This list contains all the adverbs used in the English language that start with N. It includes negative and positive adverbs with N to describe a person.
Naffly | Naggingly | Naifly |
Nail-bitingly | Naively | Naked-handedly |
Nakedly | Nameably | Namelessly |
Namely | Nao | Naow |
Napoleonically | Narcissistically | Narcoleptically |
Narcotically | Narratively | Narrowingly |
Narrowly | Narrowmindedly | Narrow-mindedly |
Nasally | Nasalward | Nasalwards |
Nascently | Nasotracheally | Nastily |
Nat | Natally | Natantly |
Natch | Natheless | Nathemo |
Nathemore | Nathless | Nathmore |
Nation | Nationally | Natively |
Nattily | Natural | Naturally |
Naturedly | Naturistically | Naughtily |
Naughtly | Nauseatingly | Nauseously |
Nauther | Nautically | Navally |
Navigably | Navigationally | Near |
Nearabout | Nearabouts | Nearby |
Nearer | Nearest | Nearly |
Nearsightedly | Neat-handedly | Neatly |
Nebber | Nebulously | Necessarily |
Necessitously | Neckandcrop | Necropolitically |
Necrotically | Necrotrophically | Nectareously |
Needer | Needfully | Needily |
Needlesstosay | Needlessly | Needlingly |
Needly | Needs | Needs-cost |
Needsly | Needways | Needwise |
Nefariously | Negatively | Neglectfully |
Neglectingly | Negligently | Negligibly |
Negotiably | Neist | Neither |
Nemcon | Con | Nematically |
Neoadjuvantly | Neoclassically | Neocortically |
Neoliberally | Neolithically | Neologically |
Neologistically | Neonatally | Neoplastically |
Neotenously | Neoterically | Nepotically |
Nepotistically | Nerdily | Nerdishly |
Nerehonde | Nervelessly | Nerve-rackingly |
Nervily | Nervously | Nestlingly |
Net | Netnet | Netheless |
Nethelesse | Nether | Nethertheless |
Netherward | Netherwards | Netnographically |
Nettiquettely | Nettlingly | Neurad |
Neuralgically | Neurally | Neurobiological |
Neurobiologically | Neurochemically | Neurocognitively |
Neurocomputationally | Neurocranially | Neurodevelopmentally |
Neuroectodermally | Neuroethically | Neurogenetically |
Neurogenically | Neurolinguistically | Neurologically |
Neuromechanically | Neuromuscularly | Neuronally |
Neuropathically | Neuropathologically | Neuropharmacologically |
Neurophysically | Neurophysiologically | Neuropsychiatrically |
Neuropsychologically | Neuropsychopharmacologically | Neuroradiographically |
Neuroradiologically | Neuroscientifically | Neurosurgically |
Neurotically | Neurotoxically | Neurotoxicologically |
Neurotypically | Neurovascularly | Neutralistically |
Neutrally | Neva | Nevah |
Neveling | Never | Neveragain |
Neverever | Neverinamillionyears | Neverinamonthofsundays |
Neverendingly | Nevermore | Neverthelater |
Nevertheless | Neverthemore | Nev’r |
Nevuh | New | Newfangly |
Newishly | Newly | Newsworthily |
Next | Nextdoor | Nextto |
Nextyear | Next-door | Nextish |
Nextly | Nibblingly | Nice |
Niceand | Nicely | Niftily |
Niggardly | Niggerishly | Nigglingly |
Nigh | Nigher | Nighest |
Nighly | Nightandday | Nightlong |
Nightly | Nightmarishly | Nighttime |
Nightwards | Nighwhat | Nigrostriatally |
Nihilistically | Nilly | Nilpotently |
Nimbly | Ninetimesoutoften | Ninetofive |
Ninewhilefive | Ninefold | Nineteentothedozen |
Nineteenfold | Nineteenthly | Ninethly |
Ninetyfold | Ninthly | Nipandtuck |
Nippily | Nippingly | Nither |
Nitpickingly | Nittily | Nitwittedly |
Nobonesaboutit | Nodoubt | Noend |
Nohomo | Noless | Nolonger |
Nomatter | Nomatterwhat | Nomore |
Nopunintended | Noquestionsasked | Nostringsattached |
Nosweat | Noteanoshade | Noway |
Nowayjose | Nowhile | Nobbily |
Nobbut | Nobly | Nocently |
Nocturnally | Nocuously | Nodally |
Noddingly | Nodewise | Nodosely |
No-doubt | Noematically | Noetically |
Nohow | Nohows | Noirishly |
Noiselessly | Noisily | Noisomely |
Nolensvolens | Nomadically | Nomadologically |
Nomenclaturally | Nomically | Nominalistically |
Nominally | Nominately | Nominatively |
Nomocratically | Noo | Nooit |
Noonly | Nooow | Nope |
Noplace | Normal | Normally |
Normalwise | Normatively | Normwise |
North | Northbound | Northeast |
Northeastward | Northeastwardly | Northeastwards |
Northerly | Northernly | Northly |
Northward | Northwardly | Northwards |
Northwest | Northwesterly | North-westerly |
Northwestward | Northwestwardly | Northwestwards |
Norwards | Nosetotail | Nosetothegrindstone |
Nosely | Nosewise | Nosily |
Nosocomially | Nosographically | Nosologically |
Nostalgically | No-strings-attached | Not |
Notachance | Notalittle | Notaminutetoosoon |
Notatall | Notbearthinkingabout | Notbyanymeans |
Noteven | Nothalf | Nothardly |
Notinamillionyears | Notintheleast | Notintheslightest |
Notleast | Notlikely | Notlong |
Notonyourlife | Notonyournelly | Notquite |
Notreally | Notuntil | Notwhilepussy’sacat |
Notyet | Notably | Notarially |
Notationally | Notedly | Noteworthily |
Nother | Nothing | Nothingbut |
Nothinglike | Noticeably | Notionally |
Notoriously | Notwithstanding | Nought |
Noughtwithstanding | Nought-withstanding | Noumenally |
Nounally | Nourishingly | Nouthe |
Novelistically | Novelly | Now |
Nowadays | Nowandagain | Nowandthen |
Nowornever | Nowyoumentionit | Nowaday |
Nowadayes | Now-a-days | Noway |
Noways | Nowdays | Nowhat |
Nowhence | Nowhere | Nowhereelse |
Nowheres | Nowhile | Nowhither |
Nowise | Nowish | Now-now |
Nowthe | Noxiously | Nrn |
Nsa | Nuancedly | Nubiferously |
Nuch | Nuclearly | Nucleophilically |
Nucleosynthetically | Nudely | Nudgingly |
Nullifyingly | Numberlessly | Number-theoretically |
Numbingly | Numbly | Numerably |
Numerally | Numerically | Numerologically |
Numerously | Numinously | Numismatically |
Nunnishly | Nurturally | Nutly |
Nutritionally | Nutritionwise | Nutritiously |
Nutritively | Nutso | Nuttily |
Nymphomaniacally |