Foundational/Elementary words that begin with F
Let’s delve into the wonderful world of words starting with the letter F! These foundational words are essential building blocks for your vocabulary. Let’s explore them together!
List of Elementary words that begin with F
- Face
- Fact
- Factory
- Fail
- Failure
- Fair
- Fairy
- Faith
- Fall
- False
- Family
- Famous
- Fan
- Fancy
- Fantastic
- Far
- Farm
- Farmer
- Farther
- Fashion
- Fast
- Fat
- Father
- Favorite
- Fear
- Feather
- February
- Feed
- Feel
- Feeling
- Fellow
- Female
- Fence
- Festival
- Fetch
- Fever
- Few
- Field
- Fifteen
- Fifth
- Fifty
- Fight
- Figure
- File
- Fill
- Film
- Final
- Finally
- Find
- Fine
- Finger
- Finish
- Fire
- Firm
- First
- Fish
- Fisherman
- Fit
- Fix
- Flag
- Flame
- Flash
- Flat
- Flavor
- Fleet
- Flesh
- Flight
- Float
- Floor
- Flour
- Flower
- Fly
- Focus
- Fold
- Follow
- Food
- Fool
- Foot
- Football
- For
- Force
- Foreign
- Forest
- Forget
- Forgive
- Fork
- Form
- Formal
- Former
- Fort
- Fortune
- Forty
- Forward
- Fossil
- Foster
- Found
- Fountain
- Four
- Fourteen
- Fourth
- Fox
- Frame
- Free
- Freedom
- Freeze
- Fresh
- Friday
- Friend
- Friendly
- Friendship
- Frog
- From
- Front
- Fruit
- Fry
- Fuel
- Full
- Fun
- Funny
- Fur
- Furious
- Furniture
- Further
- Future
- Faint
- Faithful
- Fame
- Familiar
- Farewell
- Fascinate
- Fault
- Favor
- Feature
- Fee
- Fierce
Foundational/Elementary words that begin with F with meaning and example
Meaning: The front part of the head where eyes, nose, and mouth are located.
Example: She washed her face every morning.
Meaning: A thing that is known or proved to be true.
Example: It’s a fact that water boils at 100°C.
Meaning: A building where goods are manufactured.
Example: He works in a car factory.
Meaning: To be unsuccessful in achieving a goal.
Example: He tried to pass the exam but failed.
Meaning: Lack of success in doing something.
Example: The project ended in failure.
Meaning: Treating people equally without favoritism or discrimination.
Example: The judge gave a fair verdict.
Meaning: A small mythical being with magical powers.
Example: She read a story about a fairy.
Meaning: Complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
Example: She has faith in her abilities.
Meaning: To move downward, typically rapidly and freely without control.
Example: The leaves fall from the trees in autumn.
Meaning: Not according to truth or fact; incorrect.
Example: The information he gave was false.
Meaning: A group of one or more parents and their children living together.
Example: She spent the weekend with her family.
Meaning: Known about by many people.
Example: The actor is famous for his role in the movie.
Meaning: A device for creating a current of air.
Example: She turned on the fan to cool the room.
Meaning: Elaborate in structure or decoration.
Example: She wore a fancy dress to the party.
Meaning: Extremely good or attractive.
Example: The food at the restaurant was fantastic.
Meaning: At, to, or by a great distance.
Example: The school is far from my house.
Meaning: An area of land used for growing crops and raising animals.
Example: He owns a dairy farm.
Meaning: A person who owns or manages a farm.
Example: The farmer harvested the crops.
Meaning: At a greater distance.
Example: She walked farther than I did.
Meaning: A popular trend, especially in styles of dress.
Example: She has a good sense of fashion.
Meaning: Moving or capable of moving at high speed.
Example: The car is very fast.
Meaning: Having a large amount of excess flesh.
Example: The cat became fat after eating too much.
Meaning: A male parent.
Example: His father works in a bank.
Meaning: Preferred before all others of the same kind.
Example: Pizza is her favorite food.
Meaning: An unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm.
Example: He has a fear of heights.
Meaning: The soft, light covering of a bird.
Example: The bird’s feathers were very colorful.
Meaning: The second month of the year.
Example: Valentine’s Day is in February.
Meaning: To give food to a person or animal.
Example: She went to the barn to feed the horses.
Meaning: To experience an emotion or sensation.
Example: I feel happy today.
Meaning: An emotional state or reaction.
Example: She expressed her feelings about the situation.
Meaning: A man or boy; a person in the same position or involved in the same activity.
Example: He greeted his fellow workers.
Meaning: Of or relating to the sex that can bear offspring or produce eggs.
Example: The female bird is more colorful.
Meaning: A barrier enclosing an area, typically made of wood or wire.
Example: They built a fence around the garden.
Meaning: A day or period of celebration.
Example: The music festival was a huge success.
Meaning: To go for and then bring back something.
Example: The dog loves to fetch the ball.
Meaning: An abnormally high body temperature.
Example: He has a fever and needs to rest.
Meaning: A small number of something.
Example: Few people attended the meeting.
Meaning: An area of open land, especially one planted with crops or pasture.
Example: The farmer is working in the field.
Meaning: The number equivalent to the product of three and five; one more than fourteen.
Example: She has fifteen books on her shelf.
Meaning: Constituting number five in a sequence.
Example: He finished in fifth place in the race.
Meaning: The number equivalent to the product of five and ten; one more than forty-nine.
Example: He celebrated his fiftieth birthday last year.
Meaning: To engage in a struggle or battle.
Example: The two boys got into a fight after school.
Meaning: A number, symbol, or a representation of a person.
Example: She drew a stick figure on the board.
Meaning: A folder or box for holding loose papers together in an organized way.
Example: He kept all his important documents in a file.
Meaning: To make or become full; to occupy the whole of something.
Example: She filled the glass with water.
Meaning: A movie; a thin layer or coating.
Example: They watched a film at the cinema.
Meaning: Coming at the end of a series.
Example: The final exam will be next week.
Meaning: After a long time, typically involving difficulty or delay.
Example: He finally finished his homework.
Meaning: To discover or perceive by chance or unexpectedly.
Example: She found her lost keys under the couch.
Meaning: Of high quality; satisfactory.
Example: The weather is fine today.
Meaning: Each of the five digits on the hand.
Example: He cut his finger while chopping vegetables.
Meaning: To bring something to an end; complete.
Example: She needs to finish her homework before dinner.
Meaning: Combustion or burning, producing light, heat, and smoke.
Example: The fire kept them warm during the cold night.
Meaning: Having a solid, almost unyielding surface or structure.
Example: The ground was firm underfoot.
Meaning: Coming before all others in time or order.
Example: She was the first to arrive at the party.
Meaning: A limbless cold-blooded vertebrate animal with gills and fins.
Example: They went to the lake to catch fish.
Meaning: A person who catches fish for a living or sport.
Example: The fisherman set out early in the morning.
Meaning: In good health, especially because of regular physical exercise.
Example: She stays fit by jogging every morning.
Meaning: To repair something that is broken or damaged.
Example: He fixed the broken chair.
Meaning: A piece of cloth, typically rectangular, attached by one edge to a pole or rope and used as a symbol or emblem.
Example: The national flag was hoisted during the ceremony.
Meaning: A hot glowing body of ignited gas.
Example: The candle flame flickered in the wind.
Meaning: A sudden brief burst of bright light.
Example: There was a flash of lightning during the storm.
Meaning: Having a level surface; without raised areas or indentations.
Example: The road was flat and easy to walk on.
Meaning: The distinctive taste of a food or drink.
Example: She added some vanilla to enhance the flavor of the cake.
Meaning: A group of ships sailing together, engaged in the same activity, or under the same ownership.
Example: The fleet of fishing boats returned to the harbor.
Meaning: The soft substance consisting of muscle and fat that is found between the skin and bones of an animal or a human.
Example: The flesh of the fruit was juicy and sweet.
Meaning: The action or process of flying through the air.
Example: Her flight was delayed due to bad weather.
Meaning: To rest or move on or near the surface of a liquid without sinking.
Example: The boat will float on the water.
Meaning: The lower surface of a room, on which one may walk.
Example: The floor was covered with a soft carpet.
Meaning: A powder obtained by grinding grain, typically wheat, and used to make bread, cakes, and pastry.
Example: She used flour to bake bread.
Meaning: The seed-bearing part of a plant, consisting of reproductive organs that are typically surrounded by brightly colored petals.
Example: The garden was full of beautiful flowers.
Meaning: (Verb) To move through the air using wings; (Noun) An insect.
Example: The bird can fly very high in the sky. / A fly landed on the table.
Meaning: The center of interest or activity.
Example: She needs to focus on her studies.
Meaning: To bend something flexible and relatively flat over on itself so that one part of it covers another.
Example: He folded the paper neatly.
Meaning: To go or come after a person or thing moving ahead.
Example: The dog followed its owner home.
Meaning: Any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink to maintain life and growth.
Example: She bought some food from the grocery store.
Meaning: A person who acts unwisely or imprudently; a silly person.
Example: He felt like a fool for believing the trick.
Meaning: The lower extremity of the leg below the ankle, on which a person stands or walks.
Example: She injured her foot while playing soccer.
Meaning: A form of team game played in North America with an oval ball on a field marked out as a gridiron.
Example: He loves to play football with his friends.
Meaning: (Preposition) Indicating the purpose of something.
Example: She bought a gift for her friend.
Meaning: Strength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement.
Example: The door was closed with such force that it broke.
Meaning: Of, from, in, or characteristic of a country or language other than one’s own.
Example: She enjoys learning foreign languages.
Meaning: A large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth.
Example: They went hiking in the forest.
Meaning: Fail to remember.
Example: Don’t forget to take your keys.
Meaning: Stop feeling angry or resentful toward someone for an offense, flaw, or mistake.
Example: She decided to forgive him for the mistake.
Meaning: An implement with two or more prongs used for lifting food to the mouth or holding it when cutting.
Example: She used a fork to eat her salad.
Meaning: The visible shape or configuration of something.
Example: The artist admired the form of the sculpture.
Meaning: Done in accordance with rules of convention or etiquette; suitable for or constituting an official or important situation or occasion.
Example: They received a formal invitation to the event.
Meaning: Having previously filled a particular role or been a particular thing.
Example: He is a former president of the club.
Meaning: A fortified building or strategic position.
Example: The soldiers took refuge in the fort.
Meaning: A large amount of money or assets; luck.
Example: He made a fortune by investing in real estate.
Meaning: The number equivalent to the product of four and ten; ten less than fifty.
Example: She celebrated her fortieth birthday with a big party.
Meaning: In the direction that one is facing or traveling; toward the front.
Example: The car moved forward.
Meaning: The remains or impression of a prehistoric organism preserved in petrified form or as a mold or cast in rock.
Example: They found a dinosaur fossil during the excavation.
Meaning: Encourage or promote the development of something; to bring up a child that is not one’s own by birth.
Example: She decided to foster a child.
Meaning: To establish or originate an institution or organization.
Example: She founded a charity to help the homeless.
Meaning: A structure that sends water into the air in a controlled way.
Example: The park has a beautiful fountain in the center.
Meaning: The number equivalent to the product of two and two; one more than three.
Example: They have four children.
Meaning: The number equivalent to the product of seven and two; one more than thirteen.
Example: She turned fourteen last week.
Meaning: Coming after the third in position.
Example: She finished fourth in the race.
Meaning: A small, wild, carnivorous mammal with a pointed muzzle and bushy tail.
Example: The fox darted into the forest.
Meaning: A rigid structure that surrounds something, such as a picture or a window, and holds it in place.
Example: He hung the picture in a wooden frame.
Meaning: Not under the control or power of another; able to act or be done as one wishes.
Example: The bird was set free from the cage.
Meaning: The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.
Example: They fought for their freedom.
Meaning: To become hardened into ice or into a solid body; change from a liquid to a solid state by loss of heat.
Example: The water will freeze if the temperature drops below zero.
Meaning: Newly made or obtained; not canned, frozen, or otherwise preserved.
Example: She bought fresh vegetables from the market.
Meaning: The sixth day of the week, following Thursday.
Example: We are planning a movie night on Friday.
Meaning: A person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection.
Example: He met his best friend at school.
Meaning: Kind and pleasant; showing friendship.
Example: The new neighbors are very friendly.
Meaning: The emotions or conduct of friends; the state of being friends.
Example: Their friendship has lasted for years.
Meaning: A small, tailless amphibian with a short squat body, moist smooth skin, and very long hind legs for leaping.
Example: The frog jumped into the pond.
Meaning: Indicating the point in space at which a journey, motion, or action starts.
Example: She came from a small town.
Meaning: The forward-facing part of something, especially a building.
Example: The front door was painted red.
Meaning: The sweet and fleshy product of a tree or other plant that contains seed and can be eaten as food.
Example: She enjoys eating fresh fruit in the morning.
Meaning: To cook food in hot fat or oil, typically in a shallow pan.
Example: She decided to fry the eggs for breakfast.
Meaning: A material such as coal, gas, or oil that is burned to produce heat or power.
Example: The car needs fuel to run.
Meaning: Containing or holding as much or as many as possible; having no empty space.
Example: The glass was full of water.
Meaning: Enjoyment, amusement, or light-hearted pleasure.
Example: They had fun at the amusement park.
Meaning: Causing laughter or amusement; humorous.
Example: The movie was so funny that everyone was laughing.
Meaning: The short, fine, soft hair of certain animals.
Example: The cat’s fur was soft and warm.
Meaning: Extremely angry.
Example: She was furious when she found out about the mistake.
Meaning: Large movable equipment, such as tables and chairs, used to make a house, office, or other space suitable for living or working.
Example: They bought new furniture for their living room.
Meaning: At a greater distance or more advanced point.
Example: They walked further into the forest.
Meaning: The time or a period of time following the moment of speaking or writing; time regarded as still to come.
Example: She is planning for her future.
Meaning: (Adjective) Barely perceptible; (Verb) To lose consciousness temporarily.
Example: The sound was faint and hard to hear. / She felt dizzy and fainted.
Meaning: Loyal, constant, and steadfast.
Example: The dog was faithful to its owner.
Meaning: The state of being known or talked about by many people, especially on account of notable achievements.
Example: The artist gained fame for his paintings.
Meaning: Well known from long or close association.
Example: She felt familiar with the neighborhood.
Meaning: Used to express good wishes on parting.
Example: They bid her a tearful farewell at the airport.
Meaning: To attract and hold the attention of someone; to captivate.
Example: The magician’s tricks fascinate the audience.
Meaning: An unattractive or unsatisfactory feature, especially in a piece of work or in a person’s character.
Example: The car had a fault in its engine.
Meaning: An act of kindness beyond what is due or usual.
Example: Can you do me a favor and help with the groceries?
Meaning: A distinctive attribute or aspect of something.
Example: The phone’s best feature is its camera.
Meaning: A payment made to a professional person or to a professional or public body in exchange for advice or services.
Example: The lawyer charges a high fee for his services.
Meaning: Having or displaying an intense or ferocious aggressiveness.
Example: The lion is a fierce predator.
Foundational/Elementary words that begin with F