This list contains all the adverbs used in the English language that start with P. It includes negative and positive adverbs with P to describe a person.
Paganly | Painfully | Painlessly |
Palatably | Palely | Palewise |
Pallidly | Palmately | Palpably |
Paltrily | Pantingly | Papally |
Parallel | Parallelly | Paramours |
Paraunter | Paravant | Pardonably |
Parentally | Part | Partially |
Particularly | Partly | Parttime |
Party | Passably | Passim |
Passingly | Passionately | Passively |
Past | Pastorally | Patchily |
Patently | Paternally | Patiently |
Patly | Pausingly | Peaceably |
Peacefully | Peccantly | Pectorally |
Peculiarly | Pedanticly | Peevishly |
Pellmell | Pell-mell | Pellucidly |
Penally | Pendently | Penitently |
Pensively | Per | Percase |
Perceptibly | Perceptively | Perchance |
Perdie | Perdy | Perfectly |
Perforce | Perhaps | Perilously |
Periodically | Perishably | Perkily |
Permeably | Permissively | Perpetually |
Perseveringly | Persistently | Personally |
Perspicaciously | Perspicuously | Persuasively |
Pertly | Perversely | Pettily |
Pettishly | Petulantly | Phenomenally |
Philanthropically | Philosophically | Physically |
Pickaback | Pickback | Picturesquely |
Piercingly | Piggishly | Pinchingly |
Piningly | Pinnately | Piously |
Piquantly | Pitapat | Piteously |
Pithily | Pitiably | Pitifully |
Pitilessly | Pityingly | Piu |
Placidly | Plaguily | Plainly |
Plausibly | Playfully | Pleadingly |
Pleasantly | Please | Pleasingly |
Pleasurably | Plenarily | Plenty |
Ploddingly | Pluckily | Plum |
Plumply | Plurally | Poco |
Poetically | Poignantly | Pointedly |
Polarily | Polewards | Politely |
Politicly | Pompously | Poorly |
Pop | Popishly | Popularly |
Porously | Posingly | Positivemanner |
Positively | Possibly | Post |
Potentially | Potently | Poutingly |
Powerfully | Practically | Pragmatically |
Praisably | Praiseworthily | Pratingly |
Pray | Prayerfully | Prayingly |
Precious | Preciously | Precisely |
Predictably | Preferably | Pregnantly |
Preparedly | Prepensely | Presently |
Pressingly | Pressly | Prestigiously |
Presumably | Presumedly | Prettily |
Pretty | Prevalently | Previously |
Pridingly | Priggishly | Primarily |
Primely | Primevally | Primly |
Princely | Principally | Priorly |
Prissily | Pristinely | Privately |
Privily | Prn | Proactively |
Prob’ly | Probably | Probly |
Prodigally | Prodigiously | Productively |
Profanely | Professionally | Proficiently |
Profitably | Profoundly | Profusely |
Progressively | Prolifically | Prolixly |
Prominently | Promisingly | Pronely |
Pronto | Proper | Properly |
Prophetically | Propitiously | Prosily |
Prosingly | Prosperously | Proteanly |
Protectively | Proudly | Provably |
Providently | Provisionally | Proximad |
Proximally | Prudently | Prudishly |
Pruriently | Pryingly | Psychically |
Publically | Publicly | Public-spiritedly |
Puckishly | Puerilely | Puffingly |
Puissantly | Pulingly | Punctually |
Pungently | Punily | Punishingly |
Punitively | Punitorily | Purely |
Purposedly | Purposefully | Purposely |
Pursuantly | Puzzlingly |