuitable by mixing it with something harmful.
- Example: The chemical spill contaminated the water supply.
- Meaning: To think deeply about something; to look at or view with continued attention.
- Example: She took a moment to contemplate the implications of her decision.
- Meaning: Existing or occurring at the same time.
- Example: The two historical events were contemporaneous but occurred in different regions.
- Meaning: Showing disdain or scorn.
- Example: His contemptuous remarks about the proposal upset his colleagues.
- Meaning: To assert or argue a position; or to compete or struggle.
- Example: The team contended for the championship throughout the season.
- Meaning: Causing or likely to cause disagreement or argument.
- Example: The contentious debate on the new policy lasted for hours.
- Meaning: Self-control, especially in terms of abstinence or moderation.
- Example: His continence in avoiding excesses was admirable.
- Meaning: Subject to chance; dependent on certain conditions.
- Example: The success of the project was contingent on securing additional funding.
- Meaning: Goods that are illegal to trade or transport.
- Example: The authorities seized a large shipment of contraband goods.
- Meaning: To violate or go against a rule, law, or code of conduct.
- Example: His actions contravened the company’s ethical guidelines.
- Meaning: Feeling or expressing remorse or penitence.
- Example: She gave a contrite apology for her mistake.
- Meaning: Deliberately created rather than arising naturally; artificial.
- Example: The plot of the movie felt contrived and lacked authenticity.
- Meaning: Stubbornly or willfully disobedient to authority.
- Example: The contumacious defendant refused to follow the court’s orders.
- Meaning: A confusing and difficult problem or question.
- Example: The puzzle presented a conundrum that took hours to solve.
- Meaning: To come together or assemble, usually for a meeting.
- Example: The committee will convene to discuss the new proposal.
- Meaning: Familiar with or knowledgeable about something.
- Example: She is conversant with the latest developments in technology.
- Meaning: Friendly, sociable, and lively.
- Example: The convivial atmosphere of the party made everyone feel welcome.
- Meaning: Extremely complex and difficult to follow.
- Example: The legal document was so convoluted that it required expert interpretation.
- Meaning: Abundant in supply or quantity.
- Example: She took copious notes during the lecture.
- Meaning: A person who flirts lightheartedly, especially a woman.
- Example: Her coquette behavior at the party attracted many admirers.
- Meaning: Warm and friendly.
- Example: The host greeted us with a cordial welcome.
- Meaning: A direct or natural consequence or result.
- Example: Increased traffic congestion is a corollary of urban development.
- Meaning: Excessively fat; obese.
- Example: The corpulent figure of the character was described in detail in the novel.
- Meaning: To confirm or give support to a statement, theory, or finding.
- Example: The witness’s testimony helped corroborate the defendant’s alibi.
- Meaning: Having the tendency to cause damage or wear away; or causing harm over time.
- Example: The corrosive chemicals eroded the metal pipe.
- Meaning: Shaped into alternating ridges and grooves.
- Example: The corrugated metal sheets were used for roofing.
- Meaning: Relating to the universe or cosmos; vast in scope.
- Example: The documentary explored the cosmic phenomena of black holes.
- Meaning: Familiar with and at ease in many different countries and cultures.
- Example: The city’s cosmopolitan atmosphere attracted visitors from around the world.
- Meaning: A small, exclusive group of people with shared interests or tastes.
- Example: The writer was part of a coterie of influential literary figures.
- Meaning: A person’s face or facial expression; or support or approval.
- Example: His countenance showed a mix of surprise and confusion.
- Meaning: Made in imitation of something with the intention to deceive.
- Example: The police seized a large number of counterfeit currency notes.
- Meaning: To revoke or cancel a previous order or command.
- Example: The general decided to countermand the earlier orders due to new information.
- Meaning: A sudden, successful, and often violent action to take control.
- Example: The military coup led to a change in government.
- Meaning: Having a strong desire to possess something belonging to someone else.
- Example: His covetous nature led him to envy his colleague’s success.
- Meaning: To crouch down in fear.
- Example: The dog cowered in the corner during the thunderstorm.
- Meaning: Pretending to be shy or modest in an alluring way.
- Example: She gave a coy smile when asked about her plans.
- Meaning: To deceive or cheat.
- Example: He tried to cozen his way into getting a discount.
- Meaning: Lacking courage; cowardly.
- Example: His craven behavior during the crisis was widely criticized.
- Meaning: Belief in or acceptance of something as true.
- Example: The new evidence gave credence to the theory.
- Meaning: Capable of being believed; plausible.
- Example: The scientist provided a credible explanation for the phenomenon.
- Meaning: Willing to believe too easily; gullible.
- Example: The credulous consumer fell for the scam.
- Meaning: Feeling dejected or disappointed.
- Example: He was crestfallen after learning that he didn’t get the job.
- Meaning: To shrink back or recoil, often in discomfort or embarrassment.
- Example: She couldn’t help but cringe at the awkwardness of the situation.
- Meaning: A standard or principle by which something is judged or decided.
- Example: The main criterion for the award was originality.
- Meaning: Irritable and easily annoyed.
- Example: The old man was known for his crotchety remarks.
- Meaning: The most important or central point.
- Example: The crux of the argument was whether the policy would be effective.
- Meaning: Having a meaning that is mysterious or obscure.
- Example: The message was written in a cryptic code that no one could decipher.
- Meaning: Relating to cooking or the kitchen.
- Example: She enrolled in a culinary school to pursue her passion for cooking.
- Meaning: To select and remove inferior or unwanted items from a group.
- Example: The farmer culls the weaker animals from the herd.
- Meaning: To reach the highest point or final stage.
- Example: The festival will culminate with a grand fireworks display.
- Meaning: The highest or climactic point of something.
- Example: The publication of his novel was the culmination of years of hard work.
- Meaning: Deserving blame or censure.
- Example: The investigation found the company culpable for the environmental damage.
- Meaning: A person responsible for a crime or misdeed.
- Example: The police identified the culprit behind the series of thefts.
- Meaning: To prepare and use land for crops or gardening; or to develop or improve something.
- Example: She worked hard to cultivate her skills in digital marketing.
- Meaning: Large or heavy and therefore difficult to carry or use; unwieldy.
- Example: The cumbersome equipment made it hard to transport to the job site.
- Meaning: Having or showing skill in achieving one’s ends by deceit or evasion.
- Example: The cunning fox outwitted the hunter with ease.
- Meaning: Greed for money or possessions.
- Example: His cupidity led him to engage in unethical business practices.
- Meaning: A bad-tempered or surly person.
- Example: The old curmudgeon next door was always complaining about the noise.
- Meaning: Hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed.
- Example: She gave the report a cursory glance before the meeting.
- Meaning: To reduce in extent or quantity; to impose a restriction on.
- Example: The new policies were designed to curtail excessive spending.
- Meaning: Believing that people are motivated by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrity.
- Example: His cynical view of politics made him reluctant to vote.
- Meaning: A person or thing that is the center of attention or admiration.
- Example: The actress was the cynosure of all eyes at the premiere.
- Meaning: Relating to or associated with mystical or esoteric doctrines or practices.
- Example: The ancient texts were written in a cabalistic style that only a few scholars could decipher.
- Meaning: Harsh or jarring sound; discordant.
- Example: The cacophonous noise from the construction site made it impossible to concentrate.
- Meaning: Involving disaster or misfortune.
- Example: The calamitous earthquake left the city in ruins.
- Meaning: Decorative handwriting or handwritten lettering.
- Example: Her calligraphy on the wedding invitations was elegant and beautiful.
- Meaning: Relating to or producing heat or calories.
- Example: The calorific value of the food was carefully calculated for the diet plan.
- Meaning: Disguised or hidden by blending in with the surroundings.
- Example: The soldiers were camouflaged to blend into the forest environment.
- Meaning: To cease to resist an opponent or an unwelcome demand; to surrender.
- Example: After a long siege, the fortress finally capitulated to the enemy.
- Meaning: The quality of being given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior.
- Example: The capriciousness of the weather made it difficult to plan outdoor events.
- Meaning: A type of cancer that starts in the cells of the skin or tissues that line or cover internal organs.
- Example: The patient was diagnosed with carcinoma of the lungs.
- Meaning: A doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of heart conditions.
- Example: The cardiologist recommended a stress test to evaluate heart function.
- Meaning: Free from worries or anxiety.
- Example: The children played in the park with a carefree joy that was infectious.
- Meaning: The science or practice of drawing maps.
- Example: Advances in technology have greatly improved the accuracy of cartography.
- Meaning: Relating to or denoting a violent natural event.
- Example: The cataclysmic eruption of the volcano devastated the surrounding region.
- Meaning: Relating to or expressing joy and appreciation.
- Example: The celebratory atmosphere at the wedding was filled with laughter and music.
- Meaning: Moving or tending to move away from a center.
- Example: The centrifugal force in the spinning machine separates the cream from the milk.
- Meaning: Moving or tending to move toward a center.
- Example: The centripetal force keeps the satellite in orbit around the Earth.
- Meaning: Having the ability to change or adapt in response to different situations.
- Example: His chameleonic behavior allowed him to fit in with various social groups.
- Meaning: Exercising a compelling charm that inspires devotion in others.
- Example: The charismatic leader captivated the audience with his powerful speech.
- Meaning: To compose the sequence of steps and moves for a performance.
- Example: The dance director choreographed an intricate routine for the ballet.
- Meaning: The art or practice of designing sequences of movements for dance or performance.
- Example: The choreography of the musical was both complex and visually stunning.
- Meaning: The arrangement of events or dates in the order of their occurrence.
- Example: The historian created a detailed chronology of the events leading up to the revolution.
- Meaning: Longer than the most direct way; roundabout.
- Example: The circuitous route through the mountains added hours to the journey.
- Meaning: The use of many words where fewer would do, especially in a deliberate attempt to be vague.
- Example: The politician’s speech was filled with circumlocution to avoid giving a clear answer.
- Meaning: The quality of being wary and unwilling to take risks; prudence.
- Example: Her circumspection in handling sensitive information prevented potential leaks.
- Meaning: The supposed ability to perceive events or objects that are not visible.
- Example: The psychic claimed to have clairvoyance and could foresee future events.
- Meaning: Able to be classified or categorized.
- Example: The new species of plant was classifiable under the existing botanical classification system.
- Meaning: A scientist who studies climate and its variations.
- Example: The climatologist presented research on the impact of global warming on weather patterns.
- Meaning: The process of changing a liquid into a solid or semi-solid state.
- Example: The coagulation of blood is a critical process in wound healing.
- Meaning: The quality of forming a united whole.
- Example: The cohesiveness of the team was evident in their smooth coordination during the project.
- Meaning: A remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection.
- Example: It was a strange coincidence that they met at the same café in Paris.
- Meaning: Capable of being folded or compressed into a more compact form.
- Example: The collapsible tent was easy to pack away after the camping trip.
- Meaning: A willingness to fight or argue.
- Example: His combativeness during debates often overshadowed the actual content of his arguments.
- Meaning: To officially take possession or control of something, often for military use.
- Example: The army commandeered civilian vehicles to transport troops.
- Meaning: Corresponding in size or degree; proportionate.
- Example: Her salary was commensurate with her experience and responsibilities.
- Meaning: Capable of being communicated or transmitted, especially regarding diseases.
- Example: The flu is a communicable disease that spreads through respiratory droplets.
- Meaning: To divide something into sections or categories.
- Example: He compartmentalized his work and personal life to maintain a balance.
- Meaning: Showing or feeling sympathy and concern for others.
- Example: The nurse’s compassionate care helped the patients feel more at ease.
- Meaning: Able to exist or work together without conflict.
- Example: The software is compatible with both Windows and Mac operating systems.
- Meaning: Relating to or characterized by competition; having a strong desire to win or be better than others.
- Example: The competitive nature of the sports team drove them to practice harder.
- Meaning: Combining in such a way as to enhance or emphasize the qualities of each other or another.
- Example: The complementary colors on the artist’s palette created a vibrant effect.
- Meaning: Including all or nearly all elements or aspects.
- Example: The comprehensive study covered every aspect of the environmental impact.
- Meaning: A series of interconnected things or events.
- Example: The concatenation of events led to the unexpected outcome of the investigation.
- Meaning: To form a concept or idea of something in the mind.
- Example: The architect needed to conceptualize the new design before starting the blueprint.
- Meaning: In a way that leaves no doubt or question; decisively.
- Example: The evidence presented in court conclusively proved the defendant’s guilt.
Advanced Words That Start With C


