This list contains all the adverbs used in the English language that start with J. It includes negative and positive adverbs with J to describe a person.
Jadedly | Jaggedly | Janglingly |
Jarringly | Jauntily | Jazzily |
Jealously | Jeeringly | Jejunely |
Jerkily | Jestingly | Jinglingly |
Jocosely | Jocularly | Jointly |
Jokingly | Jollily | Jolly |
Joltingly | Joshingly | Jovially |
Joyfully | Joylessly | Joyously |
Jubilantly | Judaically | Judgementally |
Judgmentally | Judicially | Judiciously |
Juicily | Jumblingly | Jump |
Jumpily | Just | Justifiedly |
Justly | Just-so |