This list contains all the adverbs used in the English language that start with R. It includes negative and positive adverbs with R to describe a person.
Rabidly | Racially | Racily |
Radially | Radiantly | Radiately |
Radically | Radioactively | Raffishly |
Raggedly | Railingly | Rakishly |
Rallentando | Ramblingly | Rampantly |
Rancidly | Randomly | Rankly |
Rantingly | Rapaciously | Rapid |
Rapidly | Rapturously | Rarely |
Rashly | Raspingly | Rather |
Rationally | Rattling | Raucously |
Ravenously | Raving | Ravingly |
Ravishingly | Rawly | Readably |
Readily | Real | Realistically |
Realizingly | Really | Rearly |
Rearward | Rearwards | Reasonably |
Reassuringly | Rebelliously | Rebukingly |
Recently | Receptively | Reciprocally |
Recklessly | Reclusely | Recognizably |
Rectlinearly | Recurrently | Redly |
Reflectively | Reflexively | Reflexly |
Refreshfully | Refreshingly | Regally |
Regardless | Regimentally | Regionally |
Regretfully | Regrettably | Regular |
Regularly | Relatively | Relativistically |
Relaxingly | Relentlessly | Relevantly |
Reliably | Religiously | Reluctantly |
Remarkably | Remedially | Reminiscently |
Remissly | Remorsefully | Remorselessly |
Remotely | Renewedly | Renownedly |
Reparably | Repeatedly | Repellently |
Repellingly | Repentantly | Repetitively |
Repiningly | Reportedly | Reprehensibly |
Reprehensively | Reproachfully | Reproducibly |
Reprovingly | Repulsively | Reputably |
Reputedly | Resentfully | Reservedly |
Residentially | Resignedly | Resiliently |
Resinously | Resolutely | Resolvedly |
Resonantly | Resoundingly | Resourcefully |
Respectably | Respectfully | Respectively |
Resplendently | Responsibly | Responsively |
Restfully | Restively | Restlessly |
Restoratively | Restrictively | Retail |
Retentively | Reticently | Retroactively |
Retrospectively | Reunitedly | Revengefully |
Reverendly | Reverentially | Reverently |
Reversedly | Reversely | Reversibly |
Revokingly | Revoltingly | Rewardingly |
Rhapsodically | Richly | Ridgingly |
Right | Righteously | Rightfully |
Rightly | Rightward | Rigidly |
Rigorously | Rimosely | Ringingly |
Riotously | Ripely | Ripplingly |
Risibly | Riskily | Ritually |
Roaringly | Robustly | Roguishly |
Rollickingly | Romantically | Romanticly |
Romeward | Rompingly | Roomily |
Ropily | Rosily | Rottenly |
Rotundly | Rough | Roughly |
Round | Roundly | Rousingly |
Routinely | Routously | Rovingly |
Rowdily | Royally | Ruddily |
Rudely | Ruefully | Ruggedly |
Ruinously | Rulingly | Rumblingly |
Ruminantly | Runningly | Rurally |
Rushingly | Rusticly | Rustily |
Ruthlessly |