A collocation is two or more words that often go together. These combinations just sound “right” to native English speakers, who use them all the time.
Category: english
Collocations with the Verb HAVE
A collocation is a pair or group of two or more words that are commonly used together in English.
Here is the list of common collocations with Verb HAVE that you should learn.
Collocations with MAKE in English
A collocation is a pair or group of two or more words that are commonly used together in English.
Here is the list of common collocations with Make that you should learn.
Contrast Connectors in English
Contrast connectors are used to present a contradiction between ideas. This is where connectors such as however, although, nevertheless, and in spite of being used.
Contrast Connector List with Examples
Important Connectors and Examples
A connector is a device that joins two pieces of equipment, wire, or piping together.
Important Connectors and Examples
50+ Common Grammar Mistakes in English
50+ Common Grammar Mistakes in English
Understanding the 50+ most common grammar mistakes can help you improve your writing.
50+ Sentences with HAS
We use ‘has’ to show possession or ownership of singular objects. Has is used with he, she, and it.
50+ Sentences with HAS
Prepositional Phrases with TO
A preposition is a word that tells you how words are related in a sentence. It could often follow a verb, but it does not always. The example of the frog and a log can tell you a lot of them, but those are only one of two categories of prepositions.
Prepositional Phrase List with TO
Prepositional Phrases with UNDER
Preposition Definition A preposition is a word that tells you how words are related in a sentence. It could often follow a verb, but it does not always. The example of the frog and a log can tell you a lot of them, but those are only one of two categories of prepositions. In fact, […]
Prepositional Phrases with WITHIN
Prepositional Phrases with WITHIN, Prepositional Phrase List with WITHIN, Prepositional Phrase Examples with WITHIN