This list contains all the adverbs used in the English language that start with S. It includes negative and positive adverbs with S to describe a person.
Sabbathly | Sabermetrically | Sacerdotally |
Sacramentally | Sacredly | Sacrificially |
Sacrilegiously | Sadtosay | Saddeningly |
Saddleback | Saddle-backed | Sadistically |
Sadly | Safely | Sagaciously |
Sagely | Salaciously | Saleably |
Saleswise | Saliently | Saltily |
Saltly | Salubriously | Salutarily |
Salutatorily | Salutiferously | Salvationally |
Same | Sanctifiedly | Sanctifyingly |
Sanctimoniously | Sanctionably | Sandward |
Sanely | Sanguinely | Sans |
Sans-souci | Sapiently | Sapphically |
Sappily | Saprophytically | Sarcastically |
Sardonically | Sare | Sarkily |
Sartorially | Sassily | Satanically |
Satirically | Satisfactorily | Satisfyingly |
Saturatedly | Saturday | Saucily |
Savagely | Savingly | Savorily |
Savourly | Scabbily | Scabrously |
Scalably | Scaldingly | Scamblingly |
Scamperingly | Scampishly | Scandalously |
Scantily | Scantly | Scarce |
Scarcely | Scaredly | Scarfwise |
Scarifyingly | Scarily | Scaringly |
Scasely | Scathingly | Scenically |
Scenographically | Sceptically | Schematically |
Schemingly | Scherzando | Schizophrenically |
Schmaltzily | Schmalzily | Scholastically |
Schoolboyishly | Schoolgirlishly | Schoolishly |
Schoolward | Scienter | Scientifically |
Scilicet | Scintigraphically | Scintillantly |
Scintillatingly | Sciolistically | Sciolto |
Scoffingly | Scoldingly | Scorchingly |
Scornfully | Scot-free | Scowlingly |
Scraggily | Scramblingly | Scrappily |
Screakily | Screamingly | Screechingly |
Scripturally | Scrofulously | Scruffily |
Scrumptiously | Scrupulously | Scufflingly |
Sculpturally | Scurrilously | Scuzzily |
Seamlessly | Searchingly | Searingly |
Seasonably | Seasonally | Seaward |
Seawards | Secondable | Secondarily |
Secondhand | Secondhanded | Secondhandedly |
Secondly | Secrely | Secretively |
Secretly | Sectionally | Sectorally |
Secularly | Securel | Securitywise |
Secus | Sedately | Sedentarily |
Sedimentologically | Seductively | Sedulously |
Seedily | Seeingly | Seelily |
Seemingly | Seemlily | Seemly |
Seethingly | Segmentally | Segregationally |
Segregatively | Seismically | Selden |
Seldom | Seldomly | Selectedly |
Selectionally | Selectively | Self-confidently |
Selfconsciously | Self-consciously | Selfconsistently |
Self-effacingly | Self-evidently | Selfishly |
Selflessly | Self-pitying | Self-righteously |
Self-willedly | Selly | Semantically |
Semblably | Semiaccidentally | Semiactively |
Semiannually | Semi-annually | Semiapologetically |
Semiautobiographically | Semiautomatically | Semidefinitely |
Semidiurnally | Semiempirically | Seminally |
Semioccasionally | Semiofficially | Semiologically |
Semiotically | Semiquantitatively | Semisecretly |
Semiseriously | Semisimply | Semisynthetically |
Semisystematically | Semitonally | Semi-weekly |
Sempre | Senatorially | Sence |
Sensationally | Senselessly | Sensibly |
Sensitively | Sensitometrically | Sensorially |
Sensorily | Sensualistically | Sensually |
Sensuously | Sentenceadverbs | Sentiently |
Sentimentally | Senza | Separably |
Separately | Seperately | Septennially |
Septentrionally | Septically | Sepulchrally |
Sequentially | Seraphically | Serendipitously |
Serenely | Serially | Seriatim |
Seriocomically | Seriously | Sermonically |
Serologically | Servilely | Set-theoretically |
Sevenfold | Seventeenfold | Seventeenthly |
Seventhly | Severalfold | Severally |
Severely | Sexagesimally | Sexily |
Sexlessly | Sextually | Sextuply |
Sexually | Shabbily | Shadelessly |
Shadily | Shadowily | Shaggily |
Shakenly | Shakily | Shakingly |
Shallowly | Shamblingly | Shambolically |
Shamefacedly | Shamefully | Shamelessly |
Shamingly | Shapelessly | Sharkishly |
Sharp | Sharply | Shatteringly |
Sheafwise | Sheenly | Sheepily |
Sheepishly | Sheer | Sheerly |
Shiftily | Shiftingly | Shily |
Shimmeringly | Shinily | Shiningly |
Shipward | Shipwards | Shirley |
Shitfully | Shitheadedly | Shitlessly |
Shitly | Shittily | Shockingly |
Shoddily | Shorewards | Short |
Short-handed | Short-handedly | Shortly |
Shortsightedly | Short-sightedly | Shoulder-to-shoulder |
Showily | Shrewdly | Shrewishly |
Shriekingly | Shrilly | Shruggingly |
Shudderingly | Shufflingly | Shurely |
Shutterwise | Shuttlewise | Shyly |
Sibilantly | Sic | Siccar |
Siccer | Sickeningly | Sickerly |
Sidearm | Side-handed | Side-handedly |
Sideling | Sidelong | Side-saddle |
Side-splittingly | Sideward | Sidewards |
Sideway | Sidewise | Sighingly |
Sightlessly | Signally | Significantly |
Sikerly | Silentiously | Silently |
Silkenly | Silkily | Sillily |
Silly | Silverly | Similarily |
Similarly | Similitudinarily | Simperingly |
Simple-mindedly | Simplistically | Simply |
Simultaneously | Since | Sincerely |
Sinfully | Singingly | Singlefile |
Single-handed | Single-handedly | Single-heartedly |
Singlemindedly | Single-mindedly | Singly |
Singularly | Sinisterly | Sinistrad |
Sinkward | Sinlessly | Sinuously |
Sinusoidally | Sitewide | Sithence |
Sithens | Situationally | Sixfold |
Sixthly | Sixtiethly | Sixtyfold |
Sizably | Sizeably | Sizewise |
Sizzlingly | Skeletally | Sketchily |
Skewly | Skiddingly | Skilfully |
Skillfully | Skimmingly | Skimpily |
Skinnily | Skippingly | Skittishly |
Skulkingly | Skyward | Skywards |
Slackly | Slambang | Slam-bang |
Slammingly | Slangily | Slantingly |
Slantly | Slantways | Slantwise |
Slashingly | Slatily | Slatternly |
Slaughterously | Slavishly | Sleazily |
Sleek | Sleekly | Sleepily |
Sleeplessly | Slenderly | Slicingly |
Slickly | Slidably | Slideably |
Slidingly | Slightingly | Slightly |
Slily | Slimily | Slimly |
Slipperily | Slippily | Slippingly |
Slipshodly | Slopewise | Slopingly |
Sloppily | Sloshily | Sloshingly |
Slothfully | Slouchily | Slouchingly |
Slow | Slower | Slowest |
Slowly | Sluggishly | Slumberingly |
Slumberously | Slumbrously | Slyly |
Small | Small-mindedly | Small-small |
Smally | Smarmily | Smartingly |
Smartly | Smashingly | Smatteringly |
Smearily | Smegging | Smickly |
Smilingly | Smirkingly | Smoggily |
Smokelessly | Smokily | Smooth |
Smoothingly | Smoothly | Smorzando |
Smotheringly | Smoulderingly | Smudgily |
Smugly | Smuttily | Snakewise |
Snakily | Snakingly | Snappily |
Snappingly | Snappishly | Snarlingly |
Snazzily | Sneakily | Sneakingly |
Sneeringly | Sneezily | Sneezingly |
Snelly | Snickeringly | Snidely |
Sniffily | Sniffingly | Sniffishly |
Snobbishly | Snoopily | Snoopingly |
Snootily | Snortingly | Snottily |
Snowily | Snuffingly | Snuggly |
Snugly | So | Sotheysay |
Sotosay | Sotospeak | Soakingly |
Soapily | Soaplessly | Soaringly |
Soavemente | Sobbingly | Soberly |
Sociably | Socially | Socioeconomically |
Socio-economically | Sociologically | Sociopolitically |
Sociopsychologically | Socioracially | Socioreligiously |
Sociostructurally | Sociotechnically | Sociotherapeutically |
Sodomitically | Soever | Sofaking |
Soft | Softly | Softwarematically |
Softwarily | Soggily | Soi-disant |
Solely | Solemnly | Solicitously |
Solidly | Solipsistically | Solitarily |
Solitariously | Solitudinously | Solo |
Somatically | Somatodendritically | Somatologically |
Somatosensorily | Somatotopically | Somberly |
Sombrely | Some | Someday |
Somedeal | Somehow | Someplace |
Sometime | Sometimes | Sometyme |
Someway | Someways | Somewhat |
Somewhen | Somewhere | Somewhile |
Somnambulistically | Somniferously | Somnolently |
Somnolescently | Sonically | Sonographically |
Sonorously | Soon | Soonest |
Soonly | Soothingly | Soothly |
Sophisticatedly | Soporiferously | Soporifically |
Soppily | Sopping | Soppingly |
Sordidly | Sorely | Sorrily |
Sorrowfully | Sortably | So-so |
Sostenuto | Soteriologically | Sottishly |
Soughingly | Soulfully | Soullessly |
Sound | Soundingly | Soundly |
Soundwise | Soupily | Sourly |
South | Southbound | South-easterly |
Southeastwards | Southly | South-south-west |
Southward | Southwards | South-westerly |
Southwestwards | Sovereignly | Spacelessly |
Spacely | Spaceside | Spaceward |
Spacewards | Spacially | Spaciously |
Spang | Sparely | Sparingly |
Sparkily | Sparkingly | Sparkishly |
Sparklessly | Sparklingly | Sparsedly |
Sparsely | Sparsim | Spartanly |
Spasmodically | Spatially | Spatiotemporally |
Specially | Specieswide | Specif |
Specifically | Speciously | Spectacularly |
Spectrally | Spectrophotometrically | Spectroscopically |
Speculatively | Speechlessly | Speedfully |
Speedily | Spellbindingly | Spellingly |
Spherically | Spheroidally | Spicewise |
Spicily | Spiffingly | Spikily |
Spinally | Spinelessly | Spinningly |
Spinward | Spirally | Spiralwise |
Spiritally | Spiritedly | Spiritfully |
Spiritlessly | Spiritually | Spitefully |
Spitelessly | Spitishly | Splashily |
Splendidly | Splendiferously | Splenetically |
Splinteringly | Spokewise | Spontaneously |
Spookily | Spoonily | Spoonways |
Spoonwise | Sporadically | Sportily |
Sportingly | Sportively | Spotlessly |
Spottily | Spousally | Sprightly |
Springily | Springingly | Spritely |
Sprucely | Spruntly | Spryly |
Spunkily | Spuriously | Spurningly |
Spurtingly | Squalidly | Squanderingly |
Square | Squarely | Squeakily |
Squeakingly | Squealingly | Squeamishly |
Squelchingly | Squidgily | Squirmingly |
Srsly | Stabbingly | Stably |
Staccato | Stackably | Staggeringly |
Stagily | Stagnantly | Staidly |
Stainlessly | Stalely | Stalwartly |
Stammeringly | Stanchly | Standardly |
Standoffishly | Starchedly | Starchily |
Starchly | Staringly | Stark |
Starkly | Startingly | Startlingly |
Starvedly | Starvingly | Starward |
Starwards | Stat | Statedly |
Statelily | Stately | Statewide |
Statically | Stationarily | Stationward |
Statistically | Statively | Statuesquely |
Statutably | Statutorily | Staunchly |
Stayedly | Steadfastly | Steadily |
Steadyhanded | Steady-handed | Stealingly |
Stealthily | Steamily | Steamingly |
Sted | Stedfast | Stedfastly |
Steelily | Steeply | Stellarly |
Stentoriously | Stepbystep | Stepwise |
Stereochemically | Stereochromically | Stereoelectronically |
Stereogeometrically | Stereographically | Stereoisomerically |
Stereologically | Stereoscopically | Stereospecifically |
Stereotaxically | Stereotypically | Sterically |
Sternly | Sternward | Sternwards |
Steroidally | Stertorously | Stethoscopically |
Stewardly | Stickily | Stiffly |
Stiflingly | Still | Stillandall |
Stillandanon | Stilly | Stiltedly |
Stingily | Stingingly | Stinkingly |
Stirringly | Stochastically | Stockily |
Stodgily | Stoically | Stoichiometrically |
Stolidly | Stomach-churningly | Stomach-turningly |
Stompily | Stompingly | Stone |
Stone-heartedly | Stonily | Stonkingly |
Stoopingly | Stop | Stoplessly |
Stoppingly | Stormily | Storywise |
Stoundmeal | Stour | Stoutly |
Straight | Straightup | Straightaway |
Straightfacedly | Straightforth | Straightforward |
Straightforwardly | Straightly | Straightway |
Straightwise | Strainably | Strainingly |
Straitly | Strange | Strangely |
Strategically | Stratificationally | Stratigraphically |
Stratospherically | Streakily | Streamingly |
Streite | Strenuously | Stressfully |
Stretchably | Stretchily | Stretto |
Striatally | Strickenly | Strickly |
Strictly | Stridently | Strikingly |
Stringently | Stringily | Strong |
Strongfully | Stronghanded | Strong-handed |
Stronghandedly | Strong-handedly | Strongheartedly |
Strong-heartedly | Strongly | Strong-mindedly |
Structurally | Strugglingly | Struttingly |
Stubbily | Stubbornly | Studiedly |
Studiously | Stuffily | Stultifyingly |
Stumblingly | Stumpily | Stunningly |
Stupefyingly | Stupendously | Stupidly |
Sturdily | Stutteringly | Stylelessly |
Stylewise | Stylishly | Stylistically |
Suavely | Subacidly | Subacutely |
Subaerially | Subcaudally | Subcellularly |
Subcentrally | Subchronically | Subclinically |
Subconsciously | Subcritically | Subcutaneously |
Subdermally | Subdifferentially | Subdiffusively |
Subdirectly | Subdistally | Subgingivally |
Subglacially | Subglottically | Subito |
Subject | Subjectively | Subjectivistically |
Subjectwise | Subjunctively | Sublethally |
Sublimely | Subliminally | Submissively |
Submissly | Submittingly | Subordinately |
Subperiosteally | Subsequentially | Subsequently |
Subserviently | Substantially | Substantively |
Substitutionally | Substitutively | Substoichiometrically |
Subsultorily | Subsynchronously | Subtilly |
Subtly | Subverbally | Subversively |
Successfully | Successively | Succinctly |
Succulently | Such | Suchly |
Suchwise | Suddenly | Suently |
Sufferably | Sufferingly | Sufficeittosay |
Sufficetosay | Sufficedtosay | Sufficiently |
Suffocatingly | Sugarily | Suggestibly |
Suggestingly | Suggestively | Suicidally |
Suingly | Suitably | Sulfurously |
Sulkily | Sullenly | Sulphurously |
Sultrily | Summarily | Summatively |
Summerily | Summet | Summot |
Sumptuously | Sundaily | Sunday |
Sunderling | Sunderly | Sundrily |
Sunnily | Sunward | Sunwards |
Sunways | Sunwise | Super |
Superabundantly | Supercautiously | Supercelestially |
Superciliously | Superdiffusively | Superelastically |
Supereminently | Supererogatorily | Superessentially |
Superficially | Superfluously | Superhelically |
Superheroically | Superhumanly | Superiorly |
Superlatively | Supermassively | Supermorbidly |
Supernaturally | Superpositionally | Superradiantly |
Superrationally | Supersonically | Superstitiously |
Superweakly | Supinely | Supplely |
Supplementally | Supplementarily | Supportingly |
Supportively | Supposedly | Supposingly |
Suprafacially | Supraliminally | Supralinguistically |
Supramaximally | Suprapubically | Supremely |
Sure | Sureaseggs | Sureaseggsiseggs |
Sureasshooting | Sureenough | Surefootedly |
Surehandedly | Sure-handedly | Surely |
Surgically | Surlily | Surmisably |
Surpassingly | Surprisedly | Surprisingly |
Surrealistically | Surreally | Surreptitiously |
Suspectedly | Suspectingly | Suspectly |
Suspensefully | Suspensely | Suspensively |
Suspiciously | Sustainably | Sustainedly |
Suturally | Sveltely | Swa |
Swampily | Swankily | Swanlike |
Swarthily | Sweatily | Sweepingly |
Sweet | Sweetishly | Sweetly |
Swellingly | Swelteringly | Swiftly |
Swimmingly | Swingeingly | Swingingly |
Swishingly | Swithe | Swollenly |
Swoonily | Swooningly | Swoopingly |
Swoopstake | Swythe | Sycophantically |
Syllabically | Syllogistically | Symbiotically |
Symbolically | Symmetrically | Sympathetically |
Sympathisingly | Sympathizingly | Sympathomimetically |
Sympatrically | Symphonically | Symphoniously |
Symplectically | Symptomatically | Synaptically |
Synchronically | Synchronistically | Synchronously |
Syncopationally | Syne | Synecdochally |
Synergistically | Synkinetically | Synodically |
Synonymically | Synonymously | Synoptically |
Syntactically | Syntagmatically | Synthetically |
Syphilitically | Systematically | Systemically |