A verb is one of the most important parts of speech and is a word that is used to describe an action or an ongoing condition. It is considered the heart of a sentence. There is a main verb and sometimes one or more helping verbs.
Verbs that refer to feelings or states of being, like to love and to be, are known as nonaction verbs.
The verbs that do refer to literal actions are known as action verbs.
Examples: swim, realize, Run, Walk, laugh, have, promise, invite, listen, running, winning, being, etc.
Example Sentences of Verbs
Here are 200+ examples of verbs:
- Accept: He accepted the job offer.
- Achieve: She achieved her goal of running a marathon.
- Act: The actor acted out the scene flawlessly.
- Add: She added sugar to her coffee.
- Admire: He admired her courage in standing up for herself.
- Adopt: They decided to adopt a rescue dog.
- Adore: She adored her newborn baby.
- Advise: The lawyer advised his client on the best course of action.
- Agree: They agreed to meet at the coffee shop.
- Aim: He aimed carefully and hit the bullseye.
- Allow: The teacher allowed the students to work in groups.
- Amaze: Her singing voice never failed to amaze the audience.
- Analyze: The scientist analyzed the data to draw conclusions.
- Announce: The host announced the winner of the competition.
- Answer: She answered the phone on the first ring.
- Apologize: He apologized for being late.
- Applaud: The audience applauded the performer’s talent.
- Appreciate: She appreciated the thoughtful gift.
- Approach: He approached the stranger with caution.
- Argue: The lawyers argued their case in front of the judge.
- Arrange: She arranged the flowers in a vase.
- Arrest: The police officer arrested the suspect.
- Arrive: They arrived at the party just in time for the cake.
- Ask: She asked him a question about the project.
- Assist: The nurse assisted the doctor during surgery.
- Attack: The lion attacked the gazelle.
- Attempt: He attempted to climb the mountain without any equipment.
- Attend: She attended the concert with her friends.
- Attract: The colorful flowers attracted butterflies.
- Avoid: He avoided eye contact with his ex-girlfriend.
- Bake: She baked a delicious cake for her friend’s birthday.
- Balance: The gymnast balanced on the beam with ease.
- Ban: The government banned the use of plastic bags.
- Bargain: She bargained with the vendor for a better price.
- Bathe: She bathed her baby in the tub.
- Be: He is a doctor.
- Bear: The mother bear protected her cubs from danger.
- Beat: The drummer beat his drums with passion.
- Become: She became a successful businesswoman.
- Beg: The homeless man begged for spare change.
- Behave: The children behaved well during the school assembly.
- Believe: She believed in the power of positive thinking.
- Belong: The antique clock belonged to her grandmother.
- Bet: He bet on the winning horse at the race track.
- Bite: The mosquito bit her on the arm.
- Bleed: He bled from the cut on his hand.
- Blink: She blinked her eyes to clear her vision.
- Block: The defender blocked the soccer ball from entering the goal.
- Blossom: The cherry trees blossomed in the springtime.
- Blow: The wind blew the leaves off the tree.
- Boil: She boiled the water for tea.
- Book: She booked a flight to Paris for her honeymoon.
- Borrow: He borrowed a book from the library.
- Bounce: The children bounced on the trampoline.
- Bow: She bowed to the audience after her performance.
- Box: He boxed up his belongings for the move.
- Brace: She braced herself for impact.
- Break: The vase broke when it fell off the table.
- Breed: They bred dogs as a hobby.
- Bring: She brought her favorite book to read on the plane.
- Build: He built a treehouse for his children.
- Burn: The fire burned brightly in the fireplace.
- Bury: They buried their pet hamster in the backyard.
- Buy: She bought a new dress for the party.
- Calculate: The accountant calculated the company’s profits for the year.
- Call: He called his mother to wish her a happy birthday.
- Calm: The therapist helped her calm down during the panic attack.
- Cancel: They had to cancel their vacation due to a family emergency.
- Capture: The photographer captured a stunning sunset on camera.
- Care: She cared for her sick grandmother.
- Carry: He carried the heavy box up the stairs.
- Carve: She carved a pumpkin for Halloween.
- Catch: The baseball player caught the ball with his glove.
- Celebrate: They celebrated their wedding anniversary with a romantic dinner.
- Challenge: He challenged himself to run a marathon.
- Change: She changed her mind about going to the concert.
- Charge: The battery needed to be charged before it died.
- Chase: The dog chased the squirrel up the tree.
- Chat: They chatted about their weekend plans over coffee.
- Check: She checked her email for any important messages.
- Cheer: The fans cheered on their favorite team.
- Choose: He chose the red shirt over the blue one.
- Clap: The audience clapped their hands after the performance.
- Clean: She cleaned the kitchen after cooking dinner.
- Clear: He cleared his throat before speaking.
- Climb: She climbed the ladder to reach the top shelf.
- Close: He closed the door behind him when he left the room.
- Coach: The coach trained the team for the championship game.
- Collect: She collected seashells on the beach.
- Color: She colored the picture with crayons.
- Come: They came to visit their grandparents over the weekend.
- Comfort: The mother comforted her crying child.
- Command: The army general commanded his troops during the battle.
- Communicate: They communicated their ideas through email.
- Compare: She compared prices before buying the product.
- Compete: He competed in the triathlon.
- Complain: She complained about the poor service at the restaurant.
- Complete: He completed his homework before going to bed.
- Compose: The composer composed a new symphony.
- Concentrate: She concentrated on her studies for the exam.
- Conceptualize: The designer conceptualized a new clothing line.
- Conclude: The detective concluded that it was a suicide.
- Confess: She confessed her feelings to him.
- Confide: He confided in his best friend about his problems.
- Confirm: They confirmed the reservation for the hotel.
- Confront: She confronted her boss about the unfair treatment.
- Confuse: He confused the twins with each other.
- Connect: The computer technician connected the printer to the network.
- Consider: She considered the pros and cons before making a decision.
- Consist: The dish consisted of rice and vegetables.
- Consult: He consulted with his lawyer before signing the contract.
- Continue: She continued running despite the pain in her leg.
- Contribute: They contributed to the charity for children.
- Cook: She cooked a delicious meal for her family.
- Copy: He copied the file onto his USB drive.
- Correct: She corrected his grammar mistakes in the essay.
- Cost: The new car cost more than they expected.
- Cough: He coughed into his elbow to avoid spreading germs.
- Count: She counted the money in her wallet.
- Cover: He covered the book with a protective sleeve.
- Create: She created a beautiful painting with watercolors.
- Cross: They crossed the street at the crosswalk.
- Cuddle: The couple cuddled on the couch while watching a movie.
- Cure: The doctor cured the patient’s illness with antibiotics.
- Cut: She cut her hair short for the summer.
- Dance: They danced together at the wedding reception.
- Dare: He dared his friends to jump off the cliff into the water.
- Deal: She dealt the cards for the game of poker.
- Debate: The candidates debated the issues during the election.
- Decelerate: He decelerated the car before making a turn.
- Decide: She decided to go to the gym instead of watching TV.
- Decorate: They decorated the house for the holidays.
- Dedicate: She dedicated her book to her parents.
- Defend: He defended his opinion during the argument.
- Define: She defined the word for her students.
- Delay: The flight was delayed due to bad weather.
- Deliver: The courier delivered the package to the recipient.
- Demand: They demanded justice for the victim of the crime.
- Demonstrate: She demonstrated how to use the new software.
- Depend: The outcome depended on their cooperation.
- Describe: He described the scenery with vivid detail.
- Design: She designed the logo for the company.
- Desire: She desired to travel the world.
- Destroy: The tornado destroyed the town.
- Develop: They developed a new product for the market.
- Diagnose: The doctor diagnosed the patient with pneumonia.
- Dial: She dialed the phone number to make a reservation.
- Dictate: He dictated his thoughts into a voice recorder.
- Die: The flower died due to lack of water.
- Dig: They dug a hole in the backyard for the new tree.
- Direct: She directed the actors during the rehearsal.
- Disagree: They disagreed on the best course of action.
- Disappear: The magician made the rabbit disappear from the hat.
- Discover: He discovered a new species of bird in the forest.
- Discuss: They discussed the topic at length during the meeting.
- Dislike: She disliked the taste of the new dish.
- Distinguish: He distinguished himself from the other candidates.
- Distribute: They distributed the flyers to promote the event.
- Dive: She dove into the pool from the diving board.
- Do: He did his best on the exam.
- Donate: They donated money to the local charity.
- Double: She doubled her earnings with the new job.
- Doubt: He doubted the veracity of the news report.
- Download: She downloaded the song from the internet.
- Draw: He drew a sketch of the landscape with charcoal.
- Dream: She dreamed of becoming a successful artist.
- Dress: She dressed up for the formal occasion.
- Drink: He drank a glass of water to quench his thirst.
- Drive: She drove her car to work every day.
- Dry: She dried her hair with a towel after showering.
- Earn: He earned a promotion at work for his hard work.
- Eat: They ate dinner together at the restaurant.
- Educate: She educated her children on the importance of recycling.
- Elect: The citizens elected a new mayor for the city.
- Eliminate: They eliminated the unnecessary expenses from the budget.
- Embarrass: He embarrassed himself by tripping on the stage.
- Embrace: She embraced her friend after not seeing her for years.
- Employ: They employed a new accountant for the firm.
- Enable: The new technology enabled faster communication.
- Encourage: She encouraged her students to do their best on the exam.
- End: The concert ended with a standing ovation.
- Endorse: The celebrity endorsed the new perfume brand.
- Endure: He endured the long hours of studying for the exam.
- Enjoy: They enjoyed the beautiful scenery on their hike.
- Enlarge: She enlarged the photo to see the details more clearly.
- Enrich: They enriched their vocabulary by reading books.
- Enter: He entered the room quietly so as not to disturb anyone.
- Entertain: She entertained the guests with her singing.
- Escape: The prisoner escaped from the jail.
- Estimate: They estimated the cost of the project to be $10,000.
- Evaluate: She evaluated the performance of the employees.
- Exaggerate: He exaggerated the size of the fish he caught.
- Examine: The doctor examined the patient thoroughly.
- Exchange: They exchanged phone numbers at the end of the date.
- Execute: The criminal was executed for his crimes.
- Exercise: She exercised for an hour at the gym.
- Exhibit: The museum exhibited rare artifacts from ancient civilizations.
- Exist: The universe exists beyond our comprehension.
- Expand: The company expanded its business to overseas markets.
- Expect: They expected a large turnout for the event.
- Experience: She experienced a range of emotions during the trip.
- Explain: He explained the concept in simple terms for everyone to understand.
- Explore: They explored the city on foot to discover new places.
- Extend: She extended her stay for another week.
- Extract: He extracted the juice from the fruits for the smoothie.
- Face: She faced her fears and went skydiving.
- Fail: He failed the driving test on his first attempt.