Advanced Words That Start With Q
The letter ‘Q’ is unique compared to most other letters—do you know why? It’s one of the few letters where the phonetic sound differs from its name. This article provides several lists of words that begin with ‘Q’ to help you grasp its pronunciation and expand your vocabulary.
Listo of Advanced Words That Start With Q
- Quaint
- Quasar
- Quasi
- Quarantine
- Quarrel
- Quench
- Query
- Quest
- Questionable
- Quickening
- Quid
- Quiescent
- Quietude
- Quintessential
- Quip
- Quirk
- Quorum
- Quintet
- Quotidian
- Quixotic
- Quibble
- Quadrant
- Qualitative
- Quantify
- Quiescence
- Quotable
- Quixotism
- Quorate
- Quintuple
- Quicksilver
- Quotient
- Quiddity
- Quantitative
- Quasiparticle
- Quantification
- Quasilinear
- Quill
- Quotational
- Quotidianly
- Quasi-judicial
- Quixotically
- Quarterly
- Quintuplets
- Quid pro quo
- Quasi-scientific
- Quotidianity
- Qualm
- Quillwork
- Quicken
- Querying
- Quiescently
- Quotiently
- Quotationally
- Quasiperiodic
- Quasistellar
- Quadratic
- Quantize
- Quantum
- Quantified
- Quadruped
- Quinquennial
- Quadrangle
- Quell
- Quidditch
- Quality
- Quasiperiodicity
- Quintessence
- Quintupling
- Querulous
- Quasi-experimental
- Quaternary
- Quickenings
- Qualify
- Quizzical
- Quintuplet
- Quorum-sensing
- Quintessentially
- Querulousness
- Quantifier
- Quintupled
- Quasi-empirical
- Quail
- Quadrantally
- Quintuply
- Quadruplication
- Quantization
- Quoits
- Quenching
- Quiescences
- Quasiparticles
- Quasi-theoretical
- Quadrupedal
- Quinquennially
- Quaternions
- Quorum-sensitively
- Quantifiable
- Quiddities
- Quinquagesimal
- Quantizably
- Quasi-static
- Quizzically
- Quotients
- Qualifying
- Quadrant-wise
- Querulously
- Quasi-realistic
- Quantumly
- Quasilinearities
- Quadrants
- Quasars
- Quantizations
- Quasi-empirically
- Quests
- Quelling
- Quantifiers
- Quarantined
- Qualmish
- Quasi-periodic
- Quadrature
- Quantumized
- Quondam
- Quasi-realism
- Quintessences
- Quotability
- Quasiconformal
- Quasi-circular
- Quantizing
- Quadratically
- Quasi-particles
- Quadrupoles
- Quasi-mathematical
- Quasi-staticity
- Quenchingly
- Quasi-stellar
- Quindecennial
- Quasi-universal
- Quasi-geometric
- Qualmishly
- Quadruply
- Quasi-morally
- Quotations
- Quadrate
- Quasi-mechanical
- Quadrupedalism
- Quasistatic
- Quadruplicity
- Quantitatively
- Quasi-imperial
- Quadrivium
- Quasi-nebular
- Quasi-uniform
- Quixotical
- Quantities
- Quadrupedally
- Quasi-interactive
- Qualitatively
- Quotably
- Quantitatives
- Quantitizing
- Quadruplicates
- Quantumization
- Qualmishness
- Quasi-classical
- Quasi-mathematics
- Quaternate
- Quasi-mathematically
- Quizzes
- Quodlibet
Advanced Words That Start With Q with meaning and example
Meaning: Attractively unusual or old-fashioned.
Example: The village was filled with quaint cottages and charming shops.
Meaning: A massive and extremely remote celestial object, emitting exceptionally large amounts of energy.
Example: The discovery of a new quasar provided valuable insights into the early universe.
Meaning: Seemingly but not really; partly or almost.
Example: The project was a quasi-experiment, lacking full scientific rigor.
Meaning: A state of enforced isolation to prevent the spread of disease.
Example: The ship was placed under quarantine after a contagious illness was detected.
Meaning: An angry argument or disagreement.
Example: The quarrel between the neighbors lasted for weeks.
Meaning: To satisfy thirst or extinguish.
Example: A cold drink helped quench his thirst on a hot day.
Meaning: A question or an inquiry.
Example: She sent a query to the customer service department about her order.
Meaning: A long or arduous search for something.
Example: The hero embarked on a quest to find the legendary artifact.
Meaning: Doubtful or not to be relied upon.
Example: The validity of the results was questionable due to the flawed methodology.
Meaning: The process of becoming faster or more active.
Example: The quickening pace of the project was evident as deadlines approached.
Meaning: A pound sterling or a piece of chewing tobacco.
Example: He handed over a quid for the cup of coffee.
Meaning: In a state of inactivity or dormancy.
Example: The volcano remained quiescent for decades before erupting.
Meaning: A state of stillness or tranquility.
Example: The quietude of the countryside was a welcome change from the city noise.
Meaning: Representing the most perfect or typical example of something.
Example: Her performance was the quintessential example of classical ballet.
Meaning: A clever or witty remark.
Example: His quip about the weather lightened the mood at the meeting.
Meaning: A peculiar trait or aspect.
Example: Her habit of talking to her plants was one of her many quirks.
Meaning: The minimum number of members needed to conduct business.
Example: The committee could not make decisions until a quorum was present.
Meaning: A group of five people or things.
Example: The jazz quintet performed a set of original compositions.
Meaning: Occurring daily; mundane.
Example: The quotidian tasks of running the household were often overlooked.
Meaning: Extremely idealistic, unrealistic, or impractical.
Example: His quixotic plans to end world hunger were met with skepticism.
Meaning: To argue or raise objections about trivial matters.
Example: They quibbled over minor details in the contract.
Meaning: A quarter of a circle or a section of an area divided into four parts.
Example: The map was divided into four quadrants for easier navigation.
Meaning: Relating to the quality or nature of something rather than its quantity.
Example: The study focused on the qualitative aspects of customer satisfaction.
Meaning: To measure or express the quantity of something.
Example: It is important to quantify the data before making any conclusions.
Meaning: A state of inactivity or dormancy.
Example: The quiescence of the stock market during the holidays was notable.
Meaning: Worthy of being quoted; notable.
Example: His speech was filled with quotable lines that were widely shared.
Meaning: The behavior or ideas of someone who is quixotic.
Example: The project’s failure was attributed to the quixotism of its visionary leader.
Meaning: Having the minimum number of members required for a meeting or decision.
Example: The board meeting was quorate, allowing decisions to be made.
Meaning: To increase fivefold.
Example: The company’s profits quintupled over the past five years.
Meaning: Another term for mercury, or used metaphorically to describe something that is elusive or changeable.
Example: The quicksilver nature of the stock market made it difficult to predict.
Meaning: The result of dividing one number by another.
Example: The quotient of 20 divided by 4 is 5.
Meaning: The inherent nature or essence of something.
Example: The quiddity of the novel lies in its exploration of existential themes.
Meaning: Relating to the quantity or amount of something.
Example: The research included both quantitative and qualitative data.
Meaning: A concept in physics that describes certain types of collective excitations.
Example: The study of quasiparticles helps scientists understand complex materials.
Meaning: The action of measuring or expressing something as a quantity.
Example: The quantification of air pollution levels is crucial for environmental protection.
Meaning: Partly linear, especially in relation to equations or systems.
Example: The quasilinear equations were solved using advanced mathematical techniques.
Meaning: A feather used for writing or a sharp spine of a porcupine.
Example: The manuscript was written with a quill pen in the 18th century.
Meaning: Relating to or involving quotations.
Example: The article was rich in quotational material, providing numerous examples.
Meaning: On a daily basis; occurring every day.
Example: The tasks were performed quotidianly, forming part of the daily routine.
Meaning: Resembling a judicial process but not actually judicial.
Example: The agency’s role was quasi-judicial, involving decisions that resembled those of a court.
Meaning: In an idealistic and impractical manner.
Example: She pursued her goals quixotically, often ignoring practical constraints.
Meaning: Occurring every three months.
Example: The financial reports were reviewed quarterly by the board.
Meaning: Five offspring born at the same time to the same mother.
Example: The couple was blessed with quintuplets, making their family quite unique.
Quid pro quo
Meaning: A favor or advantage granted in return for something.
Example: The agreement was based on a quid pro quo arrangement between the two parties.
Meaning: Appearing to be scientific but lacking in scientific rigor.
Example: The book’s claims were often dismissed as quasi-scientific.
Meaning: The state of being daily or commonplace.
Example: The quotidianity of his routine made life feel monotonous.
Meaning: An uneasy feeling of doubt or worry.
Example: She had no qualms about making the difficult decision.
Meaning: The art of decorating with quills, especially in Native American art.
Example: The intricate quillwork on the ceremonial dress was a testament to traditional craftsmanship.
Meaning: To make something faster or more active.
Example: The news of the upcoming project deadline helped quicken the pace of work.
Meaning: The act of asking questions or seeking information.
Example: The research team was actively querying sources for the latest data.
Meaning: In a state of quietness or inactivity.
Example: The volcano remained quiescently dormant for decades before the eruption.
Meaning: In a manner related to the quotient or result of division.
Example: The solution was calculated quotiently to ensure accuracy.
Meaning: Having characteristics of both periodic and non-periodic phenomena.
Example: The quasiperiodic patterns in the data suggested underlying complexity.
Meaning: Resembling or relating to a quasar, especially in astronomical contexts.
Example: The new celestial object was identified as quasistellar due to its energy emissions.
Meaning: Involving the second power of a variable.
Example: The quadratic equation was solved using the quadratic formula.
Meaning: To restrict a variable to discrete values rather than continuous ones.
Example: The analog signal was quantized for digital processing.
Meaning: A discrete quantity of energy proportional in magnitude to the frequency of the radiation it represents.
Example: Quantum mechanics explores the behavior of particles at the atomic level.
Meaning: Expressed or measured as a quantity.
Example: The results were quantified to assess the impact of the intervention.
Meaning: An animal with four feet.
Example: The quadruped animal moved gracefully across the field.
Meaning: Occurring every five years.
Example: The quinquennial review was an important event for the organization.
Meaning: A four-sided enclosure, often used in reference to a courtyard or a building.
Example: The university’s campus features a historic quadrangle surrounded by classic architecture.
Meaning: To put an end to; to suppress.
Example: The government took measures to quell the unrest in the region.
Meaning: A fictional sport played on broomsticks, popularized by the “Harry Potter” series.
Example: The students were excited for the annual Quidditch match at the school.
Meaning: The standard or degree of excellence.
Example: The quality of the craftsmanship was evident in the intricate details of the sculpture.
Meaning: The property of being almost periodic but not exactly.
Example: The quasiperiodicity observed in the data suggested complex underlying cycles.
Meaning: The most perfect or typical example of a quality or class.
Example: The novel was considered the quintessence of modern literature.
Meaning: Increasing fivefold.
Example: The company experienced quintupling of its revenue over the past decade.
Meaning: Complaining or whining in a petulant manner.
Example: Her querulous tone made it clear she was unhappy with the decision.
Meaning: Research design that resembles an experiment but lacks random assignment.
Example: The study used a quasi-experimental design to evaluate the intervention’s impact.
Meaning: Relating to the fourth in a series or group.
Example: The quaternary period was characterized by significant climatic changes.
Meaning: The process of becoming more active or lively.
Example: The quickenings in the market were seen as indicators of economic recovery.
Meaning: To meet the requirements for something or to modify or limit.
Example: She had to qualify for the position by demonstrating relevant experience.
Meaning: Indicating mild or amused puzzlement.
Example: He gave a quizzical look when he heard the unexpected news.
Meaning: A set of five offspring born at one time.
Example: The parents of the quintuplets faced unique challenges in raising their five children.
Meaning: A process of cell-to-cell communication in bacteria that allows them to coordinate behavior based on population density.
Example: The study explored how quorum-sensing affects bacterial virulence.
Meaning: In a way that represents the most perfect or typical example of something.
Example: The city is quintessentially French, with its historic architecture and cuisine.
Meaning: The quality of being inclined to complain or find fault.
Example: The querulousness of the client made the project more challenging.
Meaning: A term that expresses quantity or extent, often used in linguistics and logic.
Example: In the sentence “many students attended,” “many” acts as a quantifier.
Meaning: Increased by five times.
Example: The company’s profits quintupled after launching the new product.
Meaning: Partly based on or resembling empirical evidence, but not entirely scientific.
Example: The theory was considered quasi-empirical due to its reliance on observational data.
Meaning: A small, game bird or to feel or show fear.
Example: He began to quail at the thought of speaking in front of a large audience.
Meaning: In a manner related to quadrants or divisions into four parts.
Example: The survey data was analyzed quadrantally to assess regional differences.
Meaning: In a manner that is five times as much.
Example: The budget was quintuply increased to cover the expanded scope of the project.
Meaning: The act of multiplying by four or a set of four.
Example: The quadruplication of the output was achieved through improved technology.
Meaning: The process of converting a continuous range of values into a finite range of discrete values.
Example: The image’s quality improved after quantization reduced noise.
Meaning: A game in which metal rings are thrown at a stake, or the rings used in the game.
Example: The traditional English game of quoits was enjoyed by participants of all ages.
Meaning: The act of extinguishing or satisfying.
Example: The fire was quickly quenched by the firefighters.
Meaning: States of inactivity or dormancy.
Example: The quiescences of the stars were studied to understand cosmic cycles.
Meaning: Collective excitations in a material that behave like particles.
Example: The research focused on quasiparticles in superconductors.
Meaning: Resembling theory but not fully grounded in theoretical principles.
Example: The approach was criticized as quasi-theoretical due to its lack of empirical support.
Meaning: Moving on four feet.
Example: The quadrupedal locomotion of the animal was studied in the field.
Meaning: Occurring every five years.
Example: The quinquennial review provided an in-depth analysis of the organization’s progress.
Meaning: A number system that extends complex numbers, used in 3D calculations.
Example: Quaternions are useful in computer graphics for rotating objects in three dimensions.
Meaning: In a manner that is sensitive to or depends on quorum sensing.
Example: The bacteria acted quorum-sensitively to coordinate their behavior in response to population density.
Meaning: Able to be measured or counted.
Example: The project’s success was quantifiable through the increase in sales figures.
Meaning: The essential qualities or nature of something.
Example: The philosopher explored the quiddities of human experience.
Meaning: Pertaining to a period of fifty years.
Example: The quinquagesimal celebration marked a significant milestone for the institution.
Meaning: In a manner that can be quantified or measured.
Example: The experiment’s results were quantizably analyzed to ensure accuracy.
Meaning: An arrangement of five items with four in a square and one in the center.
Example: The garden was designed in a quincunx pattern to enhance its aesthetic appeal.
Meaning: Nearly stationary or changing very slowly.
Example: The quasi-static analysis was used to model the slowly varying forces in the structure.
Meaning: In a manner showing puzzlement or curiosity.
Example: She looked at him quizzically, unsure of how to respond to his unexpected question.
Meaning: Results of division; ratios between two quantities.
Example: The mathematician calculated the quotients to determine the efficiency of the algorithm.
Meaning: Meeting the requirements or conditions necessary for something.
Example: She was qualifying for the championship after her outstanding performance in the preliminaries.
Meaning: Relating to or organized by quadrants.
Example: The data was analyzed quadrant-wise to assess performance in each sector of the business.
Meaning: Complaining or whining in a petulant manner.
Example: He spoke querulously about the issues with the new policy, clearly frustrated.
Meaning: Almost realistic; having characteristics of realism but not fully so.
Example: The painting was done in a quasi-realistic style, blending realistic details with abstract elements.
Meaning: In a manner related to quantum mechanics or quantum theory.
Example: The particles were analyzed quantumly to understand their behavior at the atomic level.
Meaning: Characteristics of being almost linear, often in mathematics or physics.
Example: The model accounted for quasilinearities in the system’s response.
Meaning: Sections of a plane divided by two perpendicular lines or axes.
Example: The graph was divided into four quadrants to analyze the data distribution.
Meaning: Extremely luminous and distant celestial objects thought to be powered by black holes.
Example: Astronomers study quasars to understand the early universe’s formation.
Meaning: The process of converting continuous data into discrete values.
Example: The audio signal was subject to quantizations for digital recording.
Meaning: Based on or resembling empirical evidence but not entirely so.
Example: The theory was quasi-empirically derived, combining observations with theoretical assumptions.
Meaning: Journeys or searches for something, often used in a figurative or literal sense.
Example: The protagonist’s quests in the novel were filled with trials and discoveries.
Meaning: The act of suppressing or putting an end to something.
Example: The leader’s speech was aimed at quelling the public’s fears during the crisis.
Meaning: Terms or symbols in logic or linguistics that indicate quantity.
Example: In the sentence “Some students passed,” “some” is a quantifier.
Meaning: Isolated to prevent the spread of disease or contamination.
Example: The infected area was quarantined to control the outbreak of the virus.
Meaning: Feeling uneasy or slightly nauseous.
Example: He felt qualmish after eating the questionable seafood.
Meaning: Almost periodic but not exactly so; recurring at irregular intervals.
Example: The data exhibited quasi-periodic behavior, with fluctuations occurring at varying intervals.
Meaning: The process of determining the area of a geometric figure or the integral of a function.
Example: The mathematician used quadrature to find the area under the curve.
Meaning: Converted into quantum states or quantized units.
Example: The energy levels of the atom were quantumized for the study.
Meaning: Former or previous.
Example: The quondam president was honored at the ceremony for his past contributions.
Meaning: An approach or perspective that is almost realistic but not fully so.
Example: The film’s quasi-realism blurred the lines between reality and fiction.
Meaning: The most perfect or typical examples of a quality or class.
Example: The artist’s work was considered the quintessence of the abstract movement.
Meaning: The quality of being suitable for quotation.
Example: The speaker’s remarks had high quotability, often cited in subsequent articles.
Meaning: Almost conformal; relating to functions that preserve angles to a high degree.
Example: The mapping was analyzed for its quasiconformal properties in complex analysis.
Meaning: Resembling a circle but not perfectly circular.
Example: The garden had a quasi-circular layout, with a rounded but irregular shape.
Meaning: The process of converting continuous data into discrete units.
Example: The image was quantized to prepare it for digital compression.
Meaning: In a manner related to the second power of a variable.
Example: The equation was solved quadratically to find the roots of the polynomial.
Meaning: Collective excitations in a material that behave like particles.
Example: The behavior of electrons was studied in terms of quasiparticles.
Meaning: Systems with four poles, often used in physics to describe certain types of electromagnetic fields.
Example: The quadrupoles in the particle accelerator helped focus the beam.
Meaning: Resembling mathematics but not strictly following mathematical principles.
Example: The approach was described as quasi-mathematical due to its use of approximate methods.
Meaning: The property of being nearly stationary or changing very slowly.
Example: The analysis of the structure assumed quasi-staticity for simplicity.
Meaning: In a manner that satisfies or extinguishes.
Example: The cool drink was quenchingly refreshing after the long hike.
Meaning: Resembling a star, often used to describe quasars.
Example: The newly discovered object was identified as quasistellar due to its intense brightness.
Meaning: Occurring every fifteen years.
Example: The quinquennial celebration was a grand event, marking fifteen years since the foundation of the organization.
Meaning: Almost universal; applicable to many but not all cases.
Example: The theory was considered quasi-universal, relevant to most but not all scientific fields.
Meaning: Almost geometric; resembling geometric forms but not perfectly so.
Example: The artwork had a quasi-geometric style, blending abstract and geometric elements.
Meaning: In a manner characterized by unease or doubts.
Example: He approached the decision qualmishly, feeling unsure about the potential outcomes.
Meaning: By a factor of four.
Example: The company’s profits had quadruply increased over the last decade.
Meaning: Almost moral; pertaining to ethical considerations but not fully.
Example: The decision was made quasi-morally, taking into account ethical implications without full adherence.
Meaning: Statements or passages repeated from a source.
Example: The book was filled with memorable quotations from famous authors.
Meaning: To make something square or to have a square shape.
Example: The design required the elements to be quadrate for symmetry.
Meaning: Resembling mechanical processes but not entirely mechanical.
Example: The system was described as quasi-mechanical due to its partly automated operations.
Meaning: The use of four limbs for locomotion.
Example: The study focused on quadrupedalism in various animal species.
Meaning: Almost static; changing so slowly that the system can be considered nearly in equilibrium.
Example: The quasistatic approximation was used to simplify the analysis of the process.
Meaning: The quality or state of being fourfold.
Example: The project’s quadruplicity was evident in its four distinct phases.
Meaning: In terms of quantity or measurable amount.
Example: The results were analyzed quantitatively to determine the statistical significance.
Meaning: Resembling imperial or related to an empire but not fully so.
Example: The regime had a quasi-imperial style, with elements of grandeur and authority.
Meaning: The four subjects of study in medieval education: arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music.
Example: The curriculum included the quadrivium, reflecting the classical education system.
Meaning: Almost resembling a nebula; diffuse or cloud-like.
Example: The galaxy had a quasi-nebular appearance due to its hazy structure.
Meaning: Almost uniform; similar but not entirely so.
Example: The pattern was quasi-uniform, with slight variations throughout.
Meaning: In a manner marked by unease or apprehension.
Example: She approached the negotiation qualmishly, unsure of the outcomes.
Meaning: By a factor of four.
Example: The investment returns had quadruply increased in value over five years.
Meaning: Almost moral; related to moral considerations but not completely.
Example: The decision was made quasi-morally, with some ethical considerations but not full adherence.
Meaning: Repeated statements or passages from a text.
Example: The author’s book was rich with quotations from historical figures.
Meaning: To make or become square or squared.
Example: The design required the corners to be quadrate for the intended effect.
Meaning: Resembling mechanical processes but not fully mechanical.
Example: The process operated in a quasi-mechanical fashion, blending automation with human input.
Meaning: The use of all four limbs for movement.
Example: Quadrupedalism is observed in many animals, including dogs and horses.
Meaning: Nearly static; changing so slowly that equilibrium conditions are nearly met.
Example: The analysis used quasistatic conditions to simplify the model.
Meaning: The state of being fourfold or having four parts.
Example: The project was designed with quadruplicity in mind, involving four key stages.
Meaning: In terms of quantity or measurable amounts.
Example: The data was analyzed quantitatively to assess the experiment’s success.
Meaning: Resembling or related to an empire, but not fully.
Example: The leader’s approach was quasi-imperial, displaying some traits of grandeur without full imperial control.
Meaning: The four classical subjects of study: arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music.
Example: The university’s curriculum included the quadrivium, reflecting its classical education focus.
Meaning: Almost like a nebula; diffuse or cloud-like.
Example: The distant galaxy appeared quasi-nebular through the telescope.
Meaning: Nearly uniform; similar but not completely.
Example: The fabric had a quasi-uniform texture, with only minor variations in color.
Meaning: In a manner characterized by unease or discomfort.
Example: He responded qualmishly, showing his discomfort with the situation.
Meaning: By a factor of four.
Example: The investment’s value had quadruply increased since the initial purchase.
Meaning: Almost moral; related to ethical considerations but not fully.
Example: The policy was designed quasi-morally, considering ethical implications but not fully addressing them.
Meaning: Passages or statements cited from a source.
Example: The book included numerous quotations from famous philosophers to support its arguments.
Advanced Words That Start With Q

