Between vs. Among - What’s the Difference -

Between vs. Among – What’s the Difference?

Between vs. Among – What’s the Difference?

“Between” and “among” are prepositions that are often confused due to their similar meanings related to positioning or relationships. However, they are used differently based on the context and the number of entities involved.


Definition: “Between” is used to refer to the relationship involving two (and sometimes more than two) distinct and individual entities.


  • Two Entities: “Between” is typically used when referring to a relationship involving two people, things, or groups.
    • Example: “The negotiations between the two countries were successful.”

  • More than Two Entities (Distinct): It can also be used when referring to more than two entities if they are considered individually or distinctly.
    • Example: “There is a clear difference between the four proposals.”


Definition: “Among” is used to indicate a relationship involving three or more entities that are not considered individually but as part of a group.


  • Three or More Entities: “Among” is typically used when referring to a relationship involving three or more people, things, or groups.
    • Example: “She felt comfortable among her friends.”

  • Group Consideration: It is used when the entities are considered as part of a collective group.
    • Example: “The secret was shared among the team members.”

Between vs. Among

DefinitionUsed to refer to the relationship involving two (and sometimes more) distinct entities.Used to indicate a relationship involving three or more entities considered as a group.
Number of EntitiesTypically two, but can be more if distinctThree or more, considered as a group
Individual vs. GroupEntities considered individuallyEntities considered as a part of a group
ContextDifferences, choices, relationships between distinct itemsDistribution, feelings, relationships within a group
Examples– “The negotiations between the two countries were successful.”
– “There is a clear difference between the four proposals.”
– “She felt comfortable among her friends.”
– “The secret was shared among the team members.”
Common Contexts– Choices: “Choose between red and blue.”
– Relationships: “Conflict between siblings.”
– Differences: “Difference between the two methods.”
– Distribution: “Share the candies among the children.”
– Feelings: “Happy among friends.”
– Collective relationships: “Cooperation among nations.”
Idiomatic UsageOften used in idiomatic expressions such as “between a rock and a hard place.”Not typically used in idiomatic expressions
Prepositional PhraseOften follows with a prepositional phrase that specifies distinct entities (e.g., “between the lines”).Often follows with a prepositional phrase indicating a group or mass (e.g., “among the crowd”).
Special CasesCan be used for more than two items when distinct: “The treaty was signed between the five nations.”Used when referring to indistinct or collective entities: “There is a rumor going around among the students.”
Usage in Sentences– “The secret is between you and me.”
– “The competition is between John and Jane.”
– “The task was divided among the team members.”
– “She walked among the trees.”

Between vs Among – Example

Sentences with “Between”

  • The secret is between you and me.
  • The negotiations between the two countries were successful.
  • There is a clear difference between the four proposals.
  • The river runs between the two mountains.
  • He had to choose between the red shirt and the blue shirt.
  • There was a strong bond between the siblings.
  • The competition is between John and Jane.
  • She divided the money equally between her two children.
  • The conflict between the departments was resolved.
  • The agreement was made between the three companies.
  • The road runs between the forest and the lake.
  • There is a lot of tension between the two rivals.
  • The fence between the two properties needs repair.
  • The debate between the candidates was heated.
  • The treaty was signed between the five nations.
  • The connection between the dots forms a star.
  • The rivalry between the teams is intense.
  • She sat between her parents during the ceremony.
  • The communication between the manager and employees is crucial.
  • The border between the two states is clearly marked.

Sentences with “Among”

  • She felt comfortable among her friends.
  • The secret was shared among the team members.
  • The treasure was hidden among the trees.
  • She felt a sense of belonging among her peers.
  • The responsibilities were shared among the team members.
  • There was a lot of gossip among the neighbors.
  • The professor walked among the students, answering questions.
  • The discussion among the group was lively.
  • The flowers were scattered among the grass.
  • He found himself lost among strangers.
  • The supplies were divided among the refugees.
  • The rumor spread quickly among the crowd.
  • There is a rumor going around among the students.
  • The painting was popular among the art critics.
  • She moved silently among the shadows.
  • The truth was hidden among the lies.
  • The support among the community was overwhelming.
  • She distributed the candies among the children.
  • The knowledge was passed down among generations.
  • The cat wandered among the garden plants.

The main difference between “between” and “among” lies in the number of entities involved and whether they are considered individually or as part of a group. “Between” is generally used for two distinct entities or for multiple distinct entities considered individually, while “among” is used for three or more entities considered collectively. Understanding this distinction helps in choosing the correct preposition to convey the intended relationship clearly and accurately.

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