This list contains all the adverbs used in the English language that start with O. It includes negative and positive adverbs with O to describe a person.
Oafishly | Oathfully | Obdurately |
Obediently | Obeisantly | Obeyingly |
Obiter | Obituarily | Objectively |
Obligatorily | Obligedly | Obligingly |
Obliquely | Obliviously | Oblongly |
Obnoxiously | Obscenely | Obscurely |
Obsequiously | Observably | Observantly |
Observingly | Obsessively | Obsoletely |
Obstinately | Obstreperously | Obtrusively |
Obtusely | Obversely | Obviously |
Occasionally | Occultly | Occupiedly |
Ocularly | Oddly | Odiously |
Odorously | Off | Off-balancingly |
Offendedly | Offensively | Offhandedly |
Officially | Officiously | Off-key |
Off-tune | Oft | Often |
Oftener | Oftentimes | Ofter |
Ofttimes | Oilily | Ominously |
On | Ontheotherhand | Once |
One-handedly | Onerously | Ones |
Onethe | Online | Only |
Onto | Onward | Onwardly |
Onwards | Opaquely | Openhandedly |
Openly | Open-mindedly | Open-mouthedly |
Operosely | Opinionatedly | Opportunely |
Opportunistically | Opposedly | Opposite |
Oppositely | Oppressively | Optatively |
Optically | Optimally | Optimistically |
Optionally | Opulently | Oracularly |
Orad | Orally | Orderingly |
Ordinarily | Ordinately | Organizationally |
Organizedly | Organizingly | Originally |
Ornamentally | Ornately | Ornerily |
Orthodoxly | Oscitantly | Ostensibly |
Ostentatiously | Other | Othergates |
Others | Otherways | Otherwhere |
Otherwhile | Otherwise | Out |
Outcept | Outdoors | Outerly |
Outlandishly | Outragedly | Outrageously |
Outrightly | Outside | Outspokenly |
Outward | Outwardly | Outwards |
Ovally | Over | Overall |
Overbearingly | Overboard | Overconfidently |
Over-eagerly | Over-enthusiastically | Overhead |
Overhighly | Over-joyedly | Overleaf |
Overly | Overmore | Overmuch |
Overprotectively | Overseas | Overside |
Oversoon | Overtime | Overtly |
Overwhelmedly | Overwhelmingly | Over-zealously |
Owlishly | Oxymoronically |