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Far Away Synonym: List of 20 Synonyms for Far Away with Useful Examples

Far Away Synonym

“Far away” is a handy phrase, but sometimes it can feel a bit bland. When describing something distant, whether it’s a physical location or an emotional state, you might need something more evocative, something that captures the nuances of distance and longing. That’s where the treasure trove of synonyms comes in!

Far Away Meaning

Physical Distance:

  • This is the most common meaning, referring to something located at a great distance in space.
  • For example: “The faraway mountains were shrouded in mist.”

Mental Distance:

  • This describes a state of being lost in thought or preoccupied with something distant in time or space.
  • For example: “She had a faraway look in her eyes, lost in memories of her childhood.”

List of Synonyms for Far Away

  • Distant
  • Remote
  • Far-flung
  • Far-off
  • Isolated
  • Outlying
  • Far-removed
  • Inaccessible
  • Out-of-the-way
  • Secluded
  • Beyond reach
  • Removed
  • Obscure
  • Unreachable
  • Faraway
  • Away
  • Far-distanced
  • Out-of-sight
  • At a distance
  • Aloof

Far Away Synonyms with Examples

Here is a list of synonyms for “far away” with their meanings and examples:


  • Meaning: Far away in space or time.
  • Example: The distant mountains were covered in snow.


  • Meaning: Situated far from the main centers of population; distant.
  • Example: They lived in a remote village with no electricity.


  • Meaning: Distant or widely spread.
  • Example: The company has offices in far-flung corners of the world.


  • Meaning: A long distance away.
  • Example: She dreamed of traveling to far-off lands.


  • Meaning: Far away from other places, buildings, or people; remote.
  • Example: The cabin was isolated in the middle of the forest.


  • Meaning: Situated far from a center or main area.
  • Example: The outlying areas of the city are less developed.


  • Meaning: Very distant from something else.
  • Example: Her current lifestyle is far-removed from her rural upbringing.


  • Meaning: Unable to be reached or entered.
  • Example: The island is inaccessible except by boat.


  • Meaning: In a location that is not convenient to reach.
  • Example: They found a quaint café out-of-the-way from the main tourist spots.


  • Meaning: Not seen or visited by many people; sheltered and private.
  • Example: They enjoyed a secluded beach where they could relax in privacy.

Beyond reach

  • Meaning: Too far away to be achieved or reached.
  • Example: The star was beyond reach, twinkling in the night sky.


  • Meaning: Far away from other places, buildings, or people.
  • Example: The farmhouse was removed from the hustle and bustle of city life.


  • Meaning: Not known to many people; not clearly seen or easily distinguished.
  • Example: They visited an obscure village high in the mountains.


  • Meaning: Not able to be reached.
  • Example: The top of the mountain seemed unreachable without proper equipment.


  • Meaning: A long way from something.
  • Example: She gazed at the faraway horizon.


  • Meaning: At a distance from a particular place, person, or thing.
  • Example: They live miles away from the nearest town.


  • Meaning: Situated at a great distance.
  • Example: His mind wandered to far-distanced memories of childhood.


  • Meaning: Not visible; hidden.
  • Example: The ship sailed out-of-sight beyond the horizon.

At a distance

  • Meaning: Far away from a particular place.
  • Example: The lighthouse was visible at a distance.


  • Meaning: Not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant.
  • Example: He stood aloof, far from the bustling crowd.

Far Away Synonyms Infographic

Far Away Synonym - wordscoach.com

By exploring the vast array of synonyms for “far away,” you can add depth, precision, and nuance to your writing. So, the next time you encounter something distant, don’t settle for “far away” – unleash your vocabulary and paint a vivid picture with the perfect word!

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