Names of Animals (Animals Names) in English
Learning any new language will involve developing your vocabulary. The easiest way to do this is to learn the names of all the things you use and see around you. In this article, you will learn the names of animals around the world. Check out the lists below to explore.

List of 100+ Names of Animals (Animals Names List)
Anemone | Ant |
Bee | Beetle |
Butterfly | dove |
turkey | goldfish |
canary | mouse |
mink | bee |
hen | ox |
cow | calf |
foal | Caterpillar |
Centipede | Clam |
Cockroach | Cocoon |
Coral | Crab |
cattle | zebu |
chicken | donkey |
duck | rooster |
rabbit | horse |
silkmoth | pigeon |
yak | goose |
camel | lama |
alpaca | Cricket |
Cuttlefish | Dragonfly |
Flea | Fly |
Grasshopper | Jellyfish |
Ladybug | Lobster |
Louse | Millipede |
Mosquito | Moth |
Mussel | Octopus |
Oyster | Praying mantis |
Scorpion | Sea urchin |
Slug | Snail |
Spider | Squid |
Starfish | Wasp |
Worm | dog |
goat | cat |
pig | sheep |
ferret | kid |
chick | lamb |
caiman | cobra |
collared lizard | copperhead |
coral snake | corn snake |
cottonmouth | crocodile |
mamba | map turtle |
monitor lizard | mountain viper |
mud snake | mud turtle |
taipan | timber rattler |
tortoise | turtle |
water moccasin | water turtle |
whipsnake | gaboon viper |
garter snake | gavial |
gecko | gila monster |
glass lizard | gopher snake |
green iguana | ground skink |
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