Past Continuous Tense
Past continuous tense describes in progress action in the past when another past action takes place. The structure of this tense is was/were + main verb + ing.
Examples of Past Continuous Tense
- Alex was playing video games when his mother arrived home.
- They were playing basketball after school.
- Seema was waiting at the airport when her brother got off the plane.
- He was eating food.
- I was studying last night.
- It was raining at this time yesterday.
- The rain was raining tonight.
- Michael was reading when I came.
- She wasn’t watching the movie.
- The boys were flying kites yesterday.
- They were going to the library.
- You were working yesterday.
- When we got to the house yesterday morning, the baby was drinking a bottle.
- He was doing a great job.
- He was waiting at home all day when she sent him the message.
- I was not writing a letter.
- Alan was cutting the grass the other day when the snake appeared.
- My television wasn’t working properly.
- I was not sleeping when you got home late last night.
- We were celebrating a festival.
- What were you doing when the alarm went off last night?
- The teacher was teaching in a class.
- Were you calling me when I emailed you this afternoon?
- The dog was barking a man.
- What was she doing this time yesterday?
- They weren’t studying English these days.
- I was having a great conversation with him when his ex-girlfriend interrupted it.
- Dona was buying a new iPhone.
- I was having a terrifying dream when the alarm clock went off at six o’clock this morning.
- She wasn’t coming to the party.
- While we were playing tennis, it started to rain.
- My dad was going to London.
- I was listening to my music, so I didn’t hear the phone ring.
- It was snowing yesterday.
- They weren’t speaking English today.
- While she was sleeping, someone took her phone.
- The sun was shining.
- I was making dinner when he arrived at my house this evening.
- I was doing well.
- Everyone was clapping.
- He wasn’t watching a movie for two months.
- I was traveling by train.
- I was going to spend the afternoon at the mall but decided to stay home instead.
- I was writing articles on different topics.
- I was waiting for the cab when I met John.
- I was not watching the cricket match on television.
- I was helping him to do the task.
- I was shopping at the Dhaka International Trade Fair with my elder brother.
- The children were shouting when the teacher came in.
- Marc was making pizza while Anthony was watching him.
- He was reading various kinds of books.
- She was playing the piano while Ann was singing on stage.
- Were you enjoying the concert of realistic songs?
- They were playing football in that field.
- We were sitting outside while the planes were flying overhead.
- She was drinking coffee in that coffee shop.
- It was midnight when it was raining.
- The lyricist was writing a realistic song for the program.
- I was wondering if you could walk the dog for me this evening.
- He was studying in the library.
- The children were playing in the garden.
- She was wondering if you could babysit after school today.
- We were shopping in this market last week.
- We were wondering if she was able to meet us at noon.
- We were watching a movie in this Cineplex yesterday.
- We were enjoying the program thoroughly.
- I was wondering if you could open the door.
- You were shopping in that market.
- I was singing different kinds of songs, especially modern.
- Grandma was constantly singing songs when she made us breakfast.
- I was listening to melodious songs last evening.
- My husband was always talking about friends from school.
- He was traveling around the world.
- He was practicing to sing the song for the program.
- She was always taking all my ideas.
- They were playing hockey on that field last week.
- I was forever worrying if
- They were eating at the restaurant.
- I would make the team.
- The poet was writing a romantic poem.
Past Continuous Tense Exercises

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