Descriptive Adjectives -

Descriptive Adjectives | List of Useful Descriptive Adjectives in English

What Are Descriptive Adjectives?

A descriptive adjective is an adjective that modifies a noun or pronoun by describing it or expressing its quality.

In other words, a Descriptive Adjective can be defined as the words which describe the quality of the person, animals, things, etc.

Descriptive Adjectives -

Order of Descriptive Adjectives

Adjectives can be used one at a time, or several adjectives can be used for the same noun, using commas to separate them.

This order is as follows:

  • Demonstrative or quantitative adjectives
  • Quality or opinion
  • Size
  • Age
  • Shape
  • Color
  • Proper adjectives (adjectives based on names of people or locations)
  • Purpose

Types of Descriptive Adjectives with Rules

Descriptive adjectives are the most common adjectives of all and are used to qualify something about an object in text. There are three main types of descriptive adjectives:

Positive Adjective

These adjectives are always used to describe and not compare. Something like “I am happy” or “this is boring” is a good use of a positive descriptive adjective.

Comparative Adjective

These adjectives are used to compare two things while also being able to describe some elements about them. “She was better than me” is a good use of a comparative adjective with “better” is the descriptive adjective being used.

Superlative Adjective:

These adjectives are also used as a way to compare but they are reserved for three or more things, or as a way of saying something is “the most”. “This is the best sandwich ever” is a good use of a superlative adjective where “best” becomes the superlative and is used to describe the sandwich.

List of Descriptive Adjectives

The following list is broken into categories: simple, compound, or proper adjectives.

Simple Descriptive Adjectives

Simple Descriptive Adjectives -

Simple or common adjectives are just basic adjectives. They consist of a single word that isn’t a proper noun. Just like the other descriptive adjectives, these can be combined with other adjectives.

Abactinal Abandoned
Abashed Abatable
Abatic Abaxial
Abbatial Abbreviated
Abducent Abducting
Aberrant Abeyant
Abhorrent Abiding
Abient Abundant
Accurate Addicted
Adorable Adventurous
Afraid Aggressive
Agreeable Alcoholic
Alert Alive
Aloof Ambitious
Amused Ancient
Angry Animated
Annoying Anxious
Arrogant Ashamed
Ashy Attractive
Auspicious Awesome
Awful Bad
Bald Barren
Barricaded Barytic
Basal Basaltic
Baseborn Based
Baseless Bashful
Beautiful Belligerent
Beneficial Best
Better Big
Bitter Bizarre
Black Blue
Blushing Bored
Boring Brainy
Brave Bright
Broad Broken
Brown Busy
Calm Careful
Cautious Charming
Cheerful Chubby
Clean Clear
Clever Clumsy
Colorful Comfortable
Concerning Condemned
Confused Confusing
Cooperative Courageous
Creepy Crowded
Cruel Curios
Curious Curly
Cute Dangerous
Dark Dazzling
Dead Defiant
Delightful Difficult
Disgusting Distinct
Disturbed Dizzying
Drab Drafty
Dramatic Dreary
Droopy Dry
Dual Dull
Dutiful Eager
Easy Elated
Elegant Embarrassed
Enchanted Encouraging
Energetic Enthusiastic
Envious Every
Evil Exalted
Excellent Excitable
Excited Exciting
Exemplary Exhausted
Exotic Expensive
Experienced Expert
Extra-Large Exuberant
Faithful Famous
Fancy Fantastic
Fierce Filthy
Fine Fit
Flabby Flat
Flawed Flawless
Flickering Flimsy
Flippant Flowery
Fluffy Fluid
Flustered Focused
Fond Foolhardy
Foolish Fragile
Frail Frantic
Friendly Frightening
Funny Gentle
Gifted Glamorous
Gleaming Glorious
Good Gorgeous
Graceful Gray
Green Grieving
Grumpy Hallowed
Handsome Happy
Healthy Hearty
Heavenly Helpful
Helpless Hilarious
Homeless Horrible
Hungry Hurt
Icy Ill
Important Impossible
Impractical Impressionable
Impressive Improbable
Impromptu Improvised
Impure Inborn
Inexpensive Innocent
Inquiring Itchy
Jealous Jittery
Joyous Kind
Knightly Lazy
Lemon Lemony
Light Lingering
Lively Lonely
Long Lovely
Lucky Magnificent
Mango Mealy
Modern Motionless
Muddy Muscular
Mushy Mysterious
Naughty Nervous
Nice Niche
Nutty Obedient
Obnoxious Odd
Open Orange
Outrageous Outstanding
Panicked Perfect
Pink Plain
Pleasant Plump
Poised Poor
Powerful Powerless
Precious Prickling
Proud Purple
Puzzled Quaint
Queer Quizzical
Realistic Red
Relieved Repelling
Repulsive Rich
Salmon Scary
Scenic Scruffy
Selfish Shapely
Shiny Short
Shy Silly
Skinny Sleepy
Smiling Smoggy
Sore Sparkly
Splendid Spotted
Stocky Stormy
Strange Stupid
Successful Super
Talented Tame
Tasty Tender
Tense Terrible
Terse Thankful
Thoughtful Tired
Tough Troubling
Ugly Unimportant
Uninterested Unkempt
Unsightly Unusual
Upset Uptight
Varied Vast
Victorious Wandering
Weary White
Wicked Wide
Wild Witty
Worrisome Wrong
Yellow Young

Compound Descriptive Adjectives

Compound Descriptive Adjectives -

Compound adjectives are adjectives for which more than one word makes up a single descriptor. These are generally hyphenated.

Baby-faced Broken-hearted
Bull-headed Freckle-faced
Full-time Heavy-handed
High-heeled High-spirited
Life-giving Long-lasting
Long-winded Middle-aged
Mouth-watering Never-ending
Next-door Old-fashioned
Part-time Red-blooded
Self-centered Short-haired
Short-tempered Sure-footed
Thick-skinned Thought-provoking
Tight-fisted Well-known
Well-read World-famous

Proper Descriptive Adjectives

Proper Descriptive Adjectives -

Proper adjectives contain a proper noun. This is most often used for locations, but it can also be used for religions or philosophies.

Alpine American
Asian Arthurian
Brazilian Chinese
Christian Darwinian
European French
Gregorian Martian
Orwellian Shakespearean
Spanish Thai

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