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Ashamed Synonym: List of 60+ Synonyms for Ashamed with Useful Examples

Ashamed Synonym

We’ve all felt it – that sinking feeling in your stomach, the heat rising to your cheeks – shame. But when it comes to expressing this emotion in writing, relying solely on “ashamed” can leave your narrative a little flat. Fear not, fellow wordsmiths! Today, we’re diving into the vast ocean of synonyms for “ashamed,” each offering a unique shade of meaning to enrich your writing.

Why Use Synonyms for Ashamed?

While “ashamed” gets the job done, synonyms can elevate your writing in several ways:

  • Nuance and Precision: Different synonyms capture the varying degrees of shame. “Mortified” suggests deeper humiliation than “sheepish,” while “contrite” implies remorse and a desire to make amends.
  • Variety and Style: Stepping away from “ashamed” keeps your writing from becoming repetitive and injects freshness.
  • Emotional Depth: The right synonym can paint a vivid picture of the character’s emotional state, drawing the reader deeper into the story.

Ashamed Meaning

Ashamed describes a feeling of distress or humiliation caused by the awareness of wrongdoing or inadequacy. It’s a complex emotion that encompasses several key elements:

  • Guilt: A sense of responsibility for a negative action or outcome.
  • Embarrassment: Self-consciousness or awkwardness due to being judged negatively by others.
  • Regret: A longing for something to be different, often accompanied by a desire to make amends.
  • Humiliation: A deep sense of shame that can be damaging to one’s self-esteem.

List of Synonyms for Ashamed

  • Embarrassed
  • Humiliated
  • Mortified
  • Abashed
  • Chagrined
  • Crestfallen
  • Disgraced
  • Discomfited
  • Disconcerted
  • Sheepish
  • Guilty
  • Remorseful
  • Regretful
  • Contrite
  • Penitent
  • Flustered
  • Awkward
  • Uncomfortable
  • Self-conscious
  • Red-faced
  • Bashful
  • Shy
  • Blushing
  • Confused
  • Distressed
  • Humble
  • Repentant
  • Sorrowful
  • Sorry
  • Apologetic
  • Disappointed
  • Dismayed
  • Scorned
  • Discredited
  • Degraded
  • Dissatisfied
  • Depressed
  • Despondent
  • Unworthy
  • Conscience-stricken
  • Wretched
  • Misunderstood
  • Exposed
  • Excluded
  • Alienated
  • Ostracized
  • Reproachful
  • Displeased
  • Discouraged
  • Unhappy
  • Offended
  • Pained
  • Miserable
  • Melancholy
  • Desolate
  • Despairing

Ashamed Synonyms with Examples

Here are synonyms for “ashamed” along with their meanings and examples:

  • Embarrassed
    • Meaning: Feeling self-conscious or awkward due to embarrassment.
    • Example: She felt embarrassed when her mistake was pointed out in front of everyone.

  • Humiliated
    • Meaning: Feeling deeply embarrassed or ashamed.
    • Example: He was humiliated by his failure in front of his peers.

  • Mortified
    • Meaning: Feeling extreme embarrassment or shame.
    • Example: She was mortified when she realized she had been wearing her shirt inside out all day.

  • Abashed
    • Meaning: Feeling embarrassed or ashamed.
    • Example: He felt abashed when he realized he had misunderstood the instructions.

  • Chagrined
    • Meaning: Feeling embarrassed or disappointed because of failure or humiliation.
    • Example: She was chagrined by her inability to solve the puzzle.

  • Crestfallen
    • Meaning: Feeling disappointed or humiliated.
    • Example: He looked crestfallen when he realized he had lost the competition.

  • Disgraced
    • Meaning: Feeling ashamed or embarrassed due to dishonor or disgrace.
    • Example: After the scandal, he felt disgraced and avoided public appearances.

  • Discomfited
    • Meaning: Feeling uneasy or embarrassed.
    • Example: She was discomfited by the unexpected attention from strangers.

  • Disconcerted
    • Meaning: Feeling unsettled or embarrassed.
    • Example: His unexpected question left her disconcerted and speechless.

  • Sheepish
    • Meaning: Feeling embarrassed or ashamed, especially because of one’s actions.
    • Example: He gave a sheepish smile after realizing his mistake.

  • Guilty
    • Meaning: Feeling responsible or remorseful for having done something wrong.
    • Example: She felt guilty for not speaking up when she witnessed the injustice.

  • Remorseful
    • Meaning: Feeling regret or sorrow for past actions.
    • Example: He was remorseful for his harsh words and apologized sincerely.

  • Regretful
    • Meaning: Feeling sorry or disappointed about a past event or action.
    • Example: She was regretful that she hadn’t taken the opportunity when it arose.

  • Contrite
    • Meaning: Feeling deeply sorry for having behaved wrongly.
    • Example: He appeared contrite as he apologized for his mistake.

  • Penitent
    • Meaning: Feeling or expressing regret for one’s wrongdoing.
    • Example: She was penitent and promised to make amends for her actions.

  • Flustered
    • Meaning: Feeling nervous or confused, especially in a social situation.
    • Example: He became flustered when asked to speak in front of a large audience.

  • Awkward
    • Meaning: Feeling uncomfortable or embarrassed in social situations.
    • Example: She felt awkward at the party because she didn’t know anyone.

  • Uncomfortable
    • Meaning: Feeling uneasy or awkward.
    • Example: He felt uncomfortable discussing personal matters with strangers.

  • Self-conscious
    • Meaning: Feeling excessively aware of oneself, especially in a social setting.
    • Example: She felt self-conscious about her appearance at the party.

  • Red-faced
    • Meaning: Having a flushed or red complexion due to embarrassment.
    • Example: She became red-faced when her mistake was pointed out.

  • Bashful
    • Meaning: Feeling shy or timid in social situations.
    • Example: He was bashful around new people and found it hard to start conversations.

  • Shy
    • Meaning: Feeling nervous or timid in the presence of others.
    • Example: She was too shy to speak up during the meeting.

  • Blushing
    • Meaning: Having a red or flushed face due to embarrassment.
    • Example: She couldn’t help but blush when he complimented her.

  • Confused
    • Meaning: Feeling bewildered or perplexed.
    • Example: He felt confused by the sudden change in plans.

  • Distressed
    • Meaning: Feeling upset or troubled.
    • Example: She was distressed by the news of her friend’s illness.

  • Humble
    • Meaning: Feeling modest or unassuming.
    • Example: Despite his success, he remained humble and down-to-earth.

  • Repentant
    • Meaning: Feeling regret or remorse for past actions.
    • Example: He was repentant for the harm he had caused and sought forgiveness.

  • Sorrowful
    • Meaning: Feeling sadness or grief.
    • Example: She felt sorrowful for the loss of her beloved pet.

  • Sorry
    • Meaning: Feeling regret or remorse for having caused pain or inconvenience.
    • Example: He was genuinely sorry for forgetting her birthday.

  • Apologetic
    • Meaning: Feeling or expressing regretful acknowledgment of an offense or failure.
    • Example: She was apologetic for arriving late to the meeting.

  • Disappointed
    • Meaning: Feeling sad or displeased because something is not as expected.
    • Example: He was disappointed that his team didn’t win the championship.

  • Dismayed
    • Meaning: Feeling disappointed or discouraged.
    • Example: She was dismayed by the poor turnout at the event.

  • Scorned
    • Meaning: Feeling contempt or disdain for oneself.
    • Example: He felt scorned by his own actions and vowed to do better.

  • Discredited
    • Meaning: Feeling ashamed or dishonored.
    • Example: He felt discredited by the false accusations against him.

  • Degraded
    • Meaning: Feeling humiliated or lowered in dignity.
    • Example: She felt degraded by the disrespectful treatment she received.

  • Dissatisfied
    • Meaning: Feeling discontent or displeased.
    • Example: He was dissatisfied with the quality of the product he purchased.

  • Depressed
    • Meaning: Feeling sad or despondent.
    • Example: She was depressed after losing her job.

  • Despondent
    • Meaning: Feeling hopeless or discouraged.
    • Example: He became despondent after failing his exams.

  • Unworthy
    • Meaning: Feeling inadequate or not deserving of respect.
    • Example: She felt unworthy of love and acceptance.

  • Conscience-stricken
    • Meaning: Feeling guilt or remorse for having done something wrong.
    • Example: He was conscience-stricken after lying.

Ashamed Synonyms Infographic

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Examples of Ashamed:

  • A child feels ashamed after lying to their parents.
  • A teenager gets caught cheating on a test and feels ashamed in front of their classmates.
  • An adult forgets their anniversary present and feels ashamed to face their partner.

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