List of important business English vocabulary
Business English vocabulary is the vocabulary about the business contexts, such as finance, banking, international trade, investment, commerce, advertising, marketing, etc.
The common trait of every entrepreneur or business expert is the skill to communicate effectively.
List of important business English vocabulary
- ability
- absent
- accept
- according to
- account
- accounting
- acknowledge
- acquisition
- act
- actually
- actuary
- added value
- address
- addressee
- admit
- advance
- advance payment
- advantage
- advertise
- advertisement
- advertising agency
- advice
- advice of payment
- advise
- affect
- afford
- after-sales service
- agenda
- agent
- agreement
- ahead of the pack
- air freight
- airway bill
- aisle
- alignment
- alternative
- amount due
- amplify
- anecdote
- annotate
- Annual General Meeting
- annual leave
- apartment
- apology
- appendix
- application
- apply for a job
- apply
- appoint
- approach
- approval
- approve
- arbitration
- arithmetic
- article
- articles of association
- articulate
- as mentioned
- assessment
- assessor
- asset
- attendee
- attorney
- audience rapport
- augment
- author
- authorized share capital
- authorization
- authorize
- available
- avoid
- back to square one
- back up
- background
- baggage claim
- balance
- balance sheet
- ballot
- ballpark number/figure
- bandwidth
- bank
- bank account
- bank charges
- bank transfer
- banknote
- bargain price
- barometer stock
- barrister
- base rate
- bearish market
- bedrock price
- behavior
- benchmarking
- benefit
- best practice
- best regards
- bid
- big data
- big picture
- bi-lingual
- bill
- bill of exchange
- bill of lading
- billboard
- billion
- bind
- bit
- black market
- blank cheque
- bleeding edge
- blue-chip stocks
- blue-sky thinking
- blurb
- board
- board of directors
- boarding pass
- body
- body language
- bond
- bonus
- borrow
- bottom line
- box
- break
- branch
- brand
- brand new
- brand awareness
- branding
- break
- bridging loan
- brief
- brisk trade
- broadsheet
- browser
- budget
- build
- building
- building society
- bullish market
- bureau de change
- business
- business angel
- business plan
- buy
- buyer
- buy-in
- by the book
- byte
- calculate
- call
- campaign
- cancel
- candidate
- capital
- capital stock
- capitalisation issue
- career
- cargo
- carriage free
- carriage paid to
- case
- cash
- cash dispenser
- cash flow statement
- cash refund offer
- cashier
- casting vote
- censor
- certificate of origin
- chain store
- chairman
- challenge
- change
- chapter
- charge
- charge for
- check
- check in
- checkbook
- cheque
- choose
- circulation
- cite
- claim
- clarify
- classified ads
- clause
- click
- client
- close
- close a deal
- coin
- cold call
- collaborate
- commercial
- commission
- commitment
- commodities
- communicate
- company
- comparison
- competition
- competitor
- complain
- complete
- comprehensive
- compromise
- concept
- condition
- conference
- conference call
- confirm
- confirmation
- consensus
- consequential loss
- consider
- consultant
- consumer
- container
- content
- contract
- convenience store
- convince
- cookie
- coordinate
- copyright
- core business
- core competency
- corner the market
- corporate synergy
- correspondent
- cost
- cost of sales
- count
- counteroffer
- counter-productive
- coupon
- court of law
- cover
- cover letter
- coworking
- credit
- credit card
- creditor
- creditors
- critic
- crowdfunding
- currency
- current account
- curriculum vitae (CV)
- customer
- customer service department
- customs
- cut-throat
- data
- date
- date of birth
- deadline
- deal
- debit
- debt
- debtor
- debtors
- decide
- decision
- declare
- decrease
- deep dive
- defendant
- deficit
- deliver
- deliverable
- delivery
- demystify
- department
- department store
- departures board
- deposit
- deposit account
- derivative
- descend
- description
- desk
- develop
- development
- dictate
- difference
- digital marketing
- digital strategy
- direct investment
- direct mail
- director
- disadvantage
- discount
- discreet
- dismiss
- dispatch
- disruption
- disruptive
- distribute
- distribution
- diversify
- divide
- dividend
- document
- domestic
- donate
- double-page spread
- downsell
- downsizing
- draft
- dress code
- drill down
- drop
- dubious
- due
- duly signed
- dutiable
- duty free
- duty-free
- easy come, easy go
- e-commerce
- economies of scale
- edit
- editing
- editor
- editorial
- education
- elevator
- e-marketing
- embodiment
- emerging markets
- empiric
- employ
- employee
- employer
- employer’s liability
- enclosed
- encourage
- end of play
- end user
- enquiry
- entrepreneur
- environment
- equal
- equipment
- equities
- equity
- establish
- estate agent
- estimate
- evidence
- exaggerated
- excerpt
- excess baggage
- exchange
- exchange rate
- exclusive rights
- executive officer
- expand
- expenses
- experience
- explanation
- exponential
- extend
- extension of payment time
- extranet
- eye-catcher
- facilitate
- facilities
- factor
- factory
- failure to pay
- fall
- feasible
- feature
- features
- fee
- feedback
- fiction
- Figure out
- file
- fill in
- fire (someone from a job)
- firm offer
- fix
- flight
- flight attendant
- flip chart
- fluent
- follow-up
- font
- for example…
- for sale
- force majeure
- forecast
- foreign exchange
- franchise
- free of charge
- freehold
- freelance
- Freemium
- freight
- fringe benefits
- front cover
- front page
- fulfil
- full-time (job)
- fund
- furnished
- Futures
- game plan
- gate
- generic advertising
- get down to business
- get something off the ground
- get the ball rolling
- get worse
- gig economy
- go down the drain
- go into administration
- go public
- go the extra mile
- goal
- going forward
- goods
- goods in transit
- grant
- ground floor
- growth
- guarantee
- guidance
- guilty
- hand luggage
- handout
- hands are tied
- hard currency
- hardback
- hardware
- headline
- headquarters
- helicopter view
- hereby
- herein
- hereinafter
- hire
- hoarding
- Human Resources (HR)
- hundred
- hype
- ideate
- immigration officer
- impact
- Implement
- improve
- improvement
- In a nutshell
- in behalf of
- in bulk
- in conclusion,…
- in full swing
- in the driver’s seat
- inadequate packing
- Incentivize
- included
- income statement
- increase
- index
- induced
- industry
- inevitable
- inflation
- inform
- information technology
- initial order
- input
- inquiry
- Insider
- Insider dealing / trading
- insistent
- install
- Instalment
- instructions
- insurance
- insurance broker
- interest
- interoperability
- Interrupt
- interview
- Intranet
- introductory price
- inventory
- invest
- investment
- invoice
- irrevocable
- issue
- item
- jet lag
- jingle
- join
- Joint venture
- journalist
- judge
- jury
- keep one’s eye on the ball
- key words
- keyboard
- know-how
- knowledge
- label
- labour
- landlord
- launch
- lawsuit
- lawyer
- lead
- leadership
- leaflet
- Learn the ropes
- leasehold
- legal tender
- lend
- lengthen
- let
- letter of credit
- letterhead
- leverage
- liabilities
- liability
- liable
- lien
- lift
- limit
- linear
- loan
- logistics
- Long shot
- loss
- loss adjuster
- low Hanging Fruit
- lower
- low-hanging fruit
- lucrative
- mailshot
- main point
- maintain
- make redundant
- manage
- management
- manager
- managing director
- margin
- mark up
- marker
- market
- market leader
- market research
- marketing
- marketing department
- mass media
- maternity leave
- matters arising
- measure
- media
- meeting
- memory
- mention
- merchandise
- merchant bank
- merger
- message
- microphone
- million
- minus
- minutes
- miscellaneous
- mistake
- modem
- monetization
- money order
- mortgage
- motivate
- move the needle
- multinational
- multiply
- multitask
- multitude
- mutual fund
- narrative
- nationality
- native language
- negotiate
- net price
- network
- networking
- news website
- no strings attached
- no-brainer
- non profit organization
- non-fiction
- not going to fly
- notice
- notorious
- objection
- objective
- obliged
- obtain
- offer
- on request
- on the one hand
- on the same page
- online
- online banking
- operating system
- operations
- opinion
- opinion leader
- opportunity
- opportunity cost
- option
- order
- orderform
- ordinary share
- organisation chart
- organise
- organize
- out in the open
- out of pocket
- output
- outsource
- outsourcing
- overcome
- overdraf
- overdrawn
- overdue
- overhead
- overhead projector
- overheads
- owe
- own
- pack
- packaging
- packing list
- paper
- paperback
- par value
- paradigm
- participate
- partnership
- party
- part-time (job)
- pay
- pay in
- payable by you
- payee
- paying-in slip
- payment
- penalty
- penny stock
- perennial
- peripheral
- perk
- permission
- perseverance
- personnel
- personnel department
- personnel officer
- petty cash
- ping
- pivotal
- plan
- platform
- plausible
- plead
- plug
- plus
- point of sale
- point out
- pointer
- policy
- policyholder
- portfolio
- possibility
- poster
- postpone
- pragmatic
- preferential rate
- premium
- preparation
- present
- presentation
- president
- prespect
- prevent
- price
- price point
- prime time
- prior notice
- prioritize
- privacy policy
- pro forma invoice
- process
- produce
- product
- product liability
- product line
- production
- production department
- profit
- profit and loss account
- profit margin
- profound
- program
- project
- prolific
- promise
- promote
- promotion
- propelling
- property
- proposal
- prosecutor
- prospect
- prospects
- provide
- proxy vote
- public liability
- public relations
- purchase
- purchasing department
- put all one’s eggs in one basket
- put the cart before the horse
- qualifications
- quarter
- quarterly
- quay
- quick win
- quota
- quotation
- quote a price
- raise
- Raise the bar
- Range
- range rate
- reach
- Research and Development Department
- reach a consensus
- Reach Out
- ready for despatch
- real estate
- Rebate
- Receipt
- receive
- reception
- recipient
- Recommend
- recruit
- recruitment
- red tape
- reduce
- reduction
- reference
- Refund
- refuse
- registered
- registered letter
- registered mail
- reimbursement
- reinsurance
- reject
- remind
- reminder
- remittance
- remote work
- remove
- remuneration
- renew
- repair
- repeat order
- replacement
- reply
- report
- representative
- requirement
- resign
- respite
- respond
- responsibility
- result
- retail
- retail price
- retail price index (RPI)
- retailer
- retargeting
- retire
- return
- revenue
- reward sales
- rise
- risk
- roadside signs
- rock the boat
- runway
- sabotage
- safe bet
- salary
- sales
- sales department
- salutation
- same boat
- sample
- scalable
- scale
- schedule
- screen
- sector
- security
- see eye to eye
- see something through
- sell
- send
- sensationalism
- separate
- service
- set up
- sever ties
- share
- share certificate
- share premium
- shareholder
- shipment
- shipping
- shipping agent
- shoot something down
- shopping centre
- shorten
- shorthand
- show of hands
- sick leave
- signal
- signature
- skill
- skill set
- skim
- slide
- slogan
- slot
- smooth sailing
- social media
- soft currency
- software
- sold out
- solicitor
- soundbite
- spare parts
- speculate
- speculator
- split
- sponsor
- square
- square root
- staff
- stakeholder
- stakeholders
- stand one’s ground
- standing order
- startup
- statement
- statement of account
- status report
- stipulate
- stock
- stockbroker
- stockholder
- stopover
- store
- storey
- story
- strategy
- strength
- strike
- structure
- subscribe
- subtle
- subtract
- succeed
- success
- sue
- suggest
- suggestion
- sum up
- summary
- supervise
- supplier
- supply
- supply chain
- support
- sustainability
- tabloid
- take on
- take the bull by the horns
- takeover
- talk someone into something
- talk someone out of something
- target
- task
- taxonomy
- team-player
- telecommuting
- telephone marketing
- tenant
- tender
- terms
- terms of payment
- the elephant in the room
- think outside the box
- thousand
- ticket
- time’s up
- tip
- title
- to be grateful
- to be short-listed
- to enclose
- to grant a discount
- to inquire
- to invoice
- to quote a price
- to refund
- to request
- to retail
- to ship
- to sign
- to start with…
- to whom it may concern
- touch base
- traction
- trade fair
- trade union
- trademark
- trader
- trading session
- trainee
- training
- training course
- transaction
- transcend
- transit passenger
- transport
- trial
- trillion
- turning now to…
- turnkey
- turnover
- twist someone’s arm
- typeset
- unanimous
- underestimate
- underpin
- unemployment benefits
- union
- unit price
- unit trusts
- unpack
- unsaleable
- up in the air
- uphill battle
- upper hand
- upsell
- vacancy
- valid
- value
- vary
- venture capital
- verdict
- vertical
- vice president
- video conference
- viral marketing
- virus
- visual aids
- vote
- warehouse
- warrant
- waybill
- weakness
- wheelhouse
- whereas
- whiteboard
- wholesale
- wholesaler
- with reference to
- withdraw
- without prejudice
- word of mouth
- work history
- worker