What is a common adjective?
Adjectives are words used to describe or modify nouns or pronouns. They provide additional information about the person, place, thing, or idea being referred to in a sentence. Common adjectives are adjectives that are frequently used in everyday language and are familiar to most English speakers.
For example, in the sentence “The red car drove down the street,” the adjective “red” describes the car, giving the reader more information about the car’s appearance. Common adjectives can also be used to express feelings, emotions, and qualities, as in the sentence “The happy child skipped down the road.” Here, the adjective “happy” provides more information about the child’s emotional state.
Examples of common adjectives include “happy,” “sad,” “green,” “tall,” “funny,” “smart,” “important,” “large,” “small,” “beautiful,” and “ugly.”

What are the common types of adjectives?
There are several common types of adjectives that are used to describe nouns and pronouns in English.
Here are some of the most common types:
- Descriptive adjectives: These adjectives describe the physical or sensory qualities of a noun. For example, “red,” “tall,” “loud,” and “sweet” are all descriptive adjectives.
- Quantitative adjectives: These adjectives describe the quantity or amount of a noun. For example, “one,” “many,” “few,” and “several” are quantitative adjectives.
- Demonstrative adjectives: These adjectives point out or identify a specific noun. For example, “this,” “that,” “these,” and “those” are demonstrative adjectives.
- Possessive adjectives: These adjectives indicate ownership or possession of a noun. For example, “my,” “your,” “his,” “her,” “its,” “our,” and “their” are possessive adjectives.
- Interrogative adjectives: These adjectives are used to ask questions about a noun. For example, “which,” “what,” and “whose” are interrogative adjectives.
- Indefinite adjectives: These adjectives are used to describe a noun in a non-specific or indefinite way. For example, “some,” “any,” “many,” and “several” are indefinite adjectives.
These are just a few examples of the common types of adjectives in English. There are many more types and subtypes of adjectives, and their usage can vary depending on the context and the speaker’s intention.
How many common adjectives are there?
It’s difficult to determine an exact number of common adjectives in English, as it depends on factors such as the source and context. However, there are thousands of adjectives in English, and many of them are commonly used in everyday speech and writing.
In addition to the most frequently used adjectives, there are also many specialized adjectives that are specific to certain fields or contexts, such as technical or scientific terms. While it’s impossible to provide an exact count, it’s safe to say that there are many, many common adjectives in English!
List of 2000+ Common Adjectives
Common Adjectives That Start With A
Able | Absolute |
Academic | Acceptable |
Accurate | Acrobatic |
Active | Actual |
Addictive | Adequate |
Adorable | Adventurous |
Affectionate | African |
Ageless | Aggressive |
Agile | Alert |
Alive | Alluring |
Aloof | Amazing |
American | Amicable |
Ample | Amusing |
Ancient | Angelic |
Angry | Angular |
Annoying | Annual |
Anxious | Any |
Appropriate | Apt |
Aquatic | Arab |
Aromatic | Artful |
Articulate | Artificial |
Ashamed | Asian |
Assertive | Astonishing |
Attractive | Austere |
Authentic | Automated |
Autumnal | Average |
Awful | Awkward |
Common Adjectives That Start With B
Babyish | Backward |
Bad | Baggy |
Balanced | Bald |
Banging | Bare |
Barren | Basic |
Beautiful | Belgian |
Believable | Belligerent |
Beloved | Beneficial |
Bent | Best |
Better | Bewildered |
Big | Bilingual |
Billionaire | Bionic |
Bitter | Bizarre |
Black | Blank |
Blaring | Blasphemous |
Bleak | Blessed |
Blind | Blissful |
Bloody | Blue |
Blushing | Boastful |
Bold | Bony |
Booming | Bored |
Boring | Bossy |
Bouncy | Boundless |
Bountiful | Boyish |
Brainy | Brave |
Brawny | Breakable |
Breathable | Breezy |
Brief | Bright |
Brilliant | British |
Broad | Broken |
Bronze | Brotherly |
Brown | Bruised |
Brutal | Bubbly |
Buddhist | Buff |
Bumpy | Burdensome |
Burgundy | Burly |
Busy | Buzzing |
Common Adjectives That Start With C
Caged | Calm |
Canadian | Candid |
Cannibalistic | Capable |
Capitalist | Capricious |
Carefree | Careful |
Careless | Caring |
Carnivorous | Carolina |
Carved | Casual |
Catastrophic | Catchy |
Cautious | Ceaseless |
Celebrated | Celebrity |
Cement | Censored |
Certain | Challenging |
Charming | Cheap |
Cheerful | Cheerless |
Chemical | Cherry |
Chic | Childish |
Chilly | Chinese |
Chivalrous | Chubby |
Chunky | Clandestine |
Classic | Clean |
Clear | Clever |
Clinical | Closed |
Cloudy | Clumsy |
Coarse | Coastal |
Cogent | Cognizant |
Cold | Collaborative |
Collateral | Collective |
Colloquial | Colonial |
Colorful | Colossal |
Comfortable | Comic |
Commercial | Common |
Communal | Compassionate |
Competent | Complete |
Complex | Complicated |
Composed | Comprehensive |
Compulsive | Conceited |
Concerned | Concrete |
Confident | Confused |
Congenial | Congested |
Conscientious | Conscious |
Conservative | Considerate |
Consistent | Consoling |
Constant | Constructive |
Contagious | Contemporary |
Content | Contradictory |
Contrary | Contrite |
Controlled | Convenient |
Conventional | Conversational |
Convincing | Cool |
Cooperative | Copious |
Coral | Cordial |
Corrupt | Cosmic |
Costly | Courageous |
Courteous | Covert |
Cowardly | Cozy |
Cramped | Cranberry |
Cranky | Crazy |
Creamy | Creative |
Creepy | Criminal |
Crisp | Critical |
Crooked | Cross |
Crowded | Crucial |
Cruel | Crumbling |
Crunchy | Crushing |
Cuddly | Cultivated |
Cultural | Cunning |
Curious | Curly |
Current | Curt |
Cursed | Curved |
Cute | Cynical |
Common Adjectives That Start With D
Dainty | Damaged |
Damp | Dangerous |
Daring | Dark |
Dazzling | Deadly |
Deafening | Dear |
Debonair | Decadent |
Decent | Decisive |
Decorative | Dedicated |
Deep | Defeated |
Defective | Defensive |
Defiant | Deficient |
Definite | Deft |
Deliberate | Delicate |
Delicious | Delightful |
Delirious | Demanding |
Democratic | Demonic |
Dependent | Depressed |
Deranged | Descriptive |
Deserted | Desirable |
Desolate | Despairing |
Desperate | Determined |
Detestable | Devastated |
Devil | Devoted |
Dexterous | Diagonal |
Different | Difficult |
Digital | Dignified |
Dilapidated | Dill |
Dim | Dimpled |
Direct | Dirty |
Disastrous | Discerning |
Discreet | Disgusting |
Dishonest | Disillusioned |
Disloyal | Dismal |
Disobedient | Disorderly |
Disorganized | Displeased |
Disrespectful | Disruptive |
Dissatisfied | Distinct |
Distorted | Distracted |
Distressed | Disturbed |
Divine | Dizzy |
Docile | Dodgy |
Dogged | Doleful |
Domestic | Dominant |
Dopey | Doting |
Doubtful | Downcast |
Downstairs | Downy |
Drab | Draconian |
Drafty | Drained |
Dramatic | Drastic |
Dreadful | Dreamy |
Dreary | Drenched |
Drizzly | Droll |
Droopy | Drowsy |
Drunk | Dry |
Dubious | Dull |
Dulcet | Dumb |
Dumped | Dusty |
Dutch | Dutiful |
Dwindling | Dynamic |
Common Adjectives That Start With E
Eager | Early |
Earnest | Earthy |
East | Easy |
Eccentric | Eclectic |
Ecstatic | Edgy |
Educated | Eerie |
Effective | Effervescent |
Efficient | Egalitarian |
Elaborate | Elastic |
Elated | Elderly |
Electric | Elegant |
Elemental | Elevated |
Elfin | Eligible |
Eloquent | Elusive |
Embarrassed | Embellished |
Eminent | Emotional |
Empathetic | Empowered |
Empty | Enchanting |
Encouraging | Endearing |
Endless | Endowed |
Energetic | Enigmatic |
Enjoyable | Enormous |
Enlightened | Enraged |
Enthusiastic | Entire |
Entitled | Envious |
Environmental | Epic |
Equal | Equine |
Equitable | Erratic |
Essential | Established |
Esteemed | Eternal |
Ethereal | Ethnic |
Euphoric | European |
Evaluative | Even |
Evergreen | Everlasting |
Everyday | Evil |
Evocative | Exacting |
Exact | Excellent |
Excitable | Excited |
Exciting | Exclusive |
Exemplary | Exhausted |
Exhaustive | Exotic |
Expansive | Expected |
Experienced | Experimental |
Expert | Expired |
Expensive | Exploratory |
Explosive | Exquisite |
Extensive | External |
Extra | Extraneous |
Extraordinary | Extravagant |
Extreme |
Common Adjectives That Start With F
Fabulous | Faint |
Fair | Faithful |
Fake | Famous |
Fancy | Fantastic |
Far | Fascinating |
Fast | Fat |
Fatal | Fatherly |
Faulty | Favorite |
Fearful | Fearless |
Feisty | Feline |
Feminine | Ferocious |
Fertile | Festive |
Few | Fierce |
Fiery | Filthy |
Final | Financial |
Fine | Finite |
Fireproof | Firm |
First | Fishy |
Fit | Five |
Fixed | Flaky |
Flaming | Flashy |
Flat | Flawed |
Fleeting | Flimsy |
Flippant | Flirtatious |
Flowery | Fluffy |
Fluid | Flustered |
Focused | Foggy |
Folly | Fond |
Foolish | Forceful |
Foremost | Foreign |
Forest | Formal |
Former | Forthcoming |
Fortunate | Forward |
Foul | Four |
Frail | Fragile |
Frantic | Fraternal |
Free | French |
Frequent | Fresh |
Friendly | Frightened |
Frightening | Frigid |
Frilly | Frisky |
Frivolous | Frothy |
Frozen | Frugal |
Fruitful | Frustrated |
Frustrating | Full |
Fumbling | Fun |
Functional | Fundamental |
Funny | Furious |
Furry | Further |
Futile | Future |
Common Adjectives That Start With G
Gabby | Gamy |
Gargantuan | Garish |
Garrulous | Gasping |
Gastric | Gay |
Gearless | Geared |
Geeky | Gelatinous |
General | Generic |
Generous | Genial |
Gentle | Genuine |
Germane | Ghastly |
Ghostly | Giant |
Giddy | Gifted |
Gigantic | Gilded |
Gimpy | Gingham |
Giddy | Giggling |
Gilded | Gilt |
Ginger | Girdled |
Girlish | Giving |
Glabrous | Glamorous |
Glaring | Glassy |
Gleaming | Glib |
Glittering | Global |
Gloomily | Glossy |
Glowing | Glum |
Gluttonous | Gnawing |
Gnarled | Gnostic |
Goading | Godlike |
Godly | Golden |
Good | Goofy |
Gorgeous | Gory |
Gothic | Gouty |
Graceful | Gracious |
Gradual | Grained |
Granitic | Graphic |
Grappling | Grasshopper |
Grateful | Gratifying |
Gray | Greasy |
Great | Greedy |
Green | Gregarious |
Grieving | Grim |
Grinning | Gritty |
Grizzled | Groovy |
Gross | Grotesque |
Grounded | Grouchy |
Growing | Grown |
Grubby | Gruff |
Grumpy | Guarded |
Guileful | Guiltless |
Guilty | Gullible |
Gummy | Gusty |
Common Adjectives That Start With H
Happy | Hard |
Harmonious | Harsh |
Half-hearted | Hasty |
Haughty | Handsome |
Healthy | Heavy |
Heavenly | Heedless |
Helpful | Heroic |
Hesitant | Heartless |
Heartfelt | Hidden |
High | Hilarious |
Historic | Hideous |
Holy | Homeless |
Homely | Hopeful |
Horrific | Hospitable |
Hot | Honorable |
Huge | Humane |
Humble | Humid |
Humorous | Hungry |
Hurried | Hurtful |
Hypnotic | Hypothetical |
Hyperactive | Hypocritical |
Hysterical |
Common Adjectives That Start With I
Ideal | Identical |
Idiosyncratic | Idiotic |
Idle | Ignorant |
Ill | Illegal |
Illustrious | Imaginary |
Immaculate | Immediate |
Immense | Imminent |
Impartial | Impatient |
Impenetrable | Imperative |
Imperfect | Impertinent |
Impish | Impolite |
Important | Impossible |
Impressive | Improbable |
Impure | Inborn |
Incandescent | Inclusive |
Incomparable | Incompatible |
Incomplete | Inconclusive |
Inconsistent | Inconvenient |
Incredible | Indecent |
Indecisive | Independent |
Indescribable | Indigenous |
Indignant | Individual |
Indomitable | Indulgent |
Inevitable | Inferior |
Infinite | Inflamed |
Inflexible | Informal |
Ingenious | Inherent |
Injured | Inner |
Innocent | Inquisitive |
Insane | Insecure |
Insightful | Insipid |
Insistent | Insolent |
Inspirational | Inspiring |
Instant | Instructive |
Instrumental | Insufficient |
Intangible | Integral |
Intellectual | Intense |
Intensive | Intent |
Interdependent | Interested |
Interesting | Internal |
Intermittent | International |
Intrepid | Intricate |
Introspective | Inventive |
Invigorating | Invincible |
Invisible | Involuntary |
Irresistible | Irritating |
Adjectives That Start With J
Jolly | Jaded |
Jumpy | Jazzy |
Jovial | Jittery |
Jumbo | Juicy |
Joyful | Jarring |
Jocund | Jagged |
Judicial | Jaded |
Jazzy | Jumpy |
Joyous | Jaunty |
Jocular | Just |
Adjectives That Start With K
Keen | Kind |
Known | Kinetic |
Key | Knockout |
Kooky | Karmic |
Kissable | Knotty |
Kind-hearted | Knightly |
Keen-eyed | Keen-witted |
Knock-kneed | Knitted |
Knobby | Kin |
Knowledgeable | Kindly |
Kicky | Kempt |
Kindhearted | Karmic-focused |
Kinesthetic | Kinaesthetic |
Kitelike | Kinaesthetic-minded |
Kind-spirited | Keen-sighted |
Knockabout | Knockdown |
Kinematic | Kinesic |
Kindheartedness | Keyed |
Kissy | Kitschy |
Kinetic-friendly | Kindred |
Kissable-friendly | Kinky |
Kindred-spirited | Kindred-minded |
Kind-heartedness-focused | Keen-minded |
Karmic-centered | Kinetogenic |
Kinesthetic-focused | Kinesthetic-centered |
Keen-friendly | Knackish |
Known-friendly | Keen-sightedness |
Knack-focused | Kittenish |
Knotless | Keyless |
Knifelike | Knobbly |
Adjectives That Start With L
Lively | Lush |
Lazy | Lavish |
Loving | Light |
Loud | Lean |
Little | Luminous |
Long | Large |
Lovely | Lucid |
Lucky | Logical |
Loudmouthed | Lofty |
Lyrical | Legendary |
Liberal | Literal |
Lovable | Low-key |
Lasting | Laughable |
Luxurious | Limited |
Loquacious | Lengthy |
Lunar | Lithesome |
Learned | Luculent |
Lushy | Lacteal |
Lively-hearted | Lissom |
Laid-back | Laughing |
Loving-kind | Lurid |
Luminiferous | Limber |
Linguistic | Liquefiable |
Low-cost | Loving-hearted |
Luminous-minded | Light-minded |
Learned-minded | Lustful |
Long-lasting | Logical-minded |
Luminous-hearted | Leisurely |
Lacy | Livable |
Legendary-minded | Lush-minded |
Lively-minded | Lascivious |
Loud-hearted | Loyal |
Luxe | Light-hearted |
Lovely-minded | Limitless |
Laid-back-minded | Lush-hearted |
Like-minded | Luminous-spirited |
Low-profile | Lustrous |
Loyal-hearted | Luminous-souled |
Laconic | Lucid-minded |
Luminous-sighted | Lively-spirited |
Lyrical-minded | Lovingly-minded |
Luscious-hearted | Laid-back-spirited |
Low-maintenance | Luminous-soulful |
Lighthearted-minded | Lively-souled |
Lush-spirited | Lustrous-minded |
Lively-heartedness | Logical-hearted |
Laid-back-hearted | Luscious-minded |
Lucrative | Luminous-heartedness |
Lively-souledness | Lushness-oriented |
Luminous-eyed | Light-heartedness-oriented |
Adjectives That Start With M
Magnificent | Majestic |
Mysterious | Modern |
Magical | Merry |
Mighty | Mellow |
Miserable | Mischievous |
Moist | Mild |
Masculine | Feminine |
Melodic | Massive |
Mature | Metallic |
Miniature | Multicolored |
Multifaceted | Modest |
Memorable | Marvelous |
Mindful | Mesmerizing |
Moody | Mystic |
Mutual | Mobile |
Malleable | Meek |
Magnetic | Mediocre |
Mundane | Mixed |
Minute | Musical |
Motivated | Multidimensional |
Misfortunate | Monstrous |
Melancholic | Mournful |
Misunderstood | Murky |
Malicious | Manly |
Moistened | Moving |
Muggy | Mountainous |
Married | Malcontent |
Merry-hearted | Mirthful |
Motivating | Made-up |
Mortal | Multilateral |
Macho | Meditative |
Microscopic | Moneyed |
Marbled | Meandering |
Magnanimous | Misleading |
Mutant | Melted |
Midweek | Mind-blowing |
Misty | Mushy |
Mouthwatering | Mousy |
Membrane-like | Modish |
Monochrome | Monogamous |
Measured | Mainstream |
Manifest | Mitigated |
Marooned | Measly |
Mosaic | Matchless |
Monolithic | Modifiable |
Maximal | Multinational |
Magical-minded | Muscular |
Motivating-minded | Miasmal |
Meticulous | Magnificence-oriented |
Merry-heartedness | Melodious-hearted |
Adjectives That Start With N
Nasty | Neat |
Nice | Nifty |
Nimble | Noble |
Noisy | Normal |
Nostalgic | Notable |
Numerous | Nutritious |
Natural | Naughty |
Near | Necessary |
Needy | Negative |
Neoclassical | Nerve-wracking |
Neurotic | New |
Next | Nice-looking |
Nightmarish | Nihilistic |
Nimble-fingered | Nippy |
Nodding | Nocturnal |
Nonchalant | Noncommittal |
Nonconformist | Nonfunctional |
Nonhuman | Nonlinear |
Nonliving | Nonplussed |
Nonprofit | Nonrenewable |
Nonsensical | Nonverbal |
Nordic | Normal-looking |
Normative | North |
Nosey | Nostalgia-filled |
Noteworthy | Nouveau |
Novel | Nuclear |
Nude | Numberless |
Numerical | Nurturing |
Nutty | Nutrient-rich |
Numbing | Numinous |
Nuptial | Nurtured |
Nippy-fingered | Navigable |
Naive | Narrow |
Nationalistic | Native |
Nautical | Naval |
Negative-minded | Nifty-looking |
Noble-hearted | Nonbelieving |
Nonhumanoid | Nonspecific |
Noted | Noteworthy-minded |
Noticeable | Nouveau-riche |
Novelistic | Now |
Nut-brown | Nutrient-dense |
Nutritious-minded | Nuts-and-bolts |
Nymphetish | Nappy |
Nasal | Nerveless |
Nervous-minded | Net |
Neutral | New-fashioned |
Newborn | Newsy |
Nice-hearted | Night-time |
Noble-minded | Nocturnal-minded |
Adjectives That Start With O
Obese | Obligatory |
Obscure | Observant |
Obsolete | Obstinate |
Obvious | Occasional |
Oceanic | Ocular |
Odd | Odorous |
Offbeat | Offensive |
Official | Officious |
Oily | Ominous |
Only | Open |
Opportunistic | Optimistic |
Orange | Orderly |
Ordinary | Organic |
Oriental | Ornate |
Orphaned | Ostentatious |
Other | Outdoor |
Outer | Outstanding |
Oval | Overactive |
Overbearing | Overconfident |
Overdue | Overjoyed |
Overlooked | Overly-critical |
Overrated | Overseas |
Overt | Overwhelming |
Adjectives That Start With P
Packed | Painful |
Palatable | Pale |
Palpable | Panicked |
Panoramic | Paralyzed |
Paranoid | Parental |
Particular | Passionate |
Passive | Pastel |
Patient | Patriotic |
Patterned | Peaceful |
Peachy | Peculiar |
Pedantic | Penetrating |
Penniless | Peppery |
Perfect | Perky |
Permanent | Pernicious |
Personal | Pertinent |
Pesky | Pessimistic |
Petite | Petty |
Phantom | Phobic |
Photographic | Physical |
Picked | Picky |
Picturesque | Pious |
Piquant | Pithy |
Pitiful | Playful |
Pleasurable | Plentiful |
Plucky | Pointless |
Poisonous | Polished |
Polite | Political |
Poor | Popular |
Positive | Possible |
Powerful | Practical |
Pragmatic | Precious |
Precise | Prehistoric |
Premium | Prepared |
Present | Presidential |
Pretty | Previous |
Priceless | Prickly |
Primary | Prime |
Primitive | Principled |
Private | Proactive |
Probable | Problematic |
Prodigal | Productive |
Professional | Profound |
Profitable | Prominent |
Proper | Proprietary |
Prosaic | Protective |
Proud | Proverbial |
Prudent | Psychotic |
Public | Punctual |
Puny | Pure |
Purple | Purposeful |
Adjectives That Start With Q
Quaint | Qualified |
Quaking | Quality |
Quantitative | Quarrelsome |
Quasi | Queasy |
Queenly | Quick |
Quickest | Quiet |
Quirky | Quixotic |
Adjectives That Start With R
Radiant | Radical |
Ragged | Rainy |
Rambunctious | Random |
Rapid | Rare |
Rational | Ratty |
Raw | Ready |
Real | Realistic |
Reasonable | Rebellious |
Receptive | Reckless |
Rectangular | Red |
Redundant | Reflective |
Regal | Regional |
Registered | Regular |
Reliable | Remarkable |
Remote | Repentant |
Repetitive | Repulsive |
Required | Resilient |
Resolute | Resourceful |
Respectable | Responsible |
Restless | Rich |
Ridiculous | Right |
Righteous | Rigid |
Ringing | Rippling |
Risky | Roaring |
Robust | Romantic |
Rotten | Rough |
Rounded | Routine |
Rowdy | Royal |
Rubbery | Ruddy |
Rude | Rugged |
Ruined | Runny |
Rural | Rushed |
Rustic | Rusty |
Adjectives That Start With S
Sad | Safe |
Salty | Same |
Sane | Sarcastic |
Sassy | Savage |
Scaly | Scared |
Scarred | Scary |
Scientific | Scornful |
Scratchy | Scrawny |
Screaming | Scruffy |
Scrumptious | Secret |
Secure | Sedate |
Seedy | Seemly |
Selective | Selfish |
Sensitive | Sentimental |
Separate | Serene |
Serious | Severe |
Sexual | Shabby |
Shaded | Shadowy |
Shaggy | Shaky |
Shallow | Sham |
Shameful | Shapely |
Sharp | Shattered |
Shiny | Shocked |
Shocking | Short |
Showy | Shrewd |
Shrill | Shy |
Sick | Significant |
Silent | Silky |
Silly | Silver |
Similar | Simple |
Sinful | Single |
Sizzling | Skeptical |
Skinny | Skittish |
Sky-high | Sleek |
Sleepy | Slick |
Slim | Slippery |
Sloppy | Slow |
Small | Smart |
Smiling | Smoggy |
Smooth | Smug |
Snappy | Snazzy |
Sneaky | Snug |
Sociable | Soft |
Solemn | Solid |
Somber | Sophisticated |
Sordid | Sore |
Sorry | Sound |
Sour | Southern |
Spacious | Spanish |
Sparkling | Special |
Adjectives That Start With T
Tacky | Tall |
Tame | Tangy |
Tanned | Tardy |
Tasteful | Tasteless |
Tattered | Taunting |
Taut | Taxing |
Teasing | Technical |
Tedious | Tempestuous |
Temporary | Tenacious |
Tender | Tense |
Terrible | Terrific |
Terrified | Terrifying |
Testy | Thankful |
Thick | Thin |
Thirsty | Thorough |
Thoughtful | Thoughtless |
Thrifty | Thrilled |
Thrilling | Thunderous |
Tight | Timeless |
Timely | Timid |
Tiny | Tired |
Tireless | Toasty |
Tolerable | Toothsome |
Top | Topical |
Torturous | Total |
Touching | Tough |
Toxic | Traditional |
Tragic | Tranquil |
Transparent | Trashy |
Traumatic | Traveling |
Tremendous | Tricky |
Trim | Trite |
Tropical | Troubled |
True | Trusting |
Trustworthy | Truthful |
Turbulent | Turgid |
Twisted | Typical |
Adjectives That Start With U
Ubiquitous | Ugly |
Ultimate | Ultra |
Umber | Unacceptable |
Unafraid | Unanimous |
Unarmed | Unassuming |
Unaware | Unbelievable |
Unbiased | Unborn |
Unbreakable | Unbridled |
Uncanny | Unchanged |
Uncharted | Uncommon |
Unconscious | Unconventional |
Uncouth | Uncovered |
Unctuous | Undaunted |
Understated | Underwater |
Undesirable | Undeterred |
Undisputed | Uneasy |
Uneducated | Unequal |
Uneven | Unfair |
Unfaithful | Unfathomable |
Unfinished | Unflappable |
Unforgivable | Unforgettable |
Unfortunate | Unfriendly |
Ungainly | Unhappy |
Unhealthy | Unholy |
Unidentified | Unimaginable |
Unimpressed | Uninformed |
Uninvited | Unique |
United | Universal |
Unjust | Unknown |
Unlawful | Unlikely |
Unlimited | Unloved |
Unlucky | Unmanageable |
Unmanned | Unmistakable |
Unnecessary | Unnerving |
Unobtrusive | Unorthodox |
Unprecedented | Unpredictable |
Unprepared | Unproductive |
Unprofessional | Unprofitable |
Unqualified | Unreasonable |
Unrelenting | Unreliable |
Unremarkable | Unremitting |
Unrepentant | Unresponsive |
Unruly | Unscrupulous |
Unselfish | Unsettled |
Unshakable | Unsteady |
Unstoppable | Unsuccessful |
Unsuitable | Unsure |
Unsuspecting | Unsustainable |
Untamed | Untenable |
Unthinkable | Unwavering |
Adjectives That Start With V
Vacant | Valid |
Valuable | Vapid |
Variable | Various |
Vast | Veiled |
Velvety | Venerated |
Venomous | Verdant |
Verifiable | Vernacular |
Versatile | Vibrant |
Vicarious | Vicious |
Victorious | Vigilant |
Vigorous | Villainous |
Violent | Violet |
Virtual | Virtuous |
Visible | Visionary |
Vital | Vivacious |
Vivid | Vocational |
Voiceless | Volatile |
Volcanic | Voluminous |
Voracious | Vulnerable |
Adjectives That Start With W
Wacky | Wandering |
Wanted | Warm |
Wealthy | Wearable |
Weathered | Wee |
Weighty | Weird |
Welcome | Well-known |
Western | Wet |
Whimsical | Whirlwind |
White | Whole |
Wicked | Wide |
Wild | Willing |
Wily | Windy |
Winged | Winning |
Wiry | Wise |
Wistful | Witty |
Wobbly | Wonderful |
Wooden | Woozy |
Wordy | Workable |
Worldly | Worthless |
Worthy | Wrinkled |
Wry |
Adjectives That Start With X
Xenophobic | Xenial |
Xenomorphic | Xeric |
Xerographic | Xerophytic |
Xyloid | Xylotomous |
Xylophagous | Xylographic |
Adjectives That Start With Y
Yearly | Yellow |
Yielding | Young |
Youthful | Yummy |
Yearning | Yawning |
Yummylicious | Yucky |
Yellowish | Yearlong |
Yearned | Yoked |
Yielded | Yeasty |
Yankee | Yester |
Yestern | Yesterday’s |
Adjectives That Start With Z
Zany | Zealous |
Zesty | Zigzag |
Zillion | Zincous |
Zippy | Zoetic |
Zoic | Zonal |
Zonked | Zoomorphic |
Zymogenic | Zymotic |