Collocations with Time in English
A collocation is a pair or group of two or more words that are commonly used together in English.
Here is the list of common collocations with Verb TIME that you should learn.
Learn collocations with the verb TIME.
allotted time | amount of time |
ample time | appointed time |
approximate time | borrowed time |
brief time | commuting time |
considerable time | cooking time |
countless times | difficult time |
drying time | elapsed time |
exact time | exciting time |
extended time | fastest time |
Free time | game time |
geologic time | given time |
Going through a tough time | hard time |
Have a great time | Have a hard/rough time |
Have time | in the fullness of time |
incubation time | indefinite time |
indeterminate time | inopportune time |
inordinate time | instructional time |
Itβs about time | Just in time |
Keep time | Kill time |
lean time | Leisure time |
leisure time | length of time |
limited time | Make time for |
medieval time | olden time |
On time | opportune time |
Over time | Pass the time |
passage of time | payback time |
playing time | Precious time |
prehistoric time | preparation time |
present time | Pressed for time |
prolonged time | ravages of time |
Record time | rough time |
Run out of time | Save time |
scheduled time | Set time |
set time | Spare time |
specified time | Spend time |
Stall for time | stressful time |
sufficient time | Take time off |
Take your time | Tell time |
time constraint | time horizon |
time of onset | tough time |
troubled time | trying time |
tumultuous time | turbulent time |
turnaround time | vacation time |
wait time | waiting time |
Waste time | wasted time |