Build your Vocabulary Skills in just 9 Easy Ways
In today’s world, your communication skill is way too crucial to express yourself. You can pick any of the fields and see how much your communication skill is vital to become successful in your career. Certainly, having a large vocabulary is the key to improving your communication skills. In addition, there are plenty of advantages i.e. enabling you to convey your ideas more effectively, choosing the right word required for the situation, to persuade people, to understand others, etc.
If you spend only about thirty minutes a day with dedication can lead to a swift improvement in your vocabulary skills. Subsequently, you can make a good impression at your work with confidence in communication and public speaking. Below are the 9 easy strategies to conquer the difficulties and build your vocabulary skills. Let’s take a look into it.
1. Read a variety of materials
Reading can be boring for some people. However, it can be fun if you read whatever interests you. For instance, if you are more inclined to sports, politics, fashion then read news about that topic from the newspaper every day. You can find novels of fiction and non-fiction categories to read whichever you can enjoy. Make a habit of reading every day and as much as possible. However, always keep in mind that your objective is to learn new words. Focus on the new words while reading, understand the meaning of it, and try to remember afterward.
2. Analyze vocabulary in context
There are numerous methods of bringing setting into your vocabulary learning, the least difficult being to learn vocabulary in sentences. We can help you out with this. Download our app from the website and enrich your vocabulary effortlessly. We provide 10 new words on a daily basis with the definition of the word, its antonyms, and synonyms. Also most importantly, how you can use those words in a sentence. Have a look at it.

3. Makeup associations
Whenever you come across the new words and you simply memorize those words won’t be helpful. You need to associate the words with something personal so that you can remember easily and won’t forget after some time. For instance, the word “Assiduous” meaning of the word is hard-working. You can relate this word with the person in your life that is hard-working. Something like, “My father is assiduous in everything he does”. Also, try to look at 2-3 synonyms of the words you’ve learned.
4. Use words in daily conversation
Try to slip in new words in a daily conversation, writing emails to anyone, or else keep a note of it. Using those words frequently are important as you won’t forget after some days. Use a word immediately after you learn it.
5. Play games for fun and learn
There are many games available you can play online and offline. Try crossword puzzles that get your brain working hard to search your memory for words. And if you can’t find some words in the puzzle then look at the answers and you can learn some new words for increasing the vocabulary. Apart from that, you can also try out playing scrabble and other online games.
6. Keep a journal with you
Note down new words every day in your journal is a splendid idea of encouragement in learning more new words. Keep a running list of new words that you learned every day so that you can refer those any time you want and steadily build them into your everyday vocabulary.
7. Use supportive tools
The use of tools such as a dictionary and thesaurus can be beneficial when encountering an unknown word. They define the word and also provide its root. The root can help you not only recollect the particular word but also help you to understand the meaning of other words. Many words have a common root and a prefix or suffix that assists you determine what the meaning might be.
8. Listen to learn
Listening is a way to expand your vocabulary. Keep yourself around well-educated people. Engage with them in a daily conversation. If you don’t know about the word they use, you can easily learn them by focusing on in which context it is used. Try them out afterward. You can also watch series, movies of your interest. However, keep in mind that you should always concentrate on new words while watching. Listen to English songs of your interest and try to pay attention to the lyrics. Learn the unfamiliar words later.
9. Take vocabulary tests
A vocabulary test is a good way to check your knowledge. Your learning will be of no use if you don’t check frequently that “Where do you stand”. Give some vocabulary tests regularly and based on the result you can decide the next steps.
You can take test from our application with the provided Quiz Section.
Finally, remember that you must continue to practice using new words that you’ve learned to ensure that they are kept in your brain. You must practice, practice, and practice.
Hope it helps!! Happy Learning
Written by,
Jaini Bhavsar (There’s always room for bliss.)
18th June 2020
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