Syllable: Definition & Types of Syllables and Their Functions. Syllables are the individual units of pronunciation that help to both write and articulate a word.
Category: Pronunciation

Vowels: The Building Blocks of Spoken Language
Vowels: The Building Blocks of Spoken Language. Vowels in English! Though we may not think of them beyond their role in spelling out a word, the 26 letters of the English alphabet are symbols representing.

Differences Between Vowels and Consonants
Differences Between Vowels and Consonants. Vowels and consonants are all of the letters of the English alphabet that represent unique speech sounds.

American English vs. British English: What are the Key Differences and Similarities?
Discover the key differences and striking similarities between American English and British English.

What is Pronunciation?
Pronunciation is a crucial component of language learning, as it enables effective communication with native speakers and comprehension of spoken language. Good pronunciation can also boost confidence when speaking a new language.