Phrasal verbs start with Close. A Phrasal verb like Close down, Close in, Close in on, Close in upon, Close off, Close on, Close out, Close up, and more.
Category: English Grammar
English Grammar: Learn English grammar in a quick and effective manner by following the tips given in this article. English Grammar is the way we arrange words to make proper sentences. Word-level grammar covers verbs and tenses, nouns, adverbs etc.
Phrasal Verbs With Check
Phrasal verbs start with Check. A Phrasal verb like Check by, Check in, Check into, Check off, Check out, Check out of, Check over, Check up on, and more.
Phrasal Verbs With Catch
Phrasal verbs start with Cast. A Phrasal verb like Catch at, Catch on, Catch out, Catch up, Catch up in, Catch up on, Catch up with, and more.
Phrasal Verbs With Cast
Phrasal verbs start with Cast. A Phrasal verb like Cast about for, Cast around for, Cast aside, Cast off, Cast out, Cast round for, Cast up, and more.
Phrasal Verbs With Carry
Phrasal verbs start with Carry. A Phrasal verb like Carry forward, Carry off, Carry on, Carry on with, Carry out, Carry over, Carry through, and more.
Phrasal Verbs With Call
Phrasal verbs start with Call. A Phrasal verb like Call after, Call around, Call at, Call back, Call for, Call for, Call for, Call forth, Call in, Call off, Call off, Call on, Call out, Call round, Call up, Call up, and more
Phrasal verbs with Bring
Phrasal verbs start with Bring. A Phrasal verb like Bring about, Bring along, Bring around, Bring back, Bring down, Bring back, Bring forth, Bring forward, Bring in, Bring off, Bring on, Bring out, Bring out in, Bring round, Bring up, Bring up, and more
Phrasal verbs with Break
Phrasal verbs start with Break. A Phrasal verb like Break away, Break down, Break down, Break for, Break in, Break into, Break off, Break out, Break out in, Break out of, Break through, Break up and more
Phrasal verbs with Blow
Phrasal verbs start with Blow. A Phrasal verb like Blow away, Blow down, Blow in, Blow off, Blow out, Blow over, Blow through, Blow up and more
Phrasal verbs with Bear
Phrasal verbs start with Bear. A Phrasal verb like Bear down on, Bear on, Bear out, Bear up, Bear up under, Bear with and more